Beispiel #1
    def make_molecule(self):
        mol = Mole()
        mol.atom = """
        O 0 0 0
        H 1 0 0
        H 0 1 0
        mol.basis = "sto-3g"

        return mol
Beispiel #2
def setUpModule():
    global mol, mf
    mol = Mole()
    mol.atom = '''
    C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
    C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
    C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
    H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
    H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
    H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
    H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
    H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
    H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
    H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
    O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
    H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
    mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
    mol.verbose = 0
    mol.output = None
    mf = RHF(mol)
    mf.conv_tol = 1.0e-12
Beispiel #3
mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
mol.basis = 'STO-3G'
mol.verbose = 0
mol.output = None
mf = RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol = 1.0e-12

class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.mol = mol.copy()
        self.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff.copy()
        self.nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ > 0)
        self.rdm1_rhf = mf.make_rdm1()
Beispiel #4
DF-MP2 natural orbitals for the allyl radical

from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import UHF
from import molden
from import DFMP2

mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C    -1.1528    -0.1151    -0.4645
C     0.2300    -0.1171    -0.3508
C     0.9378     0.2246     0.7924
H     0.4206     0.5272     1.7055
H     2.0270     0.2021     0.8159
H    -1.6484    -0.3950    -1.3937
H    -1.7866     0.1687     0.3784
H     0.8086    -0.4120    -1.2337
mol.basis = 'def2-TZVP'
mol.spin = 1

mf = UHF(mol).run()

# MP2 natural occupation numbers and natural orbitals
natocc, natorb = DFMP2(mf).make_natorbs()
# store the natural orbitals in a molden file
molden.from_mo(mol, 'allyl_mp2nat.molden', natorb, occ=natocc)

from numpy.linalg import norm
from pyscf.gto import Mole
from pyscf.scf import RHF
from import DFMP2

mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
Cl  0.000000   0.000000   1.785000
H   1.019297   0.000000  -0.386177
H  -0.509649   0.882737  -0.386177
H  -0.509649  -0.882737  -0.386177
mol.basis = 'aug-cc-pVTZ'

mf = RHF(mol).run()
pt = DFMP2(mf).run()

# The unrelaxed density always has got natural occupation numbers between 2 and 0.
# However, it is inaccurate for properties.
dm_ur = pt.make_rdm1_unrelaxed(ao_repr=True)

# The relaxed density is more accurate for properties when MP2 is well-behaved,
# whereas the natural occupation numbers can be above 2 or below 0 for ill-behaved systems.
dm_re = pt.make_rdm1_relaxed(ao_repr=True)

print('HF dipole moment:')
Beispiel #6
mol = Mole()
mol.atom = '''
C        0.681068338      0.605116159      0.307300799
C       -0.733665805      0.654940451     -0.299036438
C       -1.523996730     -0.592207689      0.138683275
H        0.609941801      0.564304456      1.384183068
H        1.228991034      1.489024155      0.015946420
H       -1.242251083      1.542928348      0.046243898
H       -0.662968178      0.676527364     -1.376503770
H       -0.838473936     -1.344174292      0.500629028
H       -2.075136399     -0.983173387     -0.703807608
H       -2.212637905     -0.323898759      0.926200671
O        1.368219958     -0.565620846     -0.173113101
H        2.250134219     -0.596689848      0.204857736
mol.basis = 'def2-SVP'

# Perform a Hartree-Fock calculation
mf = RHF(mol)

# determine the number of occupied orbitals
nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ > 0)
# localize the occupied orbitals separately
lmo_occ = cholesky_mos(mf.mo_coeff[:, :nocc])
# localize the virtual orbitals separately
lmo_virt = cholesky_mos(mf.mo_coeff[:, nocc:])
# merge the MO coefficients in one matrix
lmo_merged = numpy.hstack((lmo_occ, lmo_virt))
# dump the merged MO coefficients in a molden file