Beispiel #1
def testing():
    from pyxer.controller import getObjectsFullName, isController

    static = "pyxer.routing:static"

    if __name__=="__main__":
        module = "__main__"
        module = "pyxer.routing"

    data = [
        ("",                            "public:index"),
        ("/",                           "public:index"),
        ("index",                       "public:index"),
        ("/index",                      "public:index"), # slash is ignored
        ("index.htm",                   "public:index"),
        ("index.html",                  "public:index"),
        ("index.gif",                   "pyxer.routing:static", dict(static="index.gif")),

        # Without slash a module is not recognized (could be handled by 'static' though)
        ("sub1",                        'pyxer.routing:static', {'static': 'sub1'}),

        # sub1
        ("sub1/",                       "public.sub1:index"),
        ("sub1/dummy",                  "public.sub1:dummy"),
        ("sub1/dummy2",                 "public.sub1:default"),
        ("sub1/content1",               "public.sub1:content1"),
        ("sub1/content1/some",          "public.sub1:content1", dict(name="some")),
        ("sub1/content2/some",          "public.sub1:content2", dict(name="some")),
        ("sub1/content1/some/more",     "public.sub1:content1", dict(name="some/more")),
        ("sub1/content2/some/more",     'pyxer.routing:static', {'static': 'content2/some/more'}),

        # Doesn't match at all and is therefore passed to 'static'
        ("/some/path/index.gif",        "pyxer.routing:static", dict(static="some/path/index.gif")),

        # Referencing an external module
        ("sub1/pub2/",                  "public2:index", dict()),
        ("sub1/pub2/path/index.gif",    "pyxer.routing:static", dict(static="path/index.gif")),


    router = Router("public")
    for sample in data:
        if len(sample)==3:
            path, object_name, object_vars = sample
            path, object_name = sample
            object_vars = dict()

        obj, vars = router.match(path)
        if vars is None:
            vars = dict()
            for k in vars.keys():
                if k.startswith("pyxer."):
                    del vars[k]
        name = getObjectsFullName(obj)
        ct = isController(obj)
        # print "%-35r %r, %r" % (path, name, vars)
        assert object_name == name
        assert object_vars == vars
Beispiel #2
    def _match(self, path, module = None, urlvars = {}):
        # Normalize module infos
        # Search
        for route in self.routes + self.routes_default:
            match = route.template.match(path)
            # log.debug("Try to match %r %r", route, match)
            if match:
                urlvars = {}
                tail = path[match.end():].lstrip("/")
                urlvars["pyxer.tail"] = tail
                urlvars["pyxer.match"] = path[match.start():match.end()]
                urlvars["pyxer.path"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.module.__file__))

                log.debug("Matched %r %r %r %r", path, route, urlvars, route.vars)

                # Abort matching
                if urlvars["module"] is None and urlvars["controller"] is None:
                    return (None, None)

                # Handle module
                if urlvars["module"] is not None:
                    obj = urlvars["module"]

                    # If it is a module go ahead
                    if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
                        module = obj

                    # If it is a string it could be a module or a
                    elif isinstance(obj, basestring):

                        # Load module relatively or absolute
                        module = (
                            self.load_module(self.module_name, obj)
                            or self.load_module(obj))

                        if module is None:
                            log.debug("Module %r not found", obj)

                    # If it is anything else, let the caller decide what to do
                        raise Exception("No module")

                    # Let's see if they need a Router()
                    if not hasattr(module, "router"):
                        module.router = Router(module)

                    # The router goes to the next round
                    return module.router._match(tail, module) #, urlvars)

                # Handle controller
                if urlvars["controller"] is not None:
                    obj = urlvars["controller"]

                    if isinstance(obj, basestring):
                        if hasattr(self.module, obj):
                            obj = getattr(self.module, obj)

                    if hasattr(obj, "iscontroller") or isController(obj):
                        return obj, urlvars
                        log.debug("Object %r is not a controller", obj)


        return (None, None)