Beispiel #1
    def azimuth(self):
        punto1 = self.dlg.lineEdit1.text()
        punto2 = self.dlg.lineEdit2.text()

        if (punto1 == "" or punto2 == ""):
            QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Error",
                                    "Without coordinates")
            x1 = float(punto1.split(",")[0])
            y1 = float(punto1.split(",")[1])
            x2 = float(punto2.split(",")[0])
            y2 = float(punto2.split(",")[1])

            # create points objects
            p1 = QgsPoint(x1, y1)
            p2 = QgsPoint(x2, y2)
            az = round(p1.azimuth(p2), 2)
            if (az < 0):
                    str(az) + "  (" + str(360 + az) + ")")
            # calculate distance
            points = [p1, p2]
            line = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline(points)
            d = QgsDistanceArea()
            crs = QgsProject.instance().crs()  # asigna el crs del proyecto
            # comprobar si es dd (6)
            if (crs.mapUnits() == 6):
                # es dd
                m = round(d.measureLength(line), 4)
            else:  # projectada
                m = round(d.measureLength(line), 4)
            self.iface.actionPan().trigger()  # vuelve el cursor al pan

            #Drawing Polyline
            polyline = QgsRubberBand(self.canvas,
                                     False)  # False = not a polygon

            points = [QgsPoint(x1, y1), QgsPoint(x2, y2)]
            polyline.setToGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPolyline(points), None)
            polyline.setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0))
Beispiel #2
def arc(p1, p2, offset=1):

    # point in middle
    mp = QgsPoint((p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2, (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2)
    # distance between the two points
    d = sqrt(p1.sqrDist(p2))
    # orthogonal direction to segment p1-p2
    az = (p1.azimuth(p2) + 90) * pi / 180
    # create point distant to segment of offset of segment length, will be center of circular arc
    cp = QgsPoint(mp.x() + d * offset * sin(az), mp.y() + d * offset * cos(az))
    # radius
    r = d * sqrt(4 * offset * offset + 1) / 2
    # calculate start and end azimuth of circular arc
    az1 = cp.azimuth(p1)
    az2 = cp.azimuth(p2)
    if az2 < az1:
        az2 += 360
    # draw arc
    vx = [cp.x() + r * sin(az * pi / 180) for az in floatrange(az1, az2, 5)]
    vy = [cp.y() + r * cos(az * pi / 180) for az in floatrange(az1, az2, 5)]
    arcLine = [QgsPoint(vx[i], vy[i]) for i in range(len(vx))]
    return QgsGeometry().fromPolyline(arcLine)
Beispiel #3
def arc(p1, p2, offset=1):

    # point in middle
    mp = QgsPoint((p1.x()+p2.x())/2, (p1.y()+p2.y())/2)
    # distance between the two points
    d = sqrt(p1.sqrDist(p2))
    # orthogonal direction to segment p1-p2
    az = (p1.azimuth(p2)+90)*pi/180
    # create point distant to segment of offset of segment length, will be center of circular arc
    cp = QgsPoint(mp.x()+d*offset*sin(az),
    # radius
    r = d*sqrt(4*offset*offset+1)/2
    # calculate start and end azimuth of circular arc
    az1 = cp.azimuth(p1)
    az2 = cp.azimuth(p2)
    if az2 < az1:
        az2 += 360
    # draw arc
    vx = [cp.x()+r*sin(az*pi/180) for az in floatrange(az1, az2, 5)]
    vy = [cp.y()+r*cos(az*pi/180) for az in floatrange(az1, az2, 5)]
    arcLine = [QgsPoint(vx[i], vy[i]) for i in range(len(vx))]
    return QgsGeometry().fromPolyline(arcLine)
Beispiel #4
    def testMeasureLineProjected(self):
        #   +-+
        #   | |
        # +-+ +
        # test setting/getting the source CRS
        da_3068 = QgsDistanceArea()
        da_wsg84 = QgsDistanceArea()

        if (da_3068.sourceCrs().isGeographic()):
        print(("setting [{}] srid [{}] description [{}]".format(u'Soldner Berlin', da_3068.sourceCrs().authid(), da_3068.sourceCrs().description())))
        self.assertEqual(da_3068.sourceCrs().authid(), 'EPSG:3068')
        if (da_wsg84.sourceCrs().isGeographic()):
        self.assertEqual(da_wsg84.sourceCrs().authid(), 'EPSG:4326')
        print(("setting [{}] srid [{}] description [{}] isGeographic[{}]".format(u'Wsg84', da_wsg84.sourceCrs().authid(), da_wsg84.sourceCrs().description(), da_wsg84.sourceCrs().isGeographic())))
        # print(("-- projectionAcronym[{}] ellipsoidAcronym[{}] toWkt[{}] mapUnits[{}] toProj4[{}]".format(da_wsg84.sourceCrs().projectionAcronym(),da_wsg84.sourceCrs().ellipsoidAcronym(), da_wsg84.sourceCrs().toWkt(),da_wsg84.sourceCrs().mapUnits(),da_wsg84.sourceCrs().toProj4())))
        print(("Testing Position change for[{}] years[{}]".format(u'Ampelanlage - Potsdamer Platz, Verkehrsinsel', u'1924 and 1998')))

        # 1924-10-24 SRID=3068;POINT(23099.49 20296.69)
        # 1924-10-24 SRID=4326;POINT(13.37650707988041 52.50952361017194)
        # 1998-10-02 SRID=3068;POINT(23082.30 20267.80)
        # 1998-10-02 SRID=4326;POINT(13.37625537334001 52.50926345498337)
        # values returned by spatialite
        point_soldner_1924 = QgsPoint(23099.49, 20296.69)
        point_soldner_1998 = QgsPoint(23082.30, 20267.80)
        distance_soldner_meters = 33.617379
        azimuth_soldner_1924 = 3.678339
        # ST_Transform(point_soldner_1924,point_soldner_1998,4326)
        point_wsg84_1924 = QgsPoint(13.37650707988041, 52.50952361017194)
        point_wsg84_1998 = QgsPoint(13.37625537334001, 52.50926345498337)
        # ST_Distance(point_wsg84_1924,point_wsg84_1998,1)
        distance_wsg84_meters = 33.617302
        # ST_Distance(point_wsg84_1924,point_wsg84_1998)
        # distance_wsg84_mapunits=0.000362
        distance_wsg84_mapunits_format = QgsDistanceArea.formatDistance(0.000362, 7, QgsUnitTypes.DistanceDegrees, True)
        # ST_Azimuth(point_wsg84_1924,point_wsg84_1998)
        azimuth_wsg84_1924 = 3.674878
        # ST_Azimuth(point_wsg84_1998,point_wsg84_1998)
        azimuth_wsg84_1998 = 0.533282
        # ST_Project(point_wsg84_1924,33.617302,3.674878)
        # SRID=4326;POINT(13.37625537318728 52.50926345503591)
        point_soldner_1998_project = QgsPoint(13.37625537318728, 52.50926345503591)
        # ST_Project(point_wsg84_1998,33.617302,0.533282)
        # SRID=4326;POINT(13.37650708009255 52.50952361009799)
        point_soldner_1924_project = QgsPoint(13.37650708009255, 52.50952361009799)

        distance_qpoint = point_soldner_1924.distance(point_soldner_1998)
        azimuth_qpoint = point_soldner_1924.azimuth(point_soldner_1998)
        point_soldner_1998_result = point_soldner_1924.project(distance_qpoint, azimuth_qpoint)

        point_soldner_1924_result = QgsPoint(0, 0)
        point_soldner_1998_result = QgsPoint(0, 0)
        # Test meter based projected point from point_1924 to point_1998
        length_1998_mapunits, point_soldner_1998_result = da_3068.measureLineProjected(point_soldner_1924, distance_soldner_meters, azimuth_qpoint)
        self.assertEqual(point_soldner_1998_result.toString(6), point_soldner_1998.toString(6))
        # Test degree based projected point from point_1924 1 meter due East
        point_wsg84_meter_result = QgsPoint(0, 0)
        point_wsg84_1927_meter = QgsPoint(13.37652180838435, 52.50952361017102)
        length_meter_mapunits, point_wsg84_meter_result = da_wsg84.measureLineProjected(point_wsg84_1924, 1.0, (math.pi / 2))
        self.assertEqual(QgsDistanceArea.formatDistance(length_meter_mapunits, 7, QgsUnitTypes.DistanceDegrees, True), '0.0000147 deg')
        self.assertEqual(point_wsg84_meter_result.toString(7), point_wsg84_1927_meter.toString(7))

        point_wsg84_1998_result = QgsPoint(0, 0)
        length_1928_mapunits, point_wsg84_1998_result = da_wsg84.measureLineProjected(point_wsg84_1924, distance_wsg84_meters, azimuth_wsg84_1924)
        self.assertEqual(QgsDistanceArea.formatDistance(length_1928_mapunits, 7, QgsUnitTypes.DistanceDegrees, True), distance_wsg84_mapunits_format)
        self.assertEqual(point_wsg84_1998_result.toString(7), point_wsg84_1998.toString(7))
def passPointSeek(crete_layer, ID_crete, dem_layer, PassagePoint):
    """Seeks passage points (peak, col) along ridge

    Extract all points of interest (start of line, end of line, peak, pass) from polyline layer

    # Load ridge line layer
    inCRS =
    crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(inCRS)

    # Load dem_layer layer
    x_res = dem_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
    y_res = dem_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()

    # Create memory layer to store result
    pointPassage = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "point", 'memory')
    name_T_id = "T_id"
    name_L_id = "L_id"
    name_P_id = "P_id"
    name_nat = "nature"
    provider = pointPassage.dataProvider()
    caps = provider.capabilities()
    if caps & QgsVectorDataProvider.AddAttributes:
        res = provider.addAttributes([
            QgsField(name_T_id, QVariant.String),
            QgsField(name_L_id, QVariant.String),
            QgsField(name_P_id, QVariant.String),
            QgsField(name_nat, QVariant.String)


    # Loop over features
    for feature in crete_layer.getFeatures():
        feat_L_id = feature.attribute(ID_crete)
        geomType = feature.geometry().wkbType()
        if geomType == 2:
            geom = feature.geometry().asPolyline()
            nb = len(geom)
            geom_clean = feature.geometry().asPolyline()
            ind = 0
            for i in range(0, nb - 1):
                pt1 = geom[i]
                x1 = pt1.x()
                if x1 % 10 == 2:
                    x1 += 0.5
                elif x1 % 10 == 8:
                    x1 += -0.5
                y1 = pt1.y()
                if y1 % 10 == 2:
                    y1 += 0.5
                elif y1 % 10 == 8:
                    y1 += -0.5
                pt2 = geom[i + 1]
                x2 = pt2.x()
                if x2 % 10 == 2:
                    x2 += 0.5
                elif x2 % 10 == 8:
                    x2 += -0.5
                y2 = pt2.y()
                if y2 % 10 == 2:
                    y2 += 0.5
                elif y2 % 10 == 8:
                    y2 += -0.5
                pt1 = QgsPoint(x1, y1)
                pt2 = QgsPoint(x2, y2)
                dist = math.sqrt(pt1.sqrDist(pt2))
                if dist > math.sqrt(x_res * x_res + y_res * y_res) + 1:
                    azimuth = pt1.azimuth(pt2)
                    if azimuth % 10 != 0:
                        decoup_dist = math.sqrt(x_res * x_res + y_res * y_res)
                        decoup_dist = x_res

                    tot_distance = 0
                    pts = []
                    while tot_distance / x_res < dist / x_res:
                        tot_distance += decoup_dist
                        xv = round(tot_distance *
                        yv = round(tot_distance *
                        # print xv, yv, tot_distance, azimuth, x1, y1, x2, y2
                        pt = QgsPoint(pt1.x() + xv, pt1.y() + yv)
                    pt1_elev = dem_layer.dataProvider().identify(
                        pt1, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
                    pt2_elev = dem_layer.dataProvider().identify(
                        pt2, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
                    min_elev = min(pt1_elev, pt2_elev)
                    max_elev = max(pt1_elev, pt2_elev)
                    points_elev = []
                    min_list = None
                    max_list = None
                    max_id = None
                    min_id = None
                    for j, point in enumerate(pts):
                        elev = dem_layer.dataProvider().identify(
                            point, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
                        if elev < min_elev:
                            if min_list == None or elev < min_list:
                                min_list = elev
                                min_id = j
                        if elev > max_elev:
                            if max_list == None or elev < max_list:
                                max_list = elev
                                max_id = j
                    if max_id != None and min_id != None:
                        if max_id < min_id:
                            geom_clean.insert(i + 1 + ind, pts[max_id])
                            geom_clean.insert(i + 2 + ind, pts[min_id])
                            ind += 2
                            geom_clean.insert(i + 2 + ind, pts[min_id])
                            geom_clean.insert(i + 1 + ind, pts[max_id])
                            ind += 2
                    elif max_id != None and min_id == None:
                        geom_clean.insert(i + 1 + ind, pts[max_id])
                        ind += 1
                    elif min_id != None and max_id == None:
                        geom_clean.insert(i + 1 + ind, pts[min_id])
                        ind += 1
            nb = len(geom_clean)
            elev_list = []
            for point in geom_clean:
                elev = dem_layer.dataProvider().identify(
                    point, QgsRaster.IdentifyFormatValue)
            count = 0
            for i in range(0, nb):
                feat_point = QgsFeature()
                    if i == 0:
                        nat = 's'
                        t_id = 'l' + str(feat_L_id) + 'p' + str(count) + nat
                            [t_id, feat_L_id, count, 'start'])
                        count += 1
                    elif i == nb - 1:
                        nat = 'e'
                        t_id = 'l' + str(feat_L_id) + 'p' + str(count) + nat
                            [t_id, feat_L_id, count, 'end'])
                        count += 1
                    elif i < 3:
                    elif i > nb - 3:
                        min_elev1 = min(elev_list[i - 3], elev_list[i - 2],
                                        elev_list[i - 1])
                        min_elev2 = min(elev_list[i + 3], elev_list[i + 2],
                                        elev_list[i + 1])
                        max_elev1 = max(elev_list[i - 3], elev_list[i - 2],
                                        elev_list[i - 1])
                        max_elev2 = max(elev_list[i + 3], elev_list[i + 2],
                                        elev_list[i + 1])
                        if elev_list[i] < min_elev1 and elev_list[
                                i] <= min_elev2:
                            nat = 'd'
                            t_id = 'l' + str(feat_L_id) + 'p' + str(
                                count) + nat
                                [t_id, feat_L_id, count, 'col'])
                            count += 1
                        if elev_list[i] >= max_elev1 and elev_list[
                                i] > max_elev2:
                            nat = 't'
                            t_id = 'l' + str(feat_L_id) + 'p' + str(
                                count) + nat
                                [t_id, feat_L_id, count, 'pic'])
                            count += 1
            print 'PPS: no multiline'

    return pointPassage, crs, dem_layer