Beispiel #1
def PopupWindow(elements):
    # Create a window instance.
    window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(elements[0])
    # Set window width, height and grid resolution.
    window.setGeometry(700, 250, 2, 1)
    textbox = pyxbmct.TextBox(textColor='0xFFFFFFFF')
    window.placeControl(textbox, 0, 0,2,1)
    textbox.setText(elements[1] + " " +  elements[2]+ " " +  elements[3])
#     label = pyxbmct.Label(elements[1], alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT)
#     label2 = pyxbmct.Label(elements[2], alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT)
#     label3 = pyxbmct.Label(elements[3], alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_LEFT)
#     window.placeControl(label, 0, 0, columnspan=1)
#     window.placeControl(label2, 1, 0, columnspan=1)
#     window.placeControl(label3, 2, 0, columnspan=1)
    # Create a button.
    button = pyxbmct.Button('Close')
    # Place the button on the window grid.
    window.placeControl(button, 2, 0)
    # Set initial focus on the button.
    # Connect the button to a function.
    window.connect(button, window.close)
    # Connect a key action to a function.
    window.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, window.close)
    # Show the created window.
    # Delete the window instance when it is no longer used.
    del window 
Beispiel #2
def list_epg_item(pid, SESSION, pg_hash):
    url = '' % (
        pg_hash, pid)
    json_data = get_json_data(url, SESSION)
    program_info = json.loads(json_data)['programs'][0]
    channel_name = program_info['channel_name']
    cid = program_info['cid']
    countries = program_info['country'].replace('|', ', ')
    genres = ', '.join(program_info['g'])
    categories = ', '.join(program_info['c'])
    directors = ', '.join([d for d in program_info['cr']['director']])
    actors = ', '.join([a for a in program_info['cr']['actor']])
    desc = program_info['d']
    subtitle = (program_info['et'] or '')
    thumb = program_info['i']
    title = program_info['t']
    if subtitle:
        title = '%s: %s' % (title, subtitle)
    year = program_info['year']
    text = ''
    if desc:
        text += '[COLOR blue]Plot:[/COLOR] %s\n\n' % desc
    if categories:
        text += '[COLOR blue]Kategorien:[/COLOR] %s' % categories
    if genres:
        text += '\n[COLOR blue]Genre:[/COLOR] %s' % genres
    if countries:
        text += '\n[COLOR blue]Produktionsland:[/COLOR] %s' % countries
    if directors:
        text += '\n[COLOR blue]Direktoren:[/COLOR] %s' % directors
    if actors:
        text += '\n[COLOR blue]Schauspieler:[/COLOR] %s' % actors

    if text:
        title = '[B][COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR][/B] %s' % (channel_name, title)
        if year:
            title = '%s (%i)' % (title, year)
        window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(title)
        window.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, window.close)
        window.setGeometry(1000, 700, 1, 1)
        box = pyxbmct.TextBox()
        window.placeControl(box, 0, 0)
        del window
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, title, width=800, height=500, saveCallback=None, hideTabs=False, showButtons=True):
     self.title = title
     self.width = width
     self.height = height        
     self.saveCallback = saveCallback
     self.hideTabs = hideTabs
     self.window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(title)
     self.window.setGeometry(width, height, 14, 10)
     if showButtons:
         self.buttonRow = None
     self.tabs = []
     self.onSaveCallbacks = []
     self.currentPage = None
Beispiel #4
net = net.Net()
addon_id = ''
selfAddon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=addon_id)
icon = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id, 'ico.png'))
fanart = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id, 'fanart.jpg'))
button_quit= xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'power.png'))
button_quit_focus= xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'power_focus.png'))
button_focus = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'button_focus2.png'))
button_no_focus = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'button_no_focus2.png'))
button_focus1 = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'button_focus1.png'))
button_no_focus1 = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'button_no_focus1.png'))
bg = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join('special://home/addons/' + addon_id + artpath, 'main-bg2.png'))
logos = os.path.join('logos')
window  = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow('')
window.setGeometry(1240, 650, 100, 50)
window.placeControl(background, -5, 0, 125, 51)
addon = Addon(addon_id, sys.argv)
mode = addon.queries.get('mode', '')

def START():
	global Entertainment
	global Movies
	global Music
	global News
	global Sport
	global Docs
	global Kids
	global Food
Beispiel #5
            state = 1
            state = 0
        socketdata = [housecode, switch, state]

    socketdict = dict(zip(socketnames, socketdatas))
    return socketdict

urlwebinterface = ip + path
sockets = scrapeWebinterface(urlwebinterface)
numofsockets = len(sockets.keys())

# Create a window instance.
window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(plugin)

height = 100 + numofsockets * 50
rows = 1 + numofsockets
# Set the window width, height and the grid resolution: 5 rows, 3 columns.
window.setGeometry(400, height, rows, 3)

clickcount = 1

def moveup():
    global clickcount
    global count
    global position
    if clickcount <= count:
        position = count - clickcount