Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, safety_margin, vessel, quay, **kwargs):
        initialization function for Instance class

        :param safety_margin: prefix:``safety margin between two consecutive QCs``,type:``int``,range:``[0, inf)``
        :param vessel: prefix:``vessel for an instance``, type:``Vessel``
        :param quay: prefix:``quay for an instance``, type:``Quay``
        :param kwargs: other options, e.g., 'fixed', which means that the initial location of QCs are given by kwargs['fixed']
        :return: None
        super(Instance, self).__init__()
        self.__safety_margin = safety_margin
        self.__vessel = vessel
        self.__quay = quay

        if "fixed" in kwargs:
            if isinstance(kwargs["fixed"], (list, tuple)) and len(
                    kwargs["fixed"]) == len(self.quay.size):
                previous_position = -1 * float("inf")
                for i, q in enumerate(self.quay.size):
                    if kwargs["fixed"][
                            i] - previous_position > self.__safety_margin:
                        q.initial_location = kwargs["fixed"][i]
                        previous_position = q.initial_location
                        raise QCSPGenException(
                            "- initial location data error: safety margin=%d" %
                raise QCSPGenException(
                    "- kwargs['fixed'] should be list/tuple with length=%d" %
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, n, **kwargs):
        initialization function of a quay

        :param n: prefix:``number of QCs``, type:``int``, range:``(0, inf)``
        :param kwargs: properties of quay cranes
        :return: None
        super(Quay, self).__init__(QC)

        for i in range(n):
            super(Quay, self).append(QC())

        for p in QC.PROPERTY:
            if p in kwargs.keys():
                if isinstance(kwargs[p], (float, int)):
                    for q in self.qcs:
                        setattr(q, p, kwargs[p])
                elif len(kwargs[p]) == self.size:
                    for i, q in enumerate(self.qcs):
                        setattr(q, p, kwargs[p][i])
                    raise QCSPGenException(
                        "- {0}=n or =[{0}_1,...{0}_n] where n is the number of QCs!"
Beispiel #3
    def remove(self, item):
        to remove an item from an aggregator

        :param item: the item to be removed
        :return: None
        except ValueError:
            raise QCSPGenException("- item is not in {}, cannot remove".format(
Beispiel #4
def compulsory_kwargs(kwargs, compulsory):
    function to check if `kwargs` contains `compulsory` or not. If no, raise a QCSPGenException.

    :param kwargs: key word arguments to be checked
    :param compulsory: compulsory key word dicts
    :exception: QCSPGenException
    for k in compulsory:
        if k not in kwargs:
            raise QCSPGenException("- Compulsory kwargs: %r. %s is missing!" %
                                   (compulsory, k))
Beispiel #5
def verify_is_in(data, data_range):
    function to check if `data` is in `data_range`. If no, raise a QCSPGenException.

    :param data: a string to be checked
    :param data_range: legitimate data range
    :exception: QCSPGenException
    :return: data
    if data not in data_range:
        raise QCSPGenException("- %s is not in %r\n" % (data, data_range))

    return data
Beispiel #6
def verify_type(data, t, prefix=""):
    function to check if `data` is type `t`. If no, raise a QCSPGenException.

    :param data: data to be checked
    :param t: expected legitimate data type
    :param prefix: a prefix for the raised QCSPGenException message
    :exception: QCSPGenException
    :return: data
    if not isinstance(data, t):
        raise QCSPGenException("- %s should be %r\n" % (prefix, t))

    return data
Beispiel #7
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        message = ""
        argspect = inspect.getargspec(func)
        for a in arg_elements.iterkeys():
                data = args[argspect.args.index(a)]
            except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    data = kwargs[a]
                except KeyError:
                        # it's value may appear as default
                        used_defaults = argspect.defaults[len(argspect.defaults
                                                              ) -
                                                          len(argspect.args) +
                        data = list(itertools.chain(
                            args, used_defaults))[argspect.args.index(a)]
                        raise QCSPGenException(
                            "- Compulsory kwarg %s is missing!" % a)

            if arg_elements[a].type:
                if not ('float' in arg_elements[a].type
                        and type(data).__name__ in ('float', 'int')
                        or type(data).__name__ in arg_elements[a].type):
                    message += "- data {} should be {}\n".format(
                        arg_elements[a].prefix, arg_elements[a].type)

            if arg_elements[a].range:
                if (arg_elements[a].is_numeric() and not arg_elements[a].range.check_range(data)) or \
                        (not arg_elements[a].is_numeric() and data not in arg_elements[a].range):
                    message += "- %s not in range %s\n" % (
                        arg_elements[a].prefix, arg_elements[a].range)
        if message is not "":
            raise QCSPGenException(message)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #8
    def append(self, *args):
        overridden method for Aggregator ``append``, to append a list of tasks into a bay

        :param args: a list of tasks
        :return: None
        for t in args:
            super(Bay, self).append(t)
            t.location = self.__index
            self.__remaining_capacity -= t.processing_time
            self.__aggregate_task_processing_time += t.processing_time
            if self.__remaining_capacity < 0:
                raise QCSPGenException(
                    "- the remaining capacity of a bay must be non-negative!")
Beispiel #9
def verify_numerical_type(data,
                          t=(int, float),
    function to check the input `data` is numerical and besides, it is in the range of (lb, ub) or [lb, ub] or (lb, ub],
    or [lb, ub).

    :param data: the input to be checked
    :param t: int or float
    :param lb: lower bound
    :param ub: upper bound
    :param prefix: a prefix for the raised QCSPGenException message
    :param left_tight: if True, then lb can be reached
    :param right_tight: if True, then ub can be reached
    :exception: QCSPGenException
    :return: data
    message = ""
    if not isinstance(data, t):
        message += "- data %s should be %r\n" % (prefix, t)
    if left_tight and right_tight and not lb <= data <= ub:
        message += "- %s not in range [%.1f, %.1f]" % (prefix, lb, ub)
    elif left_tight and not right_tight and not lb <= data < ub:
        message += "- %s not in range [%.1f, %.1f)" % (prefix, lb, ub)
    elif not left_tight and right_tight and not lb < data <= ub:
        message += "- %s not in range (%.1f, %.1f]" % (prefix, lb, ub)
    elif not left_tight and not right_tight and not lb < data < ub:
        message += "- %s not in range (%.1f, %.1f)" % (prefix, lb, ub)
    if message is not "":
        raise QCSPGenException(message)

    return data
Beispiel #10
 def wrapper(self, *item):
     if not isinstance(item[-1], self.item_type):
         raise QCSPGenException("- typeError: item is not type {}".format(
     return func(self, *item)