def plrc(server: PyWebHost, request: Request, content): id = request.query['id'][0] detail_dict = pyncm.apis.track.GetTrackDetail(id)['songs'][0] track = pyncm.utils.helper.TrackHelper(detail_dict) lyrics_dict = pyncm.apis.track.GetTrackLyrics(id) lrc = {'romalrc': None, 'lrc': None, 'tlyric': None} for index in lrc: lrc[index] = pyncm.utils.lrcparser.LrcParser( lyrics_dict[index]['lyric']) ticks = lrc['lrc'].lyrics_sorted.keys() content = '' content += ( f'<head><link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/printableLyrics.css"><title>{track.Title}</title></head>' ) content += (f'<h1>{track.TrackName}</h1>') content += (f'<h2>{track.AlbumName} / {track.TrackPublishTime}</h2>') content += (f'<h2>{" / ".join(track.Artists)}</h2>') for tick in ticks: content += ('<div class="block">') for index in lrc: if not lrc[index].lyrics: continue ts, lines, lno = lrc[index].Find(lrc[index].lyrics_sorted, tick) if tick >= ts: tss, line = lines[-1] content += ( f' <p class={index} ts="{tss}">{line.strip()}</p>') content += ('</div>')'static/printableLyrics : %s complete' % id) request.send_response(200) request.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=UTF-8') return content
def _stats_requests(self, request: Request, content): '''accumulates total requests''' self.setdefault('count', 0) if self['count'] < 2: self['count'] = 2 request.send_response(200) return { 'self': self.local_request_stack.to_list(), 'global': self.global_request_stack.to_list() }
def _stats_server(self, request: Request, content): '''server hoster nickname''' self.setdefault('count', 0) if self['count'] < 2: self['count'] = 2 if GetCurrentSession().login_info['success']: request.send_response(200) return GetCurrentSession().login_info['content']['profile'] else: request.send_response(404) return {}
def _file_get(self, request: Request, content): key = request.query['key'][0] if not key in files.keys(): return request.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, 'Resource not found') file: File = files[key] self_name = self.get('name') print(self_name or self.request.useragent_string + ' -- Anonymous --', ': Downloading', file.file_name) file.downloader.add(self_name) while not file.bytes_written >= file.file_size: time.sleep(0.1) # wait till upload finishes request.send_response(200) request.send_header('Content-Disposition', 'filename="%s"' % file.file_name) if 'thumb' in request.query: # fetching thumbnails for images from PIL import Image temp_img_path = FileSession.temp_img_path_format % file.temp_file_path if not isfile(temp_img_path): # creating one if object does not exist try: thumb: Image.Image = thumb.thumbnail((128, 128)), "JPEG") except: # failed to parse return WriteContentToRequest(request, file.temp_file_path, partial_acknowledge=True, mime_type=file.file_type) return WriteContentToRequest(request, temp_img_path, mime_type='image/jpg') # writing temp image else: if not self_name in file.downloader: # boardcast download event boardcast( Chat.srv_msg(msg={ 'file': file.dict(), 'user': self_name }, type='filedownload')) return WriteContentToRequest(request, file.temp_file_path, partial_acknowledge=True, mime_type=file.file_type)
def index(initator, request: Request, content): real = 'html' + request.path if os.path.isfile(real): WriteContentToRequest(request, real, mime_type=mimetypes.guess_type(real)[0]) else: # request.send_error(404) request.send_response(404) request.send_header('Content-Length', 0) request.end_headers()
def routeCloudmusicApis(self, request: Request, content): self.setdefault('count', 0) self['count'] = self['count'] + 1 if self['count'] < 2: return request.send_response(503) path = list( filter(lambda x: x and x != 'pyncm', request.path.split('/'))) base, target = path if not base in filter(lambda x: x.islower() and not '_' in x, dir(pyncm.apis)): return request.send_error(404, 'base method %s not found' % base) if base in {'user', 'login'}: return request.send_error(403, 'base method %s not allowed' % base) base = getattr(pyncm.apis, base) if not target in filter(lambda x: 'Get' in x or 'Set' in x, dir(base)): return request.send_error( 404, 'target method %s not found' % target) if 'Set' in target: return request.send_error(403, 'cannot perfrom "Set" calls') query = { k: v if not len(v) == 1 else v[0] for k, v in request.query.items() } response = getattr(base, target)(**query)'[%s #%d] %s - %s' % (self.session_id, self['count'], target, query)) if target in {'GetTrackAudio'} and response['code'] == 200: ids = [e['id'] for e in response['data']] self.local_request_stack.extend(ids) self.global_request_stack.extend(ids) request.send_response(200) return response
def index(initator, request: Request, content): request.send_response(200) paths = ['<a href=%s>%s</a></br>' % (path, path) for path in server.paths] return TEMPLATE % ''.join(paths)
def _session_test_(initiator, request: Request, content): request.send_response(200) return self.session_id
def _file_view(self, request: Request, content): key = request.query['key'][0] if not key in files.keys(): return request.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, 'Resource not found') return files[key].dict()
def onCreate(self, request: Request, content): if not self.session_id: self.set_session_id(path='/') request.send_response(200) request.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')