Beispiel #1
def get_jk(agf2, eri, rdm1, with_j=True, with_k=True):
    ''' Get the J/K matrices.

        eri : ndarray or H5 dataset
            Electronic repulsion integrals (NOT as _ChemistsERIs)
        rdm1 : 2D array
            Reduced density matrix

        with_j : bool
            Whether to compute J. Default value is True
        with_k : bool
            Whether to compute K. Default value is True

        tuple of ndarrays corresponding to J and K, if either are
        not requested then they are set to None.

    if isinstance(eri, np.ndarray):
        vj, vk = _vhf.incore(eri, rdm1, with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k)

        nmo = rdm1.shape[0]
        npair = nmo * (nmo + 1) // 2
        vj = vk = None

        if with_j:
            rdm1_tril = lib.pack_tril(rdm1 + np.tril(rdm1, k=-1))
            vj = np.zeros_like(rdm1_tril)

        if with_k:
            vk = np.zeros_like(rdm1)

        blksize = _agf2.get_blksize(agf2.max_memory, (nmo * npair, nmo**3))
        blksize = min(1, max(BLKMIN, blksize))
        logger.debug1(agf2, 'blksize (ragf2.get_jk) = %d' % blksize)

        tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(nmo)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmo, blksize):
            idx = list(np.concatenate(tril2sq[p0:p1]))
            eri0 = eri[idx]

            # vj built in tril layout with scaled rdm1_tril
            if with_j:
                vj[idx] =, rdm1_tril)

            if with_k:
                eri0 = lib.unpack_tril(eri0, axis=-1)
                eri0 = eri0.reshape(p1 - p0, nmo, nmo, nmo)

                vk[p0:p1] = lib.einsum('ijkl,jk->il', eri0, rdm1)

        if with_j:
            vj = lib.unpack_tril(vj)

    return vj, vk
Beispiel #2
def _make_qmo_eris_outcore(agf2, eri, coeffs):
    ''' Returns H5 dataset

    cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    nmo = eri.nmo
    ci, cj, ca = coeffs
    ni = ci.shape[1]
    nj = cj.shape[1]
    na = ca.shape[1]
    npair = nmo * (nmo + 1) // 2

    mask = get_frozen_mask(agf2)
    frozen = np.sum(~mask)

    # possible to have incore MO, outcore QMO
    if getattr(eri, 'feri', None) is None:
        eri.feri = lib.H5TmpFile()
    elif 'qmo' in eri.feri:
        del eri.feri['qmo']

    eri.feri.create_dataset('qmo', (nmo - frozen, ni, nj, na), 'f8')

    blksize = _agf2.get_blksize(agf2.max_memory, (nmo * npair, nj * na, npair),
                                (nmo * ni, nj * na))
    blksize = min(nmo, max(BLKMIN, blksize))
    log.debug1('blksize (ragf2._make_qmo_eris_outcore) = %d', blksize)

    tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(nmo)
    q1 = 0
    for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmo, blksize):
        if not np.any(mask[p0:p1]):
            # block is fully frozen

        inds = np.arange(p0, p1)[mask[p0:p1]]
        q0, q1 = q1, q1 + len(inds)
        idx = list(np.concatenate(tril2sq[inds]))

        buf = eri.eri[idx]  # (blk, nmo, npair)
        buf = buf.reshape((q1 - q0) * nmo, -1)  # (blk*nmo, npair)

        jasym, nja, cja, sja = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(cj, ca, compact=True)
        buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, cja, sja, 's2kl', 's1')
        buf = buf.reshape(q1 - q0, nmo, nj, na)

        buf = lib.einsum('xpja,pi->xija', buf, ci)
        eri.feri['qmo'][q0:q1] = np.asarray(buf, order='C')

    log.timer('QMO integral transformation', *cput0)

    return eri.feri['qmo']
Beispiel #3
def _make_qmo_eris_outcore(agf2, eri, coeffs_a, coeffs_b, spin=None):
    ''' Returns nested tuple of H5 dataset

    spin = None: ((aaaa, aabb), (bbaa, bbbb))
    spin = 0: (aaaa, aabb)
    spin = 1: (bbbb, bbaa)

    cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose)

    nmo = eri.nmo
    nmoa, nmob = nmo

    cxa = np.eye(nmoa)
    cxb = np.eye(nmob)
    mask = get_frozen_mask(agf2)
    frozena = np.sum(~mask[0])
    frozenb = np.sum(~mask[1])

    npaira, npairb = nmoa*(nmoa+1)//2, nmob*(nmob+1)//2
    cia, cja, caa = coeffs_a
    cib, cjb, cab = coeffs_b
    nia, nja, naa = [x.shape[1] for x in coeffs_a]
    nib, njb, nab = [x.shape[1] for x in coeffs_b]

    # possible to have incore MO, outcore QMO
    if getattr(eri, 'feri', None) is None:
        eri.feri = lib.H5TmpFile()
        for key in ['aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb']:
            if 'qmo/%s'%key in eri.feri:
                del eri.feri['qmo/%s'%key]

    if spin is None or spin == 0:
        eri.feri.create_dataset('qmo/aa', (nmoa-frozena, nia, nja, naa), 'f8')
        eri.feri.create_dataset('qmo/ab', (nmoa-frozena, nia, njb, nab), 'f8')

        blksize = _agf2.get_blksize(agf2.max_memory, (nmoa**3, nmoa*nja*naa),
                                                (nmoa*nmob**2, nmoa*njb*nab))
        blksize = min(nmoa, max(BLKMIN, blksize))
        log.debug1('blksize (uagf2._make_qmo_eris_outcore) = %d', blksize)

        tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(nmoa)
        q1 = 0
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmoa, blksize):
            if not np.any(mask[0][p0:p1]):
                # block is fully frozen

            inds = np.arange(p0, p1)[mask[0][p0:p1]]
            q0, q1 = q1, q1 + len(inds)
            idx = list(np.concatenate(tril2sq[inds]))

            # aa
            buf = eri.eri_aa[idx] # (blk, nmoa, npaira)
            buf = buf.reshape((q1-q0)*nmoa, -1) # (blk*nmoa, npaira)

            jasym_aa, nja_aa, cja_aa, sja_aa = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(cja, caa)
            buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, cja_aa, sja_aa, 's2kl', 's1')
            buf = buf.reshape(q1-q0, nmoa, nja, naa)

            buf = lib.einsum('xpja,pi->xija', buf, cia)
            eri.feri['qmo/aa'][q0:q1] = np.asarray(buf, order='C')

            # ab
            buf = eri.eri_ab[idx] # (blk, nmoa, npairb)
            buf = buf.reshape((q1-q0)*nmob, -1) # (blk*nmoa, npairb)

            jasym_ab, nja_ab, cja_ab, sja_ab = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(cjb, cab)
            buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, cja_ab, sja_ab, 's2kl', 's1')
            buf = buf.reshape(q1-q0, nmoa, njb, nab)

            buf = lib.einsum('xpja,pi->xija', buf, cia)
            eri.feri['qmo/ab'][q0:q1] = np.asarray(buf, order='C')

    if spin is None or spin == 1:
        eri.feri.create_dataset('qmo/ba', (nmob-frozenb, nib, nja, naa), 'f8')
        eri.feri.create_dataset('qmo/bb', (nmob-frozenb, nib, njb, nab), 'f8')

        max_memory = agf2.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
        blksize = int((max_memory/8e-6) / max(nmob**3+nmob*njb*nab, 
        blksize = min(nmob, max(BLKMIN, blksize))
        log.debug1('blksize (uagf2._make_qmo_eris_outcore) = %d', blksize)

        tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(nmob)
        q1 = 0
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmob, blksize):
            if not np.any(mask[1][p0:p1]):
                # block is fully frozen

            inds = np.arange(p0, p1)[mask[1][p0:p1]]
            q0, q1 = q1, q1 + len(inds)
            idx = list(np.concatenate(tril2sq[inds]))

            # ba
            buf = eri.eri_ba[idx] # (blk, nmob, npaira)
            buf = buf.reshape((q1-q0)*nmob, -1) # (blk*nmob, npaira)

            jasym_ba, nja_ba, cja_ba, sja_ba = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(cja, caa)
            buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, cja_ba, sja_ba, 's2kl', 's1')
            buf = buf.reshape(q1-q0, nmob, nja, naa)

            buf = lib.einsum('xpja,pi->xija', buf, cib)
            eri.feri['qmo/ba'][q0:q1] = np.asarray(buf, order='C')

            # bb
            buf = eri.eri_bb[idx] # (blk, nmob, npairb)
            buf = buf.reshape((q1-q0)*nmob, -1) # (blk*nmob, npairb)

            jasym_bb, nja_bb, cja_bb, sja_bb = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(cjb, cab)
            buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(buf, cja_bb, sja_bb, 's2kl', 's1')
            buf = buf.reshape(q1-q0, nmob, njb, nab)

            buf = lib.einsum('xpja,pi->xija', buf, cib)
            eri.feri['qmo/bb'][q0:q1] = np.asarray(buf, order='C')

    if spin is None:
        qeri = ((eri.feri['qmo/aa'], eri.feri['qmo/ab']), 
                (eri.feri['qmo/ba'], eri.feri['qmo/bb']))
    elif spin == 0:
        qeri = (eri.feri['qmo/aa'], eri.feri['qmo/ab'])
    elif spin == 1:
        qeri = (eri.feri['qmo/bb'], eri.feri['qmo/ba'])

    log.timer('QMO integral transformation', *cput0)

    return qeri
Beispiel #4
def get_jk(agf2, eri, rdm1, with_j=True, with_k=True):
    ''' Get the J/K matrices.

        eri : ndarray or H5 dataset
            Electronic repulsion integrals (NOT as _ChemistsERIs). In
            the case of no bra/ket symmetry, a tuple can be passed.
        rdm1 : 2D array
            Reduced density matrix

        with_j : bool
            Whether to compute J. Default value is True
        with_k : bool
            Whether to compute K. Default value is True

        tuple of ndarrays corresponding to J and K, if either are
        not requested then they are set to None.

    nmo = rdm1.shape[0]
    npair = nmo * (nmo + 1) // 2
    naux = agf2.with_df.get_naoaux()
    vj = vk = None

    if with_j:
        rdm1_tril = lib.pack_tril(rdm1 + np.tril(rdm1, k=-1))
        vj = np.zeros((npair, ))

    if with_k:
        vk = np.zeros((nmo, nmo))

    fdrv = ao2mo._ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv
    fmmm = ao2mo._ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_bra_nr_s2
    ftrans = ao2mo._ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2

    if isinstance(eri, tuple):
        bra, ket = eri
        bra = ket = eri

    blksize = _agf2.get_blksize(agf2.max_memory,
                                (npair, npair, 1, nmo**2, nmo**2))
    blksize = min(nmo, max(BLKMIN, blksize))
    logger.debug1(agf2, 'blksize (dfragf2.get_jk) = %d' % blksize)
    buf = (np.empty((blksize, nmo, nmo)), np.empty((blksize, nmo, nmo)))

    for p0, p1 in mpi_helper.prange(0, naux, blksize):
        bra0 = bra[p0:p1]
        ket0 = ket[p0:p1]
        rho =, rdm1_tril)

        if with_j:
            vj +=, bra0)

        if with_k:
            buf1 = buf[0][:p1 - p0]
            fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
                 rdm1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(p1 - p0),
                 ctypes.c_int(nmo), (ctypes.c_int * 4)(0, nmo, 0, nmo),
                 lib.c_null_ptr(), ctypes.c_int(0))

            buf2 = lib.unpack_tril(ket0, out=buf[1])
            buf1 = buf1.reshape(-1, nmo)
            buf2 = buf2.reshape(-1, nmo)

            vk =, buf2, c=vk, beta=1)

    if with_j:
        vj = lib.unpack_tril(vj)

    if with_k:

    return vj, vk