Beispiel #1
 def setUp(self):
     #ip = '' # was ''
     ip = ''
     url = "%s/drupal7/sites/all/modules/civicrm/" % ip
     site_key = '371cfadc834d2784a35e4f4ab20c1316'
     api_key = 'b734df56706432bb514ed737465424c3' = CiviCRM(url, site_key, api_key, timeout=1, use_ssl=False)
     self.contact_id = 202  # id for a valid civicrm user
     self.contact_json = '''{
         "address_id": "1",
         "country_id": "1228",
         "contact_id": "1",
         "id": "1",
         "world_region": "America South, Central, North and Caribbean",
         "city": "Portland",
         "preferred_mail_format": "Both",
         "display_name": "Test Test",
         "do_not_sms": "0",
         "email_id": "1",
         "organization_name": "",
         "is_opt_out": "0",
         "do_not_email": "0",
         "do_not_mail": "0",
         "state_province_id": "1036",
         "email": "*****@*****.**",
         "worldregion_id": "2",
         "do_not_phone": "0",
         "is_deceased": "0", "state_province": "OR",
         "contact_type": "Individual",
         "contact_is_deleted": "0",
         "street_address": "PO Box 28228"
     self.contacts = '{"values":[' + self.contact_json + ']}'
     self.results = """
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     ip = IP_ADDR
     url = "%s/drupal7/sites/all/modules/civicrm/" % ip
     site_key = SITE_KEY
     api_key = API_KEY = CiviCRM(url, site_key, api_key, timeout=1, use_ssl=False)
     self.contact_id = 202  # id for a valid civicrm user
Beispiel #3
 def setUp(self):
     ip = ''  # was ''
     url = "%s/drupal7/sites/all/modules/civicrm/" % ip
     site_key = '371cfadc834d2784a35e4f4ab20c1316'
     api_key = 'b734df56706432bb514ed737465424c3' = CiviCRM(url, site_key, api_key, timeout=1, use_ssl=False)
     self.contact_id = 202  # id for a valid civicrm user
Beispiel #4
import pandas as pd
import os
from pythoncivicrm.pythoncivicrm import CiviCRM

About: CiviCRM is a CMS Framework for non-profit organization websites. 
This script leverages the CiviCRM API and was made to automate/update 
Contribution records.

# Establish Civi Connection
url = ''  # My CMS Site
site_key = '####################'  # this is private :P
api_key = '#####################'  # this is private :P
civicrm = CiviCRM(url, site_key, api_key)

# PART I ##########################################################################################

# my contact id is 1799
# set working directory
os.chdir('C:\\Users\\Matt Wilchek\\Documents')

# read donation data
donations_2015 = pd.read_csv('donations_2015.csv')
donations_2015['contact_id'] = 0

search_results = civicrm.get('Contact', limit=5000)
contacts = pd.DataFrame(search_results)

search_results2 = civicrm.get('Contribution', limit=5000)
contributions = pd.DataFrame(search_results2)