Beispiel #1
def interpolate_ds(ds_in, ts):
     Interpolate the contents of a data structure onto a different time step.
    Author: PRI
    Date: June 2017
    """"Interpolating data")
    # instance the output data structure
    ds_out = qcio.DataStructure()
    # copy the global attributes
    ds_out.globalattributes = copy.deepcopy(ds_in.globalattributes)
    # add the time step
    ds_out.globalattributes["time_step"] = str(ts)
    # generate a regular time series at the required time step
    dt = ds_in.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    dt0 = qcutils.rounddttots(dt[0], ts=ts)
    if dt0 < dt[0]:
        dt0 = dt0 + datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts)
    dt1 = qcutils.rounddttots(dt[-1], ts=ts)
    if dt1 > dt[-1]:
        dt1 = dt1 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts)
    idt = [result for result in qcutils.perdelta(dt0, dt1, datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts))]
    x1 = numpy.array([toTimestamp(dt[i]) for i in range(len(dt))])
    x2 = numpy.array([toTimestamp(idt[i]) for i in range(len(idt))])
    # loop over the series in the data structure and interpolate
    flag = numpy.zeros(len(idt), dtype=numpy.int32)
    attr = {"long_name":"Datetime", "units":"none"}
    ldt_var = {"Label":"DateTime", "Data":idt, "Flag":flag, "Attr":attr}
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, ldt_var)
    nrecs = len(idt)
    ds_out.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nrecs
    # first, we do the air temperature, dew point temperature and surface pressure
    f0 = numpy.zeros(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    f1 = numpy.ones(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    for label in ["Ta", "Td", "ps", "RH", "Ah", "q"]:
        var_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable(label, nrecs, datetime=idt)
        var_in = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_in, label)
        var_out["Data"] = interpolate_1d(x1, var_in["Data"], x2)
        var_out["Flag"] = numpy.where(["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
        var_out["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(var_in["Attr"])
        qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, var_out)
    # now clamp the dew point so that TD <= TA
    Ta = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "Ta")
    Td = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "Td")
    Td["Data"] =["Data"]<=Ta["Data"], x=Td["Data"], y=Ta["Data"])
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, Td)
    # now we do wind speed and direction by converting to U and V components
    interpolate_wswd(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2)
    # and lastly, do precipitation
    interpolate_precip(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2)

    return ds_out
Beispiel #2
def gfMDS_make_data_array(ds, current_year, info):
     Create a data array for the MDS gap filling routine.  The array constructed
     here will be written to a CSV file that is read by the MDS C code.
    Side Effects:
     The constructed data arrays are full years.  That is they run from YYYY-01-01 00:30
     to YYYY+1-01-01 00:00.  Missing data is represented as -9999.
    Author: PRI
    Date: May 2018
    ldt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, "DateTime")
    nrecs = ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"]
    ts = int(ds.globalattributes["time_step"])
    start = datetime.datetime(current_year, 1, 1, 0, 30, 0)
    end = datetime.datetime(current_year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    cdt = numpy.array([
        for dt in qcutils.perdelta(start, end, datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts))
    mt = numpy.ones(len(cdt)) * float(-9999)
    # need entry for the timestamp and the target ...
    array_list = [cdt, mt]
    # ... and entries for the drivers
    for driver in info["drivers"]:
    # now we can create the data array
    data = numpy.stack(array_list, axis=-1)
    si = qcutils.GetDateIndex(ldt["Data"], start, default=0)
    ei = qcutils.GetDateIndex(ldt["Data"], end, default=nrecs)
    dt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, "DateTime", start=si, end=ei)
    idx1, _ = qcutils.FindMatchingIndices(cdt, dt["Data"])
    pfp_label_list = [info["target"]] + info["drivers"]
    mds_label_list = [info["target_mds"]] + info["drivers_mds"]
    header = "TIMESTAMP"
    fmt = "%12i"
    for n, label in enumerate(pfp_label_list):
        var = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, label, start=si, end=ei)
        data[idx1, n + 1] = var["Data"]
        header = header + "," + mds_label_list[n]
        fmt = fmt + "," + "%f"
    # convert datetime to ISO dates
    data[:, 0] = numpy.array([int(xdt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) for xdt in cdt])
    return data, header, fmt
Beispiel #3
def make_data_array(ds, current_year):
    ldt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, "DateTime")
    nrecs = ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"]
    ts = int(ds.globalattributes["time_step"])
    start = datetime.datetime(current_year, 1, 1, 0, 30, 0)
    end = datetime.datetime(current_year + 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    cdt = numpy.array([
        for dt in qcutils.perdelta(start, end, datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts))
    mt = numpy.ones(len(cdt)) * float(-9999)
    data = numpy.stack([cdt, mt, mt, mt, mt, mt, mt, mt], axis=-1)
    si = qcutils.GetDateIndex(ldt["Data"], start, default=0)
    ei = qcutils.GetDateIndex(ldt["Data"], end, default=nrecs)
    dt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, "DateTime", start=si, end=ei)
    idx1, idx2 = qcutils.FindMatchingIndices(cdt, dt["Data"])
    for n, label in enumerate(["Fc", "VPD", "ustar", "Ta", "Fsd", "Fh", "Fe"]):
        var = qcutils.GetVariable(ds, label, start=si, end=ei)
        data[idx1, n + 1] = var["Data"]
    # convert datetime to ISO dates
    data[:, 0] = numpy.array([int(xdt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) for xdt in cdt])
    return data
Beispiel #4
 evi_median =[0], -1), axis=1)
 evi_mean =[0], -1), axis=1)
 evi_sd =[0], -1), axis=1)
 evi_mean = > evi_sd_threshold, evi_mean)
 evi_sd = > evi_sd_threshold, evi_sd)
 # strip out masked elements, convert to ndarray from masked array and get various
 # time series to do the interpolation
 idx = numpy.where( == False)[0]
 evi_raw = numpy.array(evi_mean[idx])
 modis_time_raw = numpy.array(modis_time[idx])
 modis_dt_raw = netCDF4.num2date(modis_time_raw, modis_time_units)
 start_date = modis_dt_raw[0]
 end_date = modis_dt_raw[-1]
 tdts = datetime.timedelta(days=16)
 modis_dt_interp = [
     result for result in qcutils.perdelta(start_date, end_date, tdts)
 modis_time_interp = netCDF4.date2num(modis_dt_interp, modis_time_units)
 # fill the missing MODIS data with linear interpolation
 if evi_interpolate.lower() == "linear":
     k = 1
 elif evi_interpolate.lower() == "quadratic":
     k = 2
 elif evi_interpolate.lower() == "cubic":
     k = 3
     print "Unrecognised interpolation option, using linear ..."
     k = 1
 s = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(modis_time_raw,
Beispiel #5
 ds_erai.globalattributes["nc_level"] = "L1"
 # get the UTC and local datetime series
 site_tz = pytz.timezone(site_timezone)
 # now we get the datetime series at the tower time step
 tdts = datetime.timedelta(minutes=site_timestep)
 # get the start and end datetimes rounded to the nearest time steps
 # that lie between the first and last times
 start_date = qcutils.rounddttots(dt_erai_utc_cor[0], ts=site_timestep)
 if start_date < dt_erai_utc_cor[0]: start_date = start_date + tdts
 end_date = qcutils.rounddttots(dt_erai_utc_cor[-1], ts=site_timestep)
 if end_date > dt_erai_utc_cor[-1]: end_date = end_date - tdts
 print "  Got data from ", start_date, " UTC to ", end_date, " UTC"
 #print site_name,end_date,dt_erai_utc_cor[-1]
 # UTC datetime series at the tower time step
 dt_erai_utc_tts = [
     x for x in qcutils.perdelta(start_date, end_date, tdts)
 # UTC netCDF time series at tower time step for interpolation
 tmp = [x.replace(tzinfo=None) for x in dt_erai_utc_tts]
 erai_time_tts = netCDF4.date2num(tmp, time_units)
 # local datetime series at tower time step
 dt_erai_loc_tts = [x.astimezone(site_tz) for x in dt_erai_utc_tts]
 # NOTE: will have to disable daylight saving at some stage, towers stay on Standard Time
 # PRI hopes that the following line will do this ...
 dt_erai_loc_tts = [x - x.dst() for x in dt_erai_loc_tts]
 # make the datetime series timezone naive and put it in data structure
 dt_erai_loc_tts = [x.replace(tzinfo=None) for x in dt_erai_loc_tts]
 ds_erai.series["DateTime"]["Data"] = dt_erai_loc_tts
 ds_erai.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = len(dt_erai_loc_tts)
 ds_erai.globalattributes["start_datetime"] = str(dt_erai_loc_tts[0])
 ds_erai.globalattributes["end_datetime"] = str(dt_erai_loc_tts[-1])
Beispiel #6
        #print bom_id,":",ldtn[0],ldtn[-1]
        start_date = min([start_date,ldtn[0]])
        end_date = max([end_date,ldtn[-1]])
    #print start_date,end_date

    # merge the individual data structures into a single one"Merging file contents")
    ds_all = qcio.DataStructure()
    ds_all.globalattributes["time_step"] = 30
    ds_all.globalattributes["xl_datemode"] = 0
    ds_all.globalattributes["site_name"] = site_name
    ds_all.globalattributes["latitude"] = site_latitude
    ds_all.globalattributes["longitude"] = site_longitude
    ds_all.globalattributes["elevation"] = site_elevation
    ts = int(ds_all.globalattributes["time_step"])
    ldt_all = [result for result in qcutils.perdelta(start_date,end_date,datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts))]
    nRecs = len(ldt_all)
    ds_all.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nRecs
    ds_all.series["DateTime"] = {}
    ds_all.series["DateTime"]["Data"] = ldt_all
    flag = numpy.zeros(nRecs,dtype=numpy.int32)
    ds_all.series["DateTime"]["Flag"] = flag
    ds_all.series["DateTime"]["Attr"] = {}
    ds_all.series['DateTime']["Attr"]["long_name"] = "Date-time object"
    ds_all.series['DateTime']["Attr"]["units"] = "None"
    # get the year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds from the Python datetime
    # get the xlDateTime from the 
    xlDateTime = qcutils.get_xldatefromdatetime(ds_all)
    attr = qcutils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name="Date/time in Excel format",units="days since 1899-12-31 00:00:00")
Beispiel #7
 # get the mean and standard deviation of the QC'd pixels
 evi_median =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_mean =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_sd =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_mean =>evi_sd_threshold,evi_mean)
 evi_sd =>evi_sd_threshold,evi_sd)
 # strip out masked elements, convert to ndarray from masked array and get various
 # time series to do the interpolation
 idx = numpy.where([0]
 evi_raw = numpy.array(evi_mean[idx])
 modis_time_raw = numpy.array(modis_time[idx])
 modis_dt_raw = netCDF4.num2date(modis_time_raw,modis_time_units)
 start_date = modis_dt_raw[0]
 end_date = modis_dt_raw[-1]
 tdts = datetime.timedelta(days=16)
 modis_dt_interp = [result for result in qcutils.perdelta(start_date,end_date,tdts)]
 modis_time_interp = netCDF4.date2num(modis_dt_interp,modis_time_units)
 # fill the missing MODIS data with linear interpolation
 if evi_interpolate.lower()=="linear":
     k = 1
 elif evi_interpolate.lower()=="quadratic":
     k = 2
 elif evi_interpolate.lower()=="cubic":
     k = 3
     print "Unrecognised interpolation option, using linear ..."
     k = 1
 s = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(modis_time_raw,evi_raw,k=k)
 evi_interp = s(modis_time)
 # apply the Savitsky-Golay smoothing filter if requested
 if evi_smooth_filter.lower()=="savitsky-golay":
Beispiel #8
 # get the mean and standard deviation of the QC'd pixels
 evi_median =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_mean =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_sd =[0],-1),axis=1)
 evi_mean =>evi_sd_threshold,evi_mean)
 evi_sd =>evi_sd_threshold,evi_sd)
 # strip out masked elements, convert to ndarray from masked array and get various
 # time series to do the interpolation
 idx = numpy.where([0]
 evi_raw = numpy.array(evi_mean[idx])
 modis_time_raw = numpy.array(modis_time[idx])
 modis_dt_raw = netCDF4.num2date(modis_time_raw,modis_time_units)
 start_date = modis_dt_raw[0]
 end_date = modis_dt_raw[-1]
 tdts = datetime.timedelta(days=16)
 modis_dt_interp = [result for result in qcutils.perdelta(start_date,end_date,tdts)]
 modis_time_interp = netCDF4.date2num(modis_dt_interp,modis_time_units)
 # fill the missing MODIS data with linear interpolation
 if evi_interpolate.lower()=="linear":
     k = 1
 elif evi_interpolate.lower()=="quadratic":
     k = 2
 elif evi_interpolate.lower()=="cubic":
     k = 3
     print "Unrecognised interpolation option, using linear ..."
     k = 1
 s = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(modis_time_raw,evi_raw,k=k)
 evi_interp = s(modis_time)
 # apply the Savitsky-Golay smoothing filter if requested
 if evi_smooth_filter.lower()=="savitsky-golay":