Beispiel #1
def run_kasim(model, time=10000, points=200, output_dir='.'):
  gen = KappaGenerator(model)
  #kappa_filename = '%d_%d_temp.ka' % (os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 10000))

  kappa_filename = '%s/%s_%d_%d_temp.ka' % (output_dir,
              , os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 10000))
  im_filename = kappa_filename.replace('.ka', '_im.gv')
  fm_filename = kappa_filename.replace('.ka', '_fm.gv')
  out_filename = kappa_filename.replace('.ka', '.out')

  args = ['-i', kappa_filename, '-t', str(time), '-p', str(points),
          '-o', out_filename, '-im', im_filename, '-flux', fm_filename]

    kappa_file = open(kappa_filename, 'w')
    # FIXME
    print "Running kasim"
    p = subprocess.Popen(['KaSim'] + args)
                            #stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    if p.returncode:
      raise Exception(

  except Exception as e:
    raise Exception("problem running KaSim: " + str(e))
    #if cleanup:
    #  for filename in [kappa_filename, im_filename,
    #                   fm_filename, out_filename]:
    #    if os.access(filename, os.F_OK):
    #      os.unlink(filename)

  output_dict = {'out':out_filename, 'im':im_filename, 'fm':''}
  return output_dict
Beispiel #2
    def export(self, dialect='kasim'):
        """Generate the corresponding Kappa for the PySB model associated with
        the exporter. A wrapper around

        dialect : (optional) string, either 'kasim' (default) or 'complx'
            The Kappa file syntax for the Kasim simulator is slightly
            different from that of the complx analyzer. This argument
            specifies which type of Kappa to produce ('kasim' is the default).

            The Kappa output.
        kappa_str = ''
        if self.docstring:
            kappa_str += '# ' + self.docstring.replace('\n', '\n# ') + '\n'
        gen = KappaGenerator(self.model, dialect=dialect)
        kappa_str += gen.get_content()
        return kappa_str
Beispiel #3
    def export(self, dialect='kasim'):
        """Generate the corresponding Kappa for the PySB model associated with
        the exporter. A wrapper around

        dialect : (optional) string, either 'kasim' (default) or 'complx'
            The Kappa file syntax for the Kasim simulator is slightly
            different from that of the complx analyzer. This argument
            specifies which type of Kappa to produce ('kasim' is the default).

            The Kappa output.
        kappa_str = ''
        if self.docstring:
            kappa_str += '# ' + self.docstring.replace('\n', '\n# ') + '\n'
        gen = KappaGenerator(self.model, dialect=dialect)
        kappa_str += gen.get_content()
        return kappa_str
Beispiel #4
def run_kasim(model, time=10000, points=200, output_dir='.', cleanup=False,
              base_filename=None, dump_influence_map=False,
    """Run KaSim on the given model with the provided arguments.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSim.
    time : number
        The amount of time (in arbitrary units) to run a simulation.
        Identical to the -t argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 10000. If set to 0, no simulation will be run, but
        the influence map will be generated (if dump_influence_map is set to
    points : integer
        The number of data points to collect for plotting.
        Identical to the -p argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 200.
    output_dir : string
        The subdirectory in which to generate the Kappa (.ka) file for the
        model and all output files produced by KaSim. Default value is '.'
        Note that only relative paths can be specified; paths are relative
        to the directory where the current Python instance is running.
        If the specified directory does not exist, an Exception is thrown.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSim should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is False.
    base_filename : The base filename to be used for generation of the Kappa
        (.ka) file and all output files produced by KaSim. Defaults to a
        string of the form::

            '%s_%d_%d_temp' % (, program id, random.randint(0,10000))

        The influence map filename appends '' to this base filename; the
        flux map filename appends ''; and the simulation output file
        appends '.out'
    dump_influence_map : boolean
        Specifies whether or not to produce the influence map. Default value
        is False.
    perturbation : string or None
        Optional perturbation language syntax to be appended to the Kappa file.
        See KaSim manual for more details. Default value is None (no

    A dict with three entries giving the filenames for the files produced:

        * output_dict['out'] gives the .out filename
        * output_dict['im'] gives the influence map filename
        * output_dict['fm'] gives the flux map filename

    gen = KappaGenerator(model)

    if not base_filename:
        base_filename = '%s/%s_%d_%d_temp' % (output_dir,
              , os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 10000))

    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    fm_filename = base_filename + ''
    out_filename = base_filename + '.out'

    args = ['-i', kappa_filename, '-t', str(time), '-p', str(points),
            '-o', out_filename]

        kappa_file = open(kappa_filename, 'w')

        # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
        # the Kappa file:

        # If desired, add instructions to the kappa file to generate the
        # influence map:
        if dump_influence_map:
            kappa_file.write('%def: "dumpInfluenceMap" "true"\n')
            kappa_file.write('%%def: "influenceMapFileName" "%s"\n\n' %

        # If any perturbation language code has been passed in, add it to the
        # Kappa file:
        if perturbation:
            kappa_file.write('\n%s\n' % perturbation)


        print "Running kasim"
        p = subprocess.Popen(['KaSim'] + args)
                           #stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

        if p.returncode:
            raise Exception(

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Problem running KaSim: " + str(e))

        if cleanup:
            for filename in [kappa_filename, im_filename,
                            fm_filename, out_filename]:
                if os.access(filename, os.F_OK):

    output_dict = {'out':out_filename, 'im':im_filename, 'fm':''}
    return output_dict
Beispiel #5
def run_simulation(model,
    """Runs the given model using KaSim and returns the parsed results.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSim.
    time : number
        The amount of time (in arbitrary units) to run a simulation.
        Identical to the -u time -l argument when using KaSim at the command
        Default value is 10000. If set to 0, no simulation will be run.
    points : integer
        The number of data points to collect for plotting.
        Note that this is not identical to the -p argument of KaSim when
        called from the command line, which denotes plot period (time interval
        between points in plot).
        Default value is 200. Note that the number of points actually returned
        by the simulator will be points + 1 (including the 0 point).
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSim should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    flux_map: boolean
        Specifies whether or not to produce the flux map (generated over the
        full duration of the simulation). Default value is False.
    perturbation : string or None
        Optional perturbation language syntax to be appended to the Kappa file.
        See KaSim manual for more details. Default value is None (no
    seed : integer
        A seed integer for KaSim random number generator. Set to None to
        allow KaSim to use a random seed (default) or supply a seed for
        deterministic behaviour (e.g. for testing)
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSim through to stdout/stderr.

    If flux_map is False, returns the kasim simulation data as a Numpy ndarray.
    Data is accessed using the syntax::


    The index 'time' gives the time coordinates of the simulation. Data for the
    observables can be accessed by indexing the array with the names of the
    observables. Each entry in the ndarray has length points + 1, due to the
    inclusion of both the zero point and the final timepoint.

    If flux_map is True, returns an instance of SimulationResult, a namedtuple
    with two members, `timecourse` and `flux_map`. The `timecourse` field
    contains the simulation ndarray, and the `flux_map` field is an instance of
    a pygraphviz AGraph containing the flux map. The flux map can be rendered
    as a pdf using the dot layout program as follows::

        fluxmap.draw('fluxmap.pdf', prog='dot')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory,
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    fm_filename = base_filename + ''
    out_filename = base_filename + '.out'

    if points == 0:
        raise ValueError('The number of data points cannot be zero.')
    plot_period = (float(time) / points) if time > 0 else 1.0

    args = [
        '-i', kappa_filename, '-u', 'time', '-l',
        str(time), '-p',
        '%.5f' % plot_period, '-o', out_filename

    if seed:
        args.extend(['-seed', str(seed)])

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:
        # If desired, add instructions to the kappa file to generate the
        # flux map:
        if flux_map:
            kappa_file.write('%%mod: [true] do $FLUX "%s" [true]\n' %
        # If any perturbation language code has been passed in, add it to
        # the Kappa file:
        if perturbation:
            kappa_file.write('\n%s\n' % perturbation)

    # Run KaSim
    kasim_path = pf.get_path('kasim')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasim_path] + args,
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasimInterfaceError(p_out + '\n' + p_err)

    # The simulation data, as a numpy array
    data = _parse_kasim_outfile(out_filename)

    if flux_map:
            import pygraphviz
            flux_graph = pygraphviz.AGraph(fm_filename)
        except ImportError:
            if cleanup:
                raise RuntimeError("Couldn't import pygraphviz, which is "
                                   "required to return the flux map as a "
                                   "pygraphviz AGraph object. Either install "
                                   "pygraphviz or set cleanup=False to retain "
                                   "dot files.")
                warnings.warn("pygraphviz could not be imported so no AGraph "
                              "object returned (returning None); flux map "
                              "dot file available at %s" % fm_filename)
                flux_graph = None

    if cleanup:

    # If a flux map was generated, return both the simulation output and the
    # flux map as a pygraphviz graph
    if flux_map:
        return SimulationResult(data, flux_graph)
    # If no flux map was requested, return only the simulation data
        return data
Beispiel #6
def run_static_analysis(model,
    """Run static analysis (KaSa) on to get the contact and influence maps.

    If neither influence_map nor contact_map are set to True, then a ValueError
    is raised.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSa.
    influence_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the influence map.
    contact_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the contact map.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSa should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSa through to stdout/stderr.

    StaticAnalysisResult, a namedtuple with two fields, `contact_map` and
    `influence_map`, each containing the respective result as an instance
    of a pygraphviz AGraph. If the either the contact_map or influence_map
    argument to the function is False, the corresponding entry in the
    StaticAnalysisResult returned by the function will be None.

    # Make sure the user has asked for an output!
    if not influence_map and not contact_map:
        raise ValueError('Either contact_map or influence_map (or both) must '
                         'be set to True in order to perform static analysis.')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model, _warn_no_ic=False)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory, str(
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    cm_filename = base_filename + ''

    # NOTE: in the args passed to KaSa, the directory for the .dot files is
    # specified by the --output_directory option, and the output_contact_map
    # and output_influence_map should only be the base filenames (without
    # a directory prefix).
    # Contact map args:
    if contact_map:
        cm_args = [
            '--compute-contact-map', '--output-contact-map',
            os.path.basename(cm_filename), '--output-contact-map-directory',
        cm_args = ['--no-compute-contact-map']
    # Influence map args:
    if influence_map:
        im_args = [
            '--compute-influence-map', '--output-influence-map',
            os.path.basename(im_filename), '--output-influence-map-directory',
        im_args = ['--no-compute-influence-map']
    # Full arg list
    args = [kappa_filename] + cm_args + im_args

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:

    # Run KaSa using the given args
    kasa_path = pf.get_path('kasa')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasa_path] + args,
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasaInterfaceError(p_out + '\n' + p_err)

    # Try to create the graphviz objects from the .dot files created
        import pygraphviz
        # Convert the contact map to a Graph
        cmap = pygraphviz.AGraph(cm_filename) if contact_map else None
        imap = pygraphviz.AGraph(im_filename) if influence_map else None
    except ImportError:
        if cleanup:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Couldn't import pygraphviz, which is "
                "required to return the influence and contact maps "
                " as pygraphviz AGraph objects. Either install "
                "pygraphviz or set cleanup=False to retain "
                "dot files.")
            warnings.warn("pygraphviz could not be imported so no AGraph "
                          "objects returned (returning None); "
                          "contact/influence maps available at %s" %
            cmap = None
            imap = None

    # Clean up the temp directory if desired
    if cleanup:

    return StaticAnalysisResult(cmap, imap)
Beispiel #7
def run_static_analysis(model,
    """Run static analysis (KaSa) on to get the contact and influence maps.

    If neither influence_map nor contact_map are set to True, then a ValueError
    is raised.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSa.
    influence_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the influence map.
    contact_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the contact map.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSa should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSa through to stdout/stderr.

    StaticAnalysisResult, a namedtuple with two fields, `contact_map` and
    `influence_map`, each containing the respective result as an instance
    of a networkx MultiGraph. If the either the contact_map or influence_map
    argument to the function is False, the corresponding entry in the
    StaticAnalysisResult returned by the function will be None.

    To view a networkx file graphically, use `draw_network`::

        import networkx as nx
        nx.draw_networkx(g, with_labels=True)

    You can use `graphviz_layout` to use graphviz for layout (requires pydot

        import networkx as nx
        pos = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(g, prog='dot')
        nx.draw_networkx(g, pos, with_labels=True)

    For further information, see the networkx documentation on visualization:

    # Make sure the user has asked for an output!
    if not influence_map and not contact_map:
        raise ValueError('Either contact_map or influence_map (or both) must '
                         'be set to True in order to perform static analysis.')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model, _warn_no_ic=False)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory, str(
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    cm_filename = base_filename + ''

    # NOTE: in the args passed to KaSa, the directory for the .dot files is
    # specified by the --output_directory option, and the output_contact_map
    # and output_influence_map should only be the base filenames (without
    # a directory prefix).
    # Contact map args:
    if contact_map:
        cm_args = [
            '--compute-contact-map', '--output-contact-map',
            os.path.basename(cm_filename), '--output-contact-map-directory',
        cm_args = ['--no-compute-contact-map']
    # Influence map args:
    if influence_map:
        im_args = [
            '--compute-influence-map', '--output-influence-map',
            os.path.basename(im_filename), '--output-influence-map-directory',
        im_args = ['--no-compute-influence-map']
    # Full arg list
    args = [kappa_filename] + cm_args + im_args

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:
        file_data = gen.get_content()
        logger.debug('Kappa file contents:\n\n' + file_data)

    # Run KaSa using the given args
    kasa_path = pf.get_path('kasa')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasa_path] + args,
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasaInterfaceError(
            p_out.decode('utf8') + '\n' + p_err.decode('utf8'))

    # Try to create the graphviz objects from the .dot files created
        # Convert the contact map to a Graph
        cmap = read_dot(cm_filename) if contact_map else None
        imap = read_dot(im_filename) if influence_map else None
    except ImportError:
        if cleanup:
            warnings.warn("The pydot library could not be "
                          "imported, so no MultiGraph "
                          "object returned (returning None); "
                          "contact/influence maps available at %s" %
            cmap = None
            imap = None

    # Clean up the temp directory if desired
    if cleanup:

    return StaticAnalysisResult(cmap, imap)
Beispiel #8
def run_static_analysis(model, influence_map=False, contact_map=False,
                        cleanup=True, output_prefix=None, output_dir=None,
    """Run static analysis (KaSa) on to get the contact and influence maps.

    If neither influence_map nor contact_map are set to True, then a ValueError
    is raised.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSa.
    influence_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the influence map.
    contact_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the contact map.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSa should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSa through to stdout/stderr.

    StaticAnalysisResult, a namedtuple with two fields, `contact_map` and
    `influence_map`, each containing the respective result as an instance
    of a pygraphviz AGraph. If the either the contact_map or influence_map
    argument to the function is False, the corresponding entry in the
    StaticAnalysisResult returned by the function will be None.

    # Make sure the user has asked for an output!
    if not influence_map and not contact_map:
        raise ValueError('Either contact_map or influence_map (or both) must '
                         'be set to True in order to perform static analysis.')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model, _warn_no_ic=False)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory, str(
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    cm_filename = base_filename + ''

    # NOTE: in the args passed to KaSa, the directory for the .dot files is
    # specified by the --output_directory option, and the output_contact_map
    # and output_influence_map should only be the base filenames (without
    # a directory prefix).
    # Contact map args:
    if contact_map:
        cm_args = ['--compute-contact-map', '--output-contact-map',
        cm_args = ['--no-compute-contact-map']
    # Influence map args:
    if influence_map:
        im_args = ['--compute-influence-map', '--output-influence-map',
        im_args = ['--no-compute-influence-map']
    # Full arg list
    args = [kappa_filename, '--output-directory', base_directory] \
            + cm_args + im_args

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:

    # Run KaSa using the given args
    kasa_path = _get_kappa_path('KaSa')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasa_path] + args,
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasaInterfaceError(p_out + '\n' + p_err)

    # Try to create the graphviz objects from the .dot files created
        import pygraphviz
        # Convert the contact map to a Graph
        cmap = pygraphviz.AGraph(cm_filename) if contact_map else None
        imap = pygraphviz.AGraph(im_filename) if influence_map else None
    except ImportError:
        if cleanup:
            raise RuntimeError(
                    "Couldn't import pygraphviz, which is "
                    "required to return the influence and contact maps "
                    " as pygraphviz AGraph objects. Either install "
                    "pygraphviz or set cleanup=False to retain "
                    "dot files.")
                    "pygraphviz could not be imported so no AGraph "
                    "objects returned (returning None); "
                    "contact/influence maps available at %s" %
            cmap = None
            imap = None

    # Clean up the temp directory if desired
    if cleanup:

    return StaticAnalysisResult(cmap, imap)
Beispiel #9
def run_simulation(model, time=10000, points=200, cleanup=True,
                   output_prefix=None, output_dir=None, flux_map=False,
                   perturbation=None, seed=None, verbose=False):
    """Runs the given model using KaSim and returns the parsed results.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSim.
    time : number
        The amount of time (in arbitrary units) to run a simulation.
        Identical to the -t argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 10000. If set to 0, no simulation will be run.
    points : integer
        The number of data points to collect for plotting.
        Identical to the -p argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 200. Note that the number of points actually returned
        by the simulator will be points + 1 (including the 0 point).
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSim should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    flux_map: boolean
        Specifies whether or not to produce the flux map (generated over the
        full duration of the simulation). Default value is False.
    perturbation : string or None
        Optional perturbation language syntax to be appended to the Kappa file.
        See KaSim manual for more details. Default value is None (no
    seed : integer
        A seed integer for KaSim random number generator. Set to None to
        allow KaSim to use a random seed (default) or supply a seed for
        deterministic behaviour (e.g. for testing)
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSim through to stdout/stderr.

    If flux_map is False, returns the kasim simulation data as a Numpy ndarray.
    Data is accessed using the syntax::


    The index 'time' gives the time coordinates of the simulation. Data for the
    observables can be accessed by indexing the array with the names of the
    observables. Each entry in the ndarray has length points + 1, due to the
    inclusion of both the zero point and the final timepoint.

    If flux_map is True, returns an instance of SimulationResult, a namedtuple
    with two members, `timecourse` and `flux_map`. The `timecourse` field
    contains the simulation ndarray, and the `flux_map` field is an instance of
    a pygraphviz AGraph containing the flux map. The flux map can be rendered
    as a pdf using the dot layout program as follows::

        fluxmap.draw('fluxmap.pdf', prog='dot')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory,
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    fm_filename = base_filename + ''
    out_filename = base_filename + '.out'

    args = ['-i', kappa_filename, '-t', str(time), '-p', str(points),
            '-o', out_filename]

    if seed:
        args.extend(['-seed', str(seed)])

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:
        # If desired, add instructions to the kappa file to generate the
        # flux map:
        if flux_map:
            kappa_file.write('%%mod: [true] do $FLUX "%s" [true]\n' %
        # If any perturbation language code has been passed in, add it to
        # the Kappa file:
        if perturbation:
            kappa_file.write('\n%s\n' % perturbation)

    # Run KaSim
    kasim_path = _get_kappa_path('KaSim')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasim_path] + args,
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasimInterfaceError(p_out + '\n' + p_err)

    # The simulation data, as a numpy array
    data = _parse_kasim_outfile(out_filename)

    if flux_map:
            import pygraphviz
            flux_graph = pygraphviz.AGraph(fm_filename)
        except ImportError:
            if cleanup:
                raise RuntimeError(
                        "Couldn't import pygraphviz, which is "
                        "required to return the flux map as a "
                        "pygraphviz AGraph object. Either install "
                        "pygraphviz or set cleanup=False to retain "
                        "dot files.")
                        "pygraphviz could not be imported so no AGraph "
                        "object returned (returning None); flux map "
                        "dot file available at %s" % fm_filename)
                flux_graph = None

    if cleanup:

    # If a flux map was generated, return both the simulation output and the
    # flux map as a pygraphviz graph
    if flux_map:
        return SimulationResult(data, flux_graph)
    # If no flux map was requested, return only the simulation data
        return data
Beispiel #10
    def run(self,
        Simulate a model using Kappa

        tspan: vector-like
            time span of simulation
        initials: vector-like, optional
            initial conditions of model
        param_values : vector-like or dictionary, optional
            Values to use for every parameter in the model. Ordering is
            determined by the order of model.parameters.
            If not specified, parameter values will be taken directly from
        n_runs: int
            number of simulations to run
        output_dir : string, optional
            Location for temporary files generated by Kappa. If None (the
            default), uses a temporary directory provided by the system. A
            temporary directory with a random name is created within the
            supplied location.
        output_file_basename : string, optional
            This argument is used as a prefix for the temporary Kappa
            output directory, rather than the individual files.
        cleanup : bool, optional
            If True (default), delete the temporary files after the
            simulation is finished. If False, leave them in place (Useful for
            debugging). The default value, None, means to use the value
            specified in :py:func:`__init__`.
        additional_args: kwargs, optional
            Additional arguments to pass to Kappa

                * seed : int, optional
                    Random number seed for Kappa simulation

                * perturbation : string, optional
                    Optional perturbation language syntax to be appended to the
                    Kappa file. See KaSim manual for more details.


        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from pysb.examples import michment
        >>> from pysb.simulator import KappaSimulator
        >>> sim = KappaSimulator(michment.model, tspan=np.linspace(0, 1))
        >>> x =

        super(KappaSimulator, self).run(tspan=tspan,

        if cleanup is None:
            cleanup = self.cleanup

        tspan_lin_spaced = np.allclose(
            np.linspace(self.tspan[0], self.tspan[-1], len(self.tspan)))
        if not tspan_lin_spaced or self.tspan[0] != 0.0:
            raise SimulatorException('Kappa requires tspan to be linearly '
                                     'spaced starting at t=0')
        points = len(self.tspan)
        time = self.tspan[-1]
        plot_period = time / (len(self.tspan) - 1)

        if output_file_basename is None:
            output_file_basename = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

        base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_file_basename,

        base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory,
        kappa_filename_pattern = base_filename + '_{}.ka'
        out_filename_pattern = base_filename + '_{}_run{}.out'

        base_args = ['-u', 'time', '-l', str(time), '-p', '%.5f' % plot_period]
        if 'seed' in additional_args:
            seed = additional_args.pop('seed')
            base_args.extend(['-seed', str(seed)])

        kasim_path = pf.get_path('kasim')
        n_param_sets = self.initials_length

        gen = KappaGenerator(self.model, _exclude_ic_param=True)
        file_data_base = gen.get_content()

        # Check if a perturbation has been set
            perturbation = additional_args.pop('perturbation')
        except KeyError:
            perturbation = None

        # Check no unknown arguments have been set
        if additional_args:
            raise ValueError('Unknown argument(s): {}'.format(', '.join(

        # Kappa column names, for sanity check
        kappa_col_names = tuple(['time'] +
                                [ for o in self.model.observables])
        tout = []
        observable_traj = []
            for pset_idx in range(n_param_sets):
                file_data = file_data_base + ''
                for param, param_value in zip(self.model.parameters,
                    file_data += "%var: '{}' {:e}\n".format(
              , param_value)
                file_data += '\n'
                for cp, values in self.initials_dict.items():
                    file_data += "%init: {} {}\n".format(
                        values[pset_idx], gen.format_complexpattern(cp))

                # If any perturbation language code has been passed in, add it
                # to the Kappa file:
                if perturbation:
                    file_data += '%s\n' % perturbation

                # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write
                # it to the Kappa file:
                kappa_filename = kappa_filename_pattern.format(pset_idx)
                with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:
                    self._logger.debug('Kappa file contents:\n\n' + file_data)

                for sim_rpt in range(n_runs):
                    # Run Kappa
                    out_filename = out_filename_pattern.format(
                        pset_idx, sim_rpt)
                    args = [kasim_path] + base_args + [
                        '-i', kappa_filename, '-o', out_filename

                    # Run KaSim
                    self._logger.debug('Running: {}'.format(' '.join(args)))
                    p = subprocess.Popen(args,

                    for line in p.stdout:
                        self._logger.debug('@@' + line.decode('utf8')[:-1])
                    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

                    if p.returncode:
                        raise KasimInterfaceError(
                            p_out.decode('utf8') + '\n' + p_err.decode('utf8'))

                    # The simulation data, as a numpy array
                    data = _parse_kasim_outfile(out_filename)
                    # Sanity check that observables are in correct order
                    assert data.dtype.names == kappa_col_names
                    data = data.view('<f8')
                    # Handle case with single row output
                    if data.ndim == 1:
                        data.shape = (1, data.shape[0])
                    # Parse into format
                    tout.append(data[:, 0])
                    observable_traj.append(data[:, 1:])
            if cleanup:

        return SimulationResult(self,
Beispiel #11
def run_kasim(model,
    """Run KaSim on the given model with the provided arguments.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSim.
    time : number
        The amount of time (in arbitrary units) to run a simulation.
        Identical to the -t argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 10000. If set to 0, no simulation will be run, but
        the influence map will be generated (if dump_influence_map is set to
    points : integer
        The number of data points to collect for plotting.
        Identical to the -p argument when using KaSim at the command line.
        Default value is 200.
    output_dir : string
        The subdirectory in which to generate the Kappa (.ka) file for the
        model and all output files produced by KaSim. Default value is '.'
        Note that only relative paths can be specified; paths are relative
        to the directory where the current Python instance is running.
        If the specified directory does not exist, an Exception is thrown.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSim should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is False.
    base_filename : The base filename to be used for generation of the Kappa
        (.ka) file and all output files produced by KaSim. Defaults to a
        string of the form::

            '%s_%d_%d_temp' % (, program id, random.randint(0,10000))

        The influence map filename appends '' to this base filename; the
        flux map filename appends ''; and the simulation output file
        appends '.out'
    dump_influence_map : boolean
        Specifies whether or not to produce the influence map. Default value
        is False.
    perturbation : string or None
        Optional perturbation language syntax to be appended to the Kappa file.
        See KaSim manual for more details. Default value is None (no

    A dict with three entries giving the filenames for the files produced:

        * output_dict['out'] gives the .out filename
        * output_dict['im'] gives the influence map filename
        * output_dict['fm'] gives the flux map filename

    gen = KappaGenerator(model)

    if not base_filename:
        base_filename = '%s/%s_%d_%d_temp' % (
            output_dir,, os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 10000))

    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    fm_filename = base_filename + ''
    out_filename = base_filename + '.out'

    args = [
        '-i', kappa_filename, '-t',
        str(time), '-p',
        str(points), '-o', out_filename

        kappa_file = open(kappa_filename, 'w')

        # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
        # the Kappa file:

        # If desired, add instructions to the kappa file to generate the
        # influence map:
        if dump_influence_map:
            kappa_file.write('%def: "dumpInfluenceMap" "true"\n')
            kappa_file.write('%%def: "influenceMapFileName" "%s"\n\n' %

        # If any perturbation language code has been passed in, add it to the
        # Kappa file:
        if perturbation:
            kappa_file.write('\n%s\n' % perturbation)


        print "Running kasim"
        p = subprocess.Popen(['KaSim'] + args)
        #stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

        if p.returncode:
            raise Exception(

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Problem running KaSim: " + str(e))

        if cleanup:
            for filename in [
                    kappa_filename, im_filename, fm_filename, out_filename
                if os.access(filename, os.F_OK):

    output_dict = {'out': out_filename, 'im': im_filename, 'fm': ''}
    return output_dict
Beispiel #12
def run_static_analysis(model, influence_map=False, contact_map=False,
                        cleanup=True, output_prefix=None, output_dir=None,
    """Run static analysis (KaSa) on to get the contact and influence maps.

    If neither influence_map nor contact_map are set to True, then a ValueError
    is raised.

    model : pysb.core.Model
        The model to simulate/analyze using KaSa.
    influence_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the influence map.
    contact_map : boolean
        Whether to compute the contact map.
    cleanup : boolean
        Specifies whether output files produced by KaSa should be deleted
        after execution is completed. Default value is True.
    output_prefix: str
        Prefix of the temporary directory name. Default is
        'tmpKappa_<model name>_'.
    output_dir : string
        The directory in which to create the temporary directory for
        the .ka and other output files. Defaults to the system temporary file
        directory (e.g. /tmp). If the specified directory does not exist,
        an Exception is thrown.
    verbose : boolean
        Whether to pass the output of KaSa through to stdout/stderr.

    StaticAnalysisResult, a namedtuple with two fields, `contact_map` and
    `influence_map`, each containing the respective result as an instance
    of a networkx MultiGraph. If the either the contact_map or influence_map
    argument to the function is False, the corresponding entry in the
    StaticAnalysisResult returned by the function will be None.

    To view a networkx file graphically, use `draw_network`::

        import networkx as nx
        nx.draw_networkx(g, with_labels=True)

    You can use `graphviz_layout` to use graphviz for layout (requires pydot

        import networkx as nx
        pos = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.graphviz_layout(g, prog='dot')
        nx.draw_networkx(g, pos, with_labels=True)

    For further information, see the networkx documentation on visualization:

    # Make sure the user has asked for an output!
    if not influence_map and not contact_map:
        raise ValueError('Either contact_map or influence_map (or both) must '
                         'be set to True in order to perform static analysis.')

    gen = KappaGenerator(model, _warn_no_ic=False)

    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = 'tmpKappa_%s_' %

    base_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=output_prefix, dir=output_dir)

    base_filename = os.path.join(base_directory, str(
    kappa_filename = base_filename + '.ka'
    im_filename = base_filename + ''
    cm_filename = base_filename + ''

    # NOTE: in the args passed to KaSa, the directory for the .dot files is
    # specified by the --output_directory option, and the output_contact_map
    # and output_influence_map should only be the base filenames (without
    # a directory prefix).
    # Contact map args:
    if contact_map:
        cm_args = ['--compute-contact-map', '--output-contact-map',
                   '--output-contact-map-directory', base_directory]
        cm_args = ['--no-compute-contact-map']
    # Influence map args:
    if influence_map:
        im_args = ['--compute-influence-map', '--output-influence-map',
                   '--output-influence-map-directory', base_directory]
        im_args = ['--no-compute-influence-map']
    # Full arg list
    args = [kappa_filename] + cm_args + im_args

    # Generate the Kappa model code from the PySB model and write it to
    # the Kappa file:
    with open(kappa_filename, 'w') as kappa_file:
        file_data = gen.get_content()
        logger.debug('Kappa file contents:\n\n' + file_data)

    # Run KaSa using the given args
    kasa_path = pf.get_path('kasa')
    p = subprocess.Popen([kasa_path] + args,
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    if verbose:
        for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
            print('@@', line, end='')
    (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate()

    if p.returncode:
        raise KasaInterfaceError(
            p_out.decode('utf8') + '\n' + p_err.decode('utf8'))

    # Try to create the graphviz objects from the .dot files created
        # Convert the contact map to a Graph
        cmap = read_dot(cm_filename) if contact_map else None
        imap = read_dot(im_filename) if influence_map else None
    except ImportError:
        if cleanup:
                    "The pydot library could not be "
                    "imported, so no MultiGraph "
                    "object returned (returning None); "
                    "contact/influence maps available at %s" %
            cmap = None
            imap = None

    # Clean up the temp directory if desired
    if cleanup:

    return StaticAnalysisResult(cmap, imap)