Beispiel #1
def datetime2mjd_tdb(date, obsvr_long, obsvr_lat, obsvr_hgt, dbg=False):
    auinkm = 149597870.691
# Compute MJD_UTC from passed datetime
    mjd_utc = datetime2mjd_utc(date)
    if mjd_utc == None: return None

# Compute MJD_TT
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc2mjd_tt(mjd_utc, dbg)

# Compute TT->TDB

# Convert geodetic position to geocentric distance from spin axis (r) and from 
# equatorial plane (z)
    (r, z) = S.sla_geoc(obsvr_lat, obsvr_hgt)

    ut1 = compute_ut1(mjd_utc, dbg)
    if dbg: print "UT1=", ut1

# Compute relativistic clock correction TDB->TT    
    tdb_tt = S.sla_rcc(mjd_tt, ut1, -obsvr_long, r*auinkm, z*auinkm)
    if dbg: print "(TDB-TT)=", tdb_tt
    if dbg: print "(CT-UT)=", S.sla_dtt(mjd_utc)+tdb_tt

    mjd_tdb = mjd_tt + (tdb_tt/86400.0)
    return mjd_tdb
Beispiel #2
def datetime2mjd_tdb(date, obsvr_long, obsvr_lat, obsvr_hgt, dbg=False):

    auinkm = 149597870.691
    # Compute MJD_UTC from passed datetime
    mjd_utc = datetime2mjd_utc(date)
    if mjd_utc is None:
        return None

# Compute MJD_TT
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc2mjd_tt(mjd_utc, dbg)

    # Compute TT->TDB

    # Convert geodetic position to geocentric distance from spin axis (r) and from
    # equatorial plane (z)
    (r, z) = S.sla_geoc(obsvr_lat, obsvr_hgt)

    ut1 = compute_ut1(mjd_utc, dbg)
    if dbg:
        print("UT1=", ut1)

# Compute relativistic clock correction TDB->TT
    tdb_tt = S.sla_rcc(mjd_tt, ut1, -obsvr_long, r * auinkm, z * auinkm)
    if dbg:
        print("(TDB-TT)=", tdb_tt)
    if dbg:
        print("(CT-UT)=", S.sla_dtt(mjd_utc) + tdb_tt)

    mjd_tdb = mjd_tt + (tdb_tt / 86400.0)

    return mjd_tdb
def mjd_utc_to_mjd_tt(mjd_utc, dbg=False):
    """Converts a MJD in UTC (MJD_UTC) to a MJD in TT (Terrestial Time) which is
    needed for any position/ephemeris-based calculations.UTC
    UTC->TT consists of: UTC->TAI = 10s offset + 24 leapseconds (last one 2009 Jan 1.)
    TAI->TT  = 32.184s fixed offset"""

    tt_utc = slalib.sla_dtt(mjd_utc)
    if dbg: print 'TT-UTC(s)=', tt_utc

    mjd_tt = mjd_utc + (tt_utc/86400.0)
    if dbg: print 'MJD(TT)  =  ', mjd_tt

    return mjd_tt
Beispiel #4
def mjd_utc2mjd_tt(mjd_utc, dbg=False):
    '''Converts a MJD in UTC (MJD_UTC) to a MJD in TT (Terrestial Time) which is
    needed for any position/ephemeris-based calculations.
    UTC->TT consists of: UTC->TAI = 10s offset + 24 leapseconds (last one 2009 Jan 1.)
    	    	    	 TAI->TT  = 32.184s fixed offset'''
    # UTC->TT offset
    tt_utc = S.sla_dtt(mjd_utc)
    if dbg: print('TT-UTC(s)=', tt_utc)

    # Correct MJD to MJD(TT)
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc + (tt_utc / 86400.0)
    if dbg: print('MJD(TT)  =  ', mjd_tt)

    return mjd_tt
Beispiel #5
def ut_mjd_to_tdb(ut_mjd):
    tdb = ut_mjd + (sla.sla_dtt(ut_mjd) / 86400)

    return tdb
Beispiel #6
def calc_tabular_interval(m, tdb):
    '''Find n, the tabular interval (Ast.Alg., p.99).'''
    return m + (sla.sla_dtt(tdb) / 86400)
Beispiel #7
#    ra.append(math.degrees(r1))
#    dec.append(math.degrees(d1))
#with open("slalib_hip_map.txt", "w") as f:
#    f.write("# Apparent RA DEC for J2000.0 in degrees.\n")
#    for r, d in zip(ra, dec):
#        s =  "%14.9f %14.9f\n"
#        f.write(s % (r, d))

# sla_aop
# Convert apparent to observed place.
tab['pma'] = np.radians(tab['pma'] / 3600.0) / 100.0
tab['pmd'] = np.radians(tab['pmd'] / 3600.0) / 100.0

utc = slalib.sla_caldj(2010, 1, 1)[0]
tt = slalib.sla_dtt(utc) / 86400.0 + utc
dut = 1.4823561643834426  # from TPM.

aob = np.zeros((len(tab['raj2']), ), dtype=np.float64)
zob = aob.copy()
hob = aob.copy()
dob = aob.copy()
rob = aob.copy()
lon = np.radians(-111.598333)
lat = np.radians(31.956389)

for j, i in enumerate(tab):
    r1, d1 = slalib.sla_map(i['raj2'], i['decj2'], i['pma'], i['pmd'], i['px'],
                            0.0, 2000.0, tt)
    aob[j], zob[j], hob[j], dob[j], rob[j] = \
        slalib.sla_aop(r1, d1, utc, dut, lon, lat, 2093.093, 0.0, 0.0,
Beispiel #8
    def _convert_coordinates(self, lat, long, ra_ref, dec_ref, date, time):
        """ Accurate conversion from equatorial coordiantes (RA, DEC) to Spherical (TH,PH) coordinates.
        The code uses the pyslalib library for a number of functions from the SLALIB Fortran library converted to Python.
        :param lat: latitude (decimal degrees)
        :param long: longitude (decimal degrees)
        :param ra_ref: RA(J2000) (decimal hours)
        :param dec_ref: Dec(J2000) (decimal degrees)
        :param date: vector date [iyear, imonth, iday]
        :param time: vector time [ihour imin isec]
        :return: [theta, pi]: Theta and Phi angles (degrees)

        const_2pi = 2.0 * math.pi
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        r2d = 180 / math.pi

        # Conversion factor seconds of time to days
        const_st2day = 1.0/(24 * 3600)

        # Specify latitude and longitude (radians)
        lat *= d2r
        long *= d2r

        # Specify catalogued position (J2000 coordinates, radians)
        ra_ref = ra_ref * 15 * d2r
        dec_ref *= d2r

        # Specify current time and date %
        isec   = time[2]
        imin   = time[1]
        ihour  = time[0]
        iday   = date[2]
        imonth = date[1]
        iyear  = date[0]

        # Convert current UTC to Modified Julian date
        djm, j1   = slalib.sla_cldj(iyear, imonth, iday)
        fdutc, j2 = slalib.sla_dtf2d(ihour, imin, isec)
        djutc     = djm + fdutc

        # Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time from MJD
        gmst1 = slalib.sla_gmst(djutc)

        # Add longitude and Equation of Equinoxes for Local Apparent ST
        djtt = djutc + slalib.sla_dtt(djutc)*const_st2day
        last = gmst1 + long + slalib.sla_eqeqx(djtt)
        if last < 0.0:
            last += const_2pi

        # Convert catalogued position to apparent RA, Dec at current date
        pr = 0.e0
        pd = 0.e0
        px = 0.e0
        rv = 0.e0
        eq = 2000.0e0
        [raobs, decobs] = slalib.sla_map(ra_ref, dec_ref, pr, pd, px, rv, eq, djutc)

        # Get Hour Angle and Declination
        ha = last - raobs
        if ha < -math.pi:
            ha += const_2pi

        if ha > math.pi:
            ha -= const_2pi
        dec = decobs

        # Convert to Azimuth and Elevation
        azim, elev = slalib.sla_de2h(ha, dec, lat)

        theta = (90 - elev * r2d).real
        phi = (azim * r2d).real

        return [theta, phi]