Beispiel #1
    def margherita(cls, radius):
        return cls(radius, ['mozzarella', 'tomatoes'])

    def area(self):
        return self.circle_area(self.radius)

    def circle_area(r):
        Precondition: r > 0
        return r ** 2 * math.pi

# Decorating everything in this file
check_all_contracts(__name__, decorate_main = False)

def person():
    return Person("David", 31, ["Sushi"])

def test_change_age_invalid_over(person) -> None:
    Change the age to larger than 100. Expect an exception.
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo:
    msg = str(excinfo.value)
    assert 'age < 150' in msg
Beispiel #2
def setup_module() -> None:
    """Pytest hook for setting up the module"""
    check_all_contracts(__name__, decorate_main=False)
Beispiel #3
            - age > 0
            - len(name) > 0
            - is_valid_name(name)
            - len(id) == 8
        """ = name
        self.age = age = id

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # "Magic function" to activate all contracts and representation invariants in the given file.
    # Can also import decorators "check_contracts" for functions and "add_class_invariants" for classes.
    import python_ta.contracts as contracts

    # This call works properly.
    # my_sum([100, 200, 300])

    # This call will raise an error: the type contract is violated by the parameter.
    # my_sum('hello')

    # This call will raise an error: the first precondition is not satisfied.
    # my_sum([])

    # This call will raise an error: the second precondition is not satisfied.
    # my_sum([1, 2, 3])

    # This call will raise an error: the return type is violated.
    # my_sum2([100, 200, 300])
Beispiel #4
def run():
    from python_ta.contracts import check_all_contracts

    check_all_contracts(__name__, decorate_main=False)

    divide(10, "x")