Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, mol):
     pyscf.scf.hf.RHF.__init__(self, mol)
     self._ecoul = 0
     self._exc = 0
     self.xc = 'LDA,VWN'
     self.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mol)
     self._numint = numint._NumInt()
     self._keys = self._keys.union(['xc', 'grids'])
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, mol):
     pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.UHF.__init__(self, mol)
     self._ecoul = 0
     self._exc = 0
     self.xc = "LDA,VWN"
     self.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mol)
     self._numint = numint._NumInt()
     self._keys = self._keys.union(["xc", "grids"])
Beispiel #3
def _dft_common_init_(mf):
    mf.xc = 'LDA,VWN'
    mf.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mf.mol)
    mf.small_rho_cutoff = 1e-7  # Use rho to filter grids
    # don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
    mf._numint = numint._NumInt()
    mf._keys = mf._keys.union(['xc', 'grids', 'small_rho_cutoff'])
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, mol):
        pyscf.scf.hf.RHF.__init__(self, mol)
        self.xc = 'LDA,VWN'
        self.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mol)
# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
        self._ecoul = 0
        self._exc = 0
        self._numint = numint._NumInt()
        self._keys = self._keys.union(['xc', 'grids'])
Beispiel #5
def _dft_common_init_(mf):
    mf.xc = 'LDA,VWN'
    mf.grids = gen_grid.Grids(mf.mol)
    mf.small_rho_cutoff = 1e-7  # Use rho to filter grids
# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
    mf._ecoul = 0
    mf._exc = 0
    mf._numint = numint._NumInt()
    mf._keys = mf._keys.union(['xc', 'grids', 'small_rho_cutoff'])
Beispiel #6
# example, PBE0 is not supported by the default XC library (libxc) in the TDDFT
# calculation.  Changing to xcfun library for TDDFT can solve this problem
mf._numint.libxc = dft.xcfun
td = tddft.TDDFT(mf)
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)

# Overwriting the relevant attributes of the ground state mf object,
# the TDDFT calculations can be run with different XC, grids.
mf.xc = 'lda,vwn'
td = tddft.TDDFT(mf)
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)

# Overwriting the ground state SCF object is unsafe.  A better solution is to
# create a new fake SCF object to hold different XC, grids parameters.
from pyscf.dft import numint
mf = dft.RKS(mol).run(xc='pbe0')
mf1 = copy.copy(mf)
mf1.xc = 'lda,vwn'
mf1.grids = dft.Grids(mol)
mf1.grids.level = 2
mf1._numint = numint._NumInt()
mf1._numint.libxc = dft.xcfun
td = tddft.TDDFT(mf1)
print(td.kernel()[0] * 27.2114)