Beispiel #1
    def test_top(self):
        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "buzz")

        top =
        self.assertEquals(top, {"foo": "buzz"})
        # Make sure calling top() didn't remove the item from the stack.
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "buzz")
    def test_top(self):
        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "buzz")

        top =
        self.assertEqual(top, {"foo": "buzz"})
        # Make sure calling top() didn't remove the item from the stack.
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "buzz")
    def test_push(self):
        Test push().

        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "bar")

        context.push({key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "buzz")
Beispiel #4
    def test_push(self):
        Test push().

        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "bar")

        context.push({key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "buzz")
    def test_pop(self):
        Test pop().

        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "buzz")

        item = context.pop()
        self.assertEqual(item, {"foo": "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get(key), "bar")
Beispiel #6
    def test_pop(self):
        Test pop().

        key = "foo"
        context = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "buzz")

        item = context.pop()
        self.assertEquals(item, {"foo": "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get(key), "bar")
Beispiel #7
    def test_copy(self):
        key = "foo"
        original = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(original.get(key), "buzz")

        new = original.copy()
        # Confirm that the copy behaves the same.
        self.assertEquals(new.get(key), "buzz")
        # Change the copy, and confirm it is changed.
        self.assertEquals(new.get(key), "bar")
        # Confirm the original is unchanged.
        self.assertEquals(original.get(key), "buzz")
    def test_copy(self):
        key = "foo"
        original = Context({key: "bar"}, {key: "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(original.get(key), "buzz")

        new = original.copy()
        # Confirm that the copy behaves the same.
        self.assertEqual(new.get(key), "buzz")
        # Change the copy, and confirm it is changed.
        self.assertEqual(new.get(key), "bar")
        # Confirm the original is unchanged.
        self.assertEqual(original.get(key), "buzz")
    def test_get__fallback(self):
        Check that first-added stack items are queried on context misses.

        context = Context({"fuzz": "buzz"}, {"foo": "bar"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get("fuzz"), "buzz")
    def test_get__precedence(self):
        Test that get() respects the order of precedence (later items first).

        context = Context({"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "buzz"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get("foo"), "buzz")
    def test_get__default(self):
        Test that get() respects the default value.

        context = Context()
        self.assertEqual(context.get("foo", "bar"), "bar")
    def test_get__key_missing(self):
        Test getting a missing key.

        context = Context()
        self.assertTrue(context.get("foo") is None)
Beispiel #13
    def test_get__key_missing(self):
        Test getting a missing key.

        context = Context()
        self.assertTrue(context.get("foo") is None)
Beispiel #14
    def test_get__fallback(self):
        Check that first-added stack items are queried on context misses.

        context = Context({"fuzz": "buzz"}, {"foo": "bar"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get("fuzz"), "buzz")
Beispiel #15
    def test_get__precedence(self):
        Test that get() respects the order of precedence (later items first).

        context = Context({"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "buzz"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get("foo"), "buzz")
Beispiel #16
    def test_get__default(self):
        Test that get() respects the default value .

        context = Context()
        self.assertEquals(context.get("foo", "bar"), "bar")
    def test_get__key_present(self):
        Test getting a key.

        context = Context({"foo": "bar"})
        self.assertEqual(context.get("foo"), "bar")
Beispiel #18
    def test_get__key_present(self):
        Test getting a key.

        context = Context({"foo": "bar"})
        self.assertEquals(context.get("foo"), "bar")