def deploy_cmd(override, **tooldata): context = tooldata.get('context') conf = tooldata.get('config') awsclient = context.get('_awsclient') cloudformation = load_template() #call_pre_hook(awsclient, cloudformation) if get_parameter_diff(awsclient, conf): print('Parameters have changed. Waiting 10 seconds. \n')) print( 'If parameters are unexpected you might want to exit now: control-c' ) # Choose a spin style. spin = Spinner(Default) # Spin it now. for i in range(100): print(u'\r{0}'.format(, end='') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) print('\n') exit_code = deploy_stack(awsclient, context, conf, cloudformation, override_stack_policy=override) return exit_code
def countdown(t, conf): cprint('Making the model using the following parameters\n{0}'\ .format(json.dumps(conf, indent=4, sort_keys=True)), 'red') spin = Spinner(Default) for i in range(t, 0, -1): text = colored('Will start training in', 'green') print(u'\r {0} {1} {2}'.format(, text, i), end=" ") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) print('\n')
def print_parameter_diff(awsclient, config): """print differences between local config and currently active config """ client_cf = awsclient.get_client('cloudformation') try: stackname = config['cloudformation']['StackName'] if stackname: response = client_cf.describe_stacks(StackName=stackname) if response['Stacks']: stack_id = response['Stacks'][0]['StackId'] stack = response['Stacks'][0] else: return None else: print( 'StackName is not configured, could not create parameter diff') return None except: # probably the stack is not existent return None changed = 0 table = [] table.append(['Parameter', 'Current Value', 'New Value']) # Check if there are parameters for the stack if 'Parameters' in stack: for param in stack['Parameters']: try: old = param['ParameterValue'] if ',' in old: old = old.split(',') new = config['cloudformation'][param['ParameterKey']] if old != new: table.append([param['ParameterKey'], old, new]) changed += 1 except Exception: print('Did not find %s in local config file' % param['ParameterKey']) if changed > 0: print(tabulate(table, tablefmt='fancy_grid')) print('Parameters have changed. Waiting 10 seconds. \n')) print( 'If parameters are unexpected you might want to exit now: control-c' ) # Choose a spin style. spin = Spinner(Default) # Spin it now. for i in range(100): print(u'\r{0}'.format(, end='') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) print('\n')
def __init__(self, stream=None, spin_style=Default, spin_interval=0.1, format=u'{spinner} {message}', level=logging.NOTSET): super(SpinnerHandler, self).__init__(level) self._stream = stream self._message_format = format self._spinner = Spinner(spin_style) self._spin_interval = spin_interval self._current_record_changed = threading.Condition() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._display) self._current_record = None
class BotLog(object): def __init__(self): self.spin = Spinner(Default) def log(self, message): if (CONFIG['VERBOSE']): print(message) else: print(u"\r{0}".format(, end="") sys.stdout.flush()
class LabeledSpinner(object): def __init__(self, style=None): from pyspin.spin import Default, Spinner if style is None: style = Default self.spinner = Spinner(style) self.last_len = 0 def spin(self, text): self.display(u"{} {}".format(, text)) def drop(self, text): self.display(u"{}\n".format(text)) def display(self, text): import sys print(u'\r{}{}'.format(text, " " * (self.last_len - len(text))), end='') sys.stdout.flush() self.last_len = len(text)
def __init__(self): self.spin = Spinner(Default)
class SpinnerHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, stream=None, spin_style=Default, spin_interval=0.1, format=u'{spinner} {message}', level=logging.NOTSET): super(SpinnerHandler, self).__init__(level) self._stream = stream self._message_format = format self._spinner = Spinner(spin_style) self._spin_interval = spin_interval self._current_record_changed = threading.Condition() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._display) self._current_record = None @staticmethod def filter(record): return hasattr(record, 'user_waiting') def get_stream(self): stream = sys.stdout if self._stream is None else self._stream if callable(getattr(stream, 'isatty')): atty = stream.isatty() else: atty = False try: stream.write('') except TypeError: stream = io.TextIOWrapper(stream) return stream, atty def emit(self, record): if not self.filter(record): return stream, atty = self.get_stream() if not atty: stream.write(record.getMessage() + '\n') return with self._current_record_changed: self._current_record = record self._current_record_changed.notify() if not self._thread.is_alive(): self._thread.start() def _display(self): stream, _ = self.get_stream() format_message = self._message_format.format format_line = u'\r{0:{1}}\r'.format previous_line_length = 0 while True: record = self._current_record if record is None or not record.user_waiting: break s = format_message(, record=record, message=record.getMessage()) stream.write(format_line(s, previous_line_length or 1)) previous_line_length = len(s) stream.flush() with self._current_record_changed: self._current_record_changed.wait(self._spin_interval) s = self._current_record.getMessage() stream.write(u'\r{0:{1}}\n'.format(s, previous_line_length or 1)) stream.flush() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._display)
def __init__(self, style=None): from pyspin.spin import Default, Spinner if style is None: style = Default self.spinner = Spinner(style) self.last_len = 0