Beispiel #1
    def write_json(self,
        Save a model in the json format, read by TADkit.

        **Note:** If none of model_num, models or cluster parameter are set,
        ALL the models will be written.

        :param directory: location where the file will be written (note: the
           name of the file will be model_1.cmm if model number is 1)
        :param None model_num: the number of the model to save
        :param True rndname: If True, file names will be formatted as:
           model.RND.cmm, where RND is the random number feed used by IMP to
           generate the corresponding model. If False, the format will be:
           model_NUM_RND.cmm where NUM is the rank of the model in terms of
           objective function value
        :param None filename: overide the default file name writing
        :param 'index' color: can be:

             * a string as:
                 * '**index**' to color particles according to their position in the
                   model (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.color_residues`)
                 * '**tad**' to color particles according to the TAD they belong to
                 * '**border**' to color particles marking borders. Color according to
                   their score (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.tad_border_coloring`)
                   coloring function like.
             * a function, that takes as argument a model and any other parameter
               passed through the kwargs.
             * a list of (r, g, b) tuples (as long as the number of particles).
               Each r, g, b between 0 and 1.
        :param kwargs: any extra argument will be passed to the coloring
        if isinstance(color, basestring):
            if color == 'index':
                color = color_residues(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'tad':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_coloring(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'border':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_border_coloring(self, **kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    ('%s type of coloring is not yet ' + 'implemeted\n') %
        elif hasattr(color, '__call__'):  # it's a function
            color = color(self, **kwargs)
        elif not isinstance(color, list):
            raise TypeError('one of function, list or string is required\n')
        form = '''
    "chromatin" : {
        "id" : %(sha)s,
        "title" : "%(title)s",
        "source" : "TADbit %(version)s",
        "metadata": {%(descr)s},
        "type" : "tadbit",
            "data": {
            "models":     [
                { %(xyz)s },
                "restraints": [[][]],
            "chromatinColor" : [ ]
        fil = {}
        fil['sha'] =['xyz']).hexdigest()
        fil['title'] = title or "Sample TADbit data"
        fil['version'] = version
        fil['descr'] = ''.join(
            '\n', ',\n'.join([
                '"%s" : %s' % (k, ('"%s"' %
                                   (v)) if isinstance(v, basestring) else v)
                for k, v in list(self.get('description', {}).items())
            ]), '\n')
        fil['xyz'] = ','.join([
            '[%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]' % (self['x'][i], self['y'][i], self['z'][i])
            for i in range(len(self['x']))

        if filename:
            out_f = open('%s/%s' % (directory, filename), 'w')
            if rndname:
                out_f = open(
                    '%s/model.%s.cmm' % (directory, self['rand_init']), 'w')
                out_f = open(
                    '%s/model_%s_rnd%s.cmm' %
                    (directory, model_num, self['rand_init']), 'w')
Beispiel #2
    def write_json(self, directory, color='index', rndname=True,
                   model_num=None, title=None, filename=None, **kwargs):
        Save a model in the json format, read by TADkit.

        **Note:** If none of model_num, models or cluster parameter are set,
        ALL the models will be written.

        :param directory: location where the file will be written (note: the
           name of the file will be model_1.cmm if model number is 1)
        :param None model_num: the number of the model to save
        :param True rndname: If True, file names will be formatted as:
           model.RND.cmm, where RND is the random number feed used by IMP to
           generate the corresponding model. If False, the format will be:
           model_NUM_RND.cmm where NUM is the rank of the model in terms of
           objective function value
        :param None filename: overide the default file name writing
        :param 'index' color: can be:

             * a string as:
                 * '**index**' to color particles according to their position in the
                   model (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.color_residues`)
                 * '**tad**' to color particles according to the TAD they belong to
                 * '**border**' to color particles marking borders. Color according to
                   their score (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.tad_border_coloring`)
                   coloring function like.
             * a function, that takes as argument a model and any other parameter
               passed through the kwargs.
             * a list of (r, g, b) tuples (as long as the number of particles).
               Each r, g, b between 0 and 1.
        :param kwargs: any extra argument will be passed to the coloring
        if isinstance(color, str):
            if color == 'index':
                color = color_residues(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'tad':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_coloring(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'border':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_border_coloring(self, **kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError(('%s type of coloring is not yet ' +
                                           'implemeted\n') % color)
        elif hasattr(color, '__call__'): # it's a function
            color = color(self, **kwargs)
        elif not isinstance(color, list):
            raise TypeError('one of function, list or string is required\n')
        form = '''
	"chromatin" : {
		"id" : %(sha)s,
		"title" : "%(title)s",
		"source" : "TADbit %(version)s",
		"metadata": {%(descr)s},
		"type" : "tadbit",
	        "data": {
		    "models":     [
		        { %(xyz)s },
	            "restraints": [[][]],
		    "chromatinColor" : [ ]
        fil = {}
        fil['sha']     =['xyz']).hexdigest()
        fil['title']   = title or "Sample TADbit data"
        fil['version'] = version
        fil['descr']   = ''.join('\n', ',\n'.join([
            '"%s" : %s' % (k, ('"%s"' % (v)) if isinstance(v, str) else v)
            for k, v in self['description'].items()]), '\n')
        fil['xyz']     = ','.join(['[%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]' % (self['x'][i], self['y'][i],
                                   for i in xrange(len(self['x']))])
        if filename:
                out_f = open('%s/%s' % (directory, filename), 'w')
            if rndname:
                out_f = open('%s/model.%s.cmm' % (directory,
                                                  self['rand_init']), 'w')
                out_f = open('%s/model_%s_rnd%s.cmm' % (
                    directory, model_num, self['rand_init']), 'w')
Beispiel #3
    def write_cmm(self,
        Save a model in the cmm format, read by Chimera

        **Note:** If none of model_num, models or cluster parameter are set,
        ALL the models will be written.

        :param directory: location where the file will be written (note: the
           name of the file will be model_1.cmm if model number is 1)
        :param None model_num: the number of the model to save
        :param True rndname: If True, file names will be formatted as:
           model.RND.cmm, where RND is the random number feed used by IMP to
           generate the corresponding model. If False, the format will be:
           model_NUM_RND.cmm where NUM is the rank of the model in terms of
           objective function value
        :param None filename: overide the default file name writing
        :param 'index' color: can be:

             * a string as:
                 * '**index**' to color particles according to their position in the
                   model (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.color_residues`)
                 * '**tad**' to color particles according to the TAD they belong to
                 * '**border**' to color particles marking borders. Color according to
                   their score (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.tad_border_coloring`)
                   coloring function like.
             * a function, that takes as argument a model and any other parameter
               passed through the kwargs.
             * a list of (r, g, b) tuples (as long as the number of particles).
               Each r, g, b between 0 and 1.
        :param kwargs: any extra argument will be passed to the coloring
        if isinstance(color, basestring):
            if color == 'index':
                color = color_residues(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'tad':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_coloring(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'border':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads disctionary\n')
                color = tad_border_coloring(self, **kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    ('%s type of coloring is not yet ' + 'implemeted\n') %
        elif hasattr(color, '__call__'):  # it's a function
            color = color(self, **kwargs)
        elif not isinstance(color, list):
            raise TypeError('one of function, list or string is required\n')
        out = '<marker_set name=\"%s\">\n' % (self['rand_init'])
        form = (
            '<marker id=\"%s\" x=\"%s\" y=\"%s\" z=\"%s\"' +
            ' r=\"%s\" g=\"%s\" b=\"%s\" ' + 'radius=\"' +  #str(30) +
            str(self['radius']) + '\" note=\"%s\"/>\n')
        for i in range(len(self['x'])):
            out += form % (i + 1, self['x'][i], self['y'][i], self['z'][i],
                           color[i][0], color[i][1], color[i][2], i + 1)
        form = (
            '<link id1=\"%s\" id2=\"%s\" r=\"1\" ' +
            'g=\"1\" b=\"1\" radius=\"' + str(self['radius'] / 10.) +
            # str(self['radius']/2) +
        break_chroms = [1]
            for beg, end in zip(self['description']['start'],
                break_chroms.append((end - beg) /
                                    self['description']['resolution'] +
        for i in range(1, len(self['x'])):
            if i in break_chroms[1:]:
            out += form % (i, i + 1)
        out += '</marker_set>\n'

        if filename:
            out_f = open('%s/%s' % (directory, filename), 'w')
            if rndname:
                out_f = open(
                    '%s/model.%s.cmm' % (directory, self['rand_init']), 'w')
                out_f = open(
                    '%s/model_%s_rnd%s.cmm' %
                    (directory, model_num, self['rand_init']), 'w')
Beispiel #4
    def write_cmm(self, directory, color='index', rndname=True,
                  model_num=None, filename=None, **kwargs):
        Save a model in the cmm format, read by Chimera

        **Note:** If none of model_num, models or cluster parameter are set,
        ALL the models will be written.

        :param directory: location where the file will be written (note: the
           name of the file will be model_1.cmm if model number is 1)
        :param None model_num: the number of the model to save
        :param True rndname: If True, file names will be formatted as:
           model.RND.cmm, where RND is the random number feed used by IMP to
           generate the corresponding model. If False, the format will be:
           model_NUM_RND.cmm where NUM is the rank of the model in terms of
           objective function value
        :param None filename: overide the default file name writing
        :param 'index' color: can be:

             * a string as:
                 * '**index**' to color particles according to their position in the
                   model (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.color_residues`)
                 * '**tad**' to color particles according to the TAD they belong to
                 * '**border**' to color particles marking borders. Color according to
                   their score (:func:`pytadbit.utils.extraviews.tad_border_coloring`)
                   coloring function like.
                 * '**copy**' to color particles according to the copy they belong to
             * a function, that takes as argument a model and any other parameter
               passed through the kwargs.
             * a list of (r, g, b) tuples (as long as the number of particles).
               Each r, g, b between 0 and 1.
        :param kwargs: any extra argument will be passed to the coloring
        if isinstance(color, str):
            if color == 'index':
                color = color_residues(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'tad':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads dictionary\n')
                color = tad_coloring(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'border':
                if not 'tads' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('ERROR: missing TADs\n   ' +
                                    'pass an Experiment.tads dictionary\n')
                color = tad_border_coloring(self, **kwargs)
            elif color == 'copy':
                color = copy_coloring(self, **kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError(('%s type of coloring is not yet ' +
                                           'implemeted\n') % color)
        elif hasattr(color, '__call__'): # it's a function
            color = color(self, **kwargs)
        elif not isinstance(color, list):
            raise TypeError('one of function, list or string is required\n')
        out = '<marker_set name=\"%s\">\n' % (self['rand_init'])
        form = ('<marker id=\"%s\" x=\"%s\" y=\"%s\" z=\"%s\"' +
                ' r=\"%s\" g=\"%s\" b=\"%s\" ' +
                'radius=\"' +
                str(self['radius']) +
                '\" note=\"%s\"/>\n')
        for molecule in self['x']:
            for i in xrange(len(self['x'][molecule])):
                out += form % (i + 1,
                               self['x'][molecule][i], self['y'][molecule][i], self['z'][molecule][i],
                               color[ncopy][0], color[ncopy][1], color[ncopy][2], i + 1)
            ncopy = ncopy + 1
        form = ('<link id1=\"%s\" id2=\"%s\" r=\"1\" ' +
                'g=\"1\" b=\"1\" radius=\"' + str(10) +
                # str(self['radius']/2) +
        for i in xrange(1, len(self['x'])):
            out += form % (i, i + 1)
        out += '</marker_set>\n'

        if filename:
                out_f = open('%s/%s' % (directory, filename), 'w')
            if rndname:
                out_f = open('%s/model.%s.cmm' % (directory,
                                                  self['rand_init']), 'w')
                out_f = open('%s/model_%s_rnd%s.cmm' % (
                    directory, model_num, self['rand_init']), 'w')