Beispiel #1
 def vid_info_raw(self):
     if self._vid_info_raw:
         return self._vid_info_raw
     innertube = InnerTube()
     vid_info_raw = innertube.player(self.video_id)
     # Rename dict key "responseContext" to "player_response"
     # for backward compatibility.
     vid_info_raw["player_response"] = vid_info_raw.pop("responseContext")
     self._vid_info_raw = vid_info_raw
     return self._vid_info_raw
Beispiel #2
    def vid_info(self):
        """Parse the raw vid info and return the parsed result.

        :rtype: Dict[Any, Any]
        if self._vid_info:
            return self._vid_info

        innertube = InnerTube(use_oauth=self.use_oauth,

        innertube_response = innertube.player(self.video_id)
        self._vid_info = innertube_response
        return self._vid_info
Beispiel #3
    def bypass_age_gate(self):
        """Attempt to update the vid_info by bypassing the age gate."""
        innertube = InnerTube(client='ANDROID_EMBED',
        innertube_response = innertube.player(self.video_id)

        playability_status = innertube_response['playabilityStatus'].get(
            'status', None)

        # If we still can't access the video, raise an exception
        # (tier 3 age restriction)
        if playability_status == 'UNPLAYABLE':
            raise exceptions.AgeRestrictedError(self.video_id)

        self._vid_info = innertube_response
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, query):
        """Initialize Search object.

        :param str query:
            Search query provided by the user.
        self.query = query
        self._innertube_client = InnerTube()

        # The first search, without a continuation, is structured differently
        #  and contains completion suggestions, so we must store this separately
        self._initial_results = None

        self._results = None
        self._completion_suggestions = None

        # Used for keeping track of query continuations so that new results
        #  are always returned when get_next_results() is called
        self._current_continuation = None
Beispiel #5
class Search:
    def __init__(self, query):
        """Initialize Search object.

        :param str query:
            Search query provided by the user.
        self.query = query
        self._innertube_client = InnerTube()

        # The first search, without a continuation, is structured differently
        #  and contains completion suggestions, so we must store this separately
        self._initial_results = None

        self._results = None
        self._completion_suggestions = None

        # Used for keeping track of query continuations so that new results
        #  are always returned when get_next_results() is called
        self._current_continuation = None

    def completion_suggestions(self):
        """Return query autocompletion suggestions for the query.

        :rtype: list
            A list of autocomplete suggestions provided by YouTube for the query.
        if self._completion_suggestions:
            return self._completion_suggestions
        if self.results:
            self._completion_suggestions = self._initial_results['refinements']
        return self._completion_suggestions

    def results(self):
        """Return search results.

        On first call, will generate and return the first set of results.
        Additional results can be generated using ``.get_next_results()``.

        :rtype: list
            A list of YouTube objects.
        if self._results:
            return self._results

        videos, continuation = self.fetch_and_parse()
        self._results = videos
        self._current_continuation = continuation
        return self._results

    def get_next_results(self):
        """Use the stored continuation string to fetch the next set of results.

        This method does not return the results, but instead updates the results property.
        if self._current_continuation:
            videos, continuation = self.fetch_and_parse(
            self._current_continuation = continuation
            raise IndexError

    def fetch_and_parse(self, continuation=None):
        """Fetch from the innertube API and parse the results.

        :param str continuation:
            Continuation string for fetching results.
        :rtype: tuple
            A tuple of a list of YouTube objects and a continuation string.
        # Begin by executing the query and identifying the relevant sections
        #  of the results
        raw_results = self.fetch_query(continuation)

        # Initial result is handled by try block, continuations by except block
            sections = raw_results['contents'][
        except KeyError:
            sections = raw_results['onResponseReceivedCommands'][0][
        item_renderer = None
        continuation_renderer = None
        for s in sections:
            if 'itemSectionRenderer' in s:
                item_renderer = s['itemSectionRenderer']
            if 'continuationItemRenderer' in s:
                continuation_renderer = s['continuationItemRenderer']

        # If the continuationItemRenderer doesn't exist, assume no further results
        if continuation_renderer:
            next_continuation = continuation_renderer['continuationEndpoint'][
            next_continuation = None

        # If the itemSectionRenderer doesn't exist, assume no results.
        if item_renderer:
            videos = []
            raw_video_list = item_renderer['contents']
            for video_details in raw_video_list:
                # Skip over ads
                if video_details.get('searchPyvRenderer', {}).get('ads', None):

                # Skip "recommended" type videos e.g. "people also watched" and "popular X"
                #  that break up the search results
                if 'shelfRenderer' in video_details:

                # Skip auto-generated "mix" playlist results
                if 'radioRenderer' in video_details:

                # Skip playlist results
                if 'playlistRenderer' in video_details:

                # Skip channel results
                if 'channelRenderer' in video_details:

                # Skip 'people also searched for' results
                if 'horizontalCardListRenderer' in video_details:

                # Can't seem to reproduce, probably related to typo fix suggestions
                if 'didYouMeanRenderer' in video_details:

                # Seems to be the renderer used for the image shown on a no results page
                if 'backgroundPromoRenderer' in video_details:

                if 'videoRenderer' not in video_details:
                    logger.warn('Unexpected renderer encountered.')
                    logger.warn(f'Renderer name: {video_details.keys()}')
                    logger.warn(f'Search term: {self.query}')
                    logger.warn('Please open an issue at '
                                ' '
                                'and provide this log output.')

                # Extract relevant video information from the details.
                # Some of this can be used to pre-populate attributes of the
                #  YouTube object.
                vid_renderer = video_details['videoRenderer']
                vid_id = vid_renderer['videoId']
                vid_url = f'{vid_id}'
                vid_title = vid_renderer['title']['runs'][0]['text']
                vid_channel_name = vid_renderer['ownerText']['runs'][0]['text']
                vid_channel_uri = vid_renderer['ownerText']['runs'][0][
                # Livestreams have "runs", non-livestreams have "simpleText",
                #  and scheduled releases do not have 'viewCountText'
                if 'viewCountText' in vid_renderer:
                    if 'runs' in vid_renderer['viewCountText']:
                        vid_view_count_text = vid_renderer['viewCountText'][
                        vid_view_count_text = vid_renderer['viewCountText'][
                    # Strip ' views' text, then remove commas
                    stripped_text = vid_view_count_text.split()[0].replace(
                        ',', '')
                    if stripped_text == 'No':
                        vid_view_count = 0
                        vid_view_count = int(stripped_text)
                    vid_view_count = 0
                if 'lengthText' in vid_renderer:
                    vid_length = vid_renderer['lengthText']['simpleText']
                    vid_length = None

                vid_metadata = {
                    'id': vid_id,
                    'url': vid_url,
                    'title': vid_title,
                    'channel_name': vid_channel_name,
                    'channel_url': vid_channel_uri,
                    'view_count': vid_view_count,
                    'length': vid_length

                # Construct YouTube object from metadata and append to results
                vid = YouTube(vid_metadata['url'])
       = vid_metadata['channel_name']
                vid.title = vid_metadata['title']
            videos = None

        return videos, next_continuation

    def fetch_query(self, continuation=None):
        """Fetch raw results from the innertube API.

        :param str continuation:
            Continuation string for fetching results.
        :rtype: dict
            The raw json object returned by the innertube API.
        query_results =, continuation)
        if not self._initial_results:
            self._initial_results = query_results
        return query_results  # noqa:R504
Beispiel #6
 async def get_video_info(self, vid):
     # FIXME: innertube isn't async
     vi = InnerTube().player(vid)
     return vi