Beispiel #1
    def getStandardizedRects(self):
        @return: the boxes centered on the target center of mass +- n_sigma*std
        @note: You must call detect() before getStandardizedRects() to see updated results.
        #create a list of the top-level contours found in the contours (cv.Seq) structure
        rects = []
        if len(self._contours) < 1: return (rects)
        seq = self._contours
        while not (seq == None):
            (x, y, w, h) = cv.BoundingRect(seq)
            if (cv.ContourArea(seq) >
                    self._minArea):  # and  self._filter(rect)
                r = pv.Rect(x, y, w, h)
                moments = cv.Moments(seq)
                m_0_0 = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments, 0, 0)
                m_0_1 = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments, 0, 1)
                m_1_0 = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments, 1, 0)
                mu_2_0 = cv.GetCentralMoment(moments, 2, 0)
                mu_0_2 = cv.GetCentralMoment(moments, 0, 2)

                cx = m_1_0 / m_0_0
                cy = m_0_1 / m_0_0
                w = 2.0 * self._rect_sigma * np.sqrt(mu_2_0 / m_0_0)
                h = 2.0 * self._rect_sigma * np.sqrt(mu_0_2 / m_0_0)

                r = pv.CenteredRect(cx, cy, w, h)

            seq = seq.h_next()

        if self._filter != None:
            rects = self._filter(rects)

        return rects
Beispiel #2
    def extract(self, img, face_records):
        '''Extract a template that allows the face to be matched.'''
        # Compute the 512D vector that describes the face in img identified by

        im = pv.Image(img[:, :, ::-1])

        for face_record in face_records.face_records:
            rect = pt.rect_proto2pv(face_record.detection.location)
            x, y, w, h = rect.asTuple()

            # Extract view
            rect = pv.Rect()
            cx, cy = x + 0.5 * w, y + 0.5 * h
            tmp = 1.5 * max(w, h)
            cw, ch = tmp, tmp
            crop = pv.AffineFromRect(pv.CenteredRect(cx, cy, cw, ch),
                                     (256, 256))

            pvim = pv.Image(img[:, :, ::-1])  # convert rgb to bgr
            pvim = crop(pvim)
            view = pt.image_pv2proto(pvim)

            tile = pvim.resize((224, 224))
            tile = tile.resize((112, 112))

            face_im = tile.asOpenCV2()
            face_im = face_im[:, :, ::-1]  # Convert BGR to RGB

            features = self.fr_model.get_embedding(face_im)
            face_descriptor = pv.meanUnit(features.flatten())

Beispiel #3
    def detect(self, im, annotate=True):
        This performs face detection and returns an ordered list of faces sorted by confidence scores.
        # Compute the raw detections  .
        detections = self.raw_detections(im)

        # Produce a list of faces.
        faces = []
        for each in detections:
            rect = each[0]

            # Assign a qualty score to each detection.
            score = self.quality.predict(each[2:])
            rect.detector = each[1]
            rect.score = score[0]

        # Add a default
        if self.default == True:
            w, h = im.size
            s = 0.75 * min(w, h)
            default = pv.CenteredRect(0.5 * w, 0.5 * h, s, s)
            default.score = 0.0
            default.detector = "DEFAULT"
        # Order the list by score.
        faces.sort(lambda x, y: -cmp(x.score, y.score))

        return faces
Beispiel #4
 def setSize(self,size):
     Used to adjust the size of the tracking rect.
     @param size: (width,height)
     @type size: (float,float)
     x =
     y =
     w,h = size
     self.rect = pv.CenteredRect(x,y,w,h)
Beispiel #5
def unitRectCallback(population):
    if random.random() < 0.05:
    im = pv.Image(np.zeros((1000,1000),dtype=np.float32))
    for each in population:
        rect = each[1][0].generate()
    rect = population[0][1][0].generate()
    target_rect = pv.CenteredRect(.33385,.69348,.3482,.55283)
Beispiel #6
 def setCenter(self,point):
     Used to adjust the center point of the track.  
     @param point: The new center for the track.
     @type point:  pv.Point
     ''' = point
     x = point.X()
     y = point.Y()
     w = self.rect.w
     h = self.rect.h
     self.rect = pv.CenteredRect(x,y,w,h)
Beispiel #7
    def extract(self,img,face_records):
        '''Extract a template that allows the face to be matched.'''
        # Compute the 128D vector that describes the face in img identified by
        # shape.  In general, if two face descriptor vectors have a Euclidean
        # distance between them less than 0.6 then they are from the same
        # person, otherwise they are from different people. Here we just print
        # the vector to the screen.
        # TODO: Make this an option
        JITTER_COUNT = 5
        for face_record in face_records.face_records:
            rect = pt.rect_proto2pv(face_record.detection.location)
            x,y,w,h = rect.asTuple()

            # Extract view
            rect = pv.Rect()
            cx,cy = x+0.5*w,y+0.5*h
            tmp = 1.5*max(w,h)
            cw,ch = tmp,tmp
            crop = pv.AffineFromRect(pv.CenteredRect(cx,cy,cw,ch),(256,256))
            #print (x,y,w,h,cx,cy,cw,ch,crop)
            pvim = pv.Image(img[:,:,::-1]) # convert rgb to bgr
            pvim = crop(pvim)
            view = pt.image_pv2proto(pvim)
            # Extract landmarks
            l,t,r,b = [int(tmp) for tmp in [x,y,x+w,y+h]]
            d = dlib.rectangle(l,t,r,b)
            shape = self.shape_pred(img, d)
            for i in range(len(
                loc =[i]
                landmark = face_record.landmarks.add()
                landmark.landmark_id = "point_%02d"%i
                landmark.location.x = loc.x
                landmark.location.y = loc.y

            face_descriptor = self.face_rec.compute_face_descriptor(img, shape, JITTER_COUNT)
            face_descriptor = np.array(face_descriptor)
            vec = face_descriptor.flatten()
Beispiel #8
    def test_affine_Matrix3D(self):
        im = pv.Image(pv.BABOON)
        test_im = pv.Image(im.asMatrix3D())
        affine = pv.AffineFromRect(pv.CenteredRect(256,256,128,128),(64,64))

        # Transform the images
        im = affine(im)
        test_im = affine(test_im)

        # Correlate the resulting images
        vec1 = pv.unit(im.asMatrix3D().flatten())
        vec2 = pv.unit(test_im.asMatrix3D().flatten())
        score =,vec2)
        self.assertGreater(score, 0.998)
Beispiel #9
    def extract(self, img, face_records):
        '''Extract a template that allows the face to be matched.'''
        # Compute the 512D vector that describes the face in img identified by
        img = img[:, :, ::
                  -1]  #convert from rgb to bgr. There is BGRtoRGB conversion in get_embedding

        for face_record in face_records.face_records:
            if face_record.detection.score != -1:
                landmarks = np.zeros((5, 2), dtype=np.float)
                for i in range(0, len(face_record.landmarks)):
                    vals = face_record.landmarks[i]
                    landmarks[i, 0] = vals.location.x
                    landmarks[i, 1] = vals.location.y

                _img = self.preprocess.norm_crop(img, landmark=landmarks)
                embedding = self.fr_model.get_embedding(_img).flatten()
                embedding_norm = np.linalg.norm(embedding)
                normed_embedding = embedding / embedding_norm

                # Extract view
                x, y, w, h = pt.rect_proto2pv(
                cx, cy = x + 0.5 * w, y + 0.5 * h
                tmp = 1.5 * max(w, h)
                cw, ch = tmp, tmp
                crop = pv.AffineFromRect(pv.CenteredRect(cx, cy, cw, ch),
                                         (256, 256))
                #print (x,y,w,h,cx,cy,cw,ch,crop)
                pvim = pv.Image(img[:, :, ::-1])  # convert rgb to bgr
                pvim = crop(pvim)
                view = pt.image_pv2proto(pvim)

                normed_embedding = np.zeros(512, dtype=float)

Beispiel #10
 def generate(self):
     '''generate the actual value that will be populated in the arguments'''
     return pv.CenteredRect(,, self.width, self.height)
import pyvision as pv
import scipy as sp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    im = pv.Image(sp.zeros((128,128)))

    pts = [pv.Point(48,55),pv.Point(80,55)]
    elipse = pv.CenteredRect(64,64,96,96)
Beispiel #12
    def raw_detections(self, im):
        Run the face detectors with additional quality parameters.
        W, H = im.size

        scale = 1.0 / self.prescale
        im = im.scale(self.prescale)

        faces = self.fd(im)
        faces = [[scale * rect, 'FACE'] for rect in faces]

        heads = self.hd(im)

        # Approximate face locations from head detections
        hfaces = []
        for each in heads:
            # Get the center of the head location
            x, y, w, _ = each.asCenteredTuple()
            y = y - 0.10 * w
            w = 0.33 * w
            hfaces.append([scale * pv.CenteredRect(x, y, w, w), 'HEAD'])

        # Compute when face and head detections overlap
        for face in faces:
            best_overlap = 0.0
            for head in hfaces:
                best_overlap = max(best_overlap, face[0].similarity(head[0]))
            if best_overlap > 0.7:

        # Compute when face and head detections overlap
        for head in hfaces:
            best_overlap = 0.0
            for face in faces:
                best_overlap = max(best_overlap, head[0].similarity(face[0]))
            if best_overlap > 0.7:

        detections = faces + hfaces

        # Compute some simple statistics
        for each in detections:
            tile = pv.AffineFromRect(self.prescale * each[0], (128, 128))(im)

            # face vs head detection
            each.append(1.0 * (each[1] == 'FACE'))

            # size relative to image
            each.append(np.sqrt(each[0].area()) / np.sqrt(W * H))
            each.append(np.sqrt(each[0].area()) / np.sqrt(W * H)**2)

            # scaled contrast
            each.append(tile.asMatrix2D().std() / 255.0)
            each.append((tile.asMatrix2D().std() / 255.0)**2)

            # scaled brightness
            each.append(tile.asMatrix2D().mean() / 255.0)
            each.append((tile.asMatrix2D().mean() / 255.0)**2)

            # relative rgb intensity
            rgb = tile.asMatrix3D()
            t = rgb.mean() + 0.001  # grand mean regularized

            # rgb relative to grand mean
            r = -1 + rgb[0, :, :].mean() / t
            g = -1 + rgb[1, :, :].mean() / t
            b = -1 + rgb[2, :, :].mean() / t

            # create a quadradic model with interactions for rgb
            each += [r, g, b, r * r, r * g, r * b, g * g, g * b, b * b]

        return detections
Beispiel #13
    def train(self, image_dir, eye_data):
        This function trains the logistic regression model to score the meta-detections.
        Images must be oriented so that the face is upright.
        @param image_dir: A pathname containing images.
        @param eye_data: a list of tuples (from csv) filename,eye1x,eye1y,eye2x,eye2y
        print "Training"

        data_set = []

        progress = pv.ProgressBar(maxValue=len(eye_data))
        for row in eye_data:
            filename = row[0]
            print "Processing", row
            points = [float(val) for val in row[1:]]
            eye1 = pv.Point(points[0], points[1])
            eye2 = pv.Point(points[2], points[3])

            # Compute the truth rectangle from the eye coordinates
            ave_dist = np.abs(cd.AVE_LEFT_EYE.X() - cd.AVE_RIGHT_EYE.X())
            y_height = 0.5 * (cd.AVE_LEFT_EYE.Y() + cd.AVE_RIGHT_EYE.Y())
            x_center = 0.5 * (eye1.X() + eye2.X())
            x_dist = np.abs(eye1.X() - eye2.X())
            width = x_dist / ave_dist
            y_center = 0.5 * (eye1.Y() + eye2.Y()) + (0.5 - y_height) * width
            truth = pv.CenteredRect(x_center, y_center, width, width)

            # Read the image
            im = pv.Image(os.path.join(image_dir, filename))

            # Compute the detections
            detections = self.raw_detections(im)
            #print detections

            # Score the detections
            # Similarity above 0.7 count as correct and get a value of 1.0 in the logistic regression
            # Incorrect detections get a value of 0.0
            scores = [truth.similarity(each[0]) for each in detections]

            for i in range(len(scores)):
                score = scores[i]
                detection = detections[i]
                success = 0.0
                if score > 0.7:
                    success = 1.0
                row = detection[1], success, detection[2:]
                print row

            # Display the results
            im = im.scale(self.prescale)
            colors = {'FACE': 'yellow', 'HEAD': 'blue'}
            for detection in detections:
                #print detection
                rect = self.prescale * detection[0]
                im.annotateRect(rect, color=colors[detection[1]])
            im.annotateRect(self.prescale * truth, color='red')
        obs = [each[1] for each in data_set]
        data = [each[2] for each in data_set]

        print obs
        print data

        self.quality.train(obs, data)


        for each in data_set:

        for key, value in self.quality.iteritems():
            print "Training:", key
            obs = value[1]
            data = value[2]
            assert len(obs) == len(data)
            value[0].train(obs, data)
            print value[0].params

        print "Done Training"
Beispiel #14
def fitnessUnitRect(rect, **kwargs):
    target_rect = pv.CenteredRect(.33385, .69348, .3482, .55283)
    return -target_rect.overlap(rect)
Beispiel #15
    def update(self,frame):
        This is the main work function for the tracker.  After initialization, 
        this function should be called on each new frame.  This function:
            1. Extracts the tracking window from the new frame.
            2. Applies the filter to locate the new center of the target.
            3. Updates the filter (if PSR exceeds the threshold).
            4. Updates the internal state of the tracker to reflect the new location and status.
        @param frame: a new frame from the video.
        @type frame: pv.Image 
        start = time.time()
        self.frame += 1

        self.psr_cache = None
        tile,affine = frame.crop(self.rect,size=self.tile_size,return_affine=True)
        #affine = pv.AffineFromRect(self.rect,self.tile_size)
        #tile = affine.transformImage(frame)
        self.input = tile
        corr = self.filter.correlate(tile)
        self.corr = corr
        # Find the peak
        _,cols = self.corr.shape
        i = self.corr.argmax()
        x,y = i/cols, i%cols
        target = pv.Point(x,y)
        self.best_estimate = affine.invert(target)
        if self.subpixel:
            dx,dy = common.subpixel(self.corr[x-3:x+4,y-3:y+4])
            target = pv.Point(x+dx, y+dy)
        # check status
        target_rect = pv.CenteredRect(target.X(),target.Y(),self.rect.w,self.rect.h)
        frame_rect = pv.Rect(0,0,frame.size[0],frame.size[1])
        self.in_bounds = frame_rect.containsRect(target_rect)
        status = self.getStatus()
        # Status == Good: Update the filter
        psr = self.psr()
        if self.frame <= self.init_time or status == STATUS_GOOD and (self.max_psr == None or psr < self.max_psr):
            # Recenter the affine
            target = affine.invertPoint(target)
            dx = target.X() -
            dy = target.Y() -
            if self.update_location:
                self.rect.x = self.rect.x + dx
                self.rect.y = self.rect.y + dy
   = target
        stop = time.time()
        self.update_time = stop - start
Beispiel #16
    def extract(self, img, face_records):
        '''Extract a template that allows the face to be matched.'''
        # Compute the 128D vector that describes the face in img identified by
        # shape.  In general, if two face descriptor vectors have a Euclidean
        # distance between them less than 0.6 then they are from the same
        # person, otherwise they are from different people. Here we just print
        # the vector to the screen.

        im = pv.Image(img[:, :, ::-1])

        for face_record in face_records.face_records:
            rect = pt.rect_proto2pv(face_record.detection.location)
            x, y, w, h = rect.asTuple()

            # Extract view
            rect = pv.Rect()
            cx, cy = x + 0.5 * w, y + 0.5 * h
            tmp = 1.5 * max(w, h)
            cw, ch = tmp, tmp
            crop = pv.AffineFromRect(pv.CenteredRect(cx, cy, cw, ch),
                                     (256, 256))

            pvim = pv.Image(img[:, :, ::-1])  # convert rgb to bgr
            pvim = crop(pvim)
            view = pt.image_pv2proto(pvim)

            # Extract landmarks
            l, t, r, b = [int(tmp) for tmp in [x, y, x + w, y + h]]
            d = dlib.rectangle(l, t, r, b)
            shape = self.shape_pred(img, d)

            for i in range(len(
                loc =[i]
                landmark = face_record.landmarks.add()
                landmark.landmark_id = "point_%02d" % i
                landmark.location.x = loc.x
                landmark.location.y = loc.y

            # Get detection rectangle and crop the face
            #rect = pt.rect_proto2pv(face_record.detection.location).rescale(1.5)
            #tile = im.crop(rect)
            tile = pvim.resize((224, 224))


            face_im = tile.asOpenCV2()
            face_im = face_im[:, :, ::-1]  # Convert BGR to RGB
            #mat_ = cv2.cvtColor(mat,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            #mat = cv2.cvtColor(mat_,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

            #img = image.load_img('../image/ajb.jpg', target_size=(224, 224))

            from keras_vggface import utils
            from keras.preprocessing import image

            face_im = image.img_to_array(face_im)
            face_im = np.expand_dims(face_im, axis=0)
            face_im = utils.preprocess_input(face_im,
                                             version=2)  # or version=2

            # Needed in multithreaded applications
            with self.graph.as_default():
                tmp = self.recognizer.predict(face_im)

            face_descriptor = pv.meanUnit(tmp.flatten())

            #face_descriptor = self.face_rec.compute_face_descriptor(img, shape, JITTER_COUNT)
            #face_descriptor = np.array(face_descriptor)

            #vec = face_descriptor.flatten()