def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
     env = super(LXMLRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
     libxslt_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe("libxslt", self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
     libxml2_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe("libxml2", self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
     env["CC"] += " -I%s/include -I%s " % (
     return env
 def build_arch(self, arch):
     super(LibxsltRecipe, self).build_arch(arch)
     env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
     with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
         # If the build is done with /bin/sh things blow up,
         # try really hard to use bash
         env["CC"] += " -I%s" % self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)
         libxml = Recipe.get_recipe(
             'libxml2', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
             "--with-libxml-src=%s" % libxml,
         shprint(sh.make, "V=1", _env=env)
             join(self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), "libxslt.a"),
             join(self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), "libexslt.a"),
Beispiel #3
 def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
     env = super(PyOpenSSLRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
     openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
     env['CC'] = '%s -I%s' % (env['CC'], join(openssl_build_dir, 'include'))
     env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format(
         self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) +
         '-L{}'.format(self.ctx.libs_dir)) + ' -L{}'.format(
     return env
 def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None):
     env = super(PyCryptoRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
     openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
     env['CC'] = '%s -I%s' % (env['CC'], join(openssl_build_dir, 'include'))
     env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format(
         self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) +
         '-L{}'.format(self.ctx.libs_dir)) + ' -L{}'.format(
     env['EXTRA_CFLAGS'] = '--host linux-armv'
     env['ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull'] = 'yes'
     return env
 def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
     env = super(PyCryptoRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
     openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe("openssl", self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
     env["CC"] = "%s -I%s" % (env["CC"], join(openssl_build_dir, "include"))
     env["LDFLAGS"] = (
         + " -L{}".format(self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) + "-L{}".format(self.ctx.libs_dir))
         + " -L{}".format(openssl_build_dir)
     env["EXTRA_CFLAGS"] = "--host linux-armv"
     env["ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull"] = "yes"
     return env
Beispiel #6
    def get_recipe_env(self, arch, with_flags_in_cc=True):
        env = super(FFPyPlayerRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)

        build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('ffmpeg', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
        env["FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR"] = join(build_dir, "include")
        env["FFMPEG_LIB_DIR"] = join(build_dir, "lib")

        env["SDL_INCLUDE_DIR"] = join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'jni', 'SDL', 'include')
        env["SDL_LIB_DIR"] = join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'libs', arch.arch)

        env["USE_SDL2_MIXER"] = '1'
        env["SDL2_MIXER_INCLUDE_DIR"] = join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'jni', 'SDL2_mixer')

        return env
    def build_arch(self, arch):
        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)

        harfbuzz_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('harfbuzz', self.ctx)
        env['LDFLAGS'] = ' '.join(
             '-L{}'.format(join(harfbuzz_recipe.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'src', '.libs'))])

        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            shprint(configure, '--host=arm-linux-androideabi',
                    '--without-zlib', '--with-png=no', '--enable-shared',
            shprint(sh.make, '-j5', _env=env)

            shprint(sh.cp, 'objs/.libs/', self.ctx.libs_dir)
    def build_cython_components(self, arch):
        info('Cythonizing anything necessary in {}'.format(
        env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
            info('Trying first build of {} to get cython files: this is '
                 'expected to fail'.format(
                shprint(hostpython, '', 'build_ext', _env=env)
            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
                info('{} first build failed (as expected)'.format(

            info('Running cython where appropriate')
            shprint(sh.find, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), '-iname', '*.pyx', '-exec',
                    self.ctx.cython, '{}', ';', _env=env)
            info('ran cython')

            # shprint(hostpython, '', 'build_ext', '-v', _env=env)

            build_lib = glob.glob('./build/lib*')
            shprint(sh.find, build_lib[0], '-name', '*.o', '-exec',
                    env['STRIP'], '{}', ';', _env=env)
            # exit(1)

            # Here we do *not* use the normal hostpython binary in the
            # target python dir, because twisted tries to import
            # which would fail.
            hostpython_build = sh.Command(join(
                Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx).get_build_dir('armeabi'),
            shprint(hostpython_build, '', 'install', '-O2',
                    '--install-lib=/lib/python2.7/site-packages', _env=env)
    def build_arch(self, arch):
        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            env = arch.get_env()

            flags = ['--disable-everything']
            cflags = []
            ldflags = []

            if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                flags += [
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-L' + build_dir]

            if 'ffpyplayer_codecs' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                # libx264
                flags += ['--enable-libx264']
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('libx264', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-lx264', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']

                # libshine
                flags += ['--enable-libshine']
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('libshine', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-lshine', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']

                # Enable all codecs:
                flags += [
                # Enable codecs only for .mp4:
                flags += [

            # needed to prevent version node not found for symbol av_init_packet@LIBAVFORMAT_52
            # /usr/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
            flags += [

            # disable binaries / doc
            flags += [

            # other flags:
            flags += [

            # android:
            flags += [
                '--sysroot=' + self.ctx.ndk_platform,
            cflags += [

            env['CFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(cflags)
            env['LDFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(ldflags)

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            shprint(configure, *flags, _env=env)
            shprint(sh.make, '-j4', _env=env)
            shprint(sh.make, 'install', _env=env)
            # copy libs:
            sh.cp('-a', sh.glob('./lib/lib*.so'), self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch))
Beispiel #10
    def do_python_build(self, arch):
        if 'sqlite' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
            print('sqlite support not yet enabled in python recipe')

        hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, self.get_build_dir(arch.arch))
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpgen, self.get_build_dir(arch.arch))
        hostpython = join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'hostpython')
        hostpgen = join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'hostpython')

        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):

            hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
            shprint(sh.cp, join(hostpython_recipe.get_recipe_dir(), 'Setup'), 'Modules')

            env = arch.get_env()

            # AND: Should probably move these to get_recipe_env for
            # neatness, but the whole recipe needs tidying along these
            # lines
            env['HOSTARCH'] = 'arm-eabi'
            env['BUILDARCH'] = shprint(sh.gcc, '-dumpmachine').stdout.split('\n')[0]
            env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([env['CFLAGS'], '-DNO_MALLINFO'])

            # TODO need to add a should_build that checks if optional
            # dependencies have changed (possibly in a generic way)
            if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe('openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([env['CFLAGS'],
                    '-I{}'.format(join(openssl_build_dir, 'include'))])
                env['LDFLAGS'] = ' '.join([env['LDFLAGS'],

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            # AND: OFLAG isn't actually set, should it be?
                    # 'OPT={}'.format(env['OFLAG']),

            # AND: tito left this comment in the original source. It's still true!
            # FIXME, the first time, we got a error at:
            # python$EXE ../../Tools/scripts/ -i '(u_long)' /usr/include/netinet/in.h
        # /home/tito/code/python-for-android/build/python/Python-2.7.2/python: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
            # because at this time, python is arm, not x86. even that, why /usr/include/netinet/in.h is used ?
            # check if we can avoid this part.

            make = sh.Command(env['MAKE'].split(' ')[0])
            print('First install (expected to fail...')
                shprint(make, '-j5', 'install', 'HOSTPYTHON={}'.format(hostpython),
            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2:
                print('First python2 make failed. This is expected, trying again.')

            print('Second install (expected to work)')
            shprint(sh.touch, 'python.exe', 'python')
            shprint(make, '-j5', 'install', 'HOSTPYTHON={}'.format(hostpython),

            if uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
                shprint(sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
                        join('python-install', 'Lib'))
                shprint(sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
                        join('python-install', 'lib', 'python2.7'))

            # reduce python
            for dir_name in ('test', join('json', 'tests'), 'lib-tk',
                             join('sqlite3', 'test'), join('unittest, test'),
                             join('lib2to3', 'tests'), join('bsddb', 'tests'),
                             join('distutils', 'tests'), join('email', 'test'),
                shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', join('python-install',
                                           'lib', 'python2.7', dir_name))
    def build_armeabi(self):
        if 'sqlite' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order or 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
            print('sqlite or openssl support not yet enabled in python recipe')

        hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'))
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpgen, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'))
        hostpython = join(self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), 'hostpython')
        hostpgen = join(self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), 'hostpython')

        if exists(join(self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), '')):
            print(' already exists, skipping python build.')
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install',
                                       'bin', '')


        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir('armeabi')):

            hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
            shprint(sh.cp, join(hostpython_recipe.get_recipe_dir(), 'Setup'),

            env = ArchAndroid(self.ctx).get_env()

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            # AND: OFLAG isn't actually set, should it be?
                # 'OPT={}'.format(env['OFLAG']),

            # AND: tito left this comment in the original source. It's still true!
            # FIXME, the first time, we got a error at:
            # python$EXE ../../Tools/scripts/ -i '(u_long)' /usr/include/netinet/in.h
            # /home/tito/code/python-for-android/build/python/Python-2.7.2/python: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
            # because at this time, python is arm, not x86. even that, why /usr/include/netinet/in.h is used ?
            # check if we can avoid this part.

            make = sh.Command(env['MAKE'].split(' ')[0])
            print('First install (expected to fail...')
            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2:
                    'First python2 make failed. This is expected, trying again.'

            print('Second install (expected to work)')
            shprint(sh.touch, 'python.exe', 'python')

            if uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
                        join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
                        join(self.get_build_dir(), 'Lib'))
                    sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches',
                    join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install', 'lib',

            print('Ready to copy .so for python arm')
            shprint(sh.cp, '', self.ctx.libs_dir)

            print('Copying hostpython binary to targetpython folder')
                sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython,
                join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install', 'bin',
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install',
                                       'bin', '')

            # reduce python?
            for dir_name in ('test', join('json', 'tests'), 'lib-tk',
                             join('sqlite3', 'test'), join('unittest, test'),
                             join('lib2to3', 'tests'), join('bsddb', 'tests'),
                                  'tests'), join('email', 'test'), 'curses'):
                    sh.rm, '-rf',
                    join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install', 'lib',
                         'python2.7', dir_name))
Beispiel #12
    def build_arch(self, arch):
        if 'sqlite' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order or 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
            print('sqlite or openssl support not yet enabled in python recipe')

        hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython3', self.ctx)
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, self.get_build_dir(arch.arch))
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpgen, self.get_build_dir(arch.arch))
        hostpython = join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'hostpython')
        hostpgen = join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'hostpython')

        if exists(join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), '')):
            print(' already exists, skipping python build.')
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install',
                                       'bin', '')


        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):

            hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython3', self.ctx)
            # shprint(sh.cp, join(hostpython_recipe.get_recipe_dir(), 'Setup'), 'Modules')

            env = ArchARM(self.ctx).get_env()
            env["LDFLAGS"] = env["LDFLAGS"] + ' -llog'

            # AND: Should probably move these to get_recipe_env for
            # neatness, but the whole recipe needs tidying along these
            # lines
            env['HOSTARCH'] = 'arm-eabi'
            env['BUILDARCH'] = shprint(sh.gcc, '-dumpmachine').stdout
            # env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([env['CFLAGS'], '-DNO_MALLINFO'])

            env['HOSTARCH'] = 'arm-linux-androideabi'
            env['BUILDARCH'] = 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')

            # AND: OFLAG isn't actually set, should it be?
            # shprint(configure,
            #         '--host={}'.format(env['HOSTARCH']),
            #         '--build={}'.format(env['BUILDARCH']),
            #         # 'OPT={}'.format(env['OFLAG']),
            #         '--prefix={}'.format(join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install')),
            #         '--enable-shared',
            #         '--disable-toolbox-glue',
            #         '--disable-framefork',
            #         _env=env)

            with open('', 'w') as fileh:

                    '--prefix={}'.format(join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install')),

            # The python2 build always fails the first time, but python3 seems to work.

            make = sh.Command(env['MAKE'].split(' ')[0])
            # print('First install (expected to fail...')
            # try:
            #     shprint(make, '-j5', 'install', 'HOSTPYTHON={}'.format(hostpython),
            #             'HOSTPGEN={}'.format(hostpgen),
            #             'CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=yes',
            #             '',
            #             _env=env)
            # except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2:
            #     print('First python3 make failed. This is expected, trying again.')

            # print('Second install (expected to work)')
            shprint(sh.touch, 'python.exe', 'python')
            # shprint(make, '-j5', 'install', 'HOSTPYTHON={}'.format(hostpython),
            #         'HOSTPGEN={}'.format(hostpgen),
            #         'CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=yes',
            #         '',
            #         _env=env)

            shprint(make, '-j5',

            shprint(make, '-j5', 'install',

            # if uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
            #     shprint(sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
            #             join(self.get_build_dir(), 'Lib'))
            #     shprint(sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
            #             join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install', 'lib', 'python3.7'))

            print('Ready to copy .so for python arm')
            shprint(sh.cp, '', self.ctx.libs_dir)
            shprint(sh.cp, '', self.ctx.libs_dir)

            print('Copying hostpython binary to targetpython folder')
            shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython,
                    join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install', 'bin',
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install',
                                       'bin', '')

            # reduce python?
            for dir_name in ('test', join('json', 'tests'), 'lib-tk',
                             join('sqlite3', 'test'), join('unittest, test'),
                             join('lib2to3', 'tests'), join('bsddb', 'tests'),
                             join('distutils', 'tests'), join('email', 'test'),
                shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'python-install',
                                           'lib', 'python3.7', dir_name))
Beispiel #13
    def build_arch(self, arch):
        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            env = arch.get_env()

            flags = ['--disable-everything']
            cflags = []
            ldflags = []

            if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                flags += [
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
                    'openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-L' + build_dir]

            if 'ffpyplayer_codecs' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                # libx264
                flags += ['--enable-libx264']
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
                    'libx264', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-lx264', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']

                # libshine
                flags += ['--enable-libshine']
                build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
                    'libshine', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch)
                cflags += ['-I' + build_dir + '/include/']
                ldflags += ['-lshine', '-L' + build_dir + '/lib/']

                # Enable all codecs:
                flags += [
                # Enable codecs only for .mp4:
                flags += [

            # needed to prevent version node not found for symbol av_init_packet@LIBAVFORMAT_52
            # /usr/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
            flags += [

            # disable binaries / doc
            flags += [

            # other flags:
            flags += [

            # android:
            flags += [
                '--sysroot=' + self.ctx.ndk_platform,
            cflags += [

            env['CFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(cflags)
            env['LDFLAGS'] += ' ' + ' '.join(ldflags)

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            shprint(configure, *flags, _env=env)
            shprint(sh.make, '-j4', _env=env)
            shprint(sh.make, 'install', _env=env)
            # copy libs:
            sh.cp('-a', sh.glob('./lib/lib*.so'),
    def build_armeabi(self):
        if "sqlite" in self.ctx.recipe_build_order or "openssl" in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
            print("sqlite or openssl support not yet enabled in python recipe")

        hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe("hostpython2", self.ctx)
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, self.get_build_dir("armeabi"))
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpgen, self.get_build_dir("armeabi"))
        hostpython = join(self.get_build_dir("armeabi"), "hostpython")
        hostpgen = join(self.get_build_dir("armeabi"), "hostpython")

        if exists(join(self.get_build_dir("armeabi"), "")):
            print(" already exists, skipping python build.")
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install", "bin", "")


        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir("armeabi")):

            hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe("hostpython2", self.ctx)
            shprint(sh.cp, join(hostpython_recipe.get_recipe_dir(), "Setup"), "Modules")

            env = ArchAndroid(self.ctx).get_env()

            configure = sh.Command("./configure")
            # AND: OFLAG isn't actually set, should it be?
                # 'OPT={}'.format(env['OFLAG']),
                "--prefix={}".format(join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install")),

            # AND: tito left this comment in the original source. It's still true!
            # FIXME, the first time, we got a error at:
            # python$EXE ../../Tools/scripts/ -i '(u_long)' /usr/include/netinet/in.h
            # /home/tito/code/python-for-android/build/python/Python-2.7.2/python: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
            # because at this time, python is arm, not x86. even that, why /usr/include/netinet/in.h is used ?
            # check if we can avoid this part.

            make = sh.Command(env["MAKE"].split(" ")[0])
            print("First install (expected to fail...")
            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2:
                print("First python2 make failed. This is expected, trying again.")

            print("Second install (expected to work)")
            shprint(sh.touch, "python.exe", "python")

            if uname()[0] == "Darwin":
                shprint(sh.cp, join(self.get_recipe_dir(), "patches", ""), join(self.get_build_dir(), "Lib"))
                    join(self.get_recipe_dir(), "patches", ""),
                    join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install", "lib", "python2.7"),

            print("Ready to copy .so for python arm")
            shprint(sh.cp, "", self.ctx.libs_dir)

            print("Copying hostpython binary to targetpython folder")
            shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install", "bin", ""))
            self.ctx.hostpython = join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install", "bin", "")

            # reduce python?
            for dir_name in (
                join("json", "tests"),
                join("sqlite3", "test"),
                join("unittest, test"),
                join("lib2to3", "tests"),
                join("bsddb", "tests"),
                join("distutils", "tests"),
                join("email", "test"),
                shprint(sh.rm, "-rf", join(self.ctx.build_dir, "python-install", "lib", "python2.7", dir_name))
Beispiel #15
    def do_python_build(self):
        if 'sqlite' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
            print('sqlite support not yet enabled in python recipe')

        hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpython, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'))
        shprint(sh.cp, self.ctx.hostpgen, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'))
        hostpython = join(self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), 'hostpython')
        hostpgen = join(self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), 'hostpython')

        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir('armeabi')):

            hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
            shprint(sh.cp, join(hostpython_recipe.get_recipe_dir(), 'Setup'),

            env = ArchAndroid(self.ctx).get_env()

            # AND: Should probably move these to get_recipe_env for
            # neatness, but the whole recipe needs tidying along these
            # lines
            env['HOSTARCH'] = 'arm-eabi'
            env['BUILDARCH'] = shprint(sh.gcc,
            env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([env['CFLAGS'], '-DNO_MALLINFO'])

            # TODO need to add a should_build that checks if optional
            # dependencies have changed (possibly in a generic way)
            if 'openssl' in self.ctx.recipe_build_order:
                openssl_build_dir = Recipe.get_recipe(
                    'openssl', self.ctx).get_build_dir('armeabi')
                env['CFLAGS'] = ' '.join([
                    '-I{}'.format(join(openssl_build_dir, 'include'))
                env['LDFLAGS'] = ' '.join(
                    [env['LDFLAGS'], '-L{}'.format(openssl_build_dir)])

            configure = sh.Command('./configure')
            # AND: OFLAG isn't actually set, should it be?
                # 'OPT={}'.format(env['OFLAG']),

            # AND: tito left this comment in the original source. It's still true!
            # FIXME, the first time, we got a error at:
            # python$EXE ../../Tools/scripts/ -i '(u_long)' /usr/include/netinet/in.h
            # /home/tito/code/python-for-android/build/python/Python-2.7.2/python: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
            # because at this time, python is arm, not x86. even that, why /usr/include/netinet/in.h is used ?
            # check if we can avoid this part.

            make = sh.Command(env['MAKE'].split(' ')[0])
            print('First install (expected to fail...')
            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_2:
                    'First python2 make failed. This is expected, trying again.'

            print('Second install (expected to work)')
            shprint(sh.touch, 'python.exe', 'python')

            if uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
                        join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
                        join('python-install', 'Lib'))
                        join(self.get_recipe_dir(), 'patches', ''),
                        join('python-install', 'lib', 'python2.7'))

            # reduce python
            for dir_name in ('test', join('json', 'tests'), 'lib-tk',
                             join('sqlite3', 'test'), join('unittest, test'),
                             join('lib2to3', 'tests'), join('bsddb', 'tests'),
                                  'tests'), join('email', 'test'), 'curses'):
                shprint(sh.rm, '-rf',
                        join('python-install', 'lib', 'python2.7', dir_name))