Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, access_key='', secret_key='', region=None,
              voice=None, speech_rate=None, sentence_break=None):
     super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
     self._pyvonavoice = pyvona.Voice(access_key, secret_key)
     self._pyvonavoice.codec = "mp3"
     if region:
         self._pyvonavoice.region = region
     if voice:
         self._pyvonavoice.voice_name = voice
     if speech_rate:
         self._pyvonavoice.speech_rate = speech_rate
     if sentence_break:
         self._pyvonavoice.sentence_break = sentence_break
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        plugin.TTSPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        access_key = profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'access_key'])
        if not access_key:
            raise ValueError("Ivona access key not configured!")

        secret_key = profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'secret_key'])
        if not secret_key:
            raise ValueError("Ivona secret key not configured!")

        region = profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'region'])
        voice = profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'voice'])
        speech_rate = profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'speech_rate'])
            sentence_break = int(profile.get(['ivona-tts', 'sentence_break']))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            sentence_break = None

        language = profile.get(['language'], "en-US")

        self._pyvonavoice = pyvona.Voice(access_key, secret_key)
        self._pyvonavoice.codec = "mp3"
        if region is not None:
            self._pyvonavoice.region = region

        # Use an appropriate voice for the chosen language
            all_voices = json.loads(self._pyvonavoice.list_voices())["Voices"]
        except TypeError:
            all_voices = self._pyvonavoice.list_voices()["Voices"]
        suitable_voices = [v for v in all_voices if v["Language"] == language]

        if len(suitable_voices) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Language '%s' not supported" % language)
            if voice is not None and len([v for v in suitable_voices
                                          if v["Name"] == voice]) > 0:
                # Use voice from config
                self._pyvonavoice.voice_name = voice
                # Use any voice for that language
                voice = suitable_voices[0]["Name"]
                self._pyvonavoice.voice_name = voice

        if speech_rate is not None:
            self._pyvonavoice.speech_rate = speech_rate
        if sentence_break is not None:
            self._pyvonavoice.sentence_break = sentence_break
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, logger, profile):
     self.logger = logger
     self.profile = profile
     self.snd_dev = profile['output_device_name']
     PHRASES_CACHE_DB = 'cache_phrases_google.db'
     self.cache = persistent_cache.audioCache(PHRASES_CACHE_DB, logger,
                                              'google', self.snd_dev)
     self.ivona = pyvona.Voice(profile['ivona-tts']['access_key'],
     self.ivona.codec = "mp3"
     self.ivona.region = profile['ivona-tts']['region']
     self.ivona.voice_name = profile['ivona-tts']['voice']
     self.ivona.speech_rate = profile['ivona-tts']['speech_rate']
     self.ivona.sentence_break = profile['ivona-tts']['sentence_break']
Beispiel #4
import pyvona
import sys

filename = "test_ivona.mp3"

ivona = pyvona.Voice('GDNAJCB7IGSUWGJE5EWQ', 'tLd1c3R1+3YbXscd6ILnuamY87uTycP2ngeer0S/')
ivona.codec          = "mp3"
ivona.region         = 'eu-west'
ivona.voice_name     = 'Maja'
ivona.language       = 'pl-PL'
ivona.speech_rate    = 'medium'
ivona.sentence_break = 400
#res = ivona.list_voices()

#print res
ivona.fetch_voice(sys.argv[1], filename)
#os.system("aplay -D %s %s" % ("plughw:1,0", filename))
#os.system("mpg123 -q --audiodevice= %s %s" % ("plughw:1,0", filename))