Beispiel #1
def layerTreeInsertionPoint(tree_view: QgsLayerTreeView) -> tuple:
    Direct copy of the code QgisApp::layerTreeInsertionPoint for QGIS < 3.10
    insert_group = tree_view.layerTreeModel().rootGroup()
    current = tree_view.currentIndex()
    index = 0

    if current.isValid():

        index = current.row()

        current_node = tree_view.currentNode()
        if current_node:

            # if the insertion point is actually a group, insert new layers into the group
            if QgsLayerTree.isGroup(current_node):

                # if the group is embedded go to the first non-embedded group, at worst the top level item
                insert_group = firstGroupWithoutCustomProperty(
                    current_node, "embedded")

                return InsertionPoint(insert_group, 0)

            # otherwise just set the insertion point in front of the current node
            parent_node = current_node.parent()
            if QgsLayerTree.isGroup(parent_node):

                # if the group is embedded go to the first non-embedded group, at worst the top level item
                insert_group = firstGroupWithoutCustomProperty(
                    parent_node, "embedded")
                if parent_node != insert_group:
                    index = 0

    return InsertionPoint(insert_group, index)