def t2w(screen_point, origin=Point(0, 0), screen_origin=Point(350, 325)):
    screen_point = Point(screen_point)
    # print(f't2w-------{screen_point=}')

    # Use existing axes_origin to get screen points to correct world point

    scale_x = 0.1
    # Should I do this for "flipped" coordinates?
    scale_y = -0.1
    rotate = 0.0
    # T-R-S

    r = math.radians(rotate)
    c = math.cos(r)
    s = math.sin(r)

    translated_point = (screen_point - screen_origin)
    # transform screen origin relative to
    tra_x = translated_point[0]
    tra_y = translated_point[1]
    # print(f'{translated_point=}')

    sca_x = scale_x * tra_x
    sca_y = scale_y * tra_y
    scaled_point = Point(sca_x, sca_y)
    # print(f'{scaled_point=}')

    rot_x = sca_x * c - sca_y * s
    rot_y = sca_x * s + sca_y * c
    rotated_point = Point(rot_x, rot_y)
    # print(f'{rotated_point=}')

    transformed_point = rotated_point + origin
    return transformed_point
def t2s(world_point, screen_origin=Point(350, 325)):
    world_point = Point(world_point)
    # print(f't2s-------{world_point=}')
    # Use existing axes_origin to get screen points to correct world point
    origin = Point(0, 0)

    scale_x = 10
    ' Pixels per unit (integer tick size) f\'{scale_x}\' means 0.0 to 1.0 is 0.1 Pixels, '
    # Should I do this for "flipped" coordinates?
    scale_y = -10
    rotate = 0.0
    # T-R-S

    r = math.radians(rotate)
    c = math.cos(r)
    s = math.sin(r)

    translated_point = (world_point - origin)
    # transform screen origin relative to
    tra_x = translated_point[0]
    tra_y = translated_point[1]
    # print(f'{translated_point=}')

    rot_x = tra_x * c - tra_y * s
    rot_y = tra_x * s + tra_y * c
    rotated_point = Point(rot_x, rot_y)
    # print(f'{rotated_point=}')

    sca_x = scale_x * rot_x
    sca_y = scale_y * rot_y
    scaled_point = Point(sca_x, sca_y)
    # print(f'{scaled_point=}')

    transformed_point = scaled_point + screen_origin
    return transformed_point
def new_translate_to_world(screen_pt=None, zoom_pt=None, zoom_f=1.0):
    This is going to be the replacement for translate_to_world	
        screen_pt: Value to convert to screen coordinates	
        zoom_pt: The center of the zooming (can be origin, or mouse position)	
        zoom_f: Zoom factor. if z > 1: zoom_in elif z < 1: zoom_out else: nothing	
        Translated point in world coordinates	
    if screen_pt is None:
        raise ValueError(f'Cannot translate None point to world co-ords')

    if zoom_pt is None:
        assert zoom_pt is not None, f'{zoom_pt=}, {screen_pt=}'
    # if zoom_f == 1.0:
    #     return Point(world_pt)

    # This is the calculation from to_screen, reverse it to get to_world
    # new_x = (screen_pt[0] - zoom_pt[0]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[0]
    new_x = (screen_pt[0] - zoom_pt[0]) / zoom_f + zoom_pt[0]

    # When do I flip the screen on Y?
    # new_y = -((world_pt[1] - zoom_pt[1]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[1])
    # This is the calculation from to_screen, reverse it to get to_world
    # new_y = (screen_pt[1] - zoom_pt[1]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[1]
    new_y = (screen_pt[1] - zoom_pt[1]) / zoom_f + zoom_pt[1]
    ret_val = Point(new_x, new_y)
    # print(f':  scale {world_pt: 7.2f} by {zoom_f:1.1f} @ {zoom_pt: 7.2f} as zoom center : Result : {ret_val:7.2f}')
    # string = f'{ret_val:7.2f}'
    return ret_val
def new_translate_to_gui_screen(world_pt=None, zoom_pt=None, zoom_f=1.0):
    This is going to be the replacement for translate_to_screen	
        world_pt: Value to convert to screen coordinates	
        zoom_pt: The center of the zooming (can be origin, or mouse position)	
        zoom_f: Zoom factor. if z > 1: zoom_in elif z < 1: zoom_out else: nothing	
        Translated Point in screen coordinates	
    if world_pt is None:
        raise ValueError(f'Cannot translate None point to screen co-ords')

    if zoom_pt is None:
        assert zoom_pt is not None, f'{zoom_pt=}, {world_pt=}'
    # if zoom_f == 1.0:
    #     return Point(world_pt)

    new_x = (world_pt[0] - zoom_pt[0]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[0]
    # new_y = -((world_pt[1] - zoom_pt[1]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[1])
    new_y = (world_pt[1] - zoom_pt[1]) * zoom_f + zoom_pt[1]
    ret_val = Point(new_x, new_y)
    # print(f':  scale {world_pt: 7.2f} by {zoom_f:1.1f} @ {zoom_pt: 7.2f} as zoom center : Result : {ret_val:7.2f}')
    # string = f'{ret_val:7.2f}'
    return ret_val
Beispiel #5
def test_create_from_shape(t):
    print('\ntest_create_from_shape: Running...')
    g = Shape(t)
    assert g == t
    assert g.translate(Point(15, 15)) != t
    assert g == t
    print('test_create_from_shape: Test successful!')
def formula(point, zmp, newscale=20, oldscale=10):
    def apply_scale(point, scale):
        return Point(point[0] * scale, point[1] * scale)

    if zmp is None:
        zmp = Point(400, 275)

    change_in_scale = newscale / oldscale
    value = zmp - apply_scale(zmp - point, change_in_scale)
    print(f'{point} -> {value}')
    return value
Beispiel #7
def test_sequences(t):
    print('\ntest_sequences: Running...')
        del t[2]
    except IndexError as e:
        print('Caught delete error!', e)
        t[2] = Point(2, 2)
    except IndexError as e:
        print('Caught setitem error!', e)
    print('test_sequences: Test successful!')
def run_t2w_tests(screen_pt=None, zoom_pt=None, zoom_f=1.0):
    # Other translations are fine, but I need to go from
    # traditional Euclidean 2-D space to a GUI screen
    # Take "Mouse Pos" in screen coords and translate
    # to world coordinates as if you were looking at a sheet
    # of paper.
    s_pt = [Point(350, 325), Point(450, 225), Point(450, 325)]
    o_pt = [Point(0, 0)]
    w_expected = [Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10), Point(10, 0)]

    for s_index, screen_point in enumerate(s_pt):
        p = screen_point
        w = t2w(p)
        s = t2s(w)
            f'{p} -> t2w(p)={w} -> f{w_expected[s_index]=} {p} == {s}? {p == s}'
Beispiel #9
class Shape:
    def fix_origin(p_list):
        split_list = list(zip(*[(x, y) for x, y in p_list]))
        avg_x = sum(split_list[0]) / len(split_list[0])
        avg_y = sum(split_list[1]) / len(split_list[1])
        orig = Point(avg_x, avg_y)
        return orig

    def map(self, func):
        Maps a passed-in function to every Point in the polygon. Changes are immediate.	
        print('map:AFTER:MAP:', self._pt_list)
        for p in self._pt_list:
            result = func(p)
            p[0] = result[0]
            p[1] = result[1]
        print('map:AFTER:MAP:', self._pt_list)

    def get_centroid(self):
        # return self.centroid.round(self.centroid.format_digits_to_round)
        return self.centroid

    def __init__(self,
        if (sides is not None
                and type(sides) in (int, float)) or sides is None:
            self.sides = int(sides) or 3
            self.centroid = Point(centroid or (0, 0))
            self.radius = radius or 1.0
            self.rot_point = Point(rot_point or self.centroid)
            self.rot_angle = rot_angle or 0.0
            angle = 360.0 / sides
            # rot_angle = 0

            if type(self.centroid) is not Point:
                assert AssertionError('type(self.centroid) is not Point')
            self._pt_list = [
                Point(self.centroid + (0, self.radius)).rotate(
                    angle * multiply).rotate(self.rot_angle, self.rot_point)
                for multiply in range(0, sides)

        elif type(sides) is Shape:
            obj = sides
            self.sides = obj.sides
            self.radius = obj.radius
            self.centroid = Point(obj.centroid)
            self.rot_angle = obj.rot_angle
            self.rot_point = Point(obj.rot_point)
            self._pt_list = [Point(i) for i in obj]
        elif type(sides) in (list, tuple):
            lst = sides
            self.sides = len(lst)
            self.centroid = Point(
                centroid if centroid else Shape.fix_origin(lst))
            self.radius = self.centroid.calc_radius(lst[0])
            self.rot_angle = 0
            self.rot_point = self.centroid
            self._pt_list = [Point(i) for i in lst]
            raise AssertionError(
                f'{type(sides)=}Only reason sides is not established is here')

    def __init___old(self, sides=None, radius=None, o_pt=None):
        if type(sides) is Shape:
            obj = sides
            self.sides = obj.sides
            self.radius = obj.radius
            if radius and not self.radius:
                self.radius = radius
            self.centroid = obj.get_centroid()
            if o_pt:
                self.centroid = Point(o_pt)
                self.centroid = Point(0, 0)

            self.radius = self.centroid.calc_radius(obj[0])

            self._pt_list = []
            for pt in obj:
            # print(f'------------ COPIED {self} from {obj}')
        elif type(sides) is list:
            self.radius = radius
            self.sides = len(sides)
            self.centroid = Shape.fix_origin(sides)

            self.centroid += o_pt

            self._pt_list = []
            for pt in sides:

            if not self.centroid:
                fixed_origin = Shape.fix_origin(self._pt_list)
                print('  &&& Copy Point List, fixed centroid:', self.centroid,
                      ' -> ', fixed_origin)
                self.centroid = fixed_origin
                print('  &&& Copy Point List, did not fix centroid:',

            if not self.radius or radius < 5:
                cr = self.centroid.calc_radius(self._pt_list[0])
                print('  %.* Calculated Radius to be ', cr, ' not',
                self.radius = cr
            if sides is None or sides <= 2:
                raise ValueError('Shape must be greater than 3 sides.')
            self.sides = sides

            def v_err():
                raise ValueError('Need Radius >= 5')

            self.radius = 2 if radius is None else (
                radius if radius >= 0.00005 else v_err())

            self.centroid = Point(0, 0) + o_pt
            angle = 360.0 / sides
            print(f'{angle=} {self.sides=} {self.radius=}')
                f'{Point(self.centroid[0], self.centroid[1] + 100).rotate(60, self.centroid)=}'

            p_list = [Point(self.centroid[0], self.centroid[1] + self.radius)]

            for s_range in range(0, sides - 1):
                p_list.append(p_list[s_range].rotate(angle, self.centroid))

            self._pt_list = p_list

            if not self.centroid:
                shape_p = Shape.fix_origin(p_list)
                print('  &&& New Shape, fixed centroid     *******:',
                      self.centroid, ' -> ', shape_p)
                self.centroid = shape_p
                print('  &&& New Shape, did not fix centroid   *:',

    def __len__(self):
        return self.sides

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        # if __name__ == "__main__":
        #     print('Shape.__getitem__:', item, self._pt_list[item])
        return self._pt_list[item]

    def __setitem__(self, item, value):
        # if __name__ == "__main__":
        #     print('Shape.__setitem__:', item, self._pt_list[item], value, end='')
        raise IndexError('Polygon is immutable!')

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # if __name__ == "__main__":
        #     print('Point.__delitem__:', self, key)
        raise IndexError('Polygon is immutable!')

    def scale(self, factor=1, scale_pt=None):
        if __name__ == "__main__":
            header = f'Shape.   scale   : Shape({self.sides}) {factor=} {scale_pt=}'

        tmp = Shape(self)

        if factor == 1:
            if __name__ == "__main__":
                print(f'{header} returns a copy of self')
            return tmp

        if scale_pt is None:
            scale_pt = self.centroid

        for i in tmp:
            i[0] = i[0] - scale_pt[0]
            i[1] = i[1] - scale_pt[0]

            i[0] = i[0] * factor
            i[1] = i[1] * factor

            i[0] = i[0] + scale_pt[0]
            i[1] = i[1] + scale_pt[1]

        if __name__ == "__main__":
            print(f'{header} == becomes == {tmp}')
        return tmp

    def translate(self, point):
        # if __name__ == "__main__":
        #     print(f'Shape.translate: {self} + {point}')
        x = Shape(self)

        if point is None:
            return x

        for i in x:
            i[0] = i[0] + point[0]
            i[1] = i[1] + point[1]

        x.centroid = (x.centroid + point).round(7)
        # print(f'Shape.translate: {x.centroid}')
        # p_list = []
        # for side_i in range(0, self.sides):
        #     p_list.append(Point(self._pt_list[side_i]) + Point(point))
        # self.set_centroid(Point(self.centroid[0] + point[0], self.centroid[1] + point[1]))
        # self._pt_list = p_list
        return x

    # Rotate the polygon around (ox, oy) with points in polygon respecting self.centroid
    # None will make it spin around it's 'center' or 'centroid'
    # An actual value will rotate all points around that point
    def rotate(self, theta, rot_point=None):
        if __name__ == "__main__":
                f'Shape.rotate: Shape({self.sides}) @ ({theta}, {rot_point})')

        if rot_point is None:
            # DEBUG THIS IN SHAPE
            # rot_point = self.centroid.round(self.centroid.format_digits_to_round)
            rot_point = self.centroid

        p_list = []
        for pt in self:
            p_list.append(pt @ (theta, rot_point))

        new_shape = Shape(p_list)
        return new_shape
        # raise AssertionError(str(new_shape))

    def point_list_int(self, offset=None):
        if offset is None:
            offset = self.centroid

        return ((int(var[0] + offset[0]), int(var[1] + offset[1]))
                for var in self._pt_list)

    def point_list_int_scaled(self, scale=1.0, offset=None):
        if offset is None:
            offset = self.centroid

        return ((int((var[0]) * scale) + offset[0], int(
            (var[1]) * scale) + offset[1]) for var in self._pt_list)

    def _repr_lst(self, format_spec=''):
        string = '['
        lst_len = len(self._pt_list) - 1
        expected = '[' + ', '.join([str(pt) for pt in self._pt_list]) + ']'

        for i, val in enumerate(self._pt_list):
            string += val.__repr__()
            if i < lst_len:
                string += ', '
        string += ']'
        return string

    def _txt_pt_lst(self, format_spec=''):
        return '[' + ', '.join(
            [format(val, format_spec) for val in self._pt_list]) + ']'

    def __str__(self, format_exc=''):
        return f'Shape[V:{self._txt_pt_lst()} E:{self.sides}  R:{round(self.radius, 5)} C:{self.centroid}])'

    def __repr__(self):
        string = f"Shape({self._repr_lst()})"
        return string

    def set_centroid(self, new_origin):
        if type(new_origin) is tuple:
            raise TypeError(f'tuple {self.centroid} tried to escape!1')

        self.centroid = new_origin
        return self

    def __ne__(self, other):
        if __name__ == "__main__":
            header = f'Shape.__ne__:'

        if self.sides != other.sides or len(self) != len(other):
            if __name__ == "__main__":
                    f'{header} : Base values are different : therefore, they are not equal! True'
            return True

        for i in range(0, len(other)):
            if other[i] in self:
                print(f'{header} : {other[i]} not in self? False')
                    f'{header} : {other[i]} not in self! : therefore, they are not equal! True'
                return True

        print(f'{header} : self != other? False')
        return False

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if __name__ == "__main__":
            header = f'Shape.__eq__:'

        if self.sides != other.sides or len(self) != len(other):
            if __name__ == "__main__":
                    f'{header} : Base values are different : therefore, they are not equal! False'
            return False

        for i in range(0, len(other)):
            if other[i] in self:
                print(f'{header} : {other[i]} in self? : True')
                    f'{header} : {other[i]} not in self! : therefore, they are not equal! False'
                return False

        print(f'{header} : self == other? True')
        return True
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self,
        if (sides is not None
                and type(sides) in (int, float)) or sides is None:
            self.sides = int(sides) or 3
            self.centroid = Point(centroid or (0, 0))
            self.radius = radius or 1.0
            self.rot_point = Point(rot_point or self.centroid)
            self.rot_angle = rot_angle or 0.0
            angle = 360.0 / sides
            # rot_angle = 0

            if type(self.centroid) is not Point:
                assert AssertionError('type(self.centroid) is not Point')
            self._pt_list = [
                Point(self.centroid + (0, self.radius)).rotate(
                    angle * multiply).rotate(self.rot_angle, self.rot_point)
                for multiply in range(0, sides)

        elif type(sides) is Shape:
            obj = sides
            self.sides = obj.sides
            self.radius = obj.radius
            self.centroid = Point(obj.centroid)
            self.rot_angle = obj.rot_angle
            self.rot_point = Point(obj.rot_point)
            self._pt_list = [Point(i) for i in obj]
        elif type(sides) in (list, tuple):
            lst = sides
            self.sides = len(lst)
            self.centroid = Point(
                centroid if centroid else Shape.fix_origin(lst))
            self.radius = self.centroid.calc_radius(lst[0])
            self.rot_angle = 0
            self.rot_point = self.centroid
            self._pt_list = [Point(i) for i in lst]
            raise AssertionError(
                f'{type(sides)=}Only reason sides is not established is here')
def run_translate_tests(pt_lst=None,
    if pt_lst is None:
        pt_lst = [
            Point(450, 225),
            Point(450, 325),
            Point(350, 325),
            Point(250, 425)

    if pt_lst_ans is None:
        pt_lst_ans = [[[
            Point(400, 275),
            Point(400, 325),
            Point(350, 325),
            Point(300, 375)
        ], [
            Point(350, 325),
            Point(350, 375),
            Point(300, 375),
            Point(250, 425)
                           Point(225, 112.50),
                           Point(225, 162.5),
                           Point(175, 162.5),
                           Point(125, 212.5)
                          Point(450, 225),
                          Point(450, 325),
                          Point(350, 325),
                          Point(250, 425)
                           Point(450, 225),
                           Point(450, 325),
                           Point(350, 325),
                           Point(250, 425)
                           Point(450, 225),
                           Point(450, 325),
                           Point(350, 325),
                           Point(250, 425)
                          Point(550, 125),
                          Point(550, 325),
                          Point(350, 325),
                          Point(150, 525)
                           Point(650, 25),
                           Point(650, 225),
                           Point(450, 225),
                           Point(250, 425)
                           Point(900, 450),
                           Point(900, 650),
                           Point(700, 650),
                           Point(500, 850)
                          Point(600, 75),
                          Point(600, 325),
                          Point(350, 325),
                          Point(100, 575)
                           Point(750, -75),
                           Point(750, 175),
                           Point(500, 175),
                           Point(250, 425)
                           Point(1125, 562.50),
                           Point(1125, 812.5),
                           Point(875, 812.5),
                           Point(625, 1062.5)
    if zoom_point is None:
        zoom_point = [Point(350, 325), Point(250, 425), Point(0, 0)]

    if scale_factor is None:
        scale_factor = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5]

    expected_test_count = len(scale_factor) * len(zoom_point) * len(pt_lst)
    test_count = 0

        f'\nTesting Point(s)\n  {pt_lst}\n with Zoom(s)\n  {zoom_point}\n with Scale(s)\n  {scale_factor}'
    print('-' * 100)

    for s_index, s_factor in enumerate(scale_factor):
        for z_index, z_pt in enumerate(zoom_point):
            for p_index, pt_to_check in enumerate(pt_lst):
                expected = format(pt_lst_ans[s_index][z_index][p_index],
                ret_value = new_translate_to_gui_screen(
                    pt_to_check, z_pt, s_factor)
                result = format(ret_value, '7.2f')
                msg = f'world_to_gui(Point{pt_to_check}, Point{z_pt}, {s_factor}) == {expected}?'
                errmsg = msg + f' *** FALSE, got ...{result}...'

                readable = f'{pt_to_check: 7.2f} * ({s_factor: 7.2f}, Point{z_pt: 7.2f}) == {expected}? TRUE!'
                    assert result == expected, errmsg
                    test_count += 1
                    # print(msg + ' YES! -> ' + result)
                except AssertionError as e:
                    return test_count, expected_test_count

                    world = format(
                        new_translate_to_world(ret_value, z_pt, s_factor),
                    screen_pt = format(pt_to_check, '7.2f')
                    assert world == screen_pt, f'{ret_value} * ({s_factor}, {z_pt}) :: {world} != {screen_pt}'
                except AssertionError as e:
                    return test_count, expected_test_count

    return test_count, expected_test_count
def run_hand_checked_test_suite():
    pa = [[[
        Point(-25, -25),
        Point(25, 25),
        Point(50, 50),
        Point(75, 75),
        Point(125, 125)
              Point(-12.5, -12.5),
              Point(25, 25),
              Point(43.75, 43.75),
              Point(62.5, 62.5),
              Point(100, 100)
    pl = [
        Point(0, 0),
        Point(25, 25),
        Point(37.5, 37.5),
        Point(50, 50),
        Point(75, 75)
    z = [Point(25, 25)]
    s = [2.0, 1.5]

    return run_translate_tests(pt_lst=pl,
Beispiel #13
 def fix_origin(p_list):
     split_list = list(zip(*[(x, y) for x, y in p_list]))
     avg_x = sum(split_list[0]) / len(split_list[0])
     avg_y = sum(split_list[1]) / len(split_list[1])
     orig = Point(avg_x, avg_y)
     return orig
 def top_scale(point, scale_factor):
     return Point(point[0] * scale_factor, point[1] * -scale_factor)
def scale(point, scale, m_pt=None):
    if m_pt is None:
        m_pt = (400, 275)

    return Point((point[0] - m_pt[0]) * scale, (point[1] - m_pt[1]) * -scale)
def t2wf(point, axes_origin=None, oldscale=10):
    if axes_origin is None:
        axes_origin = Point(350, 325)
    return scale(point - axes_origin, 1 / oldscale)
 def apply_scale(point, scale):
     return Point(point[0] * scale, point[1] * scale)
def run_translate_around_mouse_tests():
    # point_list = [Point(350, 325), Point(400, 275), Point(450, 225), Point(450, 325), Point(250, 425)]
    # point_list = [Point(0, 0), Point(5, 5), Point(10, 10), Point(10, 0), Point(-10, -10)]
    # expected_values = [Point(300, 375), Point(400, 275), Point(500, 175), Point(500, 375), Point(100, 575)]
    point_list = [
        Point(350, 325),
        Point(400, 275),
        Point(450, 225),
        Point(450, 325),
        Point(250, 425)
    expected_values = [
        Point(300, 375),
        Point(400, 275),
        Point(500, 175),
        Point(500, 375),
        Point(100, 575)
    zoom_pt = (400, 275)
    result = formula(Point(0, 0), zmp=zoom_pt)
    print(result, result, result)
    e = len(expected_values)
    t = 0
    for i, pt in enumerate(point_list):
            result = formula(pt, zmp=zoom_pt)
            assert result == expected_values[
                i], f'failed {i + 1}: Expected {expected_values[i]}, got {result}'
                f'PASSED {i + 1}: Expected {expected_values[i]}, got {result}')
            t += 1
        except AssertionError as err:
    return t, e
Beispiel #19
    def __init___old(self, sides=None, radius=None, o_pt=None):
        if type(sides) is Shape:
            obj = sides
            self.sides = obj.sides
            self.radius = obj.radius
            if radius and not self.radius:
                self.radius = radius
            self.centroid = obj.get_centroid()
            if o_pt:
                self.centroid = Point(o_pt)
                self.centroid = Point(0, 0)

            self.radius = self.centroid.calc_radius(obj[0])

            self._pt_list = []
            for pt in obj:
            # print(f'------------ COPIED {self} from {obj}')
        elif type(sides) is list:
            self.radius = radius
            self.sides = len(sides)
            self.centroid = Shape.fix_origin(sides)

            self.centroid += o_pt

            self._pt_list = []
            for pt in sides:

            if not self.centroid:
                fixed_origin = Shape.fix_origin(self._pt_list)
                print('  &&& Copy Point List, fixed centroid:', self.centroid,
                      ' -> ', fixed_origin)
                self.centroid = fixed_origin
                print('  &&& Copy Point List, did not fix centroid:',

            if not self.radius or radius < 5:
                cr = self.centroid.calc_radius(self._pt_list[0])
                print('  %.* Calculated Radius to be ', cr, ' not',
                self.radius = cr
            if sides is None or sides <= 2:
                raise ValueError('Shape must be greater than 3 sides.')
            self.sides = sides

            def v_err():
                raise ValueError('Need Radius >= 5')

            self.radius = 2 if radius is None else (
                radius if radius >= 0.00005 else v_err())

            self.centroid = Point(0, 0) + o_pt
            angle = 360.0 / sides
            print(f'{angle=} {self.sides=} {self.radius=}')
                f'{Point(self.centroid[0], self.centroid[1] + 100).rotate(60, self.centroid)=}'

            p_list = [Point(self.centroid[0], self.centroid[1] + self.radius)]

            for s_range in range(0, sides - 1):
                p_list.append(p_list[s_range].rotate(angle, self.centroid))

            self._pt_list = p_list

            if not self.centroid:
                shape_p = Shape.fix_origin(p_list)
                print('  &&& New Shape, fixed centroid     *******:',
                      self.centroid, ' -> ', shape_p)
                self.centroid = shape_p
                print('  &&& New Shape, did not fix centroid   *:',
def run_second_test_suite():
    pa = [[[Point(10, 10),
            Point(30, 10),
            Point(30, 30),
            Point(-10, -10)],
           [Point(0, 0),
            Point(20, 0),
            Point(20, 20),
            Point(-20, -20)]],
          [[Point(0, 0),
            Point(10, 0),
            Point(10, 10),
            Point(-10, -10)],
           [Point(0, 0),
            Point(10, 0),
            Point(10, 10),
            Point(-10, -10)]]]
    pl = [Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10), Point(-10, -10)]
    z = [Point(-10, -10), Point(0, 0)]
    s = [2.0]

    return run_translate_tests(pt_lst=pl,