def test_atomic():
    sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')

    match_str = re.escape('atomic context manager only accepts ConnectionPlus '
                          'database connection objects.')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match_str):
        with atomic(sqlite_conn):

    conn_plus = ConnectionPlus(sqlite_conn)
    assert False is conn_plus.atomic_in_progress

    atomic_in_progress = conn_plus.atomic_in_progress
    isolation_level = conn_plus.isolation_level

    assert False is conn_plus.in_transaction

    with atomic(conn_plus) as atomic_conn:
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn)
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(conn_plus)

    assert isolation_level == conn_plus.isolation_level
    assert False is conn_plus.in_transaction
    assert atomic_in_progress is conn_plus.atomic_in_progress

    assert isolation_level == conn_plus.isolation_level
    assert False is atomic_conn.in_transaction
    assert atomic_in_progress is atomic_conn.atomic_in_progress
def test_two_nested_atomics():
    sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    conn_plus = ConnectionPlus(sqlite_conn)

    atomic_in_progress = conn_plus.atomic_in_progress
    isolation_level = conn_plus.isolation_level

    assert False is conn_plus.in_transaction

    with atomic(conn_plus) as atomic_conn_1:
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(conn_plus)
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn_1)

        with atomic(atomic_conn_1) as atomic_conn_2:
            assert conn_plus_in_transaction(conn_plus)
            assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn_1)
            assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn_2)

        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(conn_plus)
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn_1)
        assert conn_plus_in_transaction(atomic_conn_2)

    assert conn_plus_is_idle(conn_plus, isolation_level)
    assert conn_plus_is_idle(atomic_conn_1, isolation_level)
    assert conn_plus_is_idle(atomic_conn_2, isolation_level)

    assert atomic_in_progress == conn_plus.atomic_in_progress
    assert atomic_in_progress == atomic_conn_1.atomic_in_progress
    assert atomic_in_progress == atomic_conn_2.atomic_in_progress
Beispiel #3
def perform_db_upgrade_1_to_2(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 1 to version 2

    Add two indeces on the runs table, one for exp_id and one for GUID

    sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='runs'"
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    n_run_tables = len(cur.fetchall())

    pbar = tqdm(range(1), file=sys.stdout)
    pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v1 -> v2")

    if n_run_tables == 1:
        _IX_runs_exp_id = """
                          CREATE INDEX
                          IF NOT EXISTS IX_runs_exp_id
                          ON runs (exp_id DESC)
        _IX_runs_guid = """
                        CREATE INDEX
                        IF NOT EXISTS IX_runs_guid
                        ON runs (guid DESC)
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            # iterate through the pbar for the sake of the side effect; it
            # prints that the database is being upgraded
            for _ in pbar:
                transaction(conn, _IX_runs_exp_id)
                transaction(conn, _IX_runs_guid)
        raise RuntimeError(f"found {n_run_tables} runs tables expected 1")
Beispiel #4
def perform_db_upgrade_6_to_7(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 6 to version 7

    Add a captured_run_id and captured_counter column to the runs table and
    assign the value from the run_id and result_counter to these columns.

    sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='runs'"
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    n_run_tables = len(cur.fetchall())

    if n_run_tables == 1:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1), file=sys.stdout)
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v6 -> v7")
        # iterate through the pbar for the sake of the side effect; it
        # prints that the database is being upgraded
        for _ in pbar:
            with atomic(conn) as conn:
                sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN captured_run_id"
                transaction(conn, sql)
                sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN captured_counter"
                transaction(conn, sql)

                sql = f"""
                        UPDATE runs
                        SET captured_run_id = run_id,
                            captured_counter = result_counter
                transaction(conn, sql)
        raise RuntimeError(f"found {n_run_tables} runs tables expected 1")
Beispiel #5
def set_run_timestamp(conn: ConnectionPlus, run_id: int) -> None:
    Set the run_timestamp for the run with the given run_id. If the
    run_timestamp has already been set, a RuntimeError is raised.

    query = """
            SELECT run_timestamp
            FROM runs
            WHERE run_id = ?
    cmd = """
          UPDATE runs
          SET run_timestamp = ?
          WHERE run_id = ?

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        c = conn.cursor()
        timestamp = one(c.execute(query, (run_id, )), 'run_timestamp')
        if timestamp is not None:
            raise RuntimeError('Can not set run_timestamp; it has already '
                               f'been set to: {timestamp}')
            current_time = time.time()
            c.execute(cmd, (current_time, run_id))
  "Set the run_timestamp of run_id {run_id} to "
def fix_version_4a_run_description_bug(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Fix function to fix a bug where the RunDescriber accidentally wrote itself
    to string using the (new) InterDependencies_ object instead of the (old)
    InterDependencies object. After the first call, this function should be

        conn: the connection to the database

        A dict with the fix results ('runs_inspected', 'runs_fixed')

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 4:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 4, found version {user_version}')

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs+1))
        pbar.set_description("Fixing database")

        # collect some metrics
        runs_inspected = 0
        runs_fixed = 0

        old_style_keys = ['paramspecs']
        new_style_keys = ['parameters', 'dependencies', 'inferences',

        for run_id in pbar:

            desc_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            desc_ser = json.loads(desc_str)
            idps_ser = desc_ser['interdependencies']

            if list(idps_ser.keys()) == old_style_keys:
            elif list(idps_ser.keys()) == new_style_keys:
                old_desc_ser = \
                json_str = json.dumps(old_desc_ser)
                _update_run_description(conn, run_id, json_str)
                runs_fixed += 1
                raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid runs_description for run_id: '

            runs_inspected += 1

    return {'runs_inspected': runs_inspected, 'runs_fixed': runs_fixed}
Beispiel #7
def perform_db_upgrade_6_to_7(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 6 to version 7

    Add a captured_run_id and captured_counter column to the runs table and
    assign the value from the run_id and result_counter to these columns.

    sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='runs'"
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    n_run_tables = len(cur.fetchall())

    if n_run_tables == 1:
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN captured_run_id"
            transaction(conn, sql)
            sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN captured_counter"
            transaction(conn, sql)

            sql = f"""
                    UPDATE runs
                    SET captured_run_id = run_id,
                        captured_counter = result_counter
            transaction(conn, sql)
        raise RuntimeError(f"found {n_run_tables} runs tables expected 1")
def test_atomic_on_connection_plus_that_is_in_progress(in_transaction):
    sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    conn_plus = ConnectionPlus(sqlite_conn)

    # explicitly set to True for testing purposes
    conn_plus.atomic_in_progress = True

    # implement parametrizing over connection's `in_transaction` attribute
    if in_transaction:
    assert in_transaction is conn_plus.in_transaction

    isolation_level = conn_plus.isolation_level
    in_transaction = conn_plus.in_transaction

    with atomic(conn_plus) as atomic_conn:
        assert True is conn_plus.atomic_in_progress
        assert isolation_level == conn_plus.isolation_level
        assert in_transaction is conn_plus.in_transaction

        assert True is atomic_conn.atomic_in_progress
        assert isolation_level == atomic_conn.isolation_level
        assert in_transaction is atomic_conn.in_transaction

    assert True is conn_plus.atomic_in_progress
    assert isolation_level == conn_plus.isolation_level
    assert in_transaction is conn_plus.in_transaction

    assert True is atomic_conn.atomic_in_progress
    assert isolation_level == atomic_conn.isolation_level
    assert in_transaction is atomic_conn.in_transaction
Beispiel #9
def upgrade_5_to_6(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 5 to version 6.

    The upgrade ensures that the runs_description has a top-level entry
    called 'version'. Note that version changes of the runs_description will
    not be tracked as schema upgrades.
    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database, version 5 -> 6")

        empty_idps_ser = InterDependencies()._to_dict()

        for run_id in pbar:
            json_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            if json_str is None:
                new_json = json.dumps({
                    'version': 0,
                    'interdependencies': empty_idps_ser
                ser = json.loads(json_str)
                new_ser = {'version': 0}  # let 'version' be the first entry
                new_ser['interdependencies'] = ser['interdependencies']
                new_json = json.dumps(new_ser)
            update_run_description(conn, run_id, new_json)
Beispiel #10
    def write_metadata_to_db(self,
                             path_to_db: Optional[Union[str,
                                                        Path]] = None) -> None:
        from .experiment_container import load_or_create_experiment

        if self._dataset_is_in_runs_table(path_to_db=path_to_db):
        if isinstance(path_to_db, Path):
            path_to_db = str(path_to_db)

        with contextlib.closing(
                                         path_to_db=path_to_db)) as conn:
            with atomic(conn) as aconn:
                exp = load_or_create_experiment(
            self._path_to_db = conn.path_to_dbfile
Beispiel #11
def get_runs(conn):
    """ Get a list of runs.
        conn:   database connection
        exp_id: id of the experiment to look inside.
                if None all experiments will be included
        list of rows

    table_columns = [

    table_columns_str = ', '.join(table_columns)

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        sql = f"SELECT {table_columns_str} FROM runs"
        c = transaction(conn, sql)

    return c.fetchall()
Beispiel #12
def insert_column(conn: ConnectionPlus,
                  table: str,
                  name: str,
                  paramtype: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    """Insert new column to a table

        conn: database connection
        table: destination for the insertion
        name: column name
        type: sqlite type of the column
    # first check that the column is not already there
    # and do nothing if it is
    query = f'PRAGMA TABLE_INFO("{table}");'
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, query)
    columns = many_many(cur, "name")
    if name in [col[0] for col in columns]:

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        if paramtype:
                conn, f'ALTER TABLE "{table}" ADD COLUMN "{name}" '
            transaction(conn, f'ALTER TABLE "{table}" ADD COLUMN "{name}"')
Beispiel #13
def perform_db_upgrade_1_to_2(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 1 to version 2

    Add two indeces on the runs table, one for exp_id and one for GUID

    sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='runs'"
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    n_run_tables = len(cur.fetchall())

    if n_run_tables == 1:
        _IX_runs_exp_id = """
                          CREATE INDEX
                          IF NOT EXISTS IX_runs_exp_id
                          ON runs (exp_id DESC)
        _IX_runs_guid = """
                        CREATE INDEX
                        IF NOT EXISTS IX_runs_guid
                        ON runs (guid DESC)
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            transaction(conn, _IX_runs_exp_id)
            transaction(conn, _IX_runs_guid)
        raise RuntimeError(f"found {n_run_tables} runs tables expected 1")
Beispiel #14
 def _add_to_dyn_column_if_in_db(self, tag: str, data: Any) -> None:
     if self._dataset_is_in_runs_table():
         with contextlib.closing(
                     conn=None, path_to_db=self._path_to_db)) as conn:
             with atomic(conn) as aconn:
                 add_data_to_dynamic_columns(aconn, self.run_id,
                                             {tag: data})
Beispiel #15
def perform_db_upgrade_7_to_8(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 6 to version 7.

    Add a new column to store the dataset's parents to the runs table.
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        insert_column(conn, 'runs', 'parent_datasets', 'TEXT')
Beispiel #16
def test_atomic_raises(experiment):
    conn = experiment.conn

    bad_sql = '""'

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        with mut_conn.atomic(conn):
            mut_conn.transaction(conn, bad_sql)
    assert error_caused_by(excinfo, "syntax error")
Beispiel #17
 def unsubscribe(self, uuid: str) -> None:
     Remove subscriber with the provided uuid
     with atomic(self.conn) as conn:
         sub = self.subscribers[uuid]
         remove_trigger(conn, sub.trigger_id)
         del self.subscribers[uuid]
Beispiel #18
def test_atomic_raises(experiment):
    conn = experiment.conn

    bad_sql = '""'

    # it seems that the type of error raised differs between python versions
    # 3.6.0 (OperationalError) and 3.6.3 (RuntimeError)
    # -strange, huh?
    with pytest.raises((OperationalError, RuntimeError)):
        with mut_conn.atomic(conn):
            mut_conn.transaction(conn, bad_sql)
Beispiel #19
def perform_db_upgrade_4_to_5(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 4 to version 5.

    Make sure that 'snapshot' column always exists in the 'runs' table. This
    was not the case before because 'snapshot' was treated as 'metadata',
    hence the 'snapshot' column was dynamically created once there was a run
    with snapshot information.
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        insert_column(conn, 'runs', 'snapshot', 'TEXT')
def test_atomic_on_outmost_connection_that_is_in_transaction():
    conn = ConnectionPlus(sqlite3.connect(':memory:'))

    assert True is conn.in_transaction

    match_str = re.escape('SQLite connection has uncommitted transactions. '
                          'Please commit those before starting an atomic '
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=match_str):
        with atomic(conn):
Beispiel #21
 def unsubscribe_all(self):
     Remove all subscribers
     sql = "select * from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger';"
     triggers = atomic_transaction(self.conn, sql).fetchall()
     with atomic(self.conn) as conn:
         for trigger in triggers:
             remove_trigger(conn, trigger['name'])
         for sub in self.subscribers.values():
Beispiel #22
def test_integer_timestamps_in_database_are_supported():
    ds = DataSet()


    with atomic(ds.conn) as conn:
        _rewrite_timestamps(conn, ds.run_id, 42, 69)

    assert isinstance(ds.run_timestamp_raw, float)
    assert isinstance(ds.completed_timestamp_raw, float)
    assert isinstance(ds.run_timestamp(), str)
    assert isinstance(ds.completed_timestamp(), str)
Beispiel #23
    def _both_zero(run_id: int, conn, guid_comps) -> None:
        guid_str = generate_guid(timeint=guid_comps['time'],
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET guid = ?
                   where run_id == {run_id}
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (guid_str, ))'Succesfully updated run number {run_id}.')
Beispiel #24
def perform_db_upgrade_7_to_8(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 6 to version 7.

    Add a new column to store the dataset's parents to the runs table.
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        pbar = tqdm(range(1), file=sys.stdout)
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v7 -> v8")
        # iterate through the pbar for the sake of the side effect; it
        # prints that the database is being upgraded
        for _ in pbar:
            insert_column(conn, 'runs', 'parent_datasets', 'TEXT')
Beispiel #25
def _update_run_description(conn: ConnectionPlus, run_id: int,
                            description: str) -> None:
    Update the run_description field for the given run_id. The description
    string is NOT validated.
    sql = """
          UPDATE runs
          SET run_description = ?
          WHERE run_id = ?
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        conn.cursor().execute(sql, (description, run_id))
Beispiel #26
def add_parameter(conn: ConnectionPlus, formatted_name: str,
                  *parameter: ParamSpec):
    Add parameters to the dataset

    This will update the layouts and dependencies tables

    NOTE: two parameters with the same name are not allowed

        conn: the connection to the sqlite database
        formatted_name: name of the table
        parameter: the list of ParamSpecs for parameters to add
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        p_names = []
        for p in parameter:
            insert_column(conn, formatted_name,, p.type)
        # get old parameters column from run table
        sql = f"""
        SELECT parameters FROM runs
        WHERE result_table_name=?
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            c = transaction(conn, sql, formatted_name)
        old_parameters = one(c, 'parameters')
        if old_parameters:
            new_parameters = ",".join([old_parameters] + p_names)
            new_parameters = ",".join(p_names)
        sql = "UPDATE runs SET parameters=? WHERE result_table_name=?"
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            transaction(conn, sql, new_parameters, formatted_name)

        # Update the layouts table
        c = _add_parameters_to_layout_and_deps(conn, formatted_name,
Beispiel #27
def fix_version_4a_run_description_bug(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Fix function to fix a bug where the RunDescriber accidentally wrote itself
    to string using the (new) InterDependencies_ object instead of the (old)
    InterDependencies object. After the first run, this function should be

        conn: the connection to the database

        A dict with the fix results ('runs_inspected', 'runs_fixed')

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 4:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 4, found version {user_version}')

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Fixing database")

        # collect some metrics
        runs_inspected = 0
        runs_fixed = 0

        for run_id in pbar:

            desc_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            desc_ser = json.loads(desc_str)
            idps_ser = desc_ser['interdependencies']

            if RunDescriber._is_description_old_style(idps_ser):
                new_desc = RunDescriber.from_json(desc_str)
                update_run_description(conn, run_id, new_desc.to_json())
                runs_fixed += 1

            runs_inspected += 1

    return {'runs_inspected': runs_inspected, 'runs_fixed': runs_fixed}
Beispiel #28
    def add_metadata(self, tag: str, metadata: Any):
        Adds metadata to the DataSet. The metadata is stored under the
        provided tag. Note that None is not allowed as a metadata value.

            tag: represents the key in the metadata dictionary
            metadata: actual metadata

        self._metadata[tag] = metadata
        # `add_meta_data` is not atomic by itself, hence using `atomic`
        with atomic(self.conn) as conn:
            add_meta_data(conn, self.run_id, {tag: metadata})
Beispiel #29
def _add_parameters_to_layout_and_deps(
        conn: ConnectionPlus, formatted_name: str,
        *parameter: ParamSpec) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
    # get the run_id
    sql = f"""
    SELECT run_id FROM runs WHERE result_table_name="{formatted_name}";
    run_id = one(transaction(conn, sql), 'run_id')
    layout_args = []
    for p in parameter:
    rowplaceholder = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
    placeholder = ','.join([rowplaceholder] * len(parameter))
    sql = f"""
    INSERT INTO layouts (run_id, parameter, label, unit, inferred_from)
    VALUES {placeholder}

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        c = transaction(conn, sql, *layout_args)

        for p in parameter:

            if p.depends_on != '':

                layout_id = get_layout_id(conn, p, run_id)

                deps = p.depends_on.split(', ')
                for ax_num, dp in enumerate(deps):

                    sql = """
                    SELECT layout_id FROM layouts
                    WHERE run_id=? and parameter=?;

                    c = transaction(conn, sql, run_id, dp)
                    dep_ind = one(c, 'layout_id')

                    sql = """
                    INSERT INTO dependencies (dependent, independent, axis_num)
                    VALUES (?,?,?)

                    c = transaction(conn, sql, layout_id, dep_ind, ax_num)
    return c
Beispiel #30
def perform_db_upgrade_4_to_5(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 4 to version 5.

    Make sure that 'snapshot' column always exists in the 'runs' table. This
    was not the case before because 'snapshot' was treated as 'metadata',
    hence the 'snapshot' column was dynamically created once there was a run
    with snapshot information.
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        pbar = tqdm(range(1), file=sys.stdout)
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v4 -> v5")
        # iterate through the pbar for the sake of the side effect; it
        # prints that the database is being upgraded
        for _ in pbar:
            insert_column(conn, 'runs', 'snapshot', 'TEXT')