def vtkStructure(self):
        """Generates a vtk mesh structure that can be used in a vtk file.

        out : pyvtk.VtkData
            Vtk data structure

        # Generate the quad node locations in x
        x = self.x.cellEdges
        y = self.y.cellEdges
        z = self.z.cellEdges

        nCells = self.nCells

        z = self.z.cellEdges
        nNodes = self.x.nEdges * self.z.nEdges

        # Constuct the node locations for the vtk file
        nodes = np.empty([nNodes, 3])

        nodes[:, 0] = self.xMesh('x').reshape(self.nNodes)
        nodes[:, 1] = self.xMesh('y').reshape(self.nNodes)
        nodes[:, 2] = self.zMesh('absolute').reshape(self.nNodes)

        tmp = np.int32([0, 1, self.x.nEdges + 1, self.x.nEdges])
        a = np.ones(self.x.nCells, dtype=np.int32)
        a[0] = 2
        index = (np.repeat(tmp[:, np.newaxis], nCells, 1) +
                 np.cumsum(np.tile(a, self.z.nCells)) - 2).T

        return VtkData(PolyData(points=nodes, polygons=index))
def save_vtk(fname, points, colors):
    """N.B.: Paraview is a good VTK viewer, which supports ray-tracing."""

    structure = PolyData(points=points, vertices=np.arange(len(points)))
    values = PointData(Scalars(colors, name="colors"))
    vtk = VtkData(structure, values)

    vtk.tofile(folder + fname, "binary")
 def file_quiver(self, q, p, name=' ', **kwargs):
     if q.shape[1] == 2:
         q = np.hstack((q, np.zeros((q.shape[0], 1))))
     if p.shape[1] == 2:
         p = np.hstack((p, np.zeros((p.shape[0], 1))))
     pd = PolyData(points=q)
     vec = PointData(Vectors(p, name='momentum'))
     vtk = VtkData(pd, vec)
     vtk.tofile(self.foldername + name + '.vtk', 'ascii')
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, discr):
        from pyvtk import PolyData

        points = [_three_vector(p) for p in discr.nodes]
        polygons = []

        for eg in discr.element_groups:
            ldis = eg.local_discretization
            for el, (el_start, el_stop) in zip(eg.members, eg.ranges):
                polygons += [[el_start + j for j in element]
                             for element in ldis.get_submesh_indices()]

        self.structure = PolyData(points=points, polygons=polygons)
Beispiel #5
def patched_polydata_fromfile(f, self):
    """Use VtkData(<filename>)."""
    points = []
    vertices = []
    lines = []
    polygons = []
    triangle_strips = []
    l = common._getline(f)
    k, n, datatype = [s.strip().lower() for s in l.split()]
    if k != 'points':
        raise ValueError('expected points but got %s' % (repr(k)))
    n = eval(n)
    assert datatype in [
        'bit', 'unsigned_char', 'char', 'unsigned_short', 'short',
        'unsigned_int', 'int', 'unsigned_long', 'long', 'float', 'double'
    ], repr(datatype)

    self.message('\tgetting %s points' % n)
    while len(points) < 3 * n:
        l = common._getline(f)
        points += list(map(eval, l.split()))
    assert len(points) == 3 * n
    while 1:
        l = common._getline(f)
        if l is None:
        sl = l.split()
        k = sl[0].strip().lower()
        if k not in ['vertices', 'lines', 'polygons', 'triangle_strips']:
        assert len(sl) == 3
        n, size = list(map(eval, [sl[1], sl[2]]))
        lst = []
        while len(lst) < size:
            l = common._getline(f)
            lst += list(map(eval, l.split()))
        assert len(lst) == size
        lst2 = []
        j = 0
        for i in range(n):
            lst2.append(lst[j + 1:j + lst[j] + 1])
            j += lst[j] + 1
        exec('%s = lst2' % k)
    return PolyData(points, vertices, lines, polygons, triangle_strips), l
def save_vtk(fname,
    """Saves a point cloud or triangle mesh as a .vtk file.

    Files can be opened with Paraview or displayed using the PyVista library.

        fname (string): filename.
        xyz (Tensor): (N,3) point cloud or vertices.
        triangles (integer Tensor, optional): (T,3) mesh connectivity. Defaults to None.
        values (Tensor, optional): (N,D) values, supported by the vertices. Defaults to None.
        vectors (Tensor, optional): (N,3) vectors, supported by the vertices. Defaults to None.
        triangle_values (Tensor, optional): (T,D) values, supported by the triangles. Defaults to None.

    # Encode the points/vertices as a VTK structure:
    if triangles is None:  # Point cloud
        structure = PolyData(points=numpy(xyz), vertices=np.arange(len(xyz)))
    else:  # Surface mesh
        structure = PolyData(points=numpy(xyz), polygons=numpy(triangles))

    data = [structure]
    pointdata, celldata = [], []

    # Point values - one channel per column of the `values` array:
    if values is not None:
        values = numpy(values)
        if len(values.shape) == 1:
            values = values[:, None]
        features = values.T
        pointdata += [
            Scalars(f, name=f"features_{i:02d}")
            for i, f in enumerate(features)

    # Point vectors - one vector per point:
    if vectors is not None:
        pointdata += [Vectors(numpy(vectors), name="vectors")]

    # Store in the VTK object:
    if pointdata != []:
        pointdata = PointData(*pointdata)

    # Triangle values - one channel per column of the `triangle_values` array:
    if triangle_values is not None:
        triangle_values = numpy(triangle_values)
        if len(triangle_values.shape) == 1:
            triangle_values = triangle_values[:, None]
        features = triangle_values.T
        celldata += [
            Scalars(f, name=f"features_{i:02d}")
            for i, f in enumerate(features)

        celldata = CellData(*celldata)

    #  Write to hard drive:
    vtk = VtkData(*data)
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True)