Beispiel #1
def _write_legacy_vtu(x, fname):
    Write a legacy VTK unstructured grid file.

    # Voxel local points relative to its centre of geometry:
    voxel_local_points = asarray([[-1,-1,-1],[ 1,-1,-1],[-1, 1,-1],[ 1, 1,-1],
                                [-1,-1, 1],[ 1,-1, 1],[-1, 1, 1],[ 1, 1, 1]])\
                                  * 0.5 # scaling
    # Voxel world points:
    points = []
    # Culled input array -- as list:
    xculled = []

        depth, rows, columns = x.shape
    except ValueError:
        sys.exit('Array dimensions not equal to 3, possibly 2-dimensional.\n')

    for i in xrange(depth):
        for j in xrange(rows):
            for k in xrange(columns):
                if x[i, j, k] > THRESHOLD:
                    xculled.append(x[i, j, k])
                    points += (voxel_local_points + [k, j, i]).tolist()

    voxels = arange(len(points)).reshape(len(xculled), 8).tolist()
    topology = UnstructuredGrid(points, voxel=voxels)
    file_header = \
    'ToPy data, created '\
    + str('.')[0]
    scalars = CellData(Scalars(xculled, name='Densities', lookup_table =\
    vtk = VtkData(topology, file_header, scalars)
    vtk.tofile(fname, 'binary')
Beispiel #2
def _write_legacy_vtu(x, fname):
    Write a legacy VTK unstructured grid file.

    # Voxel local points relative to its centre of geometry:
    voxel_local_points = asarray([[-1,-1,-1],[ 1,-1,-1],[-1, 1,-1],[ 1, 1,-1],
                                [-1,-1, 1],[ 1,-1, 1],[-1, 1, 1],[ 1, 1, 1]])\
                                  * 0.5 # scaling
    # Voxel world points:
    points = []
    # Culled input array -- as list:
    xculled = []

        depth, rows, columns = x.shape
    except ValueError:
        sys.exit('Array dimensions not equal to 3, possibly 2-dimensional.\n')

    for i in xrange(depth):
        for j in xrange(rows):
            for k in xrange(columns):
                if x[i,j,k] > THRESHOLD:
                    points += (voxel_local_points + [k,j,i]).tolist()

    voxels = arange(len(points)).reshape(len(xculled), 8).tolist()
    topology = UnstructuredGrid(points, voxel = voxels)
    file_header = \
    'ToPy data, created '\
    + str('.')[0]
    scalars = CellData(Scalars(xculled, name='Densities', lookup_table =\
    vtk = VtkData(topology, file_header, scalars)
    vtk.tofile(fname, 'binary')
Beispiel #3
 def close(self):
     if not self.is_closed:
         from pyvtk import PointData, VtkData
         vtk = VtkData(self.structure, self.description,
         self.is_closed = True
def save_vtk(fname, points, colors):
    """N.B.: Paraview is a good VTK viewer, which supports ray-tracing."""

    structure = PolyData(points=points, vertices=np.arange(len(points)))
    values = PointData(Scalars(colors, name="colors"))
    vtk = VtkData(structure, values)

    vtk.tofile(folder + fname, "binary")
Beispiel #5
 def close(self):
     if not self.is_closed:
         from pyvtk import PointData, VtkData
         vtk = VtkData(self.structure,
         self.is_closed = True
 def file_quiver(self, q, p, name=' ', **kwargs):
     if q.shape[1] == 2:
         q = np.hstack((q, np.zeros((q.shape[0], 1))))
     if p.shape[1] == 2:
         p = np.hstack((p, np.zeros((p.shape[0], 1))))
     pd = PolyData(points=q)
     vec = PointData(Vectors(p, name='momentum'))
     vtk = VtkData(pd, vec)
     vtk.tofile(self.foldername + name + '.vtk', 'ascii')
Beispiel #7
def _write_vtu_series(us_grid, data, filename_base, binary_vtk, last_step, is_cell_data):
    steps = last_step + 1 if last_step is not None else len(data)
    fn_tpl = "{}_{:08d}"
    _write_meta_file(filename_base, steps, fn_tpl)
    for i in xrange(steps):
        fn = fn_tpl.format(filename_base, i)
        pd = _data_item(is_cell_data, data, i)
        vtk = VtkData(us_grid, pd, 'Unstructured Grid Example')
        if binary_vtk:
            vtk.tofile(fn, 'binary')
Beispiel #8
def _write_vtu_series(us_grid, data, filename_base, binary_vtk, last_step, is_cell_data):
    steps = last_step + 1 if last_step is not None else len(data)
    fn_tpl = "{}_{:08d}"
    _write_meta_file(filename_base, steps, fn_tpl)
    for i in xrange(steps):
        fn = fn_tpl.format(filename_base, i)
        pd = _data_item(is_cell_data, data, i)
        vtk = VtkData(us_grid, pd, 'Unstructured Grid Example')
        if binary_vtk:
            vtk.tofile(fn, 'binary')
Beispiel #9
def runner (parser, options, args):
    if not hasattr(parser, 'runner'):
        options.output_path = None

    if args:
        if len (args)==1:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path,  args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
        elif len(args)==2:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path,  args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
            if options.output_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting output path %r with %r" % (options.output_path,  args[1])
            options.output_path = args[1]
            parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments (expected upto 2 but got %s)" % (len(args)))

    if options.input_path is None:
        parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing')

    options.input_path = fix_path (options.input_path)

    stack = ImageStack.load(options.input_path, options=options)
    numpy_types = numpy.typeDict.values()
    if options.output_type in ['<detect>', None]:
        if str (stack.images.dtype).startswith ('float'):
            output_type_name = 'float32'
        elif str (stack.images.dtype).startswith ('int'):
            output_type_name = 'int32'
        elif str (stack.images.dtype).startswith ('uint'):
            output_type_name = 'uint32'
            output_type_name = 'int32'
        output_type_name = options.output_type.lower()
    output_type = getattr (numpy, output_type_name, None)

    mn, mx = stack.images.min (), stack.images.max ()
    print 'Input minimum and maximum: %s, %s' % (mn, mx)

    if options.scale and 'int' in output_type_name:
        tmn, tmx = get_dtype_min_max(output_type)
        new_images = (tmn + float(tmx - tmn) * (stack.images-float(mn)) / (mx - mn)).astype (output_type)
        new_images = stack.images.astype (output_type)
    print 'Output minimum and maximum: %s, %s' % (new_images.min (), new_images.max ())

    output_path = options.output_path
    output_ext = options.output_ext
    if output_path is None:
        dn = os.path.dirname(options.input_path)
        bn = os.path.basename(options.input_path)
        if os.path.isfile(options.input_path):
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext (bn)
            type_part = None
            for t in numpy_types:
                if fn.endswith('_' + t.__name__):
                    type_part = t.__name__
            if type_part is None:
                output_path = os.path.join(dn, fn + '_' + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
                output_path = os.path.join(dn, fn[:-len(type_part)] + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
        elif os.path.isdir (options.input_path):
            output_path = os.path.join (dn, bn+'_'+output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
            raise NotImplementedError ('%s is not file nor directory' % (options.input_path))

    output_path = fix_path(output_path)

    print 'Saving new stack to',output_path
    if output_ext=='tif':
        ImageStack(new_images, stack.pathinfo, options=options).save(output_path)
    elif output_ext=='data':
        from iocbio.microscope.psf import normalize_unit_volume, discretize
        value_resolution = stack.pathinfo.get_value_resolution()
        normal_images = normalize_unit_volume(new_images, stack.get_voxel_sizes())
        discrete = discretize(new_images / value_resolution)
        signal_indices = numpy.where(discrete>0)

        new_value_resolution = value_resolution * normal_images.max() / new_images.max()

        ImageStack(normal_images, stack.pathinfo,
                   value_resolution = new_value_resolution).save(output_path, zip(*signal_indices))
    elif output_ext=='vtk':
        from pyvtk import VtkData, StructuredPoints, PointData, Scalars
        vtk = VtkData (StructuredPoints (new_images.shape), PointData(Scalars(new_images.T.ravel())))
        vtk.tofile(output_path, 'binary')
        raise NotImplementedError (`output_ext`)
Beispiel #10
    def toVTK(self, fName, dx, dy, mask=False, clip=False, force=False, method='ct'):
        """ Convert a 3D volume of interpolated values to vtk for visualization in Paraview """


        self.getAttribute(xy=True, elevation=True, force=force)
        self.getMean3D(dx=dx, dy=dy, mask=mask, clip=clip, force=force, method=method)

        x,y,intPoints = interpolation.getGridLocations2D(self.points.bounds, dx, dy)

        from pyvtk import VtkData, UnstructuredGrid, PointData, CellData, Scalars

        # Get the 3D dimensions
        mx = x.size
        my = y.size
        mz = z.size
        nPoints = mx*my*mz
        nCells = (mx-1)*(my-1)*(mz-1)

        # Interpolate the elevation to the grid nodes
        if (method == 'ct'):
            tx,ty, vals = self.points.interpCloughTocher(self.elevation, dx = dx,dy=dy, mask = mask, clip = clip, extrapolate='nearest')
        elif (method == 'mc'):
            tx,ty, vals = self.points.interpMinimumCurvature(self.elevation, dx = dx, dy=dy, mask = mask, clip = clip)
        vals = vals[:my,:mx]
        vals = vals.reshape(mx*my)

        # Set up the nodes and voxel indices
        points = np.zeros([nPoints,3], order='F')
        points[:,0] = np.tile(x,my*mz)
        points[:,1] = np.tile(y.repeat(mx),mz)
        points[:,2] = np.tile(vals,mz)-z.repeat(mx*my)

        # Create the cell indices into the points
        p = np.arange(nPoints).reshape((mz,my,mx))
        voxels = np.zeros([nCells,8],
        iCell = 0
        for k in range(mz-1):
            k1 = k + 1
            for j in range(my-1):
                j1 = j + 1
                for i in range(mx-1):
                    i1 = i + 1
                    voxels[iCell,:] = [p[k1,j,i],p[k1,j,i1],p[k1,j1,i1],p[k1,j1,i], p[k,j,i],p[k,j,i1],p[k,j1,i1],p[k,j1,i]]
                    iCell += 1

        # Create the various point data
        pointID = Scalars(np.arange(nPoints),name='Point iD')
        pointElev = Scalars(points[:,2],name='Point Elevation (m)')

        tmp1 = np.log10(1.0/tmp)
        pointRes = Scalars(tmp1, name = 'log10(Resistivity) (Ohm m)')
        tmp1 = np.log10(tmp)

        pointCon = Scalars(tmp1, name = 'log10(Conductivity) (S/m)')
        PData = PointData(pointID, pointElev, pointRes, pointCon)
        CData = CellData(Scalars(np.arange(nCells),name='Cell iD'))
        vtk = VtkData(
#                               ),
              'Some Name'

        vtk.tofile(fName, 'ascii')
Beispiel #11
def runner(parser, options, args):

    if not hasattr(parser, 'runner'):
        options.output_path = None

    if args:
        if len(args) == 1:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (
                    options.input_path, args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (
                    options.input_path, args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
            if options.output_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting output path %r with %r" % (
                    options.output_path, args[1])
            options.output_path = args[1]
                "Incorrect number of arguments (expected upto 2 but got %s)" %

    if options.input_path is None:
        parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing')

    options.input_path = fix_path(options.input_path)

    stack = ImageStack.load(options.input_path, options=options)
    numpy_types = numpy.typeDict.values()
    if options.output_type in ['<detect>', None]:
        if str(stack.images.dtype).startswith('float'):
            output_type_name = 'float32'
        elif str(stack.images.dtype).startswith('int'):
            output_type_name = 'int32'
        elif str(stack.images.dtype).startswith('uint'):
            output_type_name = 'uint32'
            output_type_name = 'int32'
        output_type_name = options.output_type.lower()
    output_type = getattr(numpy, output_type_name, None)

    mn, mx = stack.images.min(), stack.images.max()
    print 'Input minimum and maximum: %s, %s' % (mn, mx)

    if options.scale and 'int' in output_type_name:
        tmn, tmx = get_dtype_min_max(output_type)
        new_images = (tmn + float(tmx - tmn) * (stack.images - float(mn)) /
                      (mx - mn)).astype(output_type)
        new_images = stack.images.astype(output_type)
    print 'Output minimum and maximum: %s, %s' % (new_images.min(),

    output_path = options.output_path
    output_ext = options.output_ext
    if output_path is None:
        dn = os.path.dirname(options.input_path)
        bn = os.path.basename(options.input_path)
        if os.path.isfile(options.input_path):
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext(bn)
            type_part = None
            for t in numpy_types:
                if fn.endswith('_' + t.__name__):
                    type_part = t.__name__
            if type_part is None:
                output_path = os.path.join(
                    dn, fn + '_' + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
                output_path = os.path.join(
                    fn[:-len(type_part)] + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
        elif os.path.isdir(options.input_path):
            output_path = os.path.join(
                dn, bn + '_' + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
            raise NotImplementedError('%s is not file nor directory' %

    output_path = fix_path(output_path)

    print 'Saving new stack to', output_path
    if output_ext == 'tif':
        ImageStack(new_images, stack.pathinfo,
    elif output_ext == 'data':
        from iocbio.microscope.psf import normalize_unit_volume, discretize
        value_resolution = stack.pathinfo.get_value_resolution()
        normal_images = normalize_unit_volume(new_images,
        discrete = discretize(new_images / value_resolution)
        signal_indices = numpy.where(discrete > 0)

        new_value_resolution = value_resolution * normal_images.max(
        ) / new_images.max()

                       output_path, zip(*signal_indices))
    elif output_ext == 'vtk':
        from pyvtk import VtkData, StructuredPoints, PointData, Scalars
        vtk = VtkData(StructuredPoints(new_images.shape),
        vtk.tofile(output_path, 'binary')
        raise NotImplementedError( ` output_ext `)
Beispiel #12
def runner (parser, options, args):
    if not hasattr(parser, 'runner'):
        options.output_path = None

    if args:
        if len (args)==1:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path,  args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
        elif len(args)==2:
            if options.input_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path,  args[0])
            options.input_path = args[0]
            if options.output_path:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting output path %r with %r" % (options.output_path,  args[1])
            options.output_path = args[1]
            parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments (expected upto 2 but got %s)" % (len(args)))

    if options.input_path is None:
        parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing')

    options.input_path = fix_path (options.input_path)

    stack = ImageStack.load(options.input_path, options=options)
    numpy_types = numpy.typeDict.values()
    if options.output_type in ['<detect>', None]:
        output_type_name =
        output_type_name = options.output_type.lower()
    output_type = getattr (numpy, output_type_name, None)

    nof_stacks = stack.get_nof_stacks()
    old_shape = stack.images.shape
    new_shape = (nof_stacks, old_shape[0]//nof_stacks) + old_shape[1:]

    new_images = numpy.zeros (new_shape[1:], dtype=output_type_name)

    first_stack = None
    last_stack = None
    for i, stacki in enumerate(stack.images.reshape(new_shape)):
        if i==0:
            first_stack = stacki.astype (float)
            new_images[:] = stacki
            err_first = abs(stacki - first_stack).mean()
            err_last = abs(stacki - last_stack).mean()
            print ('Stack %i: mean abs difference from first and last stack: %.3f, %.3f' % (i+1, err_first, err_last))
            new_images += stacki
        last_stack = stacki.astype(float)

    output_path = options.output_path
    output_ext = options.output_ext
    if output_path is None:
        dn = os.path.dirname(options.input_path)
        bn = os.path.basename(options.input_path)
        if os.path.isfile(options.input_path):
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext (bn)
            fn += '_sumstacks%s' % (nof_stacks)
            type_part = None
            for t in numpy_types:
                if fn.endswith('_' + t.__name__):
                    type_part = t.__name__
            if type_part is None:
                output_path = os.path.join(dn, fn + '_' + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
                output_path = os.path.join(dn, fn[:-len(type_part)] + output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
        elif os.path.isdir (options.input_path):
            bn += '_sumstacks%s' % (nof_stacks)
            output_path = os.path.join (dn, bn+'_'+output_type_name + '.' + output_ext)
            raise NotImplementedError ('%s is not file nor directory' % (options.input_path))

    output_path = fix_path(output_path)

    print 'Saving new stack to',output_path

    if output_ext=='tif':
        ImageStack(new_images, stack.pathinfo, options=options).save(output_path)
    elif output_ext=='data':
        from iocbio.microscope.psf import normalize_unit_volume, discretize
        value_resolution = stack.pathinfo.get_value_resolution()
        normal_images = normalize_unit_volume(new_images, stack.get_voxel_sizes())
        discrete = discretize(new_images / value_resolution)
        signal_indices = numpy.where(discrete>0)

        new_value_resolution = value_resolution * normal_images.max() / new_images.max()

        ImageStack(normal_images, stack.pathinfo,
                   value_resolution = new_value_resolution).save(output_path, zip(*signal_indices))
    elif output_ext=='vtk':
        from pyvtk import VtkData, StructuredPoints, PointData, Scalars
        vtk = VtkData (StructuredPoints (new_images.shape), PointData(Scalars(new_images.T.ravel())))
        vtk.tofile(output_path, 'binary')
        raise NotImplementedError (`output_ext`)
def save_vtk(fname,
    """Saves a point cloud or triangle mesh as a .vtk file.

    Files can be opened with Paraview or displayed using the PyVista library.

        fname (string): filename.
        xyz (Tensor): (N,3) point cloud or vertices.
        triangles (integer Tensor, optional): (T,3) mesh connectivity. Defaults to None.
        values (Tensor, optional): (N,D) values, supported by the vertices. Defaults to None.
        vectors (Tensor, optional): (N,3) vectors, supported by the vertices. Defaults to None.
        triangle_values (Tensor, optional): (T,D) values, supported by the triangles. Defaults to None.

    # Encode the points/vertices as a VTK structure:
    if triangles is None:  # Point cloud
        structure = PolyData(points=numpy(xyz), vertices=np.arange(len(xyz)))
    else:  # Surface mesh
        structure = PolyData(points=numpy(xyz), polygons=numpy(triangles))

    data = [structure]
    pointdata, celldata = [], []

    # Point values - one channel per column of the `values` array:
    if values is not None:
        values = numpy(values)
        if len(values.shape) == 1:
            values = values[:, None]
        features = values.T
        pointdata += [
            Scalars(f, name=f"features_{i:02d}")
            for i, f in enumerate(features)

    # Point vectors - one vector per point:
    if vectors is not None:
        pointdata += [Vectors(numpy(vectors), name="vectors")]

    # Store in the VTK object:
    if pointdata != []:
        pointdata = PointData(*pointdata)

    # Triangle values - one channel per column of the `triangle_values` array:
    if triangle_values is not None:
        triangle_values = numpy(triangle_values)
        if len(triangle_values.shape) == 1:
            triangle_values = triangle_values[:, None]
        features = triangle_values.T
        celldata += [
            Scalars(f, name=f"features_{i:02d}")
            for i, f in enumerate(features)

        celldata = CellData(*celldata)

    #  Write to hard drive:
    vtk = VtkData(*data)
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True)