def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the VeSync switch platform.""" from pyvesync_v2.vesync import VeSync switches = [] manager = VeSync(config.get(CONF_USERNAME), config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)) if not manager.login(): _LOGGER.error("Unable to login to VeSync") return manager.update() if manager.devices is not None and manager.devices: if len(manager.devices) == 1: count_string = 'switch' else: count_string = 'switches'"Discovered %d VeSync %s", len(manager.devices), count_string) for switch in manager.devices: switches.append(VeSyncSwitchHA(switch))"Added a VeSync switch named '%s'", switch.device_name) else:"No VeSync devices found") add_entities(switches)
def connect_vesync_cloud(self): # check to see if VeSync manager is already connected - if so, don't try to connect again if not self._manager: # try connecting to the VeSync using the provided configuration data self._manager = VeSync(self._settings.get(["username"]), self._settings.get(["password"])) if self._manager.login():"Successfully connected to VeSync cloud service!") return True else:"Could not connect to VeSync cloud service. Verify username/password and try again") self._manager = None return False
def test_bad_login(self, api_mock, email, password, testid): """Test failed login.""" full_return = ({'code': 455}, 200) self.mock_api.return_value = full_return vesync_obj = VeSync(email, password) assert vesync_obj.login() is False if testid == 'correct': jd = helpers.req_body(vesync_obj, 'login') self.mock_api.assert_called_with('/cloud/v1/user/login', 'post', json=jd) else: assert not self.mock_api.called
def test_login(mock_api, email, password, testid): """Test multiple failed login calls.""" return_tuple = {'code': 455, 'msg': 'sdasd'} mock_api.return_value.ok = True mock_api.return_value.json.return_value = return_tuple vesync_obj = VeSync(email, password) vesync_login = vesync_obj.login() assert vesync_login is False if testid == 'correct': jd = helpers.req_body(vesync_obj, 'login') mock_api.assert_called_with( '', headers=None, json=jd, timeout=5) else: assert not mock_api.called
def test_good_login(self, api_mock): """Test successful login.""" full_return = ({ 'code': 0, 'result': { 'accountID': 'sam_actid', 'token': 'sam_token' } }, 200) self.mock_api.return_value = full_return vesync_obj = VeSync('*****@*****.**', 'pass') assert vesync_obj.login() is True jd = helpers.req_body(vesync_obj, 'login') self.mock_api.assert_called_with('/cloud/v1/user/login', 'post', json=jd) assert vesync_obj.token == 'sam_token' assert vesync_obj.account_id == 'sam_actid'
def test_vesync_init(email, password, timezone, testid): """Testing only input validation.""" v_inst = VeSync(email, password, timezone) assert isinstance(v_inst, VeSync) assert v_inst.username == email assert v_inst.password == password if testid == 'full correct': assert v_inst.time_zone == timezone elif testid in ('invalid tz', 'none tz', 'non tz pass', 'empty tz'): assert v_inst.time_zone == pyvesync_v2.helpers.DEFAULT_TZ
class VeSyncPowerMonitorPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin, octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin): def __init__(self): self._vesync_data_engine_timer = None self._manager = None def on_after_startup(self): # check to verify connection was successful - if it was, launch the VeSync data engine if self.connect_vesync_cloud(): self.start_vesync_data_engine() def connect_vesync_cloud(self): # check to see if VeSync manager is already connected - if so, don't try to connect again if not self._manager: # try connecting to the VeSync using the provided configuration data self._manager = VeSync(self._settings.get(["username"]), self._settings.get(["password"])) if self._manager.login():"Successfully connected to VeSync cloud service!") return True else:"Could not connect to VeSync cloud service. Verify username/password and try again") self._manager = None return False def disconnect_vesync_cloud(self): self._manager = None def start_vesync_data_engine(self): # check to see if VeSync data engine is already running - if so, don't try to launch it again if not self._vesync_data_engine_timer:"Launching the VeSync data engine...") self._vesync_data_engine_timer = RepeatedTimer(float(self._settings.get(["update_interval"])), self.get_vesync_data, None, None, True) self._vesync_data_engine_timer.start() def stop_vesync_data_engine(self): # check to see if VeSync data engine is running - if not, it is already stopped if self._vesync_data_engine_timer:"Stopping the VeSync data engine...") self._vesync_data_engine_timer.cancel() self._vesync_data_engine_timer = None def get_vesync_data(self): # only run this code if the VeSync cloud service manager is connected if self._manager: displayed_statistic = self._settings.get(["displayed_statistic"]) device_name = self._settings.get(["device_name"]) statistic_value = None statistic_name = None self._manager.update() for device in self._manager.get_devices(): if device.device_name == device_name: if displayed_statistic == "kWh_now": statistic_value = (device.get_power() / 1000) statistic_name = "kWh" elif displayed_statistic == "kWh_today": statistic_value = device.get_kwh_today() statistic_name = "kWh Today" elif displayed_statistic == "voltage": statistic_value = device.get_voltage() statistic_name = "Voltage" self._logger.debug(statistic_value) self._plugin_manager.send_plugin_message(self._identifier, dict(name=statistic_name, value=statistic_value)) def get_settings_defaults(self): return dict(username="******", password="", device_name="", displayed_statistic="kWh", update_interval=5) def on_settings_save(self, data): octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin.on_settings_save(self, data)"New configuration received - restarting services...") self.stop_vesync_data_engine() self.disconnect_vesync_cloud() if self.connect_vesync_cloud(): self.start_vesync_data_engine() def get_template_configs(self): return [ dict(type="navbar", custom_bindings=False), dict(type="settings", custom_bindings=False) ] def get_assets(self): return { "js": ["js/vesync-power-monitor.js"] } def get_update_information(self): return dict( vesync_power_monitor_plugin=dict( displayName="VeSync Power Monitor Plugin", displayVersion=self._plugin_version, type="github_release", user="******", repo="OctoPrint-VeSync-Power-Monitor", current=self._plugin_version, pip="{target_version}.zip" ) )