def addORdeleteRule(): aORdQuestion = input( "Would you like to add or Delete a rule from the firewall, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (aORdQuestion == "Y" or aORdQuestion == "y"): aORd = input( "Would you like to do Add a rule or Delete a rule (A) or (D):") if (aORd == "A" or aORd == "a"): aport = input( "Enter the ports you would like to add from the firewall with a comma seperating them:" ) ufw.add("allow aport") else: numORrule = input( "Would you like to delete by number or rule, Num (N) or Rule (R):" ) if (numORrule == "R" or numORrule == "r"): dport = input( "Enter the ports you would like to delete from the firewall with a common seperating them:" ) ufw.delete("allow dport") else: ufw.get_rules() dport = input( "Enter the ports you would like to delete from the firewall with a common seperating them:" ) ufw.delete(dport)
def ip_banner(): """get ip from docker log 这一版本假定当前host所有的docker都在跑ssr """ """------ read docker containers ------""" c_list = client.containers.list(all=False) """------------get ip------------------""" ip_re = re.compile(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}') token_re = re.compile("failed to handshake with " + r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}" + ": authentication error") for cur_container in c_list: cur_container_log = cur_container.logs( tail=log_tail_from).decode("utf-8") for ip in token_re.findall(cur_container_log): cur_ip = ip_re.findall(ip)[0] # exceptional white-list if cur_ip == "": continue """ [Ban IP Operation] 1. system wide ufw update 2. update database in docker (will auto-backup date when exit or terminated) """ syslog.syslog( syslog.LOG_NOTICE, '[SS-MONITOR]: adding new ip: {_ip} \n'.format(_ip=cur_ip)) ufw.add("deny from {_ip} to any".format(_ip=cur_ip)) db_container.exec_run(cmd=permanent_banner(cur_ip), detach=True)
def ufw_block(request,blocktype,blocktarget): if (blocktype == "in") | (blocktype == "out"): ufw.add("deny " + blocktype + " " + blocktarget) elif blocktype == "host": ufw.add("deny from " + blocktarget + " to any") check_ufw() return HttpResponse("Block Successful")
23 def add_rule_to_firewall( IP ): 24 ufw.add( "deny from {} to any" ).fromat( IP ) 25 26 def main(): 27 ban_list = get_banlist('') 28 cleaned_list = cleanup_banlist( ban_list ) 29 for ip in cleaned_list: 30 add_rule_to_firewall( ip ) 31 print("All items have been added") 32 #print(ban_list) 33 34 if __name__ == "__main__": 35 main()
def firewallEnable(): fEnable = input( "Would you like to enable the UFW Firewall? Yes (Y) or No (N):") if (fEnable == "Y" or fEnable == "y"): ufw.enable() print("UFW has been Enabled.") SSH = input( "Would you like to allow or deny port 22 (SSH) to the firewall (Highly Recommended, Denying could revoke access), Allow (A) or Deny (D):" ) if SSH == "A" or SSH == "a": ufw.add("allow 22") print("Port 22 (SSH) has been added to the firewall.") else: ufw.delete("allow 22") print( "Port 22 (SSH) has been deleted if it was in the firewall." )
def deploy(email, port): clear() input( "Press enter to deploy Yacht... (This also allows incoming traffic on the port you have specified)" ) ufw.add('allow ' + str(port)) ufw.reload() dclient = docker.from_env() try:"yacht", image="selfhostedpro/yacht:do", remove=False, detach=True, ports={'8000/tcp': port}, volumes={ '/var/run/docker.sock': { 'bind': '/var/run/docker.sock', 'mode': 'rw' }, '/root/.yacht/config': { 'bind': '/config', 'mode': 'rw' } }, environment=[ "ADMIN_EMAIL=" + email, "SECRET_KEY=" + secrets.token_hex(16) ]) except Exception as e: clear() print(e) input("Press enter to change your port.") main_loop(email) clear() print("\nEmail is set to: " + email) print( "\nThe default password is: pass\nPlease change this once you've logged in" ) print("\nYacht is available on: " + str(port) + '\n') print( "If you need to run this script again you can use the following command:" ) print("/opt/SelfhostedPro/")
def webServices(): webVerify = input( "Would you like to allow port 80, 443 and forward port 80 to 8080, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (webVerify == "Y" or webVerify == "y"): ufw.add("allow 80") ufw.add("allow 443") fOpen = open("/etc/ufw/before.rules", "r") contents = fOpen.readlines() fOpen.close() contents.insert(9, "\n*nat") contents.insert(10, "\n:PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]") contents.insert( 11, "\n-A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080") contents.insert(12, "\nCOMMIT\n") fOpen = open("/etc/ufw/before.rules", "w") contents = "".join(contents) fOpen.write(contents) fOpen.close() print("Ports 80 & 443 have been added to the firewall.") print("Port 80 is now being redirected to port 8080.")
def MySQL(): MySQLverify = input( "Would you like to open ports for MySQL, Yes (Y) or No (N):") if (MySQLverify == "Y" or MySQLverify == "y"): SQLports = input( "would you like to open the ports for Classic protocol (C), X protocol (X), or Both (B):" ) if (SQLports == "C" or SQLports == "c"): ufw.add("allow 3306") print("Port 3306 has been added to the firewall.") elif (SQLports == "X" or SQLports == "x"): ufw.add("allow 33060") print("Port 33060 has been added to the firewall.") else: ufw.add("allow 3306,33060/tcp") print("Ports 3306 & 33060 have been added to the firewall.")
def allowORblock(): allowORblock = input( "Would you like to allow specific hosts in the firewall hosts, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (allowORblock == "Y" or allowORblock == "y"): hosts = input( "Please input the IP or MAC Address you would like to allow") ufw.add("allow from %s" % hosts) print("%s is now allowed through the firewall." % hosts) pingAllow = input( "Would you like to block (Ping/ICMP) requests, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (pingAllow == "Y" or pingAllow == "y"): with open('/etc/ufw/before.rules', 'r') as file: data = file.readlines() data[ 38] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j DROP\n' data[ 39] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j DROP\n' data[ 40] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j DROP\n' data[ 41] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j DROP\n' data[ 42] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP\n' with open('/etc/ufw/before.rules', 'w') as file: file.writelines(data) print("/etc/ufw/before.rules has been updated to block ICMP") telnetAllow = input( "Would you like to allow port 23 (Telnet) through the firewall, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (telnetAllow == "Y" or telnetAllow == "y"): ufw.add("allow 23") print("Port 23 has been added to the firewall.") else: pingAllow = input( "Would you like to block (Ping/ICMP) requests, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (pingAllow == "Y" or pingAllow == "y"): with open('/etc/ufw/before.rules', 'r') as file: data = file.readlines() data[ 38] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j DROP\n' data[ 39] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j DROP\n' data[ 40] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j DROP\n' data[ 41] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j DROP\n' data[ 42] = '-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP\n' with open('/etc/ufw/before.rules', 'w') as file: file.writelines(data) print("/etc/ufw/before.rules has been updated to block ICMP") telnetAllow = input( "Would you like to allow port 23 (Telnet) through the firewall, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (telnetAllow == "Y" or telnetAllow == "y"): ufw.add("allow 23") print("Port 23 has been added to the firewall.") elif (pingAllow == "N" or pingAllow == "n"): telnetAllow = input( "Would you like to allow port 23 (Telnet) through the firewall, Yes (Y) or No (N):" ) if (telnetAllow == "Y" or telnetAllow == "y"): ufw.add("allow 23") print("Port 23 has been added to the firewall.")
def mailPorts(): mailPorts = input( "What Mail services would like to allow through the firewall SMTP (SMTP), IMAP (IMAP), IMAPS (IMAPS), POP3 (POP3), Some (SOME), or All (A):" ) if (mailPorts == "SMTP" or mailPorts == "smtp"): ufw.add("allow 25") print("Port 25 has been added to the firewall.") elif (mailPorts == "IMAP" or mailPorts == "imap"): ufw.add("allow 143") print("Port 143 has been added to the firewall.") elif (mailPorts == "IMAPS" or mailPorts == "imaps"): ufw.add("allow 993") print("Port 993 has been added to the firewall.") elif (mailPorts == "POP3" or mailPorts == "pop3"): ufw.add("allow 110") print("Port 110 has been added to the firewall.") elif (mailPorts == "SOME" or mailPorts == "some"): sPorts = input( "Please enter the ports of the Services you would like added seperated with a comma:" ) ufw.add("allow %s" % sPorts) print("Ports %s have been added to the firewall." % sPorts) else: allPorts = "25,143,993,110/tcp" ufw.add("allow %s" % allPorts) print("Ports %s have been added to the firewall." % allPorts)
print("\nDelete *") ufw.delete('*') print("\nStatus") pprint(ufw.status()) print("\nAdding defaults") ufw.default(incoming='deny') ufw.default(outgoing='allow', routed='reject') print("\nStatus") pprint(ufw.status()) print("\nAdding rules") ufw.add("allow out on tun0 from any to any") ufw.add("allow in on tun0 from any to any") print("\nStatus") pprint(ufw.status()) print("\nListening") pprint(ufw.show_listening()) print("\nAdded") pprint(ufw.show_added()) print("\nAdding broken rules") try: ufw.add("allow sdfsdf sdf s fds ") except: