Beispiel #1
def test_rdop2mats():
    dct2 = op4.load("tests/nastran_op4_data/r_c_rc.op4")
    dr = "tests/nastran_op2_data/"
    for cut in (0, 30000):
        for name in ("double_le.op2", "double_be.op2"):
            with op2.OP2(dr + name) as o2:
                o2._rowsCutoff = cut
                dct = o2.rdop2mats()
            assert np.allclose(dct2["rmat"][0], dct["ZUZR01"])
            assert np.allclose(dct2["cmat"][0], dct["ZUZR02"])
            assert np.allclose(dct2["rcmat"][0], dct["ZUZR03"])

        for name in ("single_le.op2", "single_be.op2"):
            with op2.OP2(dr + name) as o2:
                o2._rowsCutoff = cut
                dct = o2.rdop2mats()
            assert np.allclose(dct2["rmat"][0], dct["ZUZR04"])
            assert np.allclose(dct2["cmat"][0], dct["ZUZR05"])
            assert np.allclose(dct2["rcmat"][0], dct["ZUZR06"])

    with op2.OP2(dr + "double_le.op2") as o2:
        dct = o2.rdop2mats(["zuzr01", "zuzr03"])
        assert np.allclose(dct2["rmat"][0], dct["ZUZR01"])
        assert np.allclose(dct2["rcmat"][0], dct["ZUZR03"])
        assert len(dct) == 2

    dct = op2.rdmats(dr + "double_le.op2", ["zuzr01", "zuzr03"])
    assert np.allclose(dct2["rmat"][0], dct["ZUZR01"])
    assert np.allclose(dct2["rcmat"][0], dct["ZUZR03"])
    assert len(dct) == 2

    with op2.OP2(dr + "double_le.op2") as o2:
        d, l, starts, stops, headers =
    assert sorted(d.keys()) == ["CASECC", "ZUZR01", "ZUZR02", "ZUZR03"]
Beispiel #2
def test_rdop2tload():
    sbe = np.zeros((5, 30), dtype=np.int64)
    sbe[0] = range(1001, 1031)
    sbe[1] = range(1101, 1131)
    sbe[4] = 1000
    tload = op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2").rdop2tload()
    assert np.all(tload[:5] == sbe)

    tload = op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard_v2007.op2").rdop2tload()
    assert np.all(tload[:5] == sbe)

    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2") as o2:
        o2._rowsCutoff = 0
        tload = o2.rdop2tload()
    assert np.all(tload[:5] == sbe)
Beispiel #3
def test_codefuncs():
    import sys

    for v in list(sys.modules.values()):
        if getattr(v, "__warningregistry__", None):
            v.__warningregistry__ = {}
    with op2.OP2("tests/nastran_drm12/drm12.op2") as o:
        assert o.CodeFuncs[1](7) == 1
        assert o.CodeFuncs[1](3002) == 2
        assert o.CodeFuncs[2](123) == 23
        assert o.CodeFuncs[3](123) == 123
        assert o.CodeFuncs[4](22) == 2
        assert o.CodeFuncs[5](15) == 5
        assert o.CodeFuncs[6](8) == 0
        assert o.CodeFuncs[6](9) == 0
        assert o.CodeFuncs[6](7) == 1
        assert o.CodeFuncs[7](222) == 0
        assert o.CodeFuncs[7](2222) == 0
        assert o.CodeFuncs[7](1222) == 1
        assert o.CodeFuncs[7](3222) == 1
        assert o.CodeFuncs[7](5222) == 2
        funccode = 123456
        val = 18 & (funccode & 65535)
        assert o.CodeFuncs["big"](funccode, 18) == val

        assert o._check_code(22, [4], [[2]], "test")
        assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, o._check_code, 22, [4], [[42]], "test")
        assert o._check_code(18, [funccode], [[val]], "test")
        assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, o._check_code, 18, [funccode], [[1]],

        assert_raises(ValueError, o._check_code, 22, [4, 4], [[2]], "test")
        assert_raises(ValueError, o._check_code, 18, [77], [[val]], "test")
Beispiel #4
def test_rdpostop2_assemble():
    post = op2.rdpostop2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/assemble.op2", 1, 1)
    assert np.all(post["selist"] == [[101, 0], [102, 0], [0, 0]])
    sebulk = np.array([[101, 5, -1, 2, 0.0, 1, 3, 101],
                       [102, 5, -1, 2, 0.0, 1, 3, 102]])
    assert np.all(post["sebulk"] == sebulk)

    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/assemble.op2") as o2:
        o2._rowsCutoff = 0
        # fpos = o2.dbnames['GEOM1S'][2][0][0]
        o2.set_position("GEOM1S", 2)
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        # (cords, sebulk, selist, seload, seconct) = o2._rdop2geom1cord2()
        dct = o2._rdop2geom1cord2()
        assert np.all(post["selist"] == dct["selist"])
        assert np.all(post["sebulk"] == dct["sebulk"])
Beispiel #5
def test_rdpostop2():
    post = op2.rdpostop2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2", 1, 1, 1, 1)

    dof = post["mats"]["ougv1"][0]["dof"]
    lam = post["mats"]["ougv1"][0]["lambda"]
    ougv1 = post["mats"]["ougv1"][0]["ougv1"]

    o4 = op4.load("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op4")
    mug1 = o4["mug1"][0]
    tug1 = nastran.rddtipch("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.pch")
    tef1 = nastran.rddtipch("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.pch", "TEF1")
    tes1 = nastran.rddtipch("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.pch", "TES1")

    # ougv1, oef1, oes1 ... they don't have the constraint modes
    # or the resflex modes! How can they be useful? Anyway, this
    # checks the values present:

    # mug1 has 24 b-set ... get first 3 modes (rest are resflex):
    modes = mug1[:, 24:27]

    pv = locate.mat_intersect(tug1, dof)[0]
    assert np.allclose(modes[pv], ougv1)

    assert np.allclose(o4["mef1"][0][:, 24:27], post["mats"]["oef1"][0][0])
    assert np.all(post["mats"]["oef1"][0][1][:, 0] == tef1[:, 0])
    assert np.all(post["mats"]["oef1"][0][1][:, 1] == 34)

    pv = np.ones(15, bool)
    pv[5:7] = False
    pv[11:15] = False
    pv = np.hstack((pv, pv, pv))

    assert np.allclose(o4["mes1"][0][:, 24:27], post["mats"]["oes1"][0][0][pv])
    assert np.all(post["mats"]["oes1"][0][1][pv, 0] == tes1[:, 0])
    assert np.all(post["mats"]["oes1"][0][1][:, 1] == 34)

    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2") as o2:
        o2._rowsCutoff = 0
        fpos = o2.dbnames["OUGV1"][0][0][0]
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        oug = o2._rdop2ougv1("OUGV1")

    assert np.all(oug["ougv1"] == ougv1)
    assert np.all(oug["dof"] == dof)
    assert np.all(oug["lambda"] == lam)
Beispiel #6
def test_rdop2record():
    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2") as o2:
        fpos = o2.dbnames["DYNAMICS"][0][0][0]

        fh = o2.file_handle()
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        o2._rowsCutoff = 40000
        r1 = o2.rdop2record()
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        o2._rowsCutoff = 0
        r2 = o2.rdop2record()
        assert np.all(r1 == r2)
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        assert_raises(ValueError, o2.rdop2record, "badform")
        name, trailer, dbtype = o2.rdop2nt()
        assert len(o2.rdop2tabheaders()) == 3
Beispiel #7
def test_drm12_reader():
    import numpy as np

    o4 = op4.OP4()

    drm12 = "tests/nastran_drm12/drm12"
    mats = o4.dctload(drm12 + ".op4")
    dsorted = op2.procdrm12(drm12, dosort=True)
    # just to exercise more code:
    with op2.OP2("tests/nastran_drm12/drm12.op2") as o2:
        dkeys = o2.rddrm2op2(1)

    # check desc:
    assert np.all(["T1", "T2", "T3"] * 3 == dsorted["DTM_desc"])
    assert np.all(["T1", "T2", "T3"] * 3 == dsorted["ATM_desc"])
    spcf_desc = ["Fx", "Fy", "Fz", "Mx", "My", "Mz"]
    assert np.all(spcf_desc * 4 == dsorted["SPCF_desc"])
    stress = [
        "CBAR Bending Stress 1 - End A",  # 2
        "CBAR Bending Stress 2 - End A",  # 3
        "CBAR Bending Stress 3 - End A",  # 4
        "CBAR Bending Stress 4 - End A",  # 5
        "CBAR Axial Stress",  # 6
        "CBAR Max. Bend. Stress -End A",  # 7
        "CBAR Min. Bend. Stress -End A",  # 8
        "CBAR M.S. Tension",  # 9
        "CBAR Bending Stress 1 - End B",  # 10
        "CBAR Bending Stress 2 - End B",  # 11
        "CBAR Bending Stress 3 - End B",  # 12
        "CBAR Bending Stress 4 - End B",  # 13
        "CBAR Max. Bend. Stress -End B",  # 14
        "CBAR Min. Bend. Stress -End B",  # 15
        "CBAR M.S. Compression",
    ]  # 16
    assert np.all(stress * 2 == dsorted["STM_desc"])

    force = [
        "CBAR Bending Moment 1 - End A",  # 2
        "CBAR Bending Moment 2 - End A",  # 3
        "CBAR Bending Moment 1 - End B",  # 4
        "CBAR Bending Moment 2 - End B",  # 5
        "CBAR Shear 1",  # 6
        "CBAR Shear 2",  # 7
        "CBAR Axial Force",  # 8
        "CBAR Torque",
    ]  # 9
    assert np.all(force * 2 + force[-2:] == dsorted["LTM_desc"])

    # check id_dof:
    ids = np.array([[12] * 3, [14] * 3, [32] * 3]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[1, 2, 3] * 3]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == dsorted["DTM_id_dof"])
    assert np.all(iddof == dsorted["ATM_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[3] * 6, [11] * 6, [19] * 6, [27] * 6]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] * 4]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == dsorted["SPCF_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[11] * 15, [89] * 15]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[i for i in range(2, 17)] * 2]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == dsorted["STM_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[11] * 8 + [23] * 8 + [28] * 2]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[i for i in range(2, 10)] * 2 + [8, 9]]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == dsorted["LTM_id_dof"])

    # check drms:
    # manually getting rows from TOUGV1, etc in .out file:
    rows = np.array([13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 49, 50, 51]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["mougs1"][0][rows] == dsorted["DTMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["mougd1"][0][rows] == dsorted["DTMA"])
    assert np.all(mats["mougv1"][0][rows] == dsorted["ATM"])
    assert np.all(mats["moqgs1"][0] == dsorted["SPCFD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moqgd1"][0] == dsorted["SPCFA"])

    rows = np.array([i for i in range(1, 17)] + [23, 24]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["moefs1"][0][rows] == dsorted["LTMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moefd1"][0][rows] == dsorted["LTMA"])

    assert np.all(mats["moess1"][0] == dsorted["STMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moesd1"][0] == dsorted["STMA"])

    draw = op2.procdrm12(drm12, dosort=False)

    # check desc:
    assert np.all(["T1", "T2", "T3"] * 3 == draw["DTM_desc"])
    assert np.all(["T3", "T1", "T2"] +
                  ["T1", "T2", "T3"] * 2 == draw["ATM_desc"])
    spcf_desc = ["Fx", "Fy", "Fz", "Mx", "My", "Mz"]
    assert np.all(spcf_desc * 4 == draw["SPCF_desc"])
    stress = [
        "CBAR Bending Stress 1 - End A",  # 2
        "CBAR Bending Stress 2 - End A",  # 3
        "CBAR Bending Stress 3 - End A",  # 4
        "CBAR Bending Stress 4 - End A",  # 5
        "CBAR Axial Stress",  # 6
        "CBAR Max. Bend. Stress -End A",  # 7
        "CBAR Min. Bend. Stress -End A",  # 8
        "CBAR M.S. Tension",  # 9
        "CBAR Bending Stress 1 - End B",  # 10
        "CBAR Bending Stress 2 - End B",  # 11
        "CBAR Bending Stress 3 - End B",  # 12
        "CBAR Bending Stress 4 - End B",  # 13
        "CBAR Max. Bend. Stress -End B",  # 14
        "CBAR Min. Bend. Stress -End B",  # 15
        "CBAR M.S. Compression",
    ]  # 16
    assert np.all(stress * 2 == draw["STM_desc"])

    force = [
        "CBAR Bending Moment 1 - End A",  # 2
        "CBAR Bending Moment 2 - End A",  # 3
        "CBAR Bending Moment 1 - End B",  # 4
        "CBAR Bending Moment 2 - End B",  # 5
        "CBAR Shear 1",  # 6
        "CBAR Shear 2",  # 7
        "CBAR Axial Force",  # 8
        "CBAR Torque",
    ]  # 9
    assert np.all(force + force[-1:] + force[-2:-1] +
                  force == draw["LTM_desc"])

    # check id_dof:
    ids = np.array([[14] * 3, [12] * 3, [32] * 3]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[1, 2, 3] * 3]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == draw["DTM_id_dof"])

    dof = np.array([[3, 1, 2] + [1, 2, 3] * 2]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == draw["ATM_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[3] * 6, [11] * 6, [19] * 6, [27] * 6]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] * 4]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == draw["SPCF_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[89] * 15, [11] * 15]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[i for i in range(2, 17)] * 2]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == draw["STM_id_dof"])

    ids = np.array([[23] * 8 + [28] * 2 + [11] * 8]).reshape((1, -1)).T
    dof = np.array([[i for i in range(2, 10)] + [9, 8] +
                    [i for i in range(2, 10)]]).T
    iddof = np.hstack((ids, dof))
    assert np.all(iddof == draw["LTM_id_dof"])

    # check drms:
    # manually getting rows from TOUGV1, etc in .out file:
    rows = np.array([19, 20, 21, 13, 14, 15, 49, 50, 51]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["mougs1"][0][rows] == draw["DTMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["mougd1"][0][rows] == draw["DTMA"])
    rows = np.array([21, 19, 20, 13, 14, 15, 49, 50, 51]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["mougv1"][0][rows] == draw["ATM"])
    assert np.all(mats["moqgs1"][0] == draw["SPCFD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moqgd1"][0] == draw["SPCFA"])

    rows = np.array(
        [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 23, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["moefs1"][0][rows] == draw["LTMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moefd1"][0][rows] == draw["LTMA"])

    rows = np.array([i for i in range(16, 31)] + [i for i in range(1, 16)]) - 1
    assert np.all(mats["moess1"][0][rows] == draw["STMD"])
    assert np.all(mats["moesd1"][0][rows] == draw["STMA"])
Beispiel #8
def test_rdop2emap():
    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_csuper/nas2cam.op2") as o2:
        nas1 = o2.rdn2cop2()
        o2._rowsCutoff = 0
        nas2 = o2.rdn2cop2()
        compdict(nas1, nas2)
Beispiel #9
def test_prtdir():
    with op2.OP2("tests/nas2cam_extseout/inboard.op2") as o2:
        o2.dblist = []
        o2.prtdir(), redo=1)