Beispiel #1
def test_init_validation_raises(some_paramspecbases):

    (ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4) = some_paramspecbases

    # First test validation of trees invalid in their own right

    invalid_trees = ([ps1, ps2], {
        'ps1': 'ps2'
    }, {
        ps1: 'ps2'
    }, {
        ps1: ('ps2', )
    }, {
        ps1: (ps2, ),
        ps2: (ps1, )
    causes = ("ParamSpecTree must be a dict",
              "ParamSpecTree must have ParamSpecs as keys",
              "ParamSpecTree must have tuple values",
              "ParamSpecTree can only have tuples "
              "of ParamSpecs as values", "ParamSpecTree can not have cycles")

    for tree, cause in zip(invalid_trees, causes):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid dependencies') as ei:
            InterDependencies_(dependencies=tree, inferences={})

        assert error_caused_by(ei, cause=cause)

    for tree, cause in zip(invalid_trees, causes):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid inferences') as ei:
            InterDependencies_(dependencies={}, inferences=tree)

        assert error_caused_by(ei, cause=cause)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid standalones') as ei:
        InterDependencies_(standalones=('ps1', 'ps2'))

    assert error_caused_by(ei,
                           cause='Standalones must be a sequence of '

    # Now test trees that are invalid together

    invalid_trees = [{'deps': {ps1: (ps2, ps3)}, 'inffs': {ps2: (ps4, ps1)}}]
    for inv in invalid_trees:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                           match=re.escape("Invalid dependencies/inferences")):
Beispiel #2
def test_metadata(experiment, request):

    metadata1 = {'number': 1, "string": "Once upon a time..."}
    metadata2 = {'more': 'meta'}

    ds1 = DataSet(metadata=metadata1)
    ds2 = DataSet(metadata=metadata2)

    assert ds1.run_id == 1
    assert ds1.metadata == metadata1
    assert ds2.run_id == 2
    assert ds2.metadata == metadata2

    loaded_ds1 = DataSet(run_id=1)
    assert loaded_ds1.metadata == metadata1
    loaded_ds2 = DataSet(run_id=2)
    assert loaded_ds2.metadata == metadata2

    badtag = 'lex luthor'
    sorry_metadata = {'superman': 1, badtag: None, 'spiderman': 'two'}

    bad_tag_msg = (f'Tag {badtag} has value None. '
                    ' That is not a valid metadata value!')

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                       match='Rolling back due to unhandled exception') as e:
        for tag, value in sorry_metadata.items():
            ds1.add_metadata(tag, value)

    assert error_caused_by(e, bad_tag_msg)
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_empty():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'empty.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    " repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 2

        desc_query = 'SELECT run_description FROM runs'

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
            atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)

        assert error_caused_by(excinfo, 'no such column: run_description')


        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 0
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_0_to_1():
    # we cannot use the empty_temp_db, since that has already called connect
    # and is therefore latest version already

    v0fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version0')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v0fixpath, 'empty.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    " repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=0) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 0

        guid_table_query = "SELECT guid FROM runs"

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
            atomic_transaction(conn, guid_table_query)

        assert error_caused_by(excinfo, 'no such column: guid')

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 1

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, guid_table_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 0
Beispiel #5
def test_atomic_raises(experiment):
    conn = experiment.conn

    bad_sql = '""'

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        with mut_conn.atomic(conn):
            mut_conn.transaction(conn, bad_sql)
    assert error_caused_by(excinfo, "syntax error")
Beispiel #6
def test_atomic_creation(experiment):
    Test that dataset creation is atomic. Test for
    def just_throw(*args):
        raise RuntimeError("This breaks adding metadata")

    # first we patch add_data_to_dynamic_columns to throw an exception
    # if create_data is not atomic this would create a partial
    # run in the db. Causing the next create_run to fail
    with patch("qcodes.dataset.sqlite.queries.add_data_to_dynamic_columns",
        x = ParamSpec("x", "numeric")
        t = ParamSpec("t", "numeric")
        y = ParamSpec("y", "numeric", depends_on=["x", "t"])
        with pytest.raises(
                match="Rolling back due to unhandled exception") as e:
                parameters=[x, t, y],
                metadata={"a": 1},
    assert error_caused_by(e, "This breaks adding metadata")
    # since we are starting from an empty database and the above transaction
    # should be rolled back there should be no runs in the run table
    runs = mut_conn.transaction(experiment.conn,
                                'SELECT run_id FROM runs').fetchall()
    assert len(runs) == 0
    with shadow_conn(experiment.path_to_db) as new_conn:
        runs = mut_conn.transaction(new_conn,
                                    'SELECT run_id FROM runs').fetchall()
        assert len(runs) == 0

    # if the above was not correctly rolled back we
    # expect the next creation of a run to fail
                           parameters=[x, t, y],
                           metadata={'a': 1})

    runs = mut_conn.transaction(experiment.conn,
                                'SELECT run_id FROM runs').fetchall()
    assert len(runs) == 1

    with shadow_conn(experiment.path_to_db) as new_conn:
        runs = mut_conn.transaction(new_conn,
                                    'SELECT run_id FROM runs').fetchall()
        assert len(runs) == 1
Beispiel #7
def test_metadata(experiment, request):

    metadata1 = {'number': 1, "string": "Once upon a time..."}
    metadata2 = {'more': 'meta'}

    ds1 = DataSet(metadata=metadata1)
    ds2 = DataSet(metadata=metadata2)

    assert ds1.run_id == 1
    assert ds1.metadata == metadata1
    assert ds2.run_id == 2
    assert ds2.metadata == metadata2

    loaded_ds1 = DataSet(run_id=1)
    assert loaded_ds1.metadata == metadata1
    loaded_ds2 = DataSet(run_id=2)
    assert loaded_ds2.metadata == metadata2

    bad_tag = "lex luthor"
    bad_tag_msg = (f"Tag {bad_tag} is not a valid tag. "
                   "Use only alphanumeric characters and underscores!")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                       match="Rolling back due to unhandled exception") as e1:
        ds1.add_metadata(bad_tag, "value")
    assert error_caused_by(e1, bad_tag_msg)

    good_tag = "tag"
    none_value_msg = (f"Tag {good_tag} has value None. "
                      "That is not a valid metadata value!")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                       match="Rolling back due to unhandled exception") as e2:
        ds1.add_metadata(good_tag, None)
    assert error_caused_by(e2, none_value_msg)
Beispiel #8
def test_wrong_address():
    wrong_address = 'GPIB::2::INSTR'

    match_str = re.escape(f'ERROR: resource {wrong_address} not found')
    with pytest.raises(Exception, match=match_str) as exc_info:
        _ = Keysight_34465A('keysight_34465A_sim',

    assert error_caused_by(exc_info, wrong_address)

    right_address = 'GPIB::1::INSTR'  # from the simulation yaml file

    _ = Keysight_34465A('keysight_34465A_sim',
def test_atomic_with_exception():
    sqlite_conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    conn_plus = ConnectionPlus(sqlite_conn)

    sqlite_conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version(25)')

    assert 25 == sqlite_conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version').fetchall()[0][0]

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                       match="Rolling back due to unhandled exception") as e:
        with atomic(conn_plus) as atomic_conn:
            atomic_conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version(42)')
            raise Exception('intended exception')
    assert error_caused_by(e, 'intended exception')

    assert 25 == sqlite_conn.execute('PRAGMA user_version').fetchall()[0][0]
Beispiel #10
def test_set_run_timestamp(dataset):

    assert dataset.run_timestamp_raw is None
    assert dataset.completed_timestamp_raw is None

    time_now = time.time()
    time.sleep(1)  # for slower test platforms
    mut_queries.set_run_timestamp(dataset.conn, dataset.run_id)

    assert dataset.run_timestamp_raw > time_now
    assert dataset.completed_timestamp_raw is None

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                       match="Rolling back due to unhandled "
                       "exception") as ei:
        mut_queries.set_run_timestamp(dataset.conn, dataset.run_id)

    assert error_caused_by(ei, ("Can not set run_timestamp; it has already "
                                "been set"))
Beispiel #11
def test_set_run_timestamp(experiment):

    ds = DataSet()

    assert ds.run_timestamp_raw is None

    time_now = time.time()
    time.sleep(1)  # for slower test platforms
    mut_queries.set_run_timestamp(ds.conn, ds.run_id)

    assert ds.run_timestamp_raw > time_now

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Rolling back due to unhandled "
                                           "exception") as ei:
        mut_queries.set_run_timestamp(ds.conn, ds.run_id)

    assert error_caused_by(ei, ("Can not set run_timestamp; it has already "
                                "been set"))

Beispiel #12
def test_get_metadata_raises(experiment):
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        mut_queries.get_metadata(experiment.conn, 'something', 'results')
    assert error_caused_by(excinfo, "no such column: something")
def test_basic_extraction(two_empty_temp_db_connections, some_paramspecs):
    source_conn, target_conn = two_empty_temp_db_connections

    source_path = path_to_dbfile(source_conn)
    target_path = path_to_dbfile(target_conn)

    type_casters = {'numeric': float,
                    'array': (lambda x: np.array(x) if hasattr(x, '__iter__')
                              else np.array([x])),
                    'text': str}

    source_exp = Experiment(conn=source_conn)
    source_dataset = DataSet(conn=source_conn, name="basic_copy_paste_name")

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        extract_runs_into_db(source_path, target_path, source_dataset.run_id)

    assert error_caused_by(excinfo, ('Dataset not completed. An incomplete '
                                     'dataset can not be copied. The '
                                     'incomplete dataset has GUID: '
                                     f'{source_dataset.guid} and run_id: '

    for ps in some_paramspecs[1].values():

    for value in range(10):
        result = { type_casters[ps.type](value)
                  for ps in some_paramspecs[1].values()}

    source_dataset.add_metadata('goodness', 'fair')
    source_dataset.add_metadata('test', True)


    extract_runs_into_db(source_path, target_path, source_dataset.run_id)

    target_exp = Experiment(conn=target_conn, exp_id=1)

    length1 = len(target_exp)
    assert length1 == 1

    # trying to insert the same run again should be a NOOP
    with raise_if_file_changed(target_path):
        extract_runs_into_db(source_path, target_path, source_dataset.run_id)

    assert len(target_exp) == length1

    target_dataset = DataSet(conn=target_conn, run_id=1)

    # Now make the interesting comparisons: are the target objects the same as
    # the source objects?

    assert source_dataset.the_same_dataset_as(target_dataset)

    source_data = source_dataset.get_data(*source_dataset.parameters.split(','))
    target_data = target_dataset.get_data(*target_dataset.parameters.split(','))

    assert source_data == target_data

    exp_attrs = ['name', 'sample_name', 'format_string', 'started_at',

    for exp_attr in exp_attrs:
        assert getattr(source_exp, exp_attr) == getattr(target_exp, exp_attr)

    # trying to insert the same run again should be a NOOP
    with raise_if_file_changed(target_path):
        extract_runs_into_db(source_path, target_path, source_dataset.run_id)
Beispiel #14
def test_get_nonexisting_metadata(dataset):
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        _ = dataset.get_metadata('something')
    assert error_caused_by(excinfo, "no such column: something")