Beispiel #1
    def get_pilimage(self, bar_width):
        def sum_len(total, item):
            """add the length of a given item to the total"""
            return total + len(item)

        num_bars = (7 * 12) + reduce(sum_len, self.guards, 0)

        quiet_width = bar_width * 9
        image_width = (2 * quiet_width) + (num_bars * bar_width)
        image_height = image_width // 2

        img ='L', (image_width, image_height), 255)

        class BarWriter:
            """Class which moves across the image, writing out bars"""
            def __init__(self, img):
                self.img = img
                self.current_x = quiet_width
                self.symbol_top = quiet_width // 2

            def write_bar(self, value, full=False):
                """Draw a bar at the current position,
                if the value is 1, otherwise move on silently"""

                # only write anything to the image if bar value is 1
                bar_height = int(image_height * (full and 0.9 or 0.8))
                if value == 1:
                    for ypos in range(self.symbol_top, bar_height):
                        for xpos in range(self.current_x,
                                          self.current_x + bar_width):
                            img.putpixel((xpos, ypos), 0)
                self.current_x += bar_width

            def write_bars(self, bars, full=False):
                """write all bars to the image"""
                for bar in bars:
                    self.write_bar(int(bar), full)

        # Draw the bars
        writer = BarWriter(img)
        writer.write_bars(self.guards[0], full=True)
        writer.write_bars(self.guards[1], full=True)
        writer.write_bars(self.guards[2], full=True)

        # Draw the text
        font_size = font_sizes.get(bar_width, 24)

        font = get_font("courR", font_size)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        draw.text((1 * bar_width, int(image_height * 0.7)),
                  self.code[0], font=font)
        draw.text((16 * bar_width, int(image_height * 0.8)),
                  self.code[1:7], font=font)
        draw.text((63 * bar_width, int(image_height * 0.8)), self.code[7:], font=font)
        self.width = image_width
        self.height = image_height
        return img
Beispiel #2
    def get_pilimage(self, bar_width):
        """Return the barcode as a PIL object"""

        show_label = self.options.get('show_label', True)

        # 11 bars per character, plus the stop
        num_bars = len(self.bars)

        log.debug("There are %d bars", num_bars)

        # Quiet zone is 10 bar widths on each side
        quiet_width = bar_width * 10

        fontsize = 0
        if show_label:
            default_fontsize = FONT_SIZES.get(bar_width, 24)
            fontsize = self.options.get('ttf_fontsize', default_fontsize)
            ttf_font = self.options.get('ttf_font')
            if ttf_font:
                font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf_font, fontsize)
                font = get_font("courR", fontsize)

        # Total image width
        self.image_width = (2 * quiet_width) + (num_bars * bar_width)

        # Image height
        label_border = self.options.get('label_border', 0)
        self.image_height = self.options.get('height') or 120
        bar_height = self.image_height - label_border - fontsize

        # Image: has a white background
        bottom_border = self.options.get('bottom_border', 0)
        img ='L',
                        (self.image_width, self.image_height + bottom_border),

        class BarWriter:
            """Class which moves across the image, writing out bars"""
            def __init__(self, img, bar_height):
                self.img = img
                self.current_x = quiet_width
                if show_label:
                    self.symbol_top = quiet_width // 2
                    self.symbol_top = 0
                self.bar_height = bar_height

            def write_bar(self, value):
                """Draw a bar at the current position,
                if the value is 1, otherwise move on silently"""

                # only write anything to the image if bar value is 1
                if value == 1:
                    for ypos in range(self.symbol_top, self.bar_height):
                        for xpos in range(self.current_x,
                                          self.current_x + bar_width):
                            img.putpixel((xpos, ypos), 0)
                self.current_x += bar_width

            def write_bars(self, bars):
                """write all bars to the image"""
                for bar in bars:

        # draw the barcode bars themselves
        writer = BarWriter(img, bar_height)

        # Draw the text
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        if show_label:
            xtextwidth = font.getsize(self.text)[0]
            xtextpos = self.image_width / 2 - (xtextwidth / 2)
            ytextpos = bar_height + label_border
            draw.text((xtextpos, ytextpos), self.text, font=font)
        return img
Beispiel #3
    def get_pilimage(self, bar_width):
        """Return the barcode as a PIL object"""

        show_label = self.options.get('show_label', True)
        quiet_width_muliplier = self.options.get('quiet_width_multiplier', 10)

        # 11 bars per character, plus the stop
        num_bars = len(self.bars)

        log.debug("There are %d bars", num_bars)

        # Quiet zone is 10 bar widths on each side
        quiet_width = bar_width * quiet_width_muliplier

        fontsize = 0
        if show_label:
            default_fontsize = FONT_SIZES.get(bar_width, 24)
            fontsize = self.options.get('ttf_fontsize', default_fontsize)
            ttf_font = self.options.get('ttf_font')
            if ttf_font:
                font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf_font, fontsize)
                font = get_font("courR", fontsize)

        # Total image width
        self.image_width = (2 * quiet_width) + (num_bars * bar_width)

        # Image height 30% of width
        label_border = self.options.get('label_border', 0)
        self.image_height = self.options.get('height') or (self.image_width // 3)
        bar_height = self.image_height - label_border - fontsize

        # Image: has a white background
        bottom_border = self.options.get('bottom_border', 0)
        img ='L', (
            self.image_width, self.image_height + bottom_border), 255)

        class BarWriter:
            """Class which moves across the image, writing out bars"""
            def __init__(self, img, bar_height):
                self.img = img
                self.current_x = quiet_width
                if show_label:
                    self.symbol_top = quiet_width // 2
                    self.symbol_top = 0
                self.bar_height = bar_height

            def write_bar(self, value):
                """Draw a bar at the current position,
                if the value is 1, otherwise move on silently"""

                # only write anything to the image if bar value is 1
                if value == 1:
                    for ypos in range(self.symbol_top, self.bar_height):
                        for xpos in range(self.current_x,
                                          self.current_x + bar_width):
                            img.putpixel((xpos, ypos), 0)
                self.current_x += bar_width

            def write_bars(self, bars):
                """write all bars to the image"""
                for bar in bars:

        # draw the barcode bars themselves
        writer = BarWriter(img, bar_height)

        # Draw the text
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        if show_label:
            xtextwidth = font.getsize(self.text)[0]
            xtextpos = self.image_width / 2 - (xtextwidth / 2)
            ytextpos = bar_height + label_border
            draw.text((xtextpos, ytextpos), self.text, font=font)
        return img