azimuth_range = dp['test_obj_azimuth_range']
        elev_range = dp['test_obj_elev_range']
        min_n_views = 200
        clip_near = 10  # [mm]
        clip_far = 10000  # [mm]
        ambient_weight = 0.8  # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
        shading = 'phong'  # 'flat', 'phong'

        # Load model
        model_path = dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id)
        model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

        # Load model texture
        if dp['model_texture_mpath']:
            model_texture_path = dp['model_texture_mpath'].format(obj_id)
            model_texture = inout.load_im(model_texture_path)
            model_texture = None

        # prepare renderer rather than rebuilding every time

        texture = model_texture
        surf_color = None
        mode = 'rgb+depth'
        K = dp['cam']['K']

        assert ({'pts', 'faces'}.issubset(set(model.keys())))
        # Set texture / color of vertices
        if texture is not None:
            if texture.max() > 1.0:
    t_model = bbox_cens[obj_id - 1, :].reshape((3, 1))
    R_model = transform.rotation_matrix(math.pi, [0, 1, 0])[:3, :3]

    # Extra rotation around Z axis by pi for some models
    if hinter_flip.obj_flip_z[obj_id]:
        R_z = transform.rotation_matrix(math.pi, [0, 0, 1])[:3, :3]
        R_model =

    R_model_inv = np.linalg.inv(R_model)

    for im_id in im_ids:
        if im_id % 10 == 0:
            print('scene,view: ' + str(scene_id) + ',' + str(im_id))

        # Load the RGB and depth image
        rgb = inout.load_im(rgb_in_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = load_hinter_depth(depth_in_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))

        depth *= 10.0  # Convert depth map to [100um]

        # Save the RGB and depth image
        inout.save_im(rgb_out_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id), rgb)
        inout.save_depth(depth_out_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id), depth)

        # Load the GT pose
        R_m2c = load_hinter_mat(rot_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))
        t_m2c = load_hinter_mat(tra_mpath.format(scene_id, im_id))
        t_m2c *= 10  # Convert to [mm]

        # Transfom the GT pose (to compensate transformation of the models)
        R_m2c =
Beispiel #3
        # Load the GT pose
        pose = load_gt_pose_brachmann(pose_mpath.format(obj_name, im_id))
        if pose['R'].size != 0 and pose['t'].size != 0:

            # Transfom the GT pose
            R_m2c = pose['R'].dot(R_conv)
            t_m2c = pose['t'] * 1000  # from [m] to [mm]

            # Get 2D bounding box of the object model at the ground truth pose
            obj_bb = misc.calc_pose_2d_bbox(model, par['cam']['im_size'],
                                            par['cam']['K'], R_m2c, t_m2c)

            # Visualisation
            if False:
                rgb = inout.load_im(rgb_mpath.format(im_id, im_id))
                ren_rgb = renderer.render(model,
                vis_rgb = 0.4 * rgb.astype(np.float32) + 0.6 * ren_rgb.astype(
                vis_rgb = vis_rgb.astype(np.uint8)
                vis_rgb = misc.draw_rect(vis_rgb, obj_bb)

            scene_gt.setdefault(im_id, []).append({
Beispiel #4
    # Load models of objects that appear in the current scene
    obj_ids = set([gt['obj_id'] for gts in scene_gt.values() for gt in gts])
    models = {}
    for obj_id in obj_ids:
        models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(par['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Visualize GT poses in the selected images
    im_ids_curr = sorted(scene_info.keys())
    if im_ids:
        im_ids_curr = set(im_ids_curr).intersection(im_ids)
    for im_id in im_ids_curr:
        print('scene: {}, im: {}'.format(scene_id, im_id))

        # Load the images
        rgb = inout.load_im(par['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = inout.load_depth(par['test_depth_mpath'].format(
            scene_id, im_id))
        depth = depth.astype(np.float32)  # [mm]
        depth *= par['cam']['depth_scale']  # to [mm]

        # Render the objects at the ground truth poses
        im_size = (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0])
        ren_rgb = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.float32)
        ren_rgb_info = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.uint8)
        ren_depth = np.zeros(depth.shape, np.float32)

        gt_ids_curr = range(len(scene_gt[im_id]))
        if gt_ids:
            gt_ids_curr = set(gt_ids_curr).intersection(gt_ids)
        for gt_id in gt_ids_curr:
im_size_rgb = [int(round(x * float(ssaa_fact))) for x in par['cam']['im_size']]
K_rgb = par['cam']['K'] * ssaa_fact

for obj_id in obj_ids:
    # Prepare folders
    misc.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, 0)))
    misc.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, 0)))

    # Load model
    model_path = par['model_mpath'].format(obj_id)
    model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

    # Load model texture
    if par['model_texture_mpath']:
        model_texture_path = par['model_texture_mpath'].format(obj_id)
        model_texture = inout.load_im(model_texture_path)
        model_texture = None

    obj_info = {}
    obj_gt = {}
    im_id = 0
    for radius in radii:
        # Sample views
        views, views_level = view_sampler.sample_views(min_n_views, radius,
                                                       azimuth_range, elev_range)
        print('Sampled views: ' + str(len(views)))
                              views, views_level)

        # Render the object model from all the views
    # Considered subset of images for the current scene
    if im_ids_sets is not None:
        im_ids_curr = im_ids_sets[scene_id]
        im_ids_curr = sorted(scene_info.keys())

    if im_ids:
        im_ids_curr = set(im_ids_curr).intersection(im_ids)

    for im_id in im_ids_curr:
        print('scene: {}, im: {}'.format(scene_id, im_id))

        K = scene_info[im_id]['cam_K']
        render_K = K
        # Load the images
        rgb = inout.load_im(dp['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = inout.load_depth(dp['test_depth_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id))
        depth = depth.astype(np.uint16)  # [mm]
        # depth *= dp['cam']['depth_scale']  # to [mm]
        im_size = (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0])

        match_ids = list()
        start_time = time.time()

        # result = cxx_3d_seg.convex_cloud_seg(rgb, depth, K.astype(np.float32))
        result = cxx_3d_seg_pybind.convex_cloud_seg(rgb, depth, K.astype(np.float32))
        indices = result.getIndices()
        cloud = result.getCloud()
        normal = result.getNormal()
Beispiel #7
            if res_id % 10 == 0:
                print('Processing: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                    method, dataset, test_type, scene_id, im_id, obj_id))

            # Colors
            if vis_orig_color:
                color = (1, 1, 1)
                color = tuple(colors[(obj_id - 1) % len(colors)])
            color_uint8 = tuple([int(255 * c) for c in color])

            # Load the RGB-D image
            im_size = None
            if vis_rgb:
                rgb_path = dp['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id)
                rgb = inout.load_im(rgb_path)
                ren_rgb = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.float32)
                ren_rgb_info = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.uint8)
                im_size = (rgb.shape[1], rgb.shape[0])

            if vis_depth:
                depth_path = dp['test_depth_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id)
                depth = inout.load_depth(depth_path)
                depth *= dp['cam']['depth_scale'] # to [mm]
                if im_size:
                    assert(im_size == (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0]))
                    im_size = (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0])

            if vis_depth or (vis_rgb and vis_rgb_resolve_visib):
                ren_depth = np.zeros((im_size[1], im_size[0]), np.float32)
Beispiel #8
        azimuth_range = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        elev_range = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)
        min_n_views = 100
        clip_near = 10  # [mm]
        clip_far = 10000  # [mm]
        ambient_weight = 0.8  # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
        shading = 'phong'  # 'flat', 'phong'

        # Load model
        model_path = dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id)
        model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

        # Load model texture
        if dp['model_texture_mpath']:
            model_texture_path = dp['model_texture_mpath'].format(obj_id)
            model_texture = inout.load_im(model_texture_path)
            model_texture = None

        for radius in radii:
            # Sample views
            views, views_level = view_sampler.sample_views(min_n_views, radius,
                                                           azimuth_range, elev_range,
                                                           tilt_range=(-math.pi/2, math.pi/2), tilt_step=0.2*math.pi)
            print('Sampled views: ' + str(len(views)))

            # Render the object model from all the views
            for view_id, view in enumerate(views):
                if view_id % 10 == 0:
                    print('obj,radius,view: ' + str(obj_id) +
                          ',' + str(radius) + ',' + str(view_id))
Beispiel #9
            if res_id % 10 == 0:
                print('Processing: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                    method, dataset, test_type, scene_id, im_id, obj_id))

            # Colors
            if vis_orig_color:
                color = (1, 1, 1)
                color = tuple(colors[(obj_id - 1) % len(colors)])
            color_uint8 = tuple([int(255 * c) for c in color])

            # Load the RGB-D image
            im_size = None
            if vis_rgb:
                rgb_path = dp['test_rgb_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id)
                rgb = inout.load_im(rgb_path)
                ren_rgb = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.float32)
                ren_rgb_info = np.zeros(rgb.shape, np.uint8)
                im_size = (rgb.shape[1], rgb.shape[0])

            if vis_depth:
                depth_path = dp['test_depth_mpath'].format(scene_id, im_id)
                depth = inout.load_depth(depth_path)
                depth *= dp['cam']['depth_scale'] # to [mm]
                if im_size:
                    assert(im_size == (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0]))
                    im_size = (depth.shape[1], depth.shape[0])

            if vis_depth or (vis_rgb and vis_rgb_resolve_visib):
                ren_depth = np.zeros((im_size[1], im_size[0]), np.float32)
Beispiel #10
im_size_rgb = [int(round(x * float(ssaa_fact))) for x in par['cam']['im_size']]
K_rgb = par['cam']['K'] * ssaa_fact

for obj_id in obj_ids:
    # Prepare folders
    misc.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, 0)))
    misc.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, 0)))

    # Load model
    model_path = par['model_mpath'].format(obj_id)
    model = inout.load_ply(model_path)

    # Load model texture
    if par['model_texture_mpath']:
        model_texture_path = par['model_texture_mpath'].format(obj_id)
        model_texture = inout.load_im(model_texture_path)
        model_texture = None

    obj_info = {}
    obj_gt = {}
    im_id = 0
    for radius in radii:
        # Sample views
        views, views_level = view_sampler.sample_views(min_n_views, radius,
                                                       azimuth_range, elev_range)
        print('Sampled views: ' + str(len(views)))
                              views, views_level)

        # Render the object model from all the views