Beispiel #1
    def __call__(self, mtx_a, mtx_b=None, n_eigs=None,
                 eigenvectors=None, status=None, conf=None):
        from pysparse import jdsym, itsolvers, precon

        A = self._convert_mat(mtx_a)
        if mtx_b is not None:
            M = self._convert_mat(mtx_b)

        if mtx_b is not None:

        method = getattr(itsolvers, conf.method)
        kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_in = jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, n_eigs, conf.tau,
                                                conf.eps_a, conf.i_max,

        output("number of converged eigenvalues:", kconv)

        if status is not None:
            status['q'] = Q
            status['it'] = it
            status['it_in'] = it_in

        return lmbd, Q
Beispiel #2
def solve(A, B, n_eigs=4, verbose=False):
    Solves the generalized eigenvalue problem.

    A, B ... scipy matrices

    returns (lmbd, Q), where lmbd are the eigenvalues and Q is a numpy array of
    if verbose:
        print "converting to pysparse"
    n = A.shape[0]
    A = convert_mat(A)
    B = convert_mat(B)
    if verbose:
        print "solving (%d x %d)" % (n, n)
    Atau = A.copy()
    tau = -1
    Atau.shift(-tau, B)
    K = precon.jacobi(Atau)
    A = A.to_sss()
    B = B.to_sss()
    kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_in = jdsym.jdsym(A, B, K, n_eigs, tau, 1e-6, 150,
    if verbose:
        print "number of converged eigenvalues:", kconv
    return lmbd, Q
    def _solve_(self, L, x, b):

        A = L._getMatrix().to_csr()
        info, iter, relres = itsolvers.gmres(A, b, x, self.tolerance, self.iterations, Assor)
        self._raiseWarning(info, iter, relres)
Beispiel #4
 def modalSolver(self, nev = 3, ncv = -1, tol = -1, mxiter = -1):
     if SOLVER == 'default':
         if ncv < 0:
             ncv = 4*nev
         ncv = ncv + nev
         if tol < 0.:
             tol = 1e-2
         if mxiter < 0:
             mxiter = 1000.
         return solver.arpack(self.GK, self.GM, nev, ncv, tol, mxiter)
     elif SOLVER == 'pysparse':
         # copy matrixes
         GK = self.GK
         A = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.dofcount, len(GK))
         # TODO change to scipy
         for row, col in GK:
             A[row,col] = GK[row,col]
         GM = self.GM
         M = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.dofcount, len(GM))
         # TODO change to scipy
         for row, col in GM:
             M[row,col] = GM[row,col]
         # Atau = A + tau*M
         tau = -1.0
         Atau = A.copy()
         Atau.shift(tau, M)
         K = precon.jacobi(Atau)
         # convert to skyline
         A = A.to_sss()
         M = M.to_sss()
         # solve
         k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_innser  =  \
             jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, nev, tau,
                         1e-6, 1000, itsolvers.qmrs,
                         jmin=5, jmax=10, clvl=0, strategy=1)
         # eigen values
         return lmbd
         raise FEError('unknown solver')
Beispiel #5
    def modalSolver(self, nev=3, ncv=-1, tol=-1, mxiter=-1):
        if SOLVER == 'default':
            if ncv < 0:
                ncv = 4 * nev
            ncv = ncv + nev

            if tol < 0.:
                tol = 1e-2

            if mxiter < 0:
                mxiter = 1000.

            return solver.arpack(self.GK, self.GM, nev, ncv, tol, mxiter)

        elif SOLVER == 'pysparse':
            # copy matrixes
            GK = self.GK
            A = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.dofcount, len(GK))
            for row, col in GK:
                A[row, col] = GK[row, col]

            GM = self.GM
            M = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.dofcount, len(GM))
            for row, col in GM:
                M[row, col] = GM[row, col]

            # Atau = A + tau*M
            tau = -1.0
            Atau = A.copy()
            Atau.shift(tau, M)
            K = precon.jacobi(Atau)

            # convert to skyline
            A = A.to_sss()
            M = M.to_sss()

            # solve
            k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_innser  =  \
                jdsym.jdsym(A, M, K, nev, tau,
                            1e-6, 1000, itsolvers.qmrs,
                            jmin=5, jmax=10, clvl=0, strategy=1)

            # eigen values
            return lmbd

            raise FEError('unknown solver')
Beispiel #6
    def __call__( self, mtx_a, mtx_b = None, n_eigs = None,
                  eigenvectors = None, status = None, conf = None ):
        from pysparse import jdsym, itsolvers, precon
        conf = get_default( conf, self.conf )
        mtx_a = get_default( mtx_a, self.mtx_a )
        mtx_b = get_default( mtx_b, self.mtx_b )
        n_eigs = get_default( n_eigs, self.n_eigs )
        eigenvectors = get_default( eigenvectors, self.eigenvectors )
        status = get_default( status, self.status )

        output( "loading..." )
        A = self._convert_mat( mtx_a )
        output( "...done" )
        if mtx_b is not None:
            M = self._convert_mat( mtx_b )

        output( "solving..." )
        tt = time.clock()
        if mtx_b is not None:

        method = getattr( itsolvers, conf.method )
        kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_in = jdsym.jdsym( A, M, K, n_eigs, conf.tau,
                                                 conf.eps_a, conf.i_max, 
                                                 clvl = conf.verbosity,
                                                 strategy = conf.strategy )

        output( "number of converged eigenvalues:", kconv )
        ttt = time.clock() - tt
        output( '...done in %.2f s' % ttt )

        if status is not None:
            status['time'] = ttt
            status['q'] = Q
            status['it'] = it
            status['it_in'] = it_in

        return lmbd, Q
Beispiel #7
def solve_eig_pysparse(A, B, n_eigs=4, verbose=False):
    Solves the generalized eigenvalue problem.

    A, B ..... scipy matrices
    n_eigs ... number of eigenvalues to solve for

    returns a list of (lmbd, vec), where lmbd is the eigenvalue and vec is the
    from pysparse import jdsym, precon, itsolvers
    if verbose:
        print "converting to pysparse"
    n = A.shape[0]
    A = convert_mat(A)
    B = convert_mat(B)
    if verbose:
        print "solving (%d x %d)" % (n, n)
    Atau = A.copy()
    tau = -1
    Atau.shift(-tau, B)
    K = precon.jacobi(Atau)
    A = A.to_sss()
    B = B.to_sss()
    kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_in = jdsym.jdsym(A, B, K, n_eigs, tau, 1e-6, 150,
    if verbose:
        print "number of converged eigenvalues:", kconv

    r = []
    for i in range(len(lmbd)):
        vec = Q[:, i]
        r.append((lmbd[i], vec))
    r.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    print "eigenvalues:"
    eigs = []
    for w, vec in r:
        if w > 0:
        print w
    return r
Beispiel #8
def solve_eig_pysparse(A, B, n_eigs=4, verbose=False):
    Solves the generalized eigenvalue problem.

    A, B ..... scipy matrices
    n_eigs ... number of eigenvalues to solve for

    returns a list of (lmbd, vec), where lmbd is the eigenvalue and vec is the
    from pysparse import jdsym, precon, itsolvers
    if verbose:
        print "converting to pysparse"
    n = A.shape[0]
    A = convert_mat(A)
    B = convert_mat(B)
    if verbose:
        print "solving (%d x %d)" % (n, n)
    Atau = A.copy()
    tau = -1
    Atau.shift(-tau, B)
    K = precon.jacobi(Atau)
    A = A.to_sss()
    B = B.to_sss()
    kconv, lmbd, Q, it, it_in = jdsym.jdsym(A, B, K, n_eigs, tau, 1e-6, 150,
    if verbose:
        print "number of converged eigenvalues:", kconv

    r = []
    for i in range(len(lmbd)):
        vec = Q[:, i]
        r.append((lmbd[i], vec))
    r.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    print "eigenvalues:"
    eigs = []
    for w, vec in r:
        if w > 0:
        print w
    return r
Beispiel #9
import os
from pysparse import spmatrix, itsolvers, jdsym, precon

path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'matrices')
A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(os.path.join(path, 'edge6x3x5_A.mtx'))
M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(os.path.join(path, 'edge6x3x5_B.mtx'))

sigma = 25.0
Asigma = A.copy()
Asigma.shift(-sigma, M)
K = precon.jacobi(Asigma.to_sss())
del Asigma

##n = A.shape[0]
##I = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
##for i in xrange(n):
##    I[i,i] = 1.0
##K = precon.jacobi(I)

k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner  = \
        jdsym.jdsym(A.to_sss(), M.to_sss(), K, 5, sigma, 1e-10, 150, itsolvers.qmrs,
                    jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=200, clvl=1, strategy=1)
print k_conv, lmbd, it, it_inner

##path = '/homes/geus/jdbsym/test/'
##A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(path + 'sameh_10000.mtx').to_sss()

##K = precon.ssor(A)
##k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner = jdsym.jdsym(A, None, K, 4, 0.0, 1e-10, 50, itsolvers.qmrs,
##                                   jmax=20, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=60, clvl=1)
Beispiel #10
if test == 1:
    # Test: compare K=eye with K=None
    #   results are not the same, ritz-value in 2nd iterations differ

    path = '/local/home/geus/matrices'
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(path + 'edge6x3x5_A.mtx')
    M = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(path + 'edge6x3x5_B.mtx')
    n = A.shape[0]
    sigma = 25.0

    I = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        I[i,i] = 1.0
    Keye = precon.jacobi(I)
    k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner = jdsym.jdsym(A.to_sss(), M.to_sss(), None, 5, sigma, 1e-10, 15, itsolvers.qmrs,
                                                jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=200, clvl=1, strategy=1)

    k_conv, lmbd, Q, it, it_inner  = jdsym.jdsym(A.to_sss(), M.to_sss(), Keye, 5, sigma, 1e-10, 15, itsolvers.qmrs,
                                                 jmin=5, jmax=10, eps_tr=1e-4, toldecay=2.0, linitmax=200, clvl=1, strategy=1)

elif test == 2:
    # Test 2: K = diag(A - sigma*M), test diagonal prec using Matlab

    Asigma = A.copy()
    Asigma.shift(-sigma, M)
    K = precon.jacobi(Asigma.to_sss())
Beispiel #11
 def _applyToMatrix(self, A):
     Returns (preconditioning matrix, resulting matrix)
     return precon.jacobi(A), A.to_csr()
Beispiel #12
 def _applyToMatrix(self, A):
     Returns (preconditioning matrix, resulting matrix)
     return precon.jacobi(A), A.to_csr()
Beispiel #13
        self.shape = A.shape
        n = self.shape[0]
        self.dinv = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')
        for i in xrange(n):
            self.dinv[i] = 1.0 / A[i,i]
    def precon(self, x, y):
        Numeric.multiply(x, self.dinv, y)

def resid(A, b, x):
    r = x.copy()
    A.matvec(x, r)
    r = b - r
    return math.sqrt(, r))

K_diag = diag_prec(A)
K_jac = precon.jacobi(A, 1.0, 1)
K_ssor = precon.ssor(A, 1.0, 1)
# K_ilu = precon.ilutp(L)

n = L.shape[0];
b = Numeric.arange(n).astype(Numeric.Float)
x = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(A, b, x, 1e-6, 1000)
print 'pcg, K_none: ', info, iter, relres, resid(A, b, x)
x = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(A, b, x, 1e-6, 1000, K_diag)
print 'pcg, K_diag: ', info, iter, relres, resid(A, b, x)
x = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(A, b, x, 1e-6, 1000, K_jac)
print 'pcg, K_jac: ', info, iter, relres, resid(A, b, x)
x = Numeric.zeros(n, 'd')