Beispiel #1
def test_SHRotations():
    # ---- input parameters ----
    lmax = 3
    alpha, beta, gamma = 20.0, 90.0, 90.0

    # ---- derived parameters ----
    mask = np.zeros((2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1), dtype=np.bool)
    for l in np.arange(lmax + 1):
        mask[:, l, : l + 1] = True
    mask[1, :, 0] = False

    angles = np.radians([alpha, beta, gamma])

    print "\n---- testing djpi2 ----"
    print "computing rotation matrix for Euler angles: ({:2.2f},{:2.2f},{:2.2f})".format(alpha, beta, gamma)
    dj_matrix = shtools.djpi2(lmax)

    print "\n---- testing SHRotateRealCoef ----"
    print "generating normal distributed complex coefficients with variance 1..."
    rcoeffs = np.random.normal(size=2 * (lmax + 1) * (lmax + 1)).reshape(2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)
    rcoeffs[np.invert(mask)] = 0.0
    rcoeffs_rot = shtools.SHRotateRealCoef(rcoeffs, angles, dj_matrix)
    print rcoeffs_rot

    print "\n---- testing SHRotateCoef ----"
    print "generating normal distributed complex coefficients with variance 1..."
    ccoeffs = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2))
    ccoeffs = ccoeffs.reshape(2, (lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2) / 2)
    ccoeffs_rot = shtools.SHRotateCoef(angles, ccoeffs, dj_matrix)
    print ccoeffs_rot
Beispiel #2
 def rotateHarmonics(self, harmonics, thetaZ0, thetaY, thetaZ1, maxL=None):
     if maxL is None:
         maxL = self.maxL
     rotMatrix = psh.djpi2(maxL)
     rotHarm = psh.SHRotateRealCoef(harmonics,
                                    np.array([-thetaZ1, -thetaY, -thetaZ0]),
     return rotHarm
def SHRotations(coeff):

    #---- input parameters ----#
    lmax = 8  #order of the SH
    alpha, beta, gamma = 159., 80., 145.  #angles for rotation

    #--derived parameters --#
    angles = np.radians([alpha, beta, gamma])
    dj_matrix = shtools.djpi2(lmax)

    return shtools.SHRotateRealCoef(coeff, angles, dj_matrix)
Beispiel #4
def main():
    edgeLen = 2 * radPixels + 1
    rMax = float(radPixels)
    transformer = SHTransformer(edgeLen, maxL)

    # baseName = 'block'
    # vId = 5619494
    baseName = 'synth'
    vId = 0
    yamlDict = parseBlock(vId, edgeLen, baseName=baseName)

    sampler = BlockSampler(yamlDict)
    byteCube = sampler.sample(None)
    assert byteCube.shape == (edgeLen, edgeLen, edgeLen), 'wrong size cube'
    doubleCube = np.require(byteCube, dtype=np.double, requirements=['C'])

    zMat = np.outer(np.cos(transformer.thetaglq),
    xMat = np.outer(np.sin(transformer.thetaglq), np.cos(transformer.phiglq))
    yMat = np.outer(np.sin(transformer.thetaglq), np.sin(transformer.phiglq))
    edgeMat = np.zeros((len(transformer.thetaglq), len(transformer.phiglq)),
    for edge in yamlDict['edges']:
        cosMat = (xMat * edge[0]) + (yMat * edge[1]) + (zMat * edge[2])
        edgeMat += np.power(cosMat, 20.0)

    samples = transformer.calcSphereOfSamples(doubleCube, rMax)
    harmonics = transformer.calcHarmonics(doubleCube, rMax)
    unRotReconSamples = transformer.reconstructSamples(harmonics)
    rotMatrix = psh.djpi2(maxL)
    thetaZ0, thetaY, thetaZ1 = yamlDict['eulerZYZ']
    rotClim = psh.SHRotateRealCoef(harmonics,
                                   np.array([-thetaZ1, -thetaY, -thetaZ0]),
    reconHarm = transformer.reconstructSamples(rotClim)

    edgeHarm = psh.SHExpandGLQ(edgeMat, transformer.weights, transformer.nodes)
    rotEdgeHarm = psh.SHRotateRealCoef(edgeHarm,
                                       np.array([-thetaZ1, -thetaY, -thetaZ0]),
    rotEdge = transformer.reconstructSamples(rotEdgeHarm)

               transformer.phiglq, {
                   'samples': samples.transpose(),
                   'unrotated': unRotReconSamples.transpose(),
                   'rotated': reconHarm.transpose(),
                   'unrotEdges': edgeMat.transpose(),
                   'rotEdges': rotEdge.transpose()
               fname="%s_%d_spheres.vtk" % (baseName, vId))
Beispiel #5
weights = numpy.ones(stacks[0].shape)

for j in range(0, weights.shape[0]):
    angle = j * (180.0 / float(weights.shape[0])) * numpy.pi / 180.0
    weights[j, :] *= -2 * numpy.pi * (numpy.cos(angle + (180.0 / float(weights.shape[0])) * numpy.pi / 180.0) - numpy.cos(angle))#numpy.max(histogram[i, :])

#weights /= sum(weights.flatten())

hist, bins, patches = plt.hist(stacks[0].flatten(), weights = weights.flatten(), bins = 250)
#bincenters = 0.5 * (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]), hist, align='center')
dj = pyshtools.djpi2(90)
thetas, phis, Ntheta, Nphi = pyshtools.GLQGridCoord(histogram.shape[0] - 1)
phis = numpy.linspace(0, 360, histogram.shape[1], endpoint = False)

thetas, phis = numpy.meshgrid(90 - thetas, phis, indexing = 'ij')

xs = numpy.sin(numpy.pi * thetas / 180.0) * numpy.cos(numpy.pi * phis / 180.0)
ys = numpy.sin(numpy.pi * thetas / 180.0) * numpy.sin(numpy.pi * phis / 180.0)
zs = numpy.cos(numpy.pi * thetas / 180.0)

#ys = numpy.sin(numpy.pi * thetas / 180.0)
#zs = numpy.cos(numpy.pi * thetas / 180.0)

xx = pyshtools.SHExpandDH(ys * ys + zs * zs, sampling = 2)
yy = pyshtools.SHExpandDH(xs * xs + zs * zs, sampling = 2)