def xl_app_checker(*args, **kwargs): if "xl" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["xl"] = xl_app() #"xl_app created for {func.__name__}") elif kwargs["xl"] is None: kwargs["xl"] = xl_app() #"xl_app created for {func.__name__}") return func(*args, **kwargs)
def connect_to_excel() -> w32: """ Connects to the current active excel workbook and return win32com client object. Using this function has known issues. :return: w32 Active open excel worksheet """ xl = xl_app() if xl.ActiveWorkbook is None: kill_excel_bg() xl = xl_app() # type: w32"Connected to excel sheet {xl.ActiveWorkbook.Name}") return (xl if check_jupyter_excel_connection(xl) else Exception("Not connected to excel"))
def popup_messagebox(): xlcAlert("Hello") xl = xl_app() tempRange = 'B1' tempRange2 = 'E2' tempRange3 = 'A6:B7' searchRange = 'A1:D4' x = pd.DataFrame({"A": ['Jim', 6], "B": ['Paula', 9]}, index=None) arr_x = x.to_numpy() # 'xl' is an instance of the Excel.Application object # Get the current ActiveSheet (same as in VBA) sheet = xl.ActiveSheet # Call the 'Range' method on the Sheet xl_range = sheet.Range(tempRange) # xl_range = sheet.Range('A1:I1') # xl_range.Merge() xl_range.Select() # xl_range.FormulaR1C1 = "Test" xl_range.Formula = "=$B$2+$C$2" xl_range = sheet.Range(tempRange2) xl_range.Select() xl_range.Formula = "=MIN(COLUMN(" + searchRange + "))+COLUMNS(" + searchRange + ")-1" xl_range = sheet.Range(tempRange3) xl_range.Select() xl_range.Value = arr_x
def set_dca_pars(): xl = xl_app() dm = get_cached_object(get_value("data_obj_manager", xl=xl)) selected_well = get_value("fm_fn_producing_well_name", xl=xl) dca_pars_oil = pd.DataFrame( dm.session.query( Well_Oneline.ip_final_oil, Well_Oneline.di_oil, Well_Oneline.b_oil, Well_Oneline.dmin_oil, Well_Oneline.ip_oil_idx, ).filter(Well_Oneline.well_str == selected_well).all()) dca_pars_oil.columns = ["IP", "De", "B", "Dmin", "Max IP Month"] dca_pars_gas = pd.DataFrame( dm.session.query( Well_Oneline.ip_final_gas, Well_Oneline.di_gas, Well_Oneline.b_gas, Well_Oneline.dmin_gas, Well_Oneline.ip_gas_idx, ).filter(Well_Oneline.well_str == selected_well).all()) dca_pars_gas.columns = ["IP", "De", "B", "Dmin", "Max IP Month"] dca_pars = pd.concat([dca_pars_oil, dca_pars_gas]) copy_df_xl( df=dca_pars, sheet="Producing", name="fm_fn_producing_dca_pars", copy_columns=True, xl=xl, )
def create_fm_data_manager(restore=None): """ Creates a fm data manager using the xl instance passed. WARNING! dont change the wrapper order. :param restore: :param xl: :return: """ xl = xl_app() assets = to_df(get_value("project_state_assets", xl=xl)) if (assets.shape[0] == 0) and restore is None: message_box("Provide at least a section to start the analysis") return cfg = get_cached_object(get_value("data_obj_cfg")) source_connector = create_source_connector(xl=xl) query_manager = create_query_manager(xl=xl) data_loader = FMDataLoader() data_formatter = FMDataFormatter() dm = FMDataManager( cfg=cfg, qm=query_manager, sc=source_connector, dl=data_loader, df=data_formatter, restore=restore, ) return dm
def checkbox_example(): xl = xl_app() check_box = xl.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(xl.Caller) if check_box.Value == 1: xl.Range("checkbox_output").Value = "CHECKED" else: xl.Range("checkbox_output").Value = "Click the check box"
def _get_notebook_path(cfg): """Return the path to open the Jupyter notebook in.""" # Use the path of the active workbook if use_workbook_dir is set use_workbook_dir = False if cfg.has_option("JUPYTER", "use_workbook_dir"): try: use_workbook_dir = bool(int(cfg.get("JUPYTER", "use_workbook_dir"))) except (ValueError, TypeError): _log.error("Unexpected value for JUPYTER.use_workbook_dir.") if use_workbook_dir: xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") wb = xl.ActiveWorkbook if wb is not None and wb.FullName and os.path.exists(wb.FullName): return os.path.dirname(wb.FullName) # Otherwise use the path option if cfg.has_option("JUPYTER", "notebook_dir"): path = cfg.get("JUPYTER", "notebook_dir").strip("\"\' ") if os.path.exists(path): return os.path.normpath(path) _log.warning("Notebook path '%s' does not exist" % path) # And if that's not set use My Documents CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, CSIDL_PERSONAL, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf) return buf.value
def set_selection_in_ipython(*args): """ Gets the value of the selected cell and copies it to the globals dict in the IPython kernel. """ try: if not getattr(sys, "_ipython_app", None) or not sys._ipython_kernel_running: raise Exception("IPython kernel not running") xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") selection = xl.Selection if not selection: raise Exception("Nothing selected") value = selection.Value # convert any cached objects (PyXLL >= 4 only) pyxll_version = int(pyxll.__version__.split(".")[0]) if pyxll_version >= 4 and isinstance(value, str): try: to_object = get_type_converter("var", "object") value = to_object(value) except KeyError: pass # set the value in the shell's locals["_"] = value print("\n\n>>> Selected value set as _") except: if win32api: win32api.MessageBox(None, "Error setting selection in Excel") _log.error("Error setting selection in Excel", exc_info=True)
def add_meridian(control): xl = xl_app() for cell in xl.Selection: value = cell.Value if not isinstance(value, str): continue cell.Value = value + " IM"
def _setup_event_handler(cache): # Only setup the app event handler once. if cache not in _event_handlers: xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") app_handler = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents( xl, ObjectCacheApplicationEventHandler) app_handler.set_cache(cache) _event_handlers[cache] = app_handler
def ui_closure(): xl = xl_app() # message_box( # "WARNING! Closing the excel will clear all the session data from the template. Make sure to save the session." # ) clear_list(containing_string="fm_fn", xl=xl) clear_list(containing_string="obj", xl=xl) clear_user_zones(containing_string="state", xl=xl)
def recalc_selection(): """ Recalculates selection """ xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") selection = xl.Selection selection.Dirty() selection.Calculate()
def normalize_formation(trigger):"Normalizing Formation") xl = xl_app() dm = get_cached_object( get_value("data_obj_manager")) # type: FMDataManager data = (dm.session.query( Well_Oneline.api, Well_Oneline.well_name, Well_Oneline.well_number, Well_Oneline.well_str, Well_Oneline.operator_name, Well_Oneline.formation, Section_Assumption.formation_1, Section_Assumption.formation_2, ).join(Section_Well).join(Project_State_Asset).join( Section_Assumption).all()) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # This line added in case a multi unit well lying in two different sections have two different # section assumptions df = df.drop_duplicates(["api"]).reset_index(drop=True) str_columns = [ "well_name", "well_number", "operator_name", "formation", "formation_1", "formation_2", ] string_array = df.loc[:, str_columns].values.transpose().astype("unicode") formation = form_norm(string_array) df["norm_formation"] = formation formation_columns = [ "api", "well_str", "operator_name", "formation", "formation_1", "formation_2", "norm_formation", ] df = df.loc[:, formation_columns] with dm.session_scope() as session: for i, row in df.iterrows(): selected_well = (session.query(Well_Oneline).filter( Well_Oneline.api == row["api"]).one()) # type: Well_Oneline selected_well.norm_formation = row.norm_formation set_formation_normalizer()
def set_selection_in_ipython(*args): """Gets the value of the selected cell and copies it to the globals dict in the IPython kernel. """ from pyxll import xl_app, XLCell try: if not getattr(sys, "_ipython_app", None) or not sys._ipython_kernel_running: raise Exception("IPython kernel not running") # Get the current selected range xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") selection = xl.Selection if not selection: raise Exception("Nothing selected") # Check to see if it looks like a pandas DataFrame try_dataframe = False has_index = False if selection.Rows.Count > 1 and selection.Columns.Count > 1: try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: pd = None pass if pd is not None: # If the top left corner is empty assume the first column is an index. try_dataframe = True top_left = selection.Cells[1].Value if top_left is None: has_index = True # Get an XLCell object from the range to make it easier to get the value cell = XLCell.from_range(selection) # Get the value using PyXLL's dataframe converter, or as a plain value. value = None if try_dataframe: try: type_kwargs = {"index": 1 if has_index else 0} value = cell.options(type="dataframe", type_kwargs=type_kwargs).value except: _log.warning("Error converting selection to DataFrame", exc_info=True) if value is None: value = cell.value # set the value in the shell's locals["_"] = value print("\n\n>>> Selected value set as _") except: app = _get_qt_app() QMessageBox.warning(None, "Error", "Error setting selection in Excel") _log.error("Error setting selection in Excel", exc_info=True)
def nn_Run(net, image_name, scale=1, offset=-0.5, seed=None): """Run the neural network with random weights""" # See the seed for the RNG seed = int(seed) if seed is not None else torch.random.initial_seed() torch.manual_seed(seed) # Initialize the weights def init_weights(m): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.normal_(m.weight) net.apply(init_weights) # Find the Excel image xl = xl_app() sheet = xl.Caller.Worksheet image = sheet.Pictures(image_name) # Get the image size in pixels size_x, size_y = get_image_size(image) # Create the inputs inputs = np.zeros((size_y, size_x, 2)) for x in np.arange(0, size_x, 1): for y in np.arange(0, size_y, 1): scaled_x = scale * ((float(x) / size_x) + offset) scaled_y = scale * ((float(y) / size_y) + offset) inputs[y][x] = np.array([scaled_x, scaled_y]) inputs = inputs.reshape(size_x * size_y, 2) # Compute the results result = net(torch.tensor(inputs).type(torch.FloatTensor)).detach().numpy() result = result.reshape((size_y, size_x, 3)) # Create a temporary file to write the result to file = create_temporary_file(suffix=".png") # Write the image to the file plt.imsave(file, result) file.flush() # Replace the old image with the new one new_image = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(, LinkToFile=0, # msoFalse SaveWithDocument=-1, # msoTrue Left=image.Left, Top=image.Top, Width=image.Width, Height=image.Height) image_name = image.Name image.Delete() new_image.Name = image_name return f"[{new_image.Name}]"
def recalc_selection(): """ Recalculates selection """ xl = xl_app() selection = xl.Selection selection.Dirty() selection.Calculate()
def example_macro(): # Get the Excel.Application object xl = xl_app() # Add A1 to A2 and store the result in A3 a = xl.Range("A1") b = xl.Range("A2") c = xl.Range("A3") c.Value = a.Value + b.Value
def resize_array_formula(): """ Recalculates and resizes a range to show all the results of a formula. """ xl = xl_app(com_package="win32com") selection = xl.Selection formula = selection.FormulaArray if not (formula and (formula.startswith("=") or formula.startswith("+"))): # nothing to do return # get the range of the entire formula current_range = _expand_range(xl, selection) # evaluate the formula to get the dimensions of the result # (this is an optimization to avoid converting the range into a python list) # result = xl.Evaluate(formula) result = xl._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1, 0, 1, (12, 0), ((12, 1), ), formula) width, height = 0, len(result) if height > 0 and isinstance(result[0], (list, tuple)): width = len(result[0]) width, height = max(width, 1), max(height, 1) new_range = xl.Range(current_range.Offset(1, 1), current_range.Offset(height, width)) # check if we're overwriting any existing data if new_range.Count > current_range.Count: current_non_blank = current_range.Count - xl.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank( current_range) new_non_blank = new_range.Count - xl.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank( new_range) if current_non_blank != new_non_blank: new_range.Select() result = win32api.MessageBox( None, "Content will be overwritten in %s" % new_range.Address, "Warning", win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONWARNING) if result == win32con.IDCANCEL: current_range.FormulaArray = formula return # clear the old range current_range.ClearContents() # set the formula on the new range try: new_range.FormulaArray = formula except Exception: result = win32api.MessageBox( None, "Error resizing range", "Error", win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) _log.error("Error resizing range", exc_info=True) current_range.FormulaArray = formula
def optimize5(): """ Trigger optimization of a spreadsheet model that takes the named range "Inputs" as inputs and produces output in the named range "Output". """ xl = xl_app() qt_app = get_qt_app() # pragma noqc # Get the initial values of the input cells msgBox = OpDialog() result = msgBox.exec_() if not result: # user cancelled return in_range = get_range(msgBox.in_range.text()) out_cell = get_range(msgBox.out_cell.text()) in_values = list(in_range.Value) X = np.array([x[0] for x in in_values]) orig_calc_mode = xl.Calculation try: # switch Excel to manual calculation # and disable screen updating xl.Calculation = constants.xlManual xl.ScreenUpdating = False # run the minimization routine xl_obj_func = partial(obj_func, xl, in_range, out_cell) print(f"X = {X}") result = minimize(xl_obj_func, X, method="nelder-mead") in_range.Value = [(float(x), ) for x in result.x] xl.ScreenUpdating = True mbox = QMessageBox() mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mbox.setText("Optimization results shown below." "\nMake changes permanent?") mbox.setWindowTitle("Optimization Complete") mbox.setInformativeText("\n".join([ "Successful: %s" % result.success, result.message, "After %d iterations" % result.nit, ])) mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) yes_no = mbox.exec_() if yes_no != QMessageBox.Ok: in_range.Value = in_values else: in_range.Value = [(float(x), ) for x in result.x] finally: # restore the original calculation # and screen updating mode xl.ScreenUpdating = True xl.Calculation = orig_calc_mode
def obj_func(arg): """Wraps a spreadsheet computation as a Python function.""" xl = xl_app() # Copy argument values to input range xl.Range('C11:C12').Value = [(float(x), ) for x in arg] # Calculate after changing the inputs xl.Calculate() # Return the value of the output cell result = xl.Range("E11").Value return result
def rtd_set_throttle_interval(interval): """Set Excel's RTD throttle interval (in milliseconds). When real time data objects notify Excel that they have changed the displayed value in Excel doesn't actually update until Excel refreshes. How often Excel refreshes due to RTD updates defaults to every 2 seconds, and so to see data refresh more frequently this function may be used. """ xl = xl_app() xl.RTD.ThrottleInterval = interval return "OK"
def get_image_size(image): """Return the size of an image in pixels as (width, height).""" # Get the size of the input image in pixels (Excel sizes are in points, # or 1/72th of an inch. xl = xl_app() dc = win32gui.GetDC(xl.Hwnd) pixels_per_inch_x = win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(dc, win32con.LOGPIXELSX) pixels_per_inch_y = win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(dc, win32con.LOGPIXELSY) size_x = int(image.Width * pixels_per_inch_x / 72) size_y = int(image.Height * pixels_per_inch_y / 72) return size_x, size_y
def update_func(): # Get the Excel.Application COM object xl = xl_app() # Get an Excel.Range object from the XLCell instance range = caller.to_range(com_package="win32com") # get the cell below and expand it to rows x cols range = xl.Range(range.Resize(2, 1), range.Resize(rows + 1, cols)) # and set the range's value range.Value = value
def ui_initiation(): try: xl = xl_app() except AttributeError: clear_win32com_cache() raise Win32COMCacheException set_formula("data_obj_cfg", fn=load_config_xl, xl=xl) reset_defaults(xl=xl) load_module_xml("session", xl=xl) load_module_xml("project", xl=xl) load_module_xml("tools", xl=xl)
def show_last_error(): selection = xl_app().Selection exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = get_last_error(selection) if exc_type is None: xlcAlert("No error found for the selected cell") return msg = "".join( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) if xl_version() < 12: msg = msg[:254] xlcAlert(msg)
def plot_to_excel(figure, name): """Plot a figure in Excel""" # write the figure to a temporary image file filename = os.path.join(os.environ["TEMP"], "xlplot_%s.png" % name) canvas = FigureCanvas(figure) canvas.draw() canvas.print_png(filename) # Show the figure in Excel as a Picture object on the same sheet # the function is being called from. xl = xl_app() caller = xlfCaller() sheet = xl.Range(caller.address).Worksheet # if a picture with the same figname already exists then get the position # and size from the old picture and delete it. for old_picture in sheet.Pictures(): if old_picture.Name == name: height = old_picture.Height width = old_picture.Width top = old_picture.Top left = old_picture.Left old_picture.Delete() break else: # otherwise place the picture below the calling cell. top_left = sheet.Cells(caller.rect.last_row + 2, caller.rect.last_col + 1) top = top_left.Top left = top_left.Left width, height = figure.bbox.bounds[2:] # insert the picture # Ref: picture = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture( Filename=filename, LinkToFile=0, # msoFalse SaveWithDocument=-1, # msoTrue Left=left, Top=top, Width=width, Height=height) # set the name of the new picture so we can find it next time picture.Name = name # delete the temporary file os.unlink(filename) return "[Plotted '%s']" % name
def toproper(control): """Set the currently selected cells to 'proper' case""" # get the Excel Application object xl = xl_app() # iterate over the currently selected cells for cell in xl.Selection: # get the cell value value = cell.Value # skip any cells that don't contain text if not isinstance(value, str): continue cell.Value = value.title()
def time_calculation(): """Recalculates the selected range and times how long it takes""" xl = xl_app() # switch Excel to manual calculation orig_calc_mode = xl.Calculation try: xl.Calculation = constants.xlManual # get the current selection and its formula selection = xl.Selection # run the calculation a few times timings = [] for i in range(100): # Start the timer and set the selection formula to itself. # This is a reliable way to force Excel to recalculate the range. start_time = time.clock() selection.Calculate() end_time = time.clock() duration = end_time - start_time timings.append(duration) # calculate the mean and stddev mean = math.fsum(timings) / len(timings) stddev = (math.fsum([(x - mean)**2 for x in timings]) / len(timings))**0.5 best = min(timings) worst = max(timings) # copy the results to the clipboard data = [["mean", mean], ["stddev", stddev], ["best", best], ["worst", worst]] text = "\n".join(["\t".join(map(str, x)) for x in data]) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(text) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() # report the results xlcAlert(("%0.2f ms \xb1 %d \xb5s\n" "Best: %0.2f ms\n" "Worst: %0.2f ms\n" "(Copied to clipboard)") % (mean * 1000, stddev * 1000000, best * 1000, worst * 1000)) finally: # restore the original calculation mode xl.Calculation = orig_calc_mode
def __init__(self, xl_name="data_obj_cfg"): """ Initialize ParametersParser Looks for Excel named range xl_name that contains ParametersParser object Parameters ---------- xl_name """ self.xl: w32 = xl_app() self.xl_name = xl_name self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ConfigParser.__init__(self, interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())"{__class__.__name__}({len(self)} groups)")
def save_as_session(trigger): xl = xl_app() cfg = get_cached_object(get_value("data_obj_cfg", xl=xl)) # type: ParametersParser save_file = file_saver("Save Session", path=cfg["PROJECT"]["named"] + "/*" + cfg["PROJECT"]["format"]) if save_file is None: return save_file = save_file + cfg["PROJECT"]["format"] data_manager = get_cached_object( get_value("data_obj_manager")) # type: FMDataManager data_manager.save_as_db(save_file)"Saving Session as {save_file}")
def show_image_in_excel(classification, figname="prediction_image"): """Plot a figure in Excel""" # Show the figure in Excel as a Picture object on the same sheet # the function is being called from. xl = xl_app() sheet = xl.ActiveSheet # if a picture with the same figname already exists then get the position # and size from the old picture and delete it. for old_picture in sheet.Pictures(): if old_picture.Name == figname: height = old_picture.Height width = old_picture.Width top = old_picture.Top left = old_picture.Left old_picture.Delete() break else: # otherwise create a new image top_left = sheet.Cells(1, 1) top = top_left.Top left = top_left.Left width, height = 100, 100 # insert the picture # Ref: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "images", _zoo_classifications[classification] + ".jpg") picture = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(Filename=filename, LinkToFile=0, # msoFalse SaveWithDocument=-1, # msoTrue Left=left, Top=top, Width=width, Height=height) # set the name of the new picture so we can find it next time picture.Name = figname
def toggle_case(control): """Toggle the case of the currently selected cells""" # get the Excel Application object xl = xl_app() # iterate over the currently selected cells for cell in xl.Selection: # get the cell value value = cell.Value # skip any cells that don't contain text if not isinstance(value, str): continue # toggle between upper, lower and proper case if value.isupper(): value = value.lower() elif value.islower(): value = value.title() else: value = value.upper() # set the modified value on the cell cell.Value = value
def time_calculation(): """Recalculates the selected range and times how long it takes""" xl = xl_app() orig_calc_mode = xl.Calculation try: # switch Excel to manual calculation and disable screen updating xl.Calculation = constants.xlManual xl.ScreenUpdating = False # int64 variables used for timing start_time = c_int64() end_time = c_int64() # Get the current selection and its Calculate method (to avoid including the # method retrieval in the timing) selection = xl.Selection selection_Calculate = selection.Calculate # run the calculation a few times timings = [] for i in range(100): # Time calling selection.Calculate() using the Windows high-resolution timers windll.Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter(byref(start_time)) selection_Calculate() windll.Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter(byref(end_time)) duration = float(end_time.value - start_time.value) timings.append(duration) finally: # restore the original calculation mode and screen updating xl.ScreenUpdating = True xl.Calculation = orig_calc_mode # calculate the mean and stddev mean = math.fsum(timings) / len(timings) median = _median(timings) stddev = (math.fsum([(x - mean) ** 2 for x in timings]) / len(timings)) ** 0.5 best = min(timings) worst = max(timings) # convert to seconds freq = c_int64() windll.Kernel32.QueryPerformanceFrequency(byref(freq)) mean /= freq.value median /= freq.value stddev /= freq.value best /= freq.value worst /= freq.value # copy the results to the clipboard data = [ ["mean", mean], ["median", median], ["stddev", stddev], ["best", best], ["worst", worst] ] text = "\n".join(["\t".join(map(str, x)) for x in data]) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(text) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() # report the results xlcAlert(("%0.2f ms \xb1 %d \xb5s\n" "Median: %0.2f ms\n" "Best: %0.2f ms\n" "Worst: %0.2f ms\n" "(Copied to clipboard)") % (mean * 1000, stddev * 1000000, median * 1000, best * 1000, worst * 1000))
def resize_array_formula(): """ Recalculates and resizes a range to show all the results of a formula. """ xl = xl_app() selection = xl.Selection formula = selection.FormulaArray if not (formula and (formula.startswith("=") or formula.startswith("+"))): # nothing to do return # get the range of the entire formula current_range = _expand_range(xl, selection) # evaluate the formula to get the dimensions of the result # (this is an optimization to avoid converting the range into a python list) # result = xl.Evaluate(formula) result = xl._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1, 0, 1, (12, 0), ((12, 1),), formula) # width, height = 0, len(result) # if height > 0 and isinstance(result[0], (list, tuple)): # width = len(result[0]) # width, height = max(width, 1), max(height, 1) if isinstance(result[0], tuple): height = len(result) width = len(result[0]) else: height = 1 width = len(result) width, height = max(width, 1), max(height, 1) new_range = xl.Range(current_range.Offset(1, 1), current_range.Offset(height, width)) # check if we're overwriting any existing data if new_range.Count > current_range.Count: current_non_blank = current_range.Count - xl.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(current_range) new_non_blank = new_range.Count - xl.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(new_range) if current_non_blank != new_non_blank: new_range.Select() result = win32api.MessageBox(None, "Content will be overwritten in %s" % new_range.Address, "Warning", win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONWARNING) if result == win32con.IDCANCEL: current_range.FormulaArray = formula return # clear the old range current_range.ClearContents() # set the formula on the new range try: new_range.FormulaArray = formula except Exception: result = win32api.MessageBox(None, "Error resizing range", "Error", win32con.MB_OKCANCEL | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) _log.error("Error resizing range", exc_info=True) current_range.FormulaArray = formula
def hc_plot(chart, control_name, theme=None): """ This function is used by the other plotting functions to render the chart as html and display it in Excel. """ # add the theme if there is one if theme: chart.add_JSsource(["" % theme]) # get the calling sheet caller = xlfCaller() sheet_name = caller.sheet_name # split into workbook and sheet name match = re.match("^\[(.+?)\](.*)$", sheet_name.strip("'\"")) if not match: raise Exception("Unexpected sheet name '%s'" % sheet_name) workbook, sheet = match.groups() # get the Worksheet object xl = xl_app() workbook = xl.Workbooks(workbook) sheet = workbook.Sheets(sheet) # find the existing webbrowser control, or create a new one try: control = sheet.OLEObjects(control_name[:31]) browser = control.Object except: control = sheet.OLEObjects().Add(ClassType="Shell.Explorer.2", Left=147, Top=60.75, Width=400, Height=400) control.Name = control_name[:31] browser = control.Object # set the chart aspect ratio to match the browser if control.Width > control.Height: chart.set_options("chart", { "height": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Height / control.Width) }) else: chart.set_options("chart", { "width": "%d%%" % (100. * control.Width / control.Height) }) # get the html and add the 'X-UA-Compatible' meta-tag soup = BeautifulSoup(chart.htmlcontent) metatag = soup.new_tag("meta") metatag.attrs["http-equiv"] = "X-UA-Compatible" metatag.attrs['content'] = "IE=edge" soup.head.insert(0, metatag) # write out the html for the browser to render fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt", suffix=".html", delete=False) filename = # clean up the file after 10 seconds to give the browser time to load def on_timer(timer_id, time): timer.kill_timer(timer_id) os.unlink(filename) timer.set_timer(10000, on_timer) fh.write(soup.prettify()) fh.close() # navigate to the temporary file browser.Navigate("file://%s" % filename) return "[%s]" % control_name