Beispiel #1
 def getObjectView(self, filename, **kwargs):
     """ This is a wrapper around the ObjectView constructor, just to 
     avoid passing the project and protocol, since both are know
     here in the ProtocolViewer.
     # We can not import em globally
     from pyworkflow.em import ObjectView
     return ObjectView(self._project, self.protocol.strId(), filename,
Beispiel #2
    def objectView(self, filenameOrObject, **kwargs):
        """ This is a wrapper around the ObjectView constructor, just to
        avoid passing the project and protocol, since both are know
        here in the ProtocolViewer.
            filenameOrObject: This parameter can be either a filename or an
                object that has 'getFileName' method.
            **kwargs: Can receive extra keyword-arguments that will be passed
                to the ObjectView constructor
        # We can not import em globally
        from pyworkflow.em import ObjectView
        fn = None

        if isinstance(filenameOrObject, basestring):
            # If the input is a string filename, we should take the object id
            # from the protocol. This assumes that self.protocol have been
            # previously set
            fn = filenameOrObject
            strId = self.getProtocolId()

        elif isinstance(filenameOrObject, Object):

            if filenameOrObject.getObjId() is None:
                strId = self.getProtocolId()
                strId = filenameOrObject.strId()

            if hasattr(filenameOrObject, 'getLocation'):
                # In this case fn will be a location tuple that will be
                # correctly handled by the showj DataView
                fn = filenameOrObject.getLocation()
            elif hasattr(filenameOrObject, 'getFileName'):
                # If the input is an object, we can take the id from it
                fn = filenameOrObject.getFileName()

        if fn is None:
            raise Exception("Incorrect input object, it should be 'string' or "
                            "'Object' (with 'getLocation' or 'getFileName' "

        return ObjectView(self._project, strId, fn, **kwargs)
Beispiel #3
    def createScipionPartView(self, partSet, viewParams={}):
        from pyworkflow.em import ObjectView
        inputParticlesId = self.protocol.inputParticles.get().strId()
        filename = partSet.getFileName()

        labels = 'enabled id _size _filename _transform._matrix'
        viewParams = {
            showj.ORDER: labels,
            showj.VISIBLE: labels,
            showj.RENDER: '_filename',
            'labels': 'id',

        return ObjectView(
            #                           env=self._env,
Beispiel #4
 def viewVolumesSqlite(self, volumes):
     path = self.protocol._getExtraPath('viewer_volumes.sqlite')
     samplingRate = self.protocol.inputParticles.get().getSamplingRate()
     self.createVolumesSqlite(volumes, path, samplingRate)
     return [ObjectView(self._project, self.protocol.strId(), path)]