Beispiel #1
    def run_test(self, manifest_uri: str, num_entries: Optional[int]=None, verbose: bool=True, debug: bool=False,
                 stop_on_fail: bool=False, debug_slurps: bool=False, save_graph_dir: Optional[str]=None) \
            -> List[EvaluationResult]:
        """ Run the test identified by manifest_uri

        :param manifest_uri: uri of manifest
        :param num_entries: number of manifest elements to test
        :param verbose: True means talk about it
        :param debug: debug setting for shex evaluator
        :param stop_on_fail: True means run until failure
        :param debug_slurps: True means emit SPARQL_slurper statistics
        :param save_graph_dir: If present, save the final graph in this directory
        manifest = loads(self.fetch_uri(manifest_uri))
        rval: List[EvaluationResult] = []
        for case in manifest:
            if verbose:
            sparql_endpoint ="Endpoint: ", "")
            shex = self.fetch_uri(case.schemaURL)
            evaluator = ShExEvaluator(schema=shex, debug=debug)
            prefixes = PrefixLibrary(shex, SKOS=SKOS)
            sparql_query = case.queryMap.replace("SPARQL '''",
                                                 "").replace("'''@START", "")
            dfs: List[str] = self.get_sparql_dataframe(sparql_endpoint,
            dfs_slice = dfs[:num_entries] if num_entries is not None else dfs
            for df in dfs_slice:
                slurper = SlurpyGraphWithAgent(sparql_endpoint)
                # slurper.debug_slurps = debug_slurps
                print(f"Evaluating: {df}")
                results = evaluator.evaluate(rdf=slurper,
                rval += results
                if save_graph_dir:
                    element_name = df.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
                    file_name = os.path.join(save_graph_dir,
                                             element_name + '.ttl')
                    print(f"Writing: {file_name}")
                    slurper.serialize(file_name, format="turtle")
                if stop_on_fail and not all(r.result for r in results):
        return rval
Beispiel #2
    def test_add_shex_filename(self):
        """ Test adding Shex from a file """
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 't1.shex')
        pl = PrefixLibrary(filename)
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX drugbank: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>""", str(pl).strip())
Beispiel #3
 def test_eric(self):
     p = PrefixLibrary(rdf)
     for result in ShExEvaluator(
             rdf=rdf, schema=schema, focus=p.INST.Eric,
             f"{result.focus}: {'Passing' if result.result else 'Failing'}: \n{result.reason}"
Beispiel #4
    def schema(self, shex: Optional[Union[str, ShExJ.Schema]]) -> None:
        """ Set the schema to be used.  Schema can either be a ShExC or ShExJ string or a pre-parsed schema.

        :param shex:  Schema
        self.pfx = None
        if shex is not None:
            if isinstance(shex, ShExJ.Schema):
                self._schema = shex
                shext = shex.strip()
                loader = SchemaLoader()
                if ('\n' in shex or '\r' in shex) or shext[0] in '#<_: ':
                    self._schema = loader.loads(shex)
                    self._schema = loader.load(shex) if isinstance(shex, str) else shex
                if self._schema is None:
                    raise ValueError("Unable to parse shex file")
                self.pfx = PrefixLibrary(loader.schema_text)
    def test_mappings_rdf(self):
        """ Test the imported mappings in the biolink metamodel """

        # Generate context and use it to create the RDF
        self.single_file_generator('jsonld', ContextGenerator, filtr=ldcontext_metadata_filter)

        # Generate a copy of the JSON representation of the model
        context_loc = os.path.join(self.source_path, self.model_name + ".jsonld")
        context_args = {"context": [LOCAL_METAMODEL_LDCONTEXT_FILE, context_loc]}
        self.single_file_generator('json', JSONLDGenerator,  serialize_args=context_args,  filtr=json_metadata_filter)

        # Make a fresh copy of the RDF and validate it as well
        self.single_file_generator('ttl', RDFGenerator, serialize_args=context_args,

        g = Graph()
        rdf_file = os.path.join(sourcedir, 'meta_mappings.ttl')
        g.load(rdf_file, format='turtle')
        ns = PrefixLibrary()
        ns['FULL'] = ""
        ns['EX'] = ""
        ns['META'] = ""
        # Make sure that the expected triples got added

        self.assertEqual({ns.EX.slot1_close, ns.FULL.slot1_close}, set(g.objects(ns.EX.s1, ns.SKOS.closeMatch)))
        self.assertEqual({ns.EX.slot1, ns.FULL.slot1}, set(g.objects(ns.EX.s1, ns.SKOS.exactMatch)))
        self.assertEqual(ns.EX.s3, g.value(ns.EX.s1, ns.META.deprecated_element_has_exact_replacement, any=False))
        self.assertEqual(ns.EX.s4, g.value(ns.EX.s1, ns.META.deprecated_element_has_possible_replacement, any=False))

        self.assertEqual({ns.EX.class1_close, ns.FULL.class1_close}, set(g.objects(ns.EX.C1, ns.SKOS.closeMatch)))
        self.assertEqual({ns.EX.class1, ns.FULL.class1}, set(g.objects(ns.EX.C1, ns.SKOS.exactMatch)))
        self.assertEqual(ns.EX.c2, g.value(ns.EX.C1, ns.META.deprecated_element_has_exact_replacement, any=False))
        self.assertEqual(ns.EX.c3, g.value(ns.EX.C1, ns.META.deprecated_element_has_possible_replacement, any=False))
            EX = Namespace("")
            focus = EX.testMetamodelMappings
            start = METAMODEL_NAMESPACE.SchemaDefinition
            results = ShExEvaluator(g, LOCAL_SHEXJ_FILE_NAME, focus, start).evaluate(debug=False)
            print("*** RDF Model validation step was skipped. Set: tests.__init__.DO_SHEX_VALIDATION to run it")
Beispiel #6
    def test_multiple_evaluate(self):
        """ Test calling evaluate multiple times in a row """
        p = PrefixLibrary(shex)
        e = ShExEvaluator(rdf=rdf, schema=shex, focus=p.EX.s)

        # conformant
        for _ in range(NUM_ITERS):

        # non-conformant
        for _ in range(NUM_ITERS):
Beispiel #7
    def test_add_rdf_file(self):
        """ Test adding RDF directly from a file """
        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'earl_report.ttl')
        pl = PrefixLibrary()
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX xml: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX doap: <>
PREFIX earl: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX ns1: <>""", str(pl.add_rdf(filename)).strip())
        g = Graph()
        g.load(filename, format="turtle")
        pl = PrefixLibrary()
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX xml: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX doap: <>
PREFIX earl: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX ns1: <>""", str(pl.add_rdf(g)).strip())
Beispiel #8
    def test_nsname(self):
        """ Test the nsname method """
        pl = PrefixLibrary("""@prefix owl: <> .
        @prefix wikibase: <> .
        @prefix wds: <> .
        @prefix wdata: <> .
        @prefix skos: <> .
        @prefix schema: <> .
        @prefix cc: <> .
        @prefix geo: <> .
        @prefix prov: <> .
        @prefix wdref: <> .
        @prefix wdv: <> .
        @prefix wd: <> .
        @prefix wdt: <> .
        @prefix wdtn: <> .
        @prefix p: <> .
        @prefix ps: <> .
        @prefix psv: <> .
        @prefix psn: <> .
        @prefix pq: <> .
        @prefix pqv: <> .
        @prefix pqn: <> .
        @prefix pr: <> .
        @prefix prv: <> .
        @prefix prn: <> .
        @prefix wdno: <> .

        and some junk""")
        self.assertEqual("wdt:penguins", pl.nsname(""))
        self.assertEqual("p:polarbear", pl.nsname(""))
        self.assertEqual("psn:elf", pl.nsname(""))
Beispiel #9
    def test_add_rdf_str(self):
        """ Test adding RDF directly from a string """
        pl = PrefixLibrary()

        rdf = """
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .

ex:Sam a foaf:Person."""
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX xml: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX doap: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX ex: <>""", str(pl).strip())
Beispiel #10
    def test_add_to_object(self):
        """ Test the PrefixLibrary add_to_object function """
        class TargetObj:

        pl = PrefixLibrary("""
        PREFIX xsd: <>
        PREFIX prov: <>
        PREFIX p: <>
        PREFIX pr: <>
        PREFIX prv: <>
        PREFIX pv: <>
        PREFIX ps: <>
        PREFIX gw: <http://genewiki.shape/>""")
        self.assertEqual(8, pl.add_to_object(TargetObj))
        self.assertEqual(URIRef(''), TargetObj.PROV.spiders)

        class TargetObj2:
            GW: int = 42
        output = StringIO()
        with redirect_stdout(output):
            self.assertEqual(7, pl.add_to_object(TargetObj2))
        self.assertTrue(output.getvalue().strip().startswith("Warning: GW is already defined in namespace "))
Beispiel #11
 def test_fail(self):
     pl = PrefixLibrary(shex)
     results = ShExEvaluator().evaluate(rdf,
     results = ShExEvaluator().evaluate(rdf, shex, focus=pl.EX.t)
     self.assertEqual('Focus: not in graph',
     results2 = ShExEvaluator().evaluate(rdf,
                                         focus=[pl.EX.s, pl.EX.t2])
     self.assertEqual('Focus: not in graph',
Beispiel #12
    def test_add_shex_url(self):
        """ Test adding ShEx from a URL """
        pl = PrefixLibrary(
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX prv: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX do: <>
PREFIX doio: <>
PREFIX mir: <>""", str(pl).strip())
Beispiel #13
    def test_fail(self):
        """ Test max cardinality of 0 AND error reporting """
        datadir = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data'))
        shexpath = os.path.join(datadir, 'issue_20.shex')
        rdfpath = os.path.join(datadir, 'issue_20.ttl')
        expectedpath = os.path.join(datadir, 'issue_20.errors')

        pl = PrefixLibrary(rdfpath)
        output = StringIO()
        with redirect_stdout(output):
            evaluate_cli(f"{rdfpath} {shexpath} -fn {pl.EX.BPM1}")
            evaluate_cli(f"{rdfpath} {shexpath} -fn {pl.EX.BPM2}")

        if not os.path.exists(expectedpath):
            with open(expectedpath, 'w') as f:
            self.assertTrue(False, "Output created, rerun")
        with open(expectedpath) as f:
            expected =

        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEqual(expected, output.getvalue())
Beispiel #14
class ShExEvaluator:
    """ Shape Expressions Evaluator """
    def __init__(
        rdf: Optional[Union[str, Graph]] = None,
        schema: Optional[Union[str, ShExJ.Schema]] = None,
        focus: Optional[URIPARM] = None,
        start: STARTPARM = None,
        rdf_format: str = "turtle",
        debug: bool = False,
        debug_slurps: bool = False,
        over_slurp: bool = None,
        output_sink: Optional[Callable[[EvaluationResult],
                                       bool]] = None) -> None:
        """ Evaluator constructor.  All of the parameters below can be set in the constructor or at runtime

        :param rdf: RDF string, file name, URL or Graph for evaluation.
        :param schema: ShEx Schema to evaluate. Can be ShExC, ShExJ or a pre-parsed schema
        :param focus: focus node(s).  If absent, all non-BNode subjects in the graph are evaluated
        :param start: start node(s). If absent, the START node in the schema is used
        :param rdf_format: format for RDF. Default: "Turtle"
        :param debug: emit semi-helpful debug information
        :param debug: debug graph fetch calls
        :param over_slurp: Controls whether SPARQL slurper does exact or over slurps
        :param output_sink: Function for accepting evaluation results and returns whether to keep evaluating
        self.pfx: PrefixLibrary = None
        self.rdf_format = rdf_format
        self.g = None
        self.rdf = rdf
        self._schema = None
        self.schema = schema
        self._focus = None
        self.focus = focus
        self.start = start
        self.debug = debug
        self.debug_slurps = debug_slurps
        self.over_slurp = over_slurp
        self.output_sink = output_sink
        self.nerrors = 0
        self.nnodes = 0
        self.eval_result = []

    def rdf(self) -> str:

        :return: The rendering of whatever RDF is currently being evaluated
        return self.g.serialize(format=self.rdf_format).decode()

    def rdf(self, rdf: Optional[Union[str, Graph]]) -> None:
        """ Set the RDF DataSet to be evaulated.  If ``rdf`` is a string, the presence of a return is the
        indicator that it is text instead of a location.

        :param rdf: File name, URL, representation of rdflib Graph
        if isinstance(rdf, Graph):
            self.g = rdf
            self.g = Graph()
            if isinstance(rdf, str):
                if '\n' in rdf or '\r' in rdf:
                    self.g.parse(data=rdf, format=self.rdf_format)
                elif ':' in rdf:
                    self.g.parse(location=rdf, format=self.rdf_format)
                    self.g.parse(source=rdf, format=self.rdf_format)

    def schema(self) -> Optional[str]:

        :return: The ShExC representation of the schema if one is supplied
        return str(ShExC(self._schema)) if self._schema else None

    def schema(self, shex: Optional[Union[str, ShExJ.Schema]]) -> None:
        """ Set the schema to be used.  Schema can either be a ShExC or ShExJ string or a pre-parsed schema.

        :param shex:  Schema
        self.pfx = None
        if shex is not None:
            if isinstance(shex, ShExJ.Schema):
                self._schema = shex
                shext = shex.strip()
                loader = SchemaLoader()
                if ('\n' in shex or '\r' in shex) or shext[0] in '#<_: ':
                    self._schema = loader.loads(shex)
                    self._schema = loader.load(shex) if isinstance(
                        shex, str) else shex
                if self._schema is None:
                    raise ValueError("Unable to parse shex file")
                self.pfx = PrefixLibrary(loader.schema_text)

    def focus(self) -> Optional[List[URIRef]]:
        :return: The list of focus nodes (if any)
        return self._focus

    def foci(self) -> List[URIRef]:

        :return: The current set of focus nodes
        return self._focus if self._focus else sorted(
            [s for s in set(self.g.subjects()) if isinstance(s, URIRef)])

    def focus(self, focus: Optional[URIPARM]) -> None:
        """ Set the focus node(s).  If no focus node is specified, the evaluation will occur for all non-BNode
        graph subjects.  Otherwise it can be a string, a URIRef or a list of string/URIRef combinations

        :param focus: None if focus should be all URIRefs in the graph otherwise a URI or list of URI's
        self._focus = normalize_uriparm(focus) if focus else None

    def start(self) -> STARTPARM:

        :return: The schema start node(s)
        return self._start

    def start(self, start: STARTPARM) -> None:
        self._start = normalize_startparm(start) if start else [START]

    def evaluate(
        rdf: Optional[Union[str, Graph]] = None,
        shex: Optional[Union[str, ShExJ.Schema]] = None,
        focus: Optional[URIPARM] = None,
        start: STARTPARM = None,
        rdf_format: Optional[str] = None,
        debug: Optional[bool] = None,
        debug_slurps: Optional[bool] = None,
        over_slurp: Optional[bool] = None,
        output_sink: Optional[Callable[[EvaluationResult], bool]] = None
    ) -> List[EvaluationResult]:
        if rdf is not None or shex is not None or focus is not None or start is not None:
            evaluator = ShExEvaluator(
                rdf=rdf if rdf is not None else self.g,
                schema=shex if shex is not None else self._schema,
                focus=focus if focus is not None else self.focus,
                if start is not None else self.start if self.start else START,
                if rdf_format is not None else self.rdf_format,
                if output_sink is not None else self.output_sink)
            evaluator = self

        self.eval_result = []
        if evaluator.output_sink is None:

            def sink(e: EvaluationResult) -> bool:
                return True

            evaluator.output_sink = sink

        processing = True
        self.nerrors = 0
        self.nnodes = 0
        if START in evaluator.start and evaluator._schema.start is None:
            self.nerrors += 1
                EvaluationResult(False, None, None,
                                 'START node is not specified'))
            return self.eval_result

        # Experimental -- xfer all ShEx namespaces to g
        if self.pfx and evaluator.g is not None:

        cntxt = Context(evaluator.g, evaluator._schema)
        cntxt.debug_context.debug = debug if debug is not None else self.debug
        cntxt.debug_context.trace_slurps = debug_slurps if debug_slurps is not None else self.debug_slurps
        cntxt.over_slurp = self.over_slurp if over_slurp is not None else self.over_slurp

        for focus in evaluator.foci:
            self.nnodes += 1
            start_list: List[Union[URIRef, START]] = []
            for start in evaluator.start:
                if start is START:
                elif isinstance(start, START_TYPE):
                    start_list += list(
                        evaluator.g.objects(focus, start.start_predicate))
            if start_list:
                for start_node in start_list:
                    map_ = FixedShapeMap()
                    map_.add(ShapeAssociation(focus, start_node))
                    success, fail_reasons = isValid(cntxt, map_)
                    if not success:
                        self.nerrors += 1
                    if not evaluator.output_sink(
                                success, focus, start_node,
                                if not success else '')):
                        processing = False
                self.nerrors += 1
                    EvaluationResult(False, focus, None,
                                     "No start node located"))
            if not processing:
        return self.eval_result
Beispiel #15
start = @gw:cancer
gw:cancer {
  p:P1748 {
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<reference>

<reference> {
  pr:P248  IRI ;
  pr:P813  xsd:dateTime ;
  pr:P699  LITERAL

loc_prefixes = PrefixLibrary(None,

class ShExEvaluatorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_empty_constructor(self):
        evaluator = ShExEvaluator()
        # rdflib no longer emits unused prefixes -- an empty evaluator is now empty
        self.assertEqual("", evaluator.rdf.strip())
        self.assertEqual([], evaluator.foci)
        self.assertEqual([START], evaluator.start)
        self.assertEqual("turtle", evaluator.rdf_format)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(evaluator.g, Graph))
Beispiel #16
 def test_edge_cases(self):
     """ Test some of the edge cases """
     # Test a default URL
     shex = "PREFIX : <>"
     pl = PrefixLibrary(shex)
Beispiel #17
    def test_add_rdf_url(self):
        """ Test adding RDF from a URL """
        pl = PrefixLibrary()
        self.assertEqual("""PREFIX xml: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wb: <>
PREFIX kegg_ligand: <>
PREFIX pso_git: <>
PREFIX ncbigene: <>
PREFIX kegg_reaction: <>
PREFIX go_ref: <>
PREFIX vega: <>
PREFIX zfin: <>
PREFIX pfam: <>
PREFIX sgn: <>
PREFIX reactome: <>
PREFIX interpro: <>
PREFIX unirule: <>
PREFIX dictybase: <>
PREFIX po_git: <>
PREFIX aspgd_locus: <>
PREFIX sgd: <>
PREFIX hgnc: <>
PREFIX dictybase_gene_name: <>
PREFIX tair: <>
PREFIX ensemblfungi: <>
PREFIX wikipedia: <>
PREFIX psi-mod: <>
PREFIX rgd: <>
PREFIX pmid: <>
PREFIX xenbase: <>
PREFIX maizegdb: <>
PREFIX hamap: <>
PREFIX to_git: <>
PREFIX mesh: <>
PREFIX gr_protein: <>
PREFIX pombase: <>
PREFIX ena: <>
PREFIX ec: <>
PREFIX uniprotkb: <>
PREFIX mgi: <>
PREFIX gomodel: <>
PREFIX kegg_pathway: <>
PREFIX doi: <>
PREFIX panther: <>
PREFIX fb: <>
PREFIX ensembl: <>
PREFIX cgd: <>
PREFIX gr_gene: <>
PREFIX kegg_enzyme: <>
PREFIX cacao: <>
PREFIX po_ref: <>
PREFIX uniprotkb-subcell: <>
PREFIX nif_subcellular: <>
PREFIX genedb: <>
PREFIX apidb_plasmodb: <>
PREFIX rnacentral: <>
PREFIX rfam: <>
PREFIX obo_sf2_po: <>
PREFIX uniparc: <>
PREFIX gdb: <>
PREFIX dbsnp: <>
PREFIX maizegdb_locus: <>
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX plana_ref: <>
PREFIX cas: <>
PREFIX complexportal: <>
PREFIX jstor: <>
PREFIX gr_qtl: <>
PREFIX vbrc: <>
PREFIX eo_git: <>
PREFIX tgd: <>
PREFIX obo_sf2_peco: <>
PREFIX metacyc: <>
PREFIX omim: <>
PREFIX intact: <>
PREFIX ensembl_geneid: <>
PREFIX uniprotkb-kw: <>
PREFIX eupathdb: <>""", str(pl).strip())
Beispiel #18
 def test_wikidata_2(self):
     pfx = PrefixLibrary(shex_schema,
     evaluator = ShExEvaluator(self.test_path, shex_schema,
     print(evaluator.evaluate(start=pfx.GW.cancer, debug=False))
Beispiel #19
    def test_basics(self):
        """ Test basic functions """
        pl = PrefixLibrary()
        g = Graph()

        self.assertEqual("""@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .""", g.serialize(format="turtle").decode().strip())
        pl = PrefixLibrary("""@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix wikibase: <> .
@prefix wds: <> .
@prefix wdata: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix cc: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix wdref: <> .
@prefix wdv: <> .
@prefix wd: <> .
@prefix wdt: <> .
@prefix wdtn: <> .
@prefix p: <> .
@prefix ps: <> .
@prefix psv: <> .
@prefix psn: <> .
@prefix pq: <> .
@prefix pqv: <> .
@prefix pqn: <> .
@prefix pr: <> .
@prefix prv: <> .
@prefix prn: <> .
@prefix wdno: <> .

and some junk""")

            [('OWL', Namespace('')),
             ('WIKIBASE', Namespace('')),
             ('WDS', Namespace('')),
             ('WDATA', Namespace('')),
             ('SKOS', Namespace('')),
             ('SCHEMA', Namespace('')),
             ('CC', Namespace('')),
             ('GEO', Namespace('')),
             ('PROV', Namespace('')),
             ('WDREF', Namespace('')),
             ('WDV', Namespace('')),
             ('WD', Namespace('')),
             ('WDT', Namespace('')),
             ('WDTN', Namespace('')),
             ('P', Namespace('')),
             ('PS', Namespace('')),
             ('PSV', Namespace('')),
             ('PSN', Namespace('')),
             ('PQ', Namespace('')),
             ('PQV', Namespace('')),
             ('PQN', Namespace('')),
             ('PR', Namespace('')),
             ('PRV', Namespace('')),
             ('PRN', Namespace('')),
             ('WDNO', Namespace(''))], [e for e in pl]
        pl = PrefixLibrary("""
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prv: <>
PREFIX pv: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX gw: <http://genewiki.shape/>

start = @gw:cancer
gw:cancer {
  p:P1748 {
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<reference>

<reference> {
  pr:P248  IRI ;
  pr:P813  xsd:dateTime ;
  pr:P699  LITERAL
}""", foaf=known_prefixes.FOAF, owl=known_prefixes.OWL, rdfs=standard_prefixes.RDFS)
            [('XSD', Namespace('')),
             ('PROV', Namespace('')),
             ('P', Namespace('')),
             ('PR', Namespace('')),
             ('PRV', Namespace('')),
             ('PV', Namespace('')),
             ('PS', Namespace('')),
             ('GW', Namespace('http://genewiki.shape/')),
             ('FOAF', Namespace('')),
             ('OWL', Namespace('')),
             ('RDFS', Namespace(''))], [e for e in pl])

        pl = PrefixLibrary(None, ex="")
        self.assertEqual("", str(pl.EX))

        self.assertEqual("""@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xmlns: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .""", g.serialize(format="turtle").decode().strip())
Beispiel #20
import sys
from rdflib import URIRef, XSD
from pyshex import PrefixLibrary

""" This module is used to test the PrefixLibrary's ability to inject namespaces directoy into the containing module 
It is used in conjunction with test_prefixlib.test_add_to_module """

pl = PrefixLibrary("""
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prv: <>
PREFIX pv: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX gw: <http://genewiki.shape/>""")


def sample(name: str) -> URIRef:
    return PROV[name]

pl.add_rdf('@prefix XSD: <> .')

pl.add_to_object(sys.modules[__name__], override=True)

def rdf(name: str) -> URIRef:
    return XSD[name]