axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$t/t_c$ ') #axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{E}/\mathcal{E}_{B,0}^\parallel$') axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{E}/\mathcal{E}_{F}^0$') tmax = 10.0 #axs[0].set_yscale('log') #axs[0].set_ylim((1.0e-4, 2.0)) axs[0].set_ylim((0.0, 1.2)) axs[0].set_xlim((-0.5, tmax)) pic = True #-------------------------------------------------- # read and plot data args_cli = pytools.parse_args() var = args_cli.var #confs = [ "gam3.ini", ] confs = [ args_cli.conf_filename, ] for conf_filename in confs: conf = Configuration(conf_filename, do_print=True) # restructure path to point to this dir fdir = conf.outdir print(fdir) units = Units(conf)
if do_print: print("Running with {} MPI processes.".format( MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size())) # -------------------------------------------------- # Timer for profiling timer = pytools.Timer() timer.start("total") timer.start("init") timer.do_print = do_print # -------------------------------------------------- # parse command line arguments args = pytools.parse_args() # create conf object with simulation parameters based on them conf = Configuration(args.conf_filename, do_print=do_print) # -------------------------------------------------- # load runko if conf.threeD: # 3D modules import pycorgi.threeD as pycorgi # corgi ++ bindings import pyrunko.pic.threeD as pypic # runko pic c++ bindings import pyrunko.fields.threeD as pyfld # runko fld c++ bindings elif conf.twoD: # 2D modules