Beispiel #1
 def dumpDatabases(self):
     if not self._conf.has_key('db_list'):
             pg = PgInfo(host=self._conf.get('db_host'),
             self._conf['db_list'] = pg.getDatabases()
             del pg
         except Exception, e:
             raise errors.BackupError("Connection to PostgreSQL Server "
                                      "for querying database list failed.",
                                      "Error Message: %s" % str(e))
Beispiel #2
class MuninPgPlugin(MuninPlugin):
    """Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring PostgreSQL Database Server.

    plugin_name = 'pgstats'
    isMultigraph = True
    isMultiInstance = True

    def __init__(self, argv=(), env=None, debug=False):
        """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
        @param argv:  List of command line arguments.
        @param env:   Dictionary of environment variables.
        @param debug: Print debugging messages if True. (Default: False)
        MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env, debug)

        self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
        self._host = self.envGet('host')
        self._port = self.envGet('port', None, int)
        self._database = self.envGet('database')
        self._user = self.envGet('user')
        self._password = self.envGet('password')
        self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
        self._replGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('repl_graphs', False)
        self._category_sys = 'PostgreSQL Sys'
        self._category_db = 'PostgreSQL DB'

        self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database,
                              self._user, self._password)
        dblist = [
            db for db in self._dbconn.getDatabases() if self.dbIncluded(db)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
            graph = MuninGraph(
                'PostgreSQL - Active Connections',
                info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
            for db in dblist:
                               info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
                           info="Total number of active connections.")
                info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
            graph = MuninGraph(
                'PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage',
                info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server in bytes.',
                args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
            for db in dblist:
                               info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
                           info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats',
                               info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                               args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                'cache hits',
                info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
                'disk reads',
                info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                "disk cache per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
            graph = MuninGraph(
                'PostgreSQL - Transactions',
                'Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                           info="Transactions per second.")
                           info="Rollbacks per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)

        if self._dbconn.checkVersion('8.3'):
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_checkpoints'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Checkpoints per minute',
                    'Number of Checkpoints per Minute for PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                               info="Requested checkpoints..")
                               info="Check points started by timeout.")
                self.appendGraph('pg_checkpoints', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_bgwriter'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - BgWriter Stats (blocks / second)',
                    'PostgreSQL Server - Bgwriter - Blocks written per second.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    info="Buffers written by backend and not bgwriter.")
                               info="Buffers cleaned by bgwriter runs.")
                               info="Buffers written performing checkpoints.")
                self.appendGraph('pg_bgwriter', graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
            graph = MuninGraph(
                'PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads',
                info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
                info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                "or bitmap scans.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
            graph = MuninGraph(
                'PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes',
                'Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                           info="Tuples deleted per second.")
                           info="Tuples updated per second.")
                           info="Tuples inserted per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)

        for lock_state, desc in (
            ('all', 'Total number of locks grouped by lock mode.'),
            ('wait', 'Number of locks in wait state grouped by lock mode.'),
            graph_name = "pg_lock_%s" % lock_state
            if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
                mode_iter = iter(PgInfo.lockModes)
                graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s)" % lock_state,
                                   args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for mode in (
                                   info="Number of locks of mode: %s" %
                self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)

        if self._detailGraphs:
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail',
                    'Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail',
                    'Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Transaction commits per second for database %s."
                        % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail',
                    'Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s."
                        % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail',
                    info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." %
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail',
                    'Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." %
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail',
                    'Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." %
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail',
                    'Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail',
                    'Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." %
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)
            for lock_state, desc in (
                ('all', 'Total number of locks grouped by database.'),
                ('wait', 'Number of locks in wait state grouped by database.'),
                graph_name = "pg_lock_%s_detail" % lock_state
                if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
                    graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s) Detail" %
                                       args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    for db in dblist:
                            info="Number of locks for database: %s" % db)
                    self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)

        if self._replGraphs and self._dbconn.checkVersion('9.1'):
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_repl_conflicts'):
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Replication Conflicts',
                    'Postgresql Repl.',
                    info='Number of queries cancelled due to conflict with '
                    'recovery on standby servers.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for field, desc in (
                     'Queries that have been canceled due to lock timeouts.'),
                     'Queries that have been canceled due to old snapshots.'),
                     'Queries that have been canceled due to pinned buffers.'),
                     'Queries that have been canceled due to deadlocks.'),
                self.appendGraph('pg_repl_conflicts', graph)
            if self._detailGraphs and self.graphEnabled(
                graph = MuninGraph(
                    'PostgreSQL - Replication Conflicts Detail',
                    'Number of queries cancelled due to conflict with recovery '
                    'on standby servers per database.',
                    info='Replication ',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                for db in dblist:
                        info="Queries on database %s cancelled due to conflict "
                        "with recovery on standby." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_repl_conflicts_detail', graph)

    def retrieveVals(self):
        """Retrieve values for graphs."""
        stats = self._dbconn.getDatabaseStats()
        databases = stats.get('databases')
        totals = stats.get('totals')
        if self.hasGraph('pg_connections'):
            limit = self._dbconn.getParam('max_connections')
            self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'max_conn', limit)
            for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', db,
            self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'total', totals['numbackends'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_diskspace'):
            for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', db, dbstats['disk_size'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', 'total', totals['disk_size'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_blockreads'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_hit', totals['blks_hit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_read', totals['blks_read'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_xact'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'commits', totals['xact_commit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'rollbacks', totals['xact_rollback'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_read'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'fetch', totals['tup_fetched'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'return', totals['tup_returned'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_write'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'delete', totals['tup_deleted'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'update', totals['tup_updated'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'insert', totals['tup_inserted'])
        lock_stats = None
        for lock_state in (
            graph_name = "pg_lock_%s" % lock_state
            if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                if lock_stats is None:
                    lock_stats = self._dbconn.getLockStatsMode()
                mode_iter = iter(PgInfo.lockModes)
                for mode in (
                        graph_name, mode,

        stats = None
        if self.hasGraph('pg_checkpoints'):
            if stats is None:
                stats = self._dbconn.getBgWriterStats()
            self.setGraphVal('pg_checkpoints', 'req',
            self.setGraphVal('pg_checkpoints', 'timed',
        if self.hasGraph('pg_bgwriter'):
            if stats is None:
                stats = self._dbconn.getBgWriterStats()
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'backend',
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'clean',
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'chkpoint',

        if self._detailGraphs:
            for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    if self.hasGraph('pg_blockread_detail'):
                            'pg_blockread_detail', db,
                            dbstats['blks_hit'] + dbstats['blks_read'])
                    for (graph_name, attr_name) in (
                        ('pg_xact_commit_detail', 'xact_commit'),
                        ('pg_xact_rollback_detail', 'xact_rollback'),
                        ('pg_tup_return_detail', 'tup_returned'),
                        ('pg_tup_fetch_detail', 'tup_fetched'),
                        ('pg_tup_delete_detail', 'tup_deleted'),
                        ('pg_tup_update_detail', 'tup_updated'),
                        ('pg_tup_insert_detail', 'tup_inserted'),
                        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                            self.setGraphVal(graph_name, db,
                    lock_stats_db = None
                    for lock_state in (
                        graph_name = "pg_lock_%s_detail" % lock_state
                        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                            if lock_stats_db is None:
                                lock_stats_db = self._dbconn.getLockStatsDB()
                                graph_name, db,
                                lock_stats_db[lock_state].get(db, 0))

        if self._replGraphs:
            repl_stats = self._dbconn.getSlaveConflictStats()
            if self.hasGraph('pg_repl_conflicts'):
                for field in self.getGraphFieldList('pg_repl_conflicts'):
                        'pg_repl_conflicts', field,
                        repl_stats['totals'].get("confl_%s" % field))
            if self._detailGraphs and self.hasGraph(
                for (db, dbstats) in repl_stats['databases'].iteritems():
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_repl_conflicts_detail', db,

    def dbIncluded(self, name):
        """Utility method to check if database is included in graphs.
        @param name: Name of database.
        @return:     Returns True if included in graphs, False otherwise.
        return self.envCheckFilter('db', name)

    def autoconf(self):
        """Implements Munin Plugin Auto-Configuration Option.
        @return: True if plugin can be  auto-configured, False otherwise.
        return self._dbconn.checkVersion('7.0')
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, argv=(), env={}, debug=False):
     """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
     @param argv:  List of command line arguments.
     @param env:   Dictionary of environment variables.
     @param debug: Print debugging messages if True. (Default: False)
     MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env, debug)
     self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
     self._host = self.envGet('host')
     self._port = self.envGet('port', None, int)
     self._database = self.envGet('database')
     self._user = self.envGet('user')
     self._password = self.envGet('password')
     self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
     self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database, 
                           self._user, self._password)
     dblist = [db for db in self._dbconn.getDatabases()
               if self.dbIncluded(db)]
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Active Connections', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
             autoFixNames = True)
         for db in dblist:
             graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                 info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Total number of active connections.")
         graph.addField('max_conn', 'max_conn', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server in bytes.',
             args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
             autoFixNames = True)
         for db in dblist:
             graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                 info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             colour='000000', info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('blk_hit', 'cache hits', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
         graph.addField('blk_read', 'disk reads', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                  "disk cache per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transactions', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('commits', 'commits', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Transactions per second.")
         graph.addField('rollbacks', 'rollbacks', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Rollbacks per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)
     if self._dbconn.checkVersion('8.3'):
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_checkpoints'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Checkpoints per minute', 
                 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                 info='Number of Checkpoints per Minute for PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
             graph.addField('req', 'req', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Requested checkpoints..")
             graph.addField('timed', 'timed', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Check points started by timeout.")
             self.appendGraph('pg_checkpoints', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_bgwriter'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - BgWriter Stats (blocks / second)', 
                 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                 info='PostgreSQL Server - Bgwriter - Blocks written per second.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
             graph.addField('backend', 'backend', draw='LINE2', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                            info="Buffers written by backend and not bgwriter.")
             graph.addField('clean', 'clean', draw='LINE2', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                            info="Buffers cleaned by bgwriter runs.")
             graph.addField('chkpoint', 'chkpoint', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Buffers written performing checkpoints.")
             self.appendGraph('pg_bgwriter', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('fetch', 'fetch', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
         graph.addField('return', 'return', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                  "or bitmap scans.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('delete', 'delete', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples deleted per second.")
         graph.addField('update', 'update', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples updated per second.")
         graph.addField('insert', 'insert', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples inserted per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)
     for lock_state, desc in (('all', 
                               'Total number of locks grouped by lock mode.'),
                               'Number of locks in wait state grouped by lock mode.'),):
         graph_name = "pg_lock_%s" % lock_state
         if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
             mode_iter = iter(PgInfo.lockModes)
             graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s)" % lock_state, 
                 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for mode in ('AccessExcl', 'Excl', 'ShrRwExcl', 'Shr', 
                          'ShrUpdExcl', 'RwExcl', 'RwShr', 'AccessShr',):
                 graph.addField(mode, mode, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE', 
                                info="Number of locks of mode: %s" %
             self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)
     if self._detailGraphs:        
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Transaction commits per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK',
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)
         for lock_state, desc in (('all', 
                               'Total number of locks grouped by database.'),
                               'Number of locks in wait state grouped by database.'),):
             graph_name = "pg_lock_%s_detail" % lock_state
             if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
                 graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s) Detail" % lock_state, 
                     'PostgreSQL Sys',
                     args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                     autoFixNames = True)
                 for db in dblist:
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE', 
                                    info="Number of locks for database: %s" % db)
                 self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)
Beispiel #4
class MuninPgPlugin(MuninPlugin):
    """Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring PostgreSQL Database Server.

    plugin_name = 'pgstats'
    isMultigraph = True

    def __init__(self, argv=(), env={}, debug=False):
        """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
        @param argv:  List of command line arguments.
        @param env:   Dictionary of environment variables.
        @param debug: Print debugging messages if True. (Default: False)
        MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env, debug)
        self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
        self._host = self.envGet('host')
        self._port = self.envGet('port', None, int)
        self._database = self.envGet('database')
        self._user = self.envGet('user')
        self._password = self.envGet('password')
        self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
        self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database, 
                              self._user, self._password)
        dblist = [db for db in self._dbconn.getDatabases()
                  if self.dbIncluded(db)]
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Active Connections', 
                'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                autoFixNames = True)
            for db in dblist:
                graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                    info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
            graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                info="Total number of active connections.")
            graph.addField('max_conn', 'max_conn', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage', 
                'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server in bytes.',
                args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
                autoFixNames = True)
            for db in dblist:
                graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                    info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
            graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                colour='000000', info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('blk_hit', 'cache hits', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
            graph.addField('blk_read', 'disk reads', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0,
                info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                     "disk cache per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transactions', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('commits', 'commits', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Transactions per second.")
            graph.addField('rollbacks', 'rollbacks', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Rollbacks per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)
        if self._dbconn.checkVersion('8.3'):
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_checkpoints'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Checkpoints per minute', 
                    'PostgreSQL Sys',
                    info='Number of Checkpoints per Minute for PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
                graph.addField('req', 'req', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                               min=0, info="Requested checkpoints..")
                graph.addField('timed', 'timed', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                               min=0, info="Check points started by timeout.")
                self.appendGraph('pg_checkpoints', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_bgwriter'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - BgWriter Stats (blocks / second)', 
                    'PostgreSQL Sys',
                    info='PostgreSQL Server - Bgwriter - Blocks written per second.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
                graph.addField('backend', 'backend', draw='LINE2', 
                               type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                               info="Buffers written by backend and not bgwriter.")
                graph.addField('clean', 'clean', draw='LINE2', 
                               type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                               info="Buffers cleaned by bgwriter runs.")
                graph.addField('chkpoint', 'chkpoint', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                               min=0, info="Buffers written performing checkpoints.")
                self.appendGraph('pg_bgwriter', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('fetch', 'fetch', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
            graph.addField('return', 'return', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0,
                info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                     "or bitmap scans.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('delete', 'delete', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples deleted per second.")
            graph.addField('update', 'update', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples updated per second.")
            graph.addField('insert', 'insert', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples inserted per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)
        for lock_state, desc in (('all', 
                                  'Total number of locks grouped by lock mode.'),
                                  'Number of locks in wait state grouped by lock mode.'),):
            graph_name = "pg_lock_%s" % lock_state
            if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
                mode_iter = iter(PgInfo.lockModes)
                graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s)" % lock_state, 
                    'PostgreSQL Sys',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for mode in ('AccessExcl', 'Excl', 'ShrRwExcl', 'Shr', 
                             'ShrUpdExcl', 'RwExcl', 'RwShr', 'AccessShr',):
                    graph.addField(mode, mode, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE', 
                                   info="Number of locks of mode: %s" %
                self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)
        if self._detailGraphs:        
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Transaction commits per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK',
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                    autoFixNames = True)
                for db in dblist:
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                        type='DERIVE', min=0,
                        info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)
            for lock_state, desc in (('all', 
                                  'Total number of locks grouped by database.'),
                                  'Number of locks in wait state grouped by database.'),):
                graph_name = "pg_lock_%s_detail" % lock_state
                if self.graphEnabled(graph_name):
                    graph = MuninGraph("PostgreSQL - Locks (%s) Detail" % lock_state, 
                        'PostgreSQL Sys',
                        args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                        autoFixNames = True)
                    for db in dblist:
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE', 
                                       info="Number of locks for database: %s" % db)
                    self.appendGraph(graph_name, graph)
    def retrieveVals(self):
        """Retrieve values for graphs."""                
        stats = self._dbconn.getDatabaseStats()
        databases = stats.get('databases')
        totals = stats.get('totals')
        if databases and len(databases) > 0:
            if self.hasGraph('pg_connections'):
                limit = self._dbconn.getParam('max_connections')
                self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'max_conn', limit)
                for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', db, 
                self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'total', totals['numbackends'])
            if self.hasGraph('pg_diskspace'):
                for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', db, dbstats['disk_size'])
                self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', 'total', totals['disk_size'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_blockreads'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_hit', totals['blks_hit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_read', totals['blks_read'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_xact'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'commits', totals['xact_commit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'rollbacks', totals['xact_rollback'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_read'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'fetch', totals['tup_fetched'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'return', totals['tup_returned'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_write'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'delete', totals['tup_deleted'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'update', totals['tup_updated'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'insert', totals['tup_inserted'])
        lock_stats = None
        for lock_state in ('all', 'wait',):
            graph_name = "pg_lock_%s" % lock_state
            if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                if lock_stats is None:
                    lock_stats = self._dbconn.getLockStatsMode()
                mode_iter = iter(PgInfo.lockModes)
                for mode in ('AccessExcl', 'Excl', 'ShrRwExcl', 'Shr', 
                             'ShrUpdExcl', 'RwExcl', 'RwShr', 'AccessShr',):
                    self.setGraphVal(graph_name, mode, 
        stats = None               
        if self.hasGraph('pg_checkpoints'):
            if stats is None:
                stats = self._dbconn.getBgWriterStats()
            self.setGraphVal('pg_checkpoints', 'req', 
            self.setGraphVal('pg_checkpoints', 'timed', 
        if self.hasGraph('pg_bgwriter'):
            if stats is None:
                stats = self._dbconn.getBgWriterStats()
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'backend', 
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'clean', 
            self.setGraphVal('pg_bgwriter', 'chkpoint', 
        if self._detailGraphs:
            for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    if self.hasGraph('pg_blockread_detail'):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_blockread_detail', db, 
                            dbstats['blks_hit'] + dbstats['blks_read'])
                    for (graph_name, attr_name) in (
                            ('pg_xact_commit_detail', 'xact_commit'),
                            ('pg_xact_rollback_detail', 'xact_rollback'),
                            ('pg_tup_return_detail', 'tup_returned'),
                            ('pg_tup_fetch_detail', 'tup_fetched'),
                            ('pg_tup_delete_detail', 'tup_deleted'),
                            ('pg_tup_update_detail', 'tup_updated'),
                            ('pg_tup_insert_detail', 'tup_inserted'),
                        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                            self.setGraphVal(graph_name, db, dbstats[attr_name])
                    lock_stats_db = None
                    for lock_state in ('all', 'wait',):
                        graph_name = "pg_lock_%s_detail" % lock_state
                        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                            if lock_stats_db is None:
                                lock_stats_db = self._dbconn.getLockStatsDB()
                            self.setGraphVal(graph_name, db, 
                                             lock_stats_db[lock_state].get(db, 0))
    def dbIncluded(self, name):
        """Utility method to check if database is included in graphs.
        @param name: Name of database.
        @return:     Returns True if included in graphs, False otherwise.
        return self.envCheckFilter('db', name)
    def autoconf(self):
        """Implements Munin Plugin Auto-Configuration Option.
        @return: True if plugin can be  auto-configured, False otherwise.
        return self._dbconn.checkVersion('7.0')
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, argv = (), env = {}):
     """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
     @param argv: List of command line arguments.
     @param env:  Dictionary of environment variables.
     MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env)
     self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
     self._host = self.envGet('host')
     self._port = self.envGet('port')
     self._database = self.envGet('database')
     self._user = self.envGet('user')
     self._password = self.envGet('password')
     self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
     self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database, 
                           self._user, self._password)
     dblist = self._dbconn.getDatabases()
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Active Connections', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         for db in dblist:
             if self.dbIncluded(db):
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                     info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Total number of active connections.")
         graph.addField('max_conn', 'max_conn', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0')
         for db in dblist:
             if self.dbIncluded(db):
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                     info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             colour='000000', info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('blk_hit', 'cache hits', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
         graph.addField('blk_read', 'disk reads', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                  "disk cache per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transactions', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('commits', 'commits', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Transactions per second.")
         graph.addField('rollbacks', 'rollbacks', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Rollbacks per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('fetch', 'fetch', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
         graph.addField('return', 'return', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                  "or bitmap scans.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('delete', 'delete', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples deleted per second.")
         graph.addField('update', 'update', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples updated per second.")
         graph.addField('insert', 'insert', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples inserted per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)
     if self._detailGraphs:        
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Transaction commits per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK',
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
             for db in dblist:
                 if self.dbIncluded(db):
                     graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                         type='DERIVE', min=0,
                         info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)
Beispiel #6
class MuninPgPlugin(MuninPlugin):
    """Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring PostgreSQL Database Server.

    plugin_name = 'pgstats'
    isMultigraph = True

    def __init__(self, argv = (), env = {}):
        """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
        @param argv: List of command line arguments.
        @param env:  Dictionary of environment variables.
        MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env)
        self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
        self._host = self.envGet('host')
        self._port = self.envGet('port')
        self._database = self.envGet('database')
        self._user = self.envGet('user')
        self._password = self.envGet('password')
        self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
        self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database, 
                              self._user, self._password)
        dblist = self._dbconn.getDatabases()
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Active Connections', 
                'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for db in dblist:
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                        info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
            graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                info="Total number of active connections.")
            graph.addField('max_conn', 'max_conn', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage', 
                'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0')
            for db in dblist:
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                        info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
            graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
                colour='000000', info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('blk_hit', 'cache hits', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
            graph.addField('blk_read', 'disk reads', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0,
                info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                     "disk cache per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transactions', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('commits', 'commits', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Transactions per second.")
            graph.addField('rollbacks', 'rollbacks', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Rollbacks per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('fetch', 'fetch', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
            graph.addField('return', 'return', draw='AREASTACK', 
                type='DERIVE', min=0,
                info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                     "or bitmap scans.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)
        if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
            graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                info='Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            graph.addField('delete', 'delete', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples deleted per second.")
            graph.addField('update', 'update', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples updated per second.")
            graph.addField('insert', 'insert', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                           min=0, info="Tuples inserted per second.")
            self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)
        if self._detailGraphs:        
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Transaction commits per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK',
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
            if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
                graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail', 
                    'PostgreSQL DB',
                    info='Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                    args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
                for db in dblist:
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0,
                            info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." % db)
                self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)
    def retrieveVals(self):
        """Retrive values for graphs."""                
        stats = self._dbconn.getDatabaseStats()
        databases = stats.get('databases')
        totals = stats.get('totals')
        if databases and len(databases) > 0:
            if self.hasGraph('pg_connections'):
                limit = self._dbconn.getParam('max_connections')
                self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'max_conn', limit)
                for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', db, 
                self.setGraphVal('pg_connections', 'total', totals['numbackends'])
            if self.hasGraph('pg_diskspace'):
                for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                    if self.dbIncluded(db):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', db, dbstats['disk_size'])
                self.setGraphVal('pg_diskspace', 'total', totals['disk_size'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_blockreads'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_hit', totals['blks_hit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_blockreads', 'blk_read', totals['blks_read'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_xact'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'commits', totals['xact_commit'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_xact', 'rollbacks', totals['xact_rollback'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_read'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'fetch', totals['tup_fetched'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_read', 'return', totals['tup_returned'])
        if self.hasGraph('pg_tup_write'):
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'delete', totals['tup_deleted'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'update', totals['tup_updated'])
            self.setGraphVal('pg_tup_write', 'insert', totals['tup_inserted'])
        if self._detailGraphs:
            for (db, dbstats) in databases.iteritems():
                if self.dbIncluded(db):
                    if self.hasGraph('pg_blockread_detail'):
                        self.setGraphVal('pg_blockread_detail', db, 
                            dbstats['blks_hit'] + dbstats['blks_read'])
                    for (graph_name, attr_name) in (
                            ('pg_xact_commit_detail', 'xact_commit'),
                            ('pg_xact_rollback_detail', 'xact_rollback'),
                            ('pg_tup_return_detail', 'tup_returned'),
                            ('pg_tup_fetch_detail', 'tup_fetched'),
                            ('pg_tup_delete_detail', 'tup_deleted'),
                            ('pg_tup_update_detail', 'tup_updated'),
                            ('pg_tup_insert_detail', 'tup_inserted'),
                        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
                            self.setGraphVal(graph_name, db, dbstats[attr_name])
    def dbIncluded(self, name):
        """Utility method to check if database is included in graphs.
        @param name: Name of database.
        @return:     Returns True if included in graphs, False otherwise.
        return self.envCheckFilter('db', name)
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, argv=(), env={}, debug=False):
     """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
     @param argv:  List of command line arguments.
     @param env:   Dictionary of environment variables.
     @param debug: Print debugging messages if True. (Default: False)
     MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env, debug)
     self.envRegisterFilter('db', '^\w+$')
     self._host = self.envGet('host')
     self._port = self.envGet('port')
     self._database = self.envGet('database')
     self._user = self.envGet('user')
     self._password = self.envGet('password')
     self._detailGraphs = self.envCheckFlag('detail_graphs', False)
     self._dbconn = PgInfo(self._host, self._port, self._database, 
                           self._user, self._password)
     dblist = [db for db in self._dbconn.getDatabases()
               if self.dbIncluded(db)]
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_connections'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Active Connections', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Active connections for PostgreSQL Database Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
             autoFixNames = True)
         for db in dblist:
             graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                 info="Active connections to database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Total number of active connections.")
         graph.addField('max_conn', 'max_conn', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             info="Global server level concurrent connections limit.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_connections', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_diskspace'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Database Disk Usage', 
             'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Disk usage of databases on PostgreSQL Server in bytes.',
             args='--base 1024 --lower-limit 0',
             autoFixNames = True)
         for db in dblist:
             graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', type='GAUGE',
                 info="Disk usage of database %s." % db)
         graph.addField('total', 'total', draw='LINE2', type='GAUGE', 
             colour='000000', info="Total disk usage of all databases.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_diskspace', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockreads'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Block read stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('blk_hit', 'cache hits', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Blocks read from PostgreSQL Cache per second.")
         graph.addField('blk_read', 'disk reads', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Blocks read directly from disk or operating system "
                  "disk cache per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_blockreads', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transactions', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Transaction commit / rollback Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('commits', 'commits', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Transactions per second.")
         graph.addField('rollbacks', 'rollbacks', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Rollbacks per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_xact', graph)
     if self._dbconn.checkVersion('8.3'):
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_checkpoints'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Checkpoints per minute', 
                 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                 info='Number of Checkpoints per Minute for PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
             graph.addField('req', 'req', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Requested checkpoints..")
             graph.addField('timed', 'timed', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Check points started by timeout.")
             self.appendGraph('pg_checkpoints', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_bgwriter'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - BgWriter Stats (blocks / second)', 
                 'PostgreSQL Sys',
                 info='PostgreSQL Server - Bgwriter - Blocks written per second.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', period='minute')
             graph.addField('backend', 'backend', draw='LINE2', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                            info="Buffers written by backend and not bgwriter.")
             graph.addField('clean', 'clean', draw='LINE2', 
                            type='DERIVE', min=0, 
                            info="Buffers cleaned by bgwriter runs.")
             graph.addField('chkpoint', 'chkpoint', draw='LINE2', type='DERIVE', 
                            min=0, info="Buffers written performing checkpoints.")
             self.appendGraph('pg_bgwriter', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_read'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Reads', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple return and fetch Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('fetch', 'fetch', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0, 
             info="Tuples returned per second by table or index scans.")
         graph.addField('return', 'return', draw='AREASTACK', 
             type='DERIVE', min=0,
             info="Tuples fetched per second from tables using indices "
                  "or bitmap scans.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_read', graph)
     if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_write'):
         graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Writes', 'PostgreSQL Sys',
             info='Tuple insert, update and delete Stats for PostgreSQL Server.',
             args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
         graph.addField('delete', 'delete', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples deleted per second.")
         graph.addField('update', 'update', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples updated per second.")
         graph.addField('insert', 'insert', draw='AREASTACK', type='DERIVE', 
                        min=0, info="Tuples inserted per second.")
         self.appendGraph('pg_tup_write', graph)
     if self._detailGraphs:        
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_blockread_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Block Read Stats Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Block read stats for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Blocks read per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_blockread_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_commit_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Commits Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction commits for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Transaction commits per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_commit_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_xact_rollback_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Transaction Rollbacks Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Transaction rollbacks for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Transaction rollbacks per second for database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_xact_rollback_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_return_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Scan Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple scans for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples scanned per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_return_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_fetch_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Fetch Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple fetches for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples fetched per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_fetch_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_delete_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Delete Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple deletes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK',
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples deleted per second from database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_delete_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_update_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Updates Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple updates for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples updated per second in database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_update_detail', graph)
         if self.graphEnabled('pg_tup_insert_detail'):
             graph = MuninGraph('PostgreSQL - Tuple Inserts Detail', 
                 'PostgreSQL DB',
                 info='Tuple insertes for each database in PostgreSQL Server.',
                 args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0',
                 autoFixNames = True)
             for db in dblist:
                 graph.addField(db, db, draw='AREASTACK', 
                     type='DERIVE', min=0,
                     info="Tuples inserted per second into database %s." % db)
             self.appendGraph('pg_tup_insert_detail', graph)