Beispiel #1
def load(dic=None):
    Load points from dat-files.
    :return SetLightCurves:
    from pystella.util.math import is_number

    fname = None
    tshift = 0.
    mshift = 0.
    mag_lim = 99.
    arg = []
    is_debug = False
    comments = '#'

    if dic is not None:
        is_debug = dic.get('is_debug', False)
        mag_lim = dic.get('mag_lim', mag_lim)
        if 'args' in dic:
            arg = dic['args']

    if len(arg) > 0:
        fname = arg.pop(0)
        fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
    if len(arg) > 0:
        s = arg.pop(0)
        if is_number(s):
            tshift = float(s)
        elif len(arg) > 0:
            tshift = float(arg.pop(0))
    if len(arg) > 0:
        mshift = float(arg.pop(0))

    print("Load {0} tshift={1}  mshift={2}".format(fname, tshift, mshift))

    # read data
    # tbl = read_table_header_float(fname)
    tbl, cols_data = read_obs_table_header(
    curves = table2curves(os.path.basename(fname), tbl)

    # remove bad data
    res_curves = SetLightCurve(curves.Name)
    for lc_orig in curves:
        is_good = lc_orig.Mag < mag_lim
        t = lc_orig.Time[is_good]
        m = lc_orig.Mag[is_good]
        e = None
        if lc_orig.IsErr:
            e = lc_orig.Err[is_good]
        lc = LightCurve(lc_orig.Band, t, m, e)

    return res_curves
Beispiel #2
def load(dic=None):
    Load points from dat-files.
    Reader data-file with mix bname data, like:
    >>% head photometry.txt
    jd filter mag mage
    2457059.6228778586 V 17.493766309999998 0.0592200135089
    2457059.6244578934 V 17.539956019999998
    0.0542402986717 2457059.6261980557 g 17.782871193345898
    0.0454000142503 2457059.6287036575 g 17.7782469177482 0.0395424488201

    :return SetLightCurves:
    fname = None
    tshift = 0.
    mshift = 0.
    mag_lim = 30.
    skiprows = 1.
    arg = []

    if dic is not None:
        mag_lim = dic.get('mag_lim', 30.)
        skiprows = dic.get('skiprows', 1)
        if 'args' in dic:
            arg = dic['args']

    if len(arg) > 0:
        fname = arg.pop(0)
        fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
    if len(arg) > 0:
        s = arg.pop(0)
        if s.isnumeric():
            tshift = float(s)
        elif len(arg) > 0:
            tshift = float(arg.pop(0))
    if len(arg) > 0:
        mshift = float(arg.pop(0))

    print("Load {0} tshift={1}  mshift={2}".format(fname, tshift, mshift))

    # read data
    dtype = [('time', '<f4'), ('b', 'str'), ('mag', '<f4'), ('err', '<f4')]
    # lc_data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=skiprows, dtype=dtype, comments='#')  # jd filter mag mage
    # lc_data = np.genfromtxt(fname, skip_header=skiprows, dtype=dtype, comments='#')  # jd filter mag mage
    lc_data = np.genfromtxt(fname,
                            names=[v[0] for v in dtype],
    b_tot = lc_data['b']
    bnames = np.unique(b_tot)

    curves = SetLightCurve()
    for bname in bnames:
        if band.is_exist(bname.decode()):
            # filter of the current band
            d = lc_data[np.where(lc_data['b'] == bname)]
            # is_good = list(map(lambda x: x == bname, b_tot))
            # t = (lc_data['time'])[is_good]
            # m = lc_data['mag'][is_good]
            # e = lc_data['err'][is_good]
            # add light curve
            b = band.band_by_name(bname.decode())
            lc = LightCurve(b, d['time'], d['mag'], d['err'])
            # lc = LightCurve(b, t, m, e)
            print('Could read the light curve. There is no band: {}. '
                  'You may try to add it to dir data/bands'.format(bname))

    # remove bad data
    res_curves = SetLightCurve(curves.Name)
    for lc_orig in curves:
        is_good = lc_orig.Mag < mag_lim
        t = lc_orig.Time[is_good]
        m = lc_orig.Mag[is_good]
        e = None
        if lc_orig.IsErr:
            e = lc_orig.Err[is_good]
        lc = LightCurve(lc_orig.Band, t, m, e)

    return res_curves