Beispiel #1
 def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables):
     qname = QName('%s}%s' % (namespaces.get(self.prefix),
     if kind is START:
         if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and qname in data[1]:
             return Attrs([(, data[1].get(])
             return data[0] == qname
Beispiel #2
 def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables):
     namespace = Namespace(namespaces.get(self.prefix))
     if kind is START:
         if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and data[1]:
             return Attrs([(name, value) for name, value in data[1]
                           if name in namespace]) or None
             return data[0] in namespace
Beispiel #3
def _kwargs_to_attrs(kwargs):
    attrs = []
    names = set()
    for name, value in kwargs.items():
        name = name.rstrip('_').replace('_', '-')
        if value is not None and name not in names:
            attrs.append((QName(name), unicode(value)))
    return Attrs(attrs)
Beispiel #4
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrib):
        fixed_attrib = []
        for name, value in attrib:  # Fixup minimized attributes
            if value is None:
                value = unicode(name)
            elif not isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = value.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')
            fixed_attrib.append((QName(name), stripentities(value)))

        self._enqueue(START, (QName(tag), Attrs(fixed_attrib)))
        if tag in self._EMPTY_ELEMS:
            self._enqueue(END, QName(tag))
Beispiel #5
Datei: Projekt: tml/pyxer
    def __call__(self, stream):
        """Apply the filter to the given stream.

        :param stream: the markup event stream to filter
        waiting_for = None

        for kind, data, pos in stream:
            if kind is START:
                if waiting_for:
                tag, attrs = data
                if tag not in self.safe_tags:
                    waiting_for = tag

                new_attrs = []
                for attr, value in attrs:
                    value = stripentities(value)
                    if attr not in self.safe_attrs:
                    elif attr in self.uri_attrs:
                        # Don't allow URI schemes such as "javascript:"
                        if not self.is_safe_uri(value):
                    elif attr == 'style':
                        # Remove dangerous CSS declarations from inline styles
                        decls = self.sanitize_css(value)
                        if not decls:
                        value = '; '.join(decls)
                    new_attrs.append((attr, value))

                yield kind, (tag, Attrs(new_attrs)), pos

            elif kind is END:
                tag = data
                if waiting_for:
                    if waiting_for == tag:
                        waiting_for = None
                    yield kind, data, pos

            elif kind is not COMMENT:
                if not waiting_for:
                    yield kind, data, pos
Beispiel #6
def ET(element):
    """Convert a given ElementTree element to a markup stream.

    :param element: an ElementTree element
    :return: a markup stream
    tag_name = QName(element.tag.lstrip('{'))
    attrs = Attrs([(QName(attr.lstrip('{')), value)
                   for attr, value in element.items()])

    yield START, (tag_name, attrs), (None, -1, -1)
    if element.text:
        yield TEXT, element.text, (None, -1, -1)
    for child in element.getchildren():
        for item in ET(child):
            yield item
    yield END, tag_name, (None, -1, -1)
    if element.tail:
        yield TEXT, element.tail, (None, -1, -1)
Beispiel #7
 def __call__(self, kind, data, pos, namespaces, variables):
     if kind is START:
         if self.principal_type is ATTRIBUTE and in data[1]:
             return Attrs([(, data[1].get(])
             return data[0].localname ==
Beispiel #8
    def __call__(self, stream):
        prefixes = dict([(v, [k]) for k, v in self.prefixes.items()])
        namespaces = {XML_NAMESPACE.uri: ['xml']}

        def _push_ns(prefix, uri):
            namespaces.setdefault(uri, []).append(prefix)
            prefixes.setdefault(prefix, []).append(uri)

        ns_attrs = []
        _push_ns_attr = ns_attrs.append

        def _make_ns_attr(prefix, uri):
            return u'xmlns%s' % (prefix and ':%s' % prefix or ''), uri

        def _gen_prefix():
            val = 0
            while 1:
                val += 1
                yield 'ns%d' % val

        _gen_prefix = _gen_prefix().next

        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            if kind is START or kind is EMPTY:
                tag, attrs = data

                tagname = tag.localname
                tagns = tag.namespace
                if tagns:
                    if tagns in namespaces:
                        prefix = namespaces[tagns][-1]
                        if prefix:
                            tagname = u'%s:%s' % (prefix, tagname)
                        _push_ns_attr((u'xmlns', tagns))
                        _push_ns('', tagns)

                new_attrs = []
                for attr, value in attrs:
                    attrname = attr.localname
                    attrns = attr.namespace
                    if attrns:
                        if attrns not in namespaces:
                            prefix = _gen_prefix()
                            _push_ns(prefix, attrns)
                            _push_ns_attr(('xmlns:%s' % prefix, attrns))
                            prefix = namespaces[attrns][-1]
                        if prefix:
                            attrname = u'%s:%s' % (prefix, attrname)
                    new_attrs.append((attrname, value))

                yield kind, (tagname, Attrs(ns_attrs + new_attrs)), pos
                del ns_attrs[:]

            elif kind is END:
                tagname = data.localname
                tagns = data.namespace
                if tagns:
                    prefix = namespaces[tagns][-1]
                    if prefix:
                        tagname = u'%s:%s' % (prefix, tagname)
                yield kind, tagname, pos

            elif kind is START_NS:
                prefix, uri = data
                if uri not in namespaces:
                    prefix = prefixes.get(uri, [prefix])[-1]
                    _push_ns_attr(_make_ns_attr(prefix, uri))
                _push_ns(prefix, uri)

            elif kind is END_NS:
                if data in prefixes:
                    uris = prefixes.get(data)
                    uri = uris.pop()
                    if not uris:
                        del prefixes[data]
                    if uri not in uris or uri != uris[-1]:
                        uri_prefixes = namespaces[uri]
                        if not uri_prefixes:
                            del namespaces[uri]
                    if ns_attrs:
                        attr = _make_ns_attr(data, uri)
                        if attr in ns_attrs:

                yield kind, data, pos
Beispiel #9
    def __call__(self, stream, ctxt=None, search_text=True, msgbuf=None):
        """Translate any localizable strings in the given stream.

        This function shouldn't be called directly. Instead, an instance of
        the `Translator` class should be registered as a filter with the
        `Template` or the `TemplateLoader`, or applied as a regular stream
        filter. If used as a template filter, it should be inserted in front of
        all the default filters.

        :param stream: the markup event stream
        :param ctxt: the template context (not used)
        :param search_text: whether text nodes should be translated (used
        :param msgbuf: a `MessageBuffer` object or `None` (used internally)
        :return: the localized stream
        ignore_tags = self.ignore_tags
        include_attrs = self.include_attrs
        translate = self.translate
        if not self.extract_text:
            search_text = False
        skip = 0
        i18n_msg = I18N_NAMESPACE['msg']
        ns_prefixes = []
        xml_lang = XML_NAMESPACE['lang']

        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            # skip chunks that should not be localized
            if skip:
                if kind is START:
                    skip += 1
                elif kind is END:
                    skip -= 1
                yield kind, data, pos

            # handle different events that can be localized
            if kind is START:
                tag, attrs = data
                if tag in self.ignore_tags or \
                        isinstance(attrs.get(xml_lang), basestring):
                    skip += 1
                    yield kind, data, pos

                new_attrs = []
                changed = False
                for name, value in attrs:
                    newval = value
                    if search_text and isinstance(value, basestring):
                        if name in include_attrs:
                            newval = self.translate(value)
                        newval = list(
                    if newval != value:
                        value = newval
                        changed = True
                    new_attrs.append((name, value))
                if changed:
                    attrs = Attrs(new_attrs)

                if msgbuf:
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                elif i18n_msg in attrs:
                    params = attrs.get(i18n_msg)
                    if params and type(params) is list:  # event tuple
                        params = params[0][1]
                    msgbuf = MessageBuffer(params)
                    attrs -= i18n_msg

                yield kind, (tag, attrs), pos

            elif search_text and kind is TEXT:
                if not msgbuf:
                    text = data.strip()
                    if text:
                        data = data.replace(text, unicode(translate(text)))
                    yield kind, data, pos
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif msgbuf and kind is EXPR:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif not skip and msgbuf and kind is END:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                if not msgbuf.depth:
                    for event in msgbuf.translate(translate(msgbuf.format())):
                        yield event
                    msgbuf = None
                    yield kind, data, pos

            elif kind is SUB:
                subkind, substream = data
                new_substream = list(self(substream, ctxt, msgbuf=msgbuf))
                yield kind, (subkind, new_substream), pos

            elif kind is START_NS and data[1] == I18N_NAMESPACE:

            elif kind is END_NS and data in ns_prefixes:

                yield kind, data, pos
Beispiel #10
    def __call__(self, stream, ctxt=None, search_text=True, msgbuf=None):
        """Translate any localizable strings in the given stream.

        This function shouldn't be called directly. Instead, an instance of
        the `Translator` class should be registered as a filter with the
        `Template` or the `TemplateLoader`, or applied as a regular stream
        filter. If used as a template filter, it should be inserted in front of
        all the default filters.

        :param stream: the markup event stream
        :param ctxt: the template context (not used)
        :param search_text: whether text nodes should be translated (used
        :param msgbuf: a `MessageBuffer` object or `None` (used internally)
        :return: the localized stream
        ignore_tags = self.ignore_tags
        include_attrs = self.include_attrs
        translate = self.translate
        if not self.extract_text:
            search_text = False
        skip = 0
        i18n_msg = I18N_NAMESPACE['msg']
        ns_prefixes = []
        xml_lang = XML_NAMESPACE['lang']

        for kind, data, pos in stream:

            # skip chunks that should not be localized
            if skip:
                if kind is START:
                    skip += 1
                elif kind is END:
                    skip -= 1
                yield kind, data, pos

            # handle different events that can be localized
            if kind is START:
                tag, attrs = data
                if tag in self.ignore_tags or \
                        isinstance(attrs.get(xml_lang), basestring):
                    skip += 1
                    yield kind, data, pos

                new_attrs = []
                changed = False
                for name, value in attrs:
                    newval = value
                    if search_text and isinstance(value, basestring):
                        if name in include_attrs:
                            newval = self.translate(value)
                        newval = list(self(_ensure(value), ctxt,
                            search_text=False, msgbuf=msgbuf)
                    if newval != value:
                        value = newval
                        changed = True
                    new_attrs.append((name, value))
                if changed:
                    attrs = Attrs(new_attrs)

                if msgbuf:
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                elif i18n_msg in attrs:
                    params = attrs.get(i18n_msg)
                    if params and type(params) is list: # event tuple
                        params = params[0][1]
                    msgbuf = MessageBuffer(params)
                    attrs -= i18n_msg

                yield kind, (tag, attrs), pos

            elif search_text and kind is TEXT:
                if not msgbuf:
                    text = data.strip()
                    if text:
                        data = data.replace(text, unicode(translate(text)))
                    yield kind, data, pos
                    msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif msgbuf and kind is EXPR:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)

            elif not skip and msgbuf and kind is END:
                msgbuf.append(kind, data, pos)
                if not msgbuf.depth:
                    for event in msgbuf.translate(translate(msgbuf.format())):
                        yield event
                    msgbuf = None
                    yield kind, data, pos

            elif kind is SUB:
                subkind, substream = data
                new_substream = list(self(substream, ctxt, msgbuf=msgbuf))
                yield kind, (subkind, new_substream), pos

            elif kind is START_NS and data[1] == I18N_NAMESPACE:

            elif kind is END_NS and data in ns_prefixes:

                yield kind, data, pos
Beispiel #11
 def _handle_start(self, tag, attrib):
     attrs = Attrs([(QName(name), value)
                    for name, value in zip(*[iter(attrib)] * 2)])
     self._enqueue(START, (QName(tag), attrs))