Beispiel #1
    def localize_advanced(self, scores, sample_scales):
        """Run the target advanced localization (as in ATOM)."""

        sz = scores.shape[-2:]
        score_sz = torch.Tensor(list(sz))
        score_center = (score_sz - 1)/2

        scores_hn = scores
        if self.output_window is not None and getattr(self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            scores_hn = scores.clone()
            scores *= self.output_window

        max_score1, max_disp1 = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score1, dim=0)
        sample_scale = sample_scales[scale_ind]
        max_score1 = max_score1[scale_ind]
        max_disp1 = max_disp1[scale_ind,...].float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp1 = max_disp1 - score_center
        translation_vec1 = target_disp1 * (self.img_support_sz / self.feature_sz) * sample_scale

        if max_score1.item() < self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'not_found'

        # Mask out target neighborhood
        target_neigh_sz = self.params.target_neighborhood_scale * (self.target_sz / sample_scale) * (self.feature_sz / self.img_support_sz)

        tneigh_top = max(round(max_disp1[0].item() - target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_bottom = min(round(max_disp1[0].item() + target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2 + 1), sz[0])
        tneigh_left = max(round(max_disp1[1].item() - target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_right = min(round(max_disp1[1].item() + target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2 + 1), sz[1])
        scores_masked = scores_hn[scale_ind:scale_ind + 1, ...].clone()
        scores_masked[...,tneigh_top:tneigh_bottom,tneigh_left:tneigh_right] = 0

        # Find new maximum
        max_score2, max_disp2 = dcf.max2d(scores_masked)
        max_disp2 = max_disp2.float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp2 = max_disp2 - score_center
        translation_vec2 = target_disp2 * (self.img_support_sz / self.feature_sz) * sample_scale

        # Handle the different cases
        if max_score2 > self.params.distractor_threshold * max_score1:
            disp_norm1 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp1**2))
            disp_norm2 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp2**2))
            disp_threshold = self.params.dispalcement_scale * math.sqrt(sz[0] * sz[1]) / 2

            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 < disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 < disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec2, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'uncertain'

            # If also the distractor is close, return with highest score
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'uncertain'

        if max_score2 > self.params.hard_negative_threshold * max_score1 and max_score2 > self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'hard_negative'

        return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores_hn, 'normal'
Beispiel #2
    def localize_and_update_target(self, sf: TensorList, i):
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'weightedsum':
            weight = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight')
            sf = fourier.sum_fs(weight * sf)
            scores = fourier.sample_fs(sf, self.output_sz)
            raise ValueError('Unknown score fusion strategy.')

        # Get maximum
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        max_disp = max_disp.float().cpu()

        # Convert to displacements in the base scale
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy in ['sum', 'weightedsum']:
            disp = (max_disp +
                    self.output_sz / 2) % self.output_sz - self.output_sz / 2
        elif self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'transcale':
            disp = max_disp - self.output_sz / 2

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec = disp.view(-1) * (self.img_support_sz /

        # Update pos
        new_pos = self.mid_point.round() + translation_vec

        inside_ratio = 0.2
        inside_offset = (inside_ratio - 0.5) * self.target_sz
        self.points[i] = torch.max(
            torch.min(new_pos, self.image_sz - inside_offset), inside_offset)

        return self.points[i].round(), max_score, scores
Beispiel #3
    def localize_target(self, scores_raw):
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'weightedsum':
            weight = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight')
            scores_raw = weight * scores_raw
            sf_weighted = fourier.cfft2(scores_raw) / (scores_raw.size(2) *
            for i, (sz,
                    ksz) in enumerate(zip(self.feature_sz, self.kernel_size)):
                sf_weighted[i] = fourier.shift_fs(
                    math.pi *
                    (1 - torch.Tensor([ksz[0] % 2, ksz[1] % 2]) / sz))

            scores_fs = fourier.sum_fs(sf_weighted)
            scores = fourier.sample_fs(scores_fs, self.output_sz)
        elif self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'default':
            if len(scores_raw) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented')
            scores = scores_raw[0]
            ksz = self.kernel_size[0]
            offset = torch.Tensor([ksz[0] % 2, ksz[1] % 2]) / 2
            raise ValueError('Unknown score fusion strategy.')

        if self.output_window is not None and not getattr(
                self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            raise NotImplementedError
            scores *= self.output_window

        if getattr(self.params, 'advanced_localization', False):
            return self.localize_advanced(scores)

        # Get maximum
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score, dim=0)
        max_disp = max_disp.float().cpu()

        # Convert to displacements in the base scale
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'default':
            disp = max_disp + offset
            disp = (max_disp +
                    self.output_sz / 2) % self.output_sz - self.output_sz / 2

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec = disp[scale_ind, ...].view(-1) * (
            self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale
        translation_vec *= self.params.scale_factors[scale_ind]

        # Shift the score output for visualization purposes
        if self.params.debug >= 2:
            sz = scores.shape[-2:]
            scores =
                [scores[..., sz[0] // 2:, :], scores[..., :sz[0] // 2, :]], -2)
            scores =
                [scores[..., :, sz[1] // 2:], scores[..., :, :sz[1] // 2]], -1)

        return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores, None
Beispiel #4
    def localize_target(self, scores_raw):
        # Weighted sum (if multiple features) with interpolation in fourier domain
        weight = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight',
                                        1.0)  #weight 没什么用
        if (Debug):
            print("weight : ", weight)  #
        scores_raw = weight * scores_raw  #
        if (Debug):
            print("scores_raw: ", scores_raw)
        sf_weighted = fourier.cfft2(scores_raw) / (scores_raw.size(2) *
        for i, (sz, ksz) in enumerate(zip(self.feature_sz, self.kernel_size)):
            #    """Shift a sample a in the Fourier domain.
            sf_weighted[i] = fourier.shift_fs(
                math.pi * (1 - torch.Tensor([ksz[0] % 2, ksz[1] % 2]) / sz))
        #"""Sum a list of Fourier series expansions."""
        scores_fs = fourier.sum_fs(sf_weighted)
        if (Debug):
            print("scores_fs : ", scores_fs)

        #"""Samples the Fourier series."""
        scores = fourier.sample_fs(scores_fs, self.output_sz)
        if (Debug):
            print("scores: ", scores)
        if self.output_window is not None and not getattr(
                self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            scores *= self.output_window

        if getattr(self.params, 'advanced_localization', False):
            if (Debug):
                print("advanced:  ")
            return self.localize_advanced(scores)

        # Get maximum
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score, dim=0)
        max_disp = max_disp.float().cpu()

        # Convert to displacements in the base scale
        disp = (max_disp +
                self.output_sz / 2) % self.output_sz - self.output_sz / 2

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec = disp[scale_ind, ...].view(-1) * (
            self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale
        translation_vec *= self.params.scale_factors[scale_ind]

        # Shift the score output for visualization purposes
        if self.params.debug >= 2:
            sz = scores.shape[-2:]
            scores =
                [scores[..., sz[0] // 2:, :], scores[..., :sz[0] // 2, :]], -2)
            scores =
                [scores[..., :, sz[1] // 2:], scores[..., :, :sz[1] // 2]], -1)

        return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores, None
Beispiel #5
    def localize_target(self, sf: TensorList):
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'sum':
            scores = fourier.sample_fs(fourier.sum_fs(sf), self.output_sz)
        elif self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'weightedsum':
            weight = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight')
            scores = fourier.sample_fs(fourier.sum_fs(weight * sf),
        elif self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'transcale':
            alpha = self.fparams.attribute('scale_weight')
            beta = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight')
            sample_sz = torch.round(
                self.output_sz.view(1, -1) *
                self.params.scale_factors.view(-1, 1))
            scores = 0
            for sfe, a, b in zip(sf, alpha, beta):
                sfe = fourier.shift_fs(sfe, math.pi * torch.ones(2))
                scores_scales = []
                for sind, sz in enumerate(sample_sz):
                    pd = (self.output_sz - sz) / 2
                        F.pad(fourier.sample_fs(sfe[sind:sind + 1, ...], sz),
                              (math.floor(pd[1].item()), math.ceil(
                                  pd[1].item()), math.floor(
                                      pd[0].item()), math.ceil(pd[0].item()))))
                scores_cat =
                scores = scores + (b - a) * scores_cat.mean(
                    dim=0, keepdim=True) + a * scores_cat
            raise ValueError('Unknown score fusion strategy.')

        # Get maximum
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score, dim=0)
        max_disp = max_disp.float().cpu()

        # Convert to displacements in the base scale
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy in ['sum', 'weightedsum']:
            disp = (max_disp +
                    self.output_sz / 2) % self.output_sz - self.output_sz / 2
        elif self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'transcale':
            disp = max_disp - self.output_sz / 2

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec = disp[scale_ind, ...].view(-1) * (
            self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale
        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy in ['sum', 'weightedsum']:
            translation_vec *= self.params.scale_factors[scale_ind]

        return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores
Beispiel #6
    def localize_target_no_fourier(self, scores_raw):
        if getattr(self.params, 'advanced_localization', False):
            return self.localize_advanced_no_fourier(scores_raw[0])
        max_score_r, max_disp_r = dcf.max2d(scores_raw[0])

        max_disp_r = max_disp_r.float().cpu()
        # Convert to displacements in the base scale
        disp_r = max_disp_r * 16 - self.output_sz / 2

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec_r = disp_r[0, ...].view(-1) * (
            self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale
        translation_vec_r *= self.params.scale_factors[0]

        return translation_vec_r, 0, scores_raw, None
Beispiel #7
    def localize_target(self, scores, sample_pos, sample_scales):
        """Run the target localization."""

        scores = scores.squeeze(1)

        preprocess_method = self.params.get('score_preprocess', 'none')
        if preprocess_method == 'none':
        elif preprocess_method == 'exp':
            scores = scores.exp()
        elif preprocess_method == 'softmax':
            reg_val = getattr(,
                              'softmax_reg', None)
            scores_view = scores.view(scores.shape[0], -1)
            scores_softmax = activation.softmax_reg(scores_view,
            scores = scores_softmax.view(scores.shape)
            raise Exception('Unknown score_preprocess in params.')

        score_filter_ksz = self.params.get('score_filter_ksz', 1)
        if score_filter_ksz > 1:
            assert score_filter_ksz % 2 == 1
            kernel = scores.new_ones(1, 1, score_filter_ksz, score_filter_ksz)
            scores = F.conv2d(scores.view(-1, 1, *scores.shape[-2:]),
                              padding=score_filter_ksz // 2).view(scores.shape)

        if self.params.get('advanced_localization', False):
            return self.localize_advanced(scores, sample_pos, sample_scales)

        # Get maximum
        score_sz = torch.Tensor(list(scores.shape[-2:]))
        score_center = (score_sz - 1) / 2
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score, dim=0)
        max_disp = max_disp[scale_ind, ...].float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp = max_disp - score_center

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        output_sz = score_sz - (self.kernel_size + 1) % 2
        translation_vec = target_disp * (self.img_support_sz /
                                         output_sz) * sample_scales[scale_ind]

        return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores, None
Beispiel #8
    def localize_target(self, scores, sample_scales):
        """Run the target localization."""

        scores = scores.squeeze(1)

        if getattr(self.params, 'advanced_localization', False):
            return self.localize_advanced(scores, sample_scales)

        # Get maximum
        score_sz = torch.Tensor(list(scores.shape[-2:]))
        score_center = (score_sz - 1)/2
        max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score, dim=0)
        max_disp = max_disp[scale_ind,...].float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp = max_disp - score_center

        # Compute translation vector and scale change factor
        translation_vec = target_disp * (self.img_support_sz / self.feature_sz) * sample_scales[scale_ind]

        return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores, None
Beispiel #9
    def localize_advanced(self, scores):
        """Dows the advanced localization with hard negative detection and target not found."""

        sz = scores.shape[-2:]

        if self.output_window is not None and getattr(
                self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            scores_orig = scores.clone()

            scores_orig =[
                scores_orig[..., (sz[0] + 1) // 2:, :],
                scores_orig[..., :(sz[0] + 1) // 2, :]
            ], -2)
            scores_orig =[
                scores_orig[..., :, (sz[1] + 1) // 2:],
                scores_orig[..., :, :(sz[1] + 1) // 2]
            ], -1)

            scores *= self.output_window

        # Shift scores back
        scores =[
                   (sz[0] + 1) // 2:, :], scores[..., :(sz[0] + 1) // 2, :]
        ], -2)
        scores =[
            scores[..., :,
                   (sz[1] + 1) // 2:], scores[..., :, :(sz[1] + 1) // 2]
        ], -1)

        # Find maximum
        max_score1, max_disp1 = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score1, dim=0)
        max_score1 = max_score1[scale_ind]
        max_disp1 = max_disp1[scale_ind, ...].float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp1 = max_disp1 - self.output_sz // 2
        translation_vec1 = target_disp1 * (self.img_support_sz /
                                           self.output_sz) * self.target_scale

        if max_score1.item() < self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'not_found'

        if self.output_window is not None and getattr(
                self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            scores = scores_orig

        # Mask out target neighborhood
        target_neigh_sz = self.params.target_neighborhood_scale * self.target_sz / self.target_scale
        tneigh_top = max(
            round(max_disp1[0].item() - target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_bottom = min(
            round(max_disp1[0].item() + target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2 + 1),
        tneigh_left = max(
            round(max_disp1[1].item() - target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_right = min(
            round(max_disp1[1].item() + target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2 + 1),
        scores_masked = scores[scale_ind:scale_ind + 1, ...].clone()
        scores_masked[..., tneigh_top:tneigh_bottom,
                      tneigh_left:tneigh_right] = 0

        # Find new maximum
        max_score2, max_disp2 = dcf.max2d(scores_masked)
        max_disp2 = max_disp2.float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp2 = max_disp2 - self.output_sz // 2
        translation_vec2 = target_disp2 * (self.img_support_sz /
                                           self.output_sz) * self.target_scale

        # Handle the different cases
        if max_score2 > self.params.distractor_threshold * max_score1:
            disp_norm1 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp1**2))
            disp_norm2 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp2**2))
            disp_threshold = self.params.dispalcement_scale * math.sqrt(
                sz[0] * sz[1]) / 2

            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 < disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 < disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec2, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain'

            # If also the distractor is close, return with highest score
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain'

        if max_score2 > self.params.hard_negative_threshold * max_score1 and max_score2 > self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'

        return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, None
Beispiel #10
    def localize_advanced(self, scores):
        sz = scores.shape[-2:]

        if self.output_window is not None and getattr(self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            # raise NotImplementedError
            scores_orig = scores.clone()
            # scores_orig =[scores_orig[..., (sz[0] + 1) // 2:, :], scores_orig[..., :(sz[0] + 1) // 2, :]], -2)
            # scores_orig =[scores_orig[..., :, (sz[1] + 1) // 2:], scores_orig[..., :, :(sz[1] + 1) // 2]], -1)
            scores *= self.output_window

        if self.params.score_fusion_strategy == 'weightedsum':
            scores =[scores[...,(sz[0]+1)//2:,:], scores[...,:(sz[0]+1)//2,:]], -2)
            scores =[scores[...,:,(sz[1]+1)//2:], scores[...,:,:(sz[1]+1)//2]], -1)
            offset = torch.zeros(2)
            ksz = self.kernel_size[0]
            offset = torch.Tensor([ksz[0]%2, ksz[1]%2]) / 2

        max_score1, max_disp1 = dcf.max2d(scores)
        _, scale_ind = torch.max(max_score1, dim=0)
        max_score1 = max_score1[scale_ind]
        max_disp1 = max_disp1[scale_ind,...].float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp1 = max_disp1 - self.output_sz // 2
        translation_vec1 = target_disp1 * (self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale

        if max_score1.item() < self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'not_found'

        if self.output_window is not None and getattr(self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False):
            scores = scores_orig

        # Mask out target neighborhood
        if getattr(self.params, 'use_hn_fix', False):
            target_neigh_sz = self.params.target_neighborhood_scale * (self.target_sz / self.target_scale) * (self.output_sz / self.img_support_sz)
            target_neigh_sz = self.params.target_neighborhood_scale * self.target_sz / self.target_scale

        tneigh_top = max(round(max_disp1[0].item() - target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_bottom = min(round(max_disp1[0].item() + target_neigh_sz[0].item() / 2 + 1), sz[0])
        tneigh_left = max(round(max_disp1[1].item() - target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2), 0)
        tneigh_right = min(round(max_disp1[1].item() + target_neigh_sz[1].item() / 2 + 1), sz[1])
        scores_masked = scores[scale_ind:scale_ind+1,...].clone()
        scores_masked[...,tneigh_top:tneigh_bottom,tneigh_left:tneigh_right] = 0

        # Find new maximum
        max_score2, max_disp2 = dcf.max2d(scores_masked)
        max_disp2 = max_disp2.float().cpu().view(-1)
        target_disp2 = max_disp2 - self.output_sz // 2
        translation_vec2 = target_disp2 * (self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale

        if max_score2 > self.params.distractor_threshold * max_score1:
            disp_norm1 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp1**2))
            disp_norm2 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(target_disp2**2))
            disp_threshold = self.params.dispalcement_scale * math.sqrt(sz[0] * sz[1]) / 2

            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 < disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 < disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec2, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'
            if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold:
                return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain'

            # If also the distractor is close, return with highest score
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain'

        if max_score2 > self.params.hard_negative_threshold * max_score1 and max_score2 > self.params.target_not_found_threshold:
            return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative'

        return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, None