Beispiel #1
    def _is_monotonic_decreasing(self) -> Series:
        window = Window.orderBy(NATURAL_ORDER_COLUMN_NAME).rowsBetween(-1, -1)

        cond = SF.lit(True)
        has_not_null = SF.lit(True)
        for scol in self._internal.index_spark_columns[::-1]:
            data_type = self._internal.spark_type_for(scol)
            prev = F.lag(scol, 1).over(window)
            compare = MultiIndex._comparator_for_monotonic_increasing(data_type)
            # Since pandas 1.1.4, null value is not allowed at any levels of MultiIndex.
            # Therefore, we should check `has_not_null` over the all levels.
            has_not_null = has_not_null & scol.isNotNull()
            cond = F.when(scol.eqNullSafe(prev), cond).otherwise(compare(scol, prev, Column.__lt__))

        cond = has_not_null & (prev.isNull() | cond)

        cond_name = verify_temp_column_name(

        sdf =
            self._internal.index_spark_columns + [cond.alias(cond_name)]

        internal = InternalFrame(
                scol_for(sdf, col) for col in self._internal.index_spark_column_names

        return first_series(DataFrame(internal))
Beispiel #2
    def indexer_between_time(
        start_time: Union[datetime.time, str],
        end_time: Union[datetime.time, str],
        include_start: bool = True,
        include_end: bool = True,
    ) -> Index:
        Return index locations of values between particular times of day
        (example: 9:00-9:30AM).

        start_time, end_time : datetime.time, str
            Time passed either as object (datetime.time) or as string in
            appropriate format ("%H:%M", "%H%M", "%I:%M%p", "%I%M%p",
            "%H:%M:%S", "%H%M%S", "%I:%M:%S%p","%I%M%S%p").
        include_start : bool, default True
        include_end : bool, default True

        values_between_time : Index of integers

        >>> psidx = ps.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=3, freq="T")
        >>> psidx  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 00:01:00',
                       '2000-01-01 00:02:00'],
                      dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

        >>> psidx.indexer_between_time("00:01", "00:02").sort_values()
        Int64Index([1, 2], dtype='int64')

        >>> psidx.indexer_between_time("00:01", "00:02", include_end=False)
        Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')

        >>> psidx.indexer_between_time("00:01", "00:02", include_start=False)
        Int64Index([2], dtype='int64')
        def pandas_between_time(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int]:
            return pdf.between_time(start_time, end_time, include_start,

        psdf = self.to_frame()[[]]
        id_column_name = verify_temp_column_name(psdf, "__id_column__")
        psdf = psdf.pandas_on_spark.attach_id_column("distributed-sequence",
        with ps.option_context("compute.default_index_type", "distributed"):
            # The attached index in the statement below will be dropped soon,
            # so we enforce “distributed” default index type
            psdf = psdf.pandas_on_spark.apply_batch(pandas_between_time)
        return ps.Index(first_series(psdf).rename(
Beispiel #3
    def indexer_at_time(self,
                        time: Union[datetime.time, str],
                        asof: bool = False) -> Index:
        Return index locations of values at particular time of day
        (example: 9:30AM).

        time : datetime.time or str
            Time passed in either as object (datetime.time) or as string in
            appropriate format ("%H:%M", "%H%M", "%I:%M%p", "%I%M%p",
            "%H:%M:%S", "%H%M%S", "%I:%M:%S%p", "%I%M%S%p").

        values_at_time : Index of integers

        >>> psidx = ps.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=3, freq="T")
        >>> psidx  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 00:01:00',
                       '2000-01-01 00:02:00'],
                      dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

        >>> psidx.indexer_at_time("00:00")
        Int64Index([0], dtype='int64')

        >>> psidx.indexer_at_time("00:01")
        Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')
        if asof:
            raise NotImplementedError("'asof' argument is not supported")

        def pandas_at_time(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int]:
            return pdf.at_time(time, asof)

        psdf = self.to_frame()[[]]
        id_column_name = verify_temp_column_name(psdf, "__id_column__")
        psdf = psdf.pandas_on_spark.attach_id_column("distributed-sequence",
        with ps.option_context("compute.default_index_type", "distributed"):
            # The attached index in the statement below will be dropped soon,
            # so we enforce “distributed” default index type
            psdf = psdf.pandas_on_spark.apply_batch(pandas_at_time)
        return ps.Index(first_series(psdf).rename(
Beispiel #4
    def transform_batch(
        self, func: Callable[..., Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> DataFrameOrSeries:
        Transform chunks with a function that takes pandas DataFrame and outputs pandas DataFrame.
        The pandas DataFrame given to the function is of a batch used internally. The length of
        each input and output should be the same.

        See also `Transform and apply a function

        .. note:: the `func` is unable to access to the whole input frame. pandas-on-Spark
            internally splits the input series into multiple batches and calls `func` with each
            batch multiple times. Therefore, operations such as global aggregations are impossible.
            See the example below.

            >>> # This case does not return the length of whole frame but of the batch internally
            ... # used.
            ... def length(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int]:
            ...     return pd.DataFrame([len(pdf)] * len(pdf))
            >>> df = ps.DataFrame({'A': range(1000)})
            >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(length)  # doctest: +SKIP
            0   83
            1   83
            2   83

        .. note:: this API executes the function once to infer the type which is
            potentially expensive, for instance, when the dataset is created after
            aggregations or sorting.

            To avoid this, specify return type in ``func``, for instance, as below:

            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame[int, [float, float]]:
            ...     return x + 1

            If the return type is specified, the output column names become
            `c0, c1, c2 ... cn`. These names are positionally mapped to the returned
            DataFrame in ``func``.

            To specify the column names, you can assign them in a NumPy compound type style
            as below:

            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame[("index", int), [("a", float), ("b", float)]]:
            ...     return x + 1

            >>> pdf = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4, 5]})
            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame[
            ...         (, pdf.index.dtype), zip(pdf.dtypes, pdf.columns)]:
            ...     return x + 1

        func : function
            Function to transform each pandas frame.
            Positional arguments to pass to func.
            Keyword arguments to pass to func.

        DataFrame or Series

        See Also
        DataFrame.pandas_on_spark.apply_batch: For row/columnwise operations.
        Series.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch: transform the search as each pandas chunks.

        >>> df = ps.DataFrame([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], columns=['A', 'B'])
        >>> df
           A  B
        0  1  2
        1  3  4
        2  5  6

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int, [int, int]]:
        ...     return pdf + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)
           c0  c1
        0   2   3
        1   4   5
        2   6   7

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[("index", int), [('A', int), ('B', int)]]:
        ...     return pdf + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
               A  B
        0      2  3
        1      4  5
        2      6  7

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.Series[int]:
        ...     return pdf.B + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)
        0    3
        1    5
        2    7
        dtype: int64

        You can also omit the type hints so pandas-on-Spark infers the return schema as below:

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf: pdf + 1)
           A  B
        0  2  3
        1  4  5
        2  6  7

        >>> (df * -1).pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(abs)
           A  B
        0  1  2
        1  3  4
        2  5  6

        Note that you should not transform the index. The index information will not change.

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf: pdf.B + 1)
        0    3
        1    5
        2    7
        Name: B, dtype: int64

        You can also specify extra arguments as below.

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf, a, b, c: pdf.B + a + b + c, 1, 2, c=3)
        0     8
        1    10
        2    12
        Name: B, dtype: int64
        from pyspark.pandas.groupby import GroupBy
        from pyspark.pandas.frame import DataFrame
        from pyspark.pandas.series import first_series
        from pyspark import pandas as ps

        assert callable(func), "the first argument should be a callable function."
        spec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
        return_sig = spec.annotations.get("return", None)
        should_infer_schema = return_sig is None
        should_retain_index = should_infer_schema
        original_func = func
        func = lambda o: original_func(o, *args, **kwargs)

        def apply_func(pdf: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
            return func(pdf).to_frame()

        def pandas_series_func(
            f: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame], return_type: DataType
        ) -> "UserDefinedFunctionLike":
            ff = f

            @pandas_udf(returnType=return_type)  # type: ignore[call-overload]
            def udf(pdf: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
                return first_series(ff(pdf))

            return udf

        if should_infer_schema:
            # Here we execute with the first 1000 to get the return type.
            # If the records were less than 1000, it uses pandas API directly for a shortcut.
                "If the type hints is not specified for `transform_batch`, "
                "it is expensive to infer the data type internally."
            limit = ps.get_option("compute.shortcut_limit")
            pdf = self._psdf.head(limit + 1)._to_internal_pandas()
            transformed = func(pdf)
            if not isinstance(transformed, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The given function should return a frame; however, "
                    "the return type was %s." % type(transformed)
            if len(transformed) != len(pdf):
                raise ValueError("transform_batch cannot produce aggregated results")
            psdf_or_psser = ps.from_pandas(transformed)

            if isinstance(psdf_or_psser, ps.Series):
                psser = cast(ps.Series, psdf_or_psser)

                field = psser._internal.data_fields[0].normalize_spark_type()

                return_schema = StructType([field.struct_field])
                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self._psdf, apply_func, return_schema, retain_index=False

                pudf = pandas_series_func(output_func, return_type=field.spark_type)
                columns = self._psdf._internal.spark_columns
                # TODO: Index will be lost in this case.
                internal = self._psdf._internal.copy(
                return first_series(DataFrame(internal))
                psdf = cast(DataFrame, psdf_or_psser)
                if len(pdf) <= limit:
                    # only do the short cut when it returns a frame to avoid
                    # operations on different dataframes in case of series.
                    return psdf

                index_fields = [
                    field.normalize_spark_type() for field in psdf._internal.index_fields
                data_fields = [field.normalize_spark_type() for field in psdf._internal.data_fields]

                return_schema = StructType(
                    [field.struct_field for field in index_fields + data_fields]

                self_applied: DataFrame = DataFrame(self._psdf._internal.resolved_copy)

                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self_applied, func, return_schema, retain_index=True  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                columns = self_applied._internal.spark_columns

                pudf = pandas_udf(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                    output_func, returnType=return_schema
                temp_struct_column = verify_temp_column_name(
                    self_applied._internal.spark_frame, "__temp_struct__"
                applied = pudf(F.struct(*columns)).alias(temp_struct_column)
                sdf =
                sdf = sdf.selectExpr("%s.*" % temp_struct_column)

                return DataFrame(
                        spark_frame=sdf, index_fields=index_fields, data_fields=data_fields
            return_type = infer_return_type(original_func)
            is_return_series = isinstance(return_type, SeriesType)
            is_return_dataframe = isinstance(return_type, DataFrameType)
            if not is_return_dataframe and not is_return_series:
                raise TypeError(
                    "The given function should specify a frame or series as its type "
                    "hints; however, the return type was %s." % return_sig
            if is_return_series:
                field = InternalField(
                    dtype=cast(SeriesType, return_type).dtype,
                        dataType=cast(SeriesType, return_type).spark_type,

                return_schema = StructType([field.struct_field])
                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self._psdf, apply_func, return_schema, retain_index=False

                pudf = pandas_series_func(output_func, return_type=field.spark_type)
                columns = self._psdf._internal.spark_columns
                internal = self._psdf._internal.copy(
                return first_series(DataFrame(internal))
                index_fields = cast(DataFrameType, return_type).index_fields
                index_fields = [index_field.normalize_spark_type() for index_field in index_fields]
                data_fields = [
                    for field in cast(DataFrameType, return_type).data_fields
                normalized_fields = index_fields + data_fields
                return_schema = StructType([field.struct_field for field in normalized_fields])
                should_retain_index = len(index_fields) > 0

                self_applied = DataFrame(self._psdf._internal.resolved_copy)

                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self_applied, func, return_schema, retain_index=should_retain_index  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                columns = self_applied._internal.spark_columns

                pudf = pandas_udf(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                    output_func, returnType=return_schema
                temp_struct_column = verify_temp_column_name(
                    self_applied._internal.spark_frame, "__temp_struct__"
                applied = pudf(F.struct(*columns)).alias(temp_struct_column)
                sdf =
                sdf = sdf.selectExpr("%s.*" % temp_struct_column)

                index_spark_columns = None
                index_names: Optional[List[Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]]]] = None

                if should_retain_index:
                    index_spark_columns = [
                        scol_for(sdf, for index_field in index_fields

                    if not any(
                            for index_field in index_fields
                        index_names = [
                            (,) for index_field in index_fields
                internal = InternalFrame(
                return DataFrame(internal)
Beispiel #5
    def transform_batch(self, func, *args, **kwargs) -> Union["DataFrame", "Series"]:
        Transform chunks with a function that takes pandas DataFrame and outputs pandas DataFrame.
        The pandas DataFrame given to the function is of a batch used internally. The length of
        each input and output should be the same.

        See also `Transform and apply a function

        .. note:: the `func` is unable to access to the whole input frame. pandas-on-Spark
            internally splits the input series into multiple batches and calls `func` with each
            batch multiple times. Therefore, operations such as global aggregations are impossible.
            See the example below.

            >>> # This case does not return the length of whole frame but of the batch internally
            ... # used.
            ... def length(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int]:
            ...     return pd.DataFrame([len(pdf)] * len(pdf))
            >>> df = ps.DataFrame({'A': range(1000)})
            >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(length)  # doctest: +SKIP
            0   83
            1   83
            2   83

        .. note:: this API executes the function once to infer the type which is
            potentially expensive, for instance, when the dataset is created after
            aggregations or sorting.

            To avoid this, specify return type in ``func``, for instance, as below:

            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame[float, float]:
            ...     return x + 1

            If the return type is specified, the output column names become
            `c0, c1, c2 ... cn`. These names are positionally mapped to the returned
            DataFrame in ``func``.

            To specify the column names, you can assign them in a pandas friendly style as below:

            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame['a': float, 'b': float]:
            ...     return x + 1

            >>> pdf = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4, 5]})
            >>> def plus_one(x) -> ps.DataFrame[zip(pdf.dtypes, pdf.columns)]:
            ...     return x + 1

            When the given function returns DataFrame and has the return type annotated, the
            original index of the DataFrame will be lost and then a default index will be attached
            to the result. Please be careful about configuring the default index. See also
            `Default Index Type

        func : function
            Function to transform each pandas frame.
            Positional arguments to pass to func.
            Keyword arguments to pass to func.

        DataFrame or Series

        See Also
        DataFrame.pandas_on_spark.apply_batch: For row/columnwise operations.
        Series.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch: transform the search as each pandas chunks.

        >>> df = ps.DataFrame([(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)], columns=['A', 'B'])
        >>> df
           A  B
        0  1  2
        1  3  4
        2  5  6

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame[int, int]:
        ...     return pdf + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)
           c0  c1
        0   2   3
        1   4   5
        2   6   7

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.DataFrame['A': int, 'B': int]:
        ...     return pdf + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)
           A  B
        0  2  3
        1  4  5
        2  6  7

        >>> def plus_one_func(pdf) -> ps.Series[int]:
        ...     return pdf.B + 1
        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(plus_one_func)
        0    3
        1    5
        2    7
        dtype: int64

        You can also omit the type hints so pandas-on-Spark infers the return schema as below:

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf: pdf + 1)
           A  B
        0  2  3
        1  4  5
        2  6  7

        >>> (df * -1).pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(abs)
           A  B
        0  1  2
        1  3  4
        2  5  6

        Note that you should not transform the index. The index information will not change.

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf: pdf.B + 1)
        0    3
        1    5
        2    7
        Name: B, dtype: int64

        You can also specify extra arguments as below.

        >>> df.pandas_on_spark.transform_batch(lambda pdf, a, b, c: pdf.B + a + b + c, 1, 2, c=3)
        0     8
        1    10
        2    12
        Name: B, dtype: int64
        from pyspark.pandas.groupby import GroupBy
        from pyspark.pandas.frame import DataFrame
        from pyspark.pandas.series import first_series
        from pyspark import pandas as ps

        assert callable(func), "the first argument should be a callable function."
        spec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
        return_sig = spec.annotations.get("return", None)
        should_infer_schema = return_sig is None
        original_func = func
        func = lambda o: original_func(o, *args, **kwargs)

        names = self._psdf._internal.to_internal_spark_frame.schema.names

        def pandas_concat(series):
            # The input can only be a DataFrame for struct from Spark 3.0.
            # This works around to make the input as a frame. See SPARK-27240
            pdf = pd.concat(series, axis=1)
            pdf.columns = names
            return pdf

        def apply_func(pdf):
            return func(pdf).to_frame()

        def pandas_extract(pdf, name):
            # This is for output to work around a DataFrame for struct
            # from Spark 3.0.  See SPARK-23836
            return pdf[name]

        def pandas_series_func(f):
            ff = f
            return lambda *series: first_series(ff(*series))

        def pandas_frame_func(f, field_name):
            ff = f
            return lambda *series: pandas_extract(ff(pandas_concat(series)), field_name)

        if should_infer_schema:
            # Here we execute with the first 1000 to get the return type.
            # If the records were less than 1000, it uses pandas API directly for a shortcut.
            limit = ps.get_option("compute.shortcut_limit")
            pdf = self._psdf.head(limit + 1)._to_internal_pandas()
            transformed = func(pdf)
            if not isinstance(transformed, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The given function should return a frame; however, "
                    "the return type was %s." % type(transformed)
            if len(transformed) != len(pdf):
                raise ValueError("transform_batch cannot produce aggregated results")
            psdf_or_psser = ps.from_pandas(transformed)

            if isinstance(psdf_or_psser, ps.Series):
                psser = cast(ps.Series, psdf_or_psser)

                spark_return_type = force_decimal_precision_scale(
                return_schema = StructType(
                    [StructField(SPARK_DEFAULT_SERIES_NAME, spark_return_type)]
                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self._psdf, apply_func, return_schema, retain_index=False

                pudf = pandas_udf(returnType=spark_return_type, functionType=PandasUDFType.SCALAR)(
                columns = self._psdf._internal.spark_columns
                # TODO: Index will be lost in this case.
                internal = self._psdf._internal.copy(
                return first_series(DataFrame(internal))
                psdf = cast(DataFrame, psdf_or_psser)
                if len(pdf) <= limit:
                    # only do the short cut when it returns a frame to avoid
                    # operations on different dataframes in case of series.
                    return psdf

                # Force nullability.
                return_schema = force_decimal_precision_scale(

                self_applied = DataFrame(self._psdf._internal.resolved_copy)  # type: DataFrame

                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self_applied, func, return_schema, retain_index=True
                columns = self_applied._internal.spark_columns

                pudf = pandas_udf(returnType=return_schema, functionType=PandasUDFType.SCALAR)(
                temp_struct_column = verify_temp_column_name(
                    self_applied._internal.spark_frame, "__temp_struct__"
                applied = pudf(F.struct(*columns)).alias(temp_struct_column)
                sdf =
                sdf = sdf.selectExpr("%s.*" % temp_struct_column)

                return DataFrame(psdf._internal.with_new_sdf(sdf))
            return_type = infer_return_type(original_func)
            is_return_series = isinstance(return_type, SeriesType)
            is_return_dataframe = isinstance(return_type, DataFrameType)
            if not is_return_dataframe and not is_return_series:
                raise TypeError(
                    "The given function should specify a frame or series as its type "
                    "hints; however, the return type was %s." % return_sig
            if is_return_series:
                spark_return_type = force_decimal_precision_scale(
                    as_nullable_spark_type(cast(SeriesType, return_type).spark_type)
                return_schema = StructType(
                    [StructField(SPARK_DEFAULT_SERIES_NAME, spark_return_type)]
                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self._psdf, apply_func, return_schema, retain_index=False

                pudf = pandas_udf(returnType=spark_return_type, functionType=PandasUDFType.SCALAR)(
                columns = self._psdf._internal.spark_columns
                internal = self._psdf._internal.copy(
                    data_dtypes=[cast(SeriesType, return_type).dtype],
                return first_series(DataFrame(internal))
                return_schema = cast(DataFrameType, return_type).spark_type

                self_applied = DataFrame(self._psdf._internal.resolved_copy)

                output_func = GroupBy._make_pandas_df_builder_func(
                    self_applied, func, return_schema, retain_index=False
                columns = self_applied._internal.spark_columns

                pudf = pandas_udf(returnType=return_schema, functionType=PandasUDFType.SCALAR)(
                temp_struct_column = verify_temp_column_name(
                    self_applied._internal.spark_frame, "__temp_struct__"
                applied = pudf(F.struct(*columns)).alias(temp_struct_column)
                sdf =
                sdf = sdf.selectExpr("%s.*" % temp_struct_column)

                internal = InternalFrame(
                    data_dtypes=cast(DataFrameType, return_type).dtypes,
                return DataFrame(internal)
Beispiel #6
    def _downsample(self, f: str) -> DataFrame:
        Downsample the defined function.

        how : string / mapped function
        **kwargs : kw args passed to how function

        # a simple example to illustrate the computation:
        #   dates = [
        #         datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 2),
        #         datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 3),
        #         datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 3),
        #   ]
        #   index = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates)
        #   pdf = pd.DataFrame(np.array([1,2,3]), index=index, columns=['A'])
        #   pdf.resample('3Y').max()
        #                 A
        #   2012-12-31  2.0
        #   2015-12-31  NaN
        #   2018-12-31  NaN
        #   2021-12-31  NaN
        #   2024-12-31  3.0
        # in this case:
        # 1, obtain one origin point to bin all timestamps, we can get one (2009-12-31)
        # from the minimum timestamp (2012-01-02);
        # 2, the default intervals for 'Y' are right-closed, so intervals are:
        # (2009-12-31, 2012-12-31], (2012-12-31, 2015-12-31], (2015-12-31, 2018-12-31], ...
        # 3, bin all timestamps, for example, 2022-05-03 belongs to interval
        # (2021-12-31, 2024-12-31], since the default label is 'right', label it with the right
        # edge 2024-12-31;
        # 4, some intervals maybe too large for this down sampling, so we need to pad the dataframe
        # to avoid missing some results, like: 2015-12-31, 2018-12-31 and 2021-12-31;
        # 5, union the binned dataframe and padded dataframe, and apply aggregation 'max' to get
        # the final results;

        # one action to obtain the range, in the future we may cache it in the index.
        ts_min, ts_max = (

        # the logic to obtain an origin point to bin the timestamps is too complex to follow,
        # here just use Pandas' resample on a 1-length series to get it.
        ts_origin = (pd.Series([0],
        assert ts_origin <= ts_min

        bin_col_name = "__tmp_resample_bin_col__"
        bin_col_label = verify_temp_column_name(self._psdf, bin_col_name)
        bin_col_field = InternalField(
            struct_field=StructField(bin_col_name, TimestampType(), True),
        bin_scol = self._bin_time_stamp(

        agg_columns = [
            psser for psser in self._agg_columns
            if (isinstance(psser.spark.data_type, NumericType))
        assert len(agg_columns) > 0

        # in the binning side, label the timestamps according to the origin and the freq(rule)
        bin_sdf =
            *[psser.spark.column for psser in agg_columns],

        # in the padding side, insert necessary points
        # again, directly apply Pandas' resample on a 2-length series to obtain the indices
        pad_sdf = (ps.from_pandas(
            pd.Series([0, 0], index=[ts_min, ts_max]).resample(
                        (ts_min <= F.col(bin_col_name))
                        & (F.col(bin_col_name) <= ts_max)))

        # union the above two spark dataframes.
        sdf = bin_sdf.unionByName(

        internal = InternalFrame(
            index_spark_columns=[scol_for(sdf, SPARK_DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME)],
            data_spark_columns=[F.col(bin_col_name)] + [
                scol_for(sdf, psser._internal.data_spark_column_names[0])
                for psser in agg_columns
            column_labels=[bin_col_label] +
            [psser._column_label for psser in agg_columns],
            data_fields=[bin_col_field] + [
                for psser in agg_columns
        psdf: DataFrame = DataFrame(internal)

        groupby = psdf.groupby(psdf._psser_for(bin_col_label), dropna=False)
        downsampled = getattr(groupby, f)() = None

        return downsampled