Beispiel #1
def tempFolderInTempFolder(namespace=None):
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    path = tempFolder(namespace)
    folder = os.path.join(path, str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", ""))
    if not QDir(folder).exists():
    return folder
Beispiel #2
def readSettings(settings_path=None):
    global _settings
    Reads the settings corresponding to the plugin from where the method is called.
    This function has to be called in the __init__ method of the plugin class.
    Settings are stored in a settings.json file in the plugin folder.
    Here is an eample of such a file:

     "label": "My setting",
     "description": "A setting to customize my plugin",
     "type": "string",
     "default": "dummy string",
     "group": "Group 1"
     "onEdit": "def f():\\n\\tprint "Value edited in settings dialog"
     "onChange": "def f():\\n\\tprint "New settings value has been saved"
      "label": "Another setting",
     "description": "Another setting to customize my plugin",
     "type": "number",
     "default": 0,
     "group": "Group 2"
     "label": "A choice setting",
     "description": "A setting to select from a set of possible options",
     "type": "choice",
     "default": "option 1",
     "options":["option 1", "option 2", "option 3"],
     "group": "Group 2"

    Available types for settings are: string, bool, number, choice, crs and text (a multiline string)

    The onEdit property contains a function that will be executed when the user edits the value
    in the settings dialog. It shouldl return false if, after it has been executed, the setting
    should not be modified and should recover its original value.

    The onEdit property contains a function that will be executed when the setting is changed after
    closing the settings dialog, or programatically by callin the setPluginSetting method

    Both onEdit and onChange are optional properties


    namespace = _callerName().split(".")[0]
    settings_path = settings_path or os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(_callerPath()), "settings.json")
    with open(settings_path) as f:
        _settings[namespace] = json.load(f)
Beispiel #3
def setPluginSetting(name, value, namespace=None):
    Sets the value of a plugin setting.

    :param name: the name of the setting. It is not the full path, but just the last name of it
    :param value: the value to set for the plugin setting
    :param namespace: The namespace. If not passed or None, the namespace will be inferred from
    the caller method. Normally, this should not be passed, since it suffices to let this function
    find out the plugin from where it is being called, and it will automatically use the
    corresponding plugin namespace
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    settings.setValue(namespace + "/" + name, value)
Beispiel #4
def askForFiles(parent, msg=None, isSave=False, allowMultiple=False, exts="*"):
    Asks for a file or files, opening the corresponding dialog with the last path that was selected
    when this same function was invoked from the calling method.

    :param parent: The parent window
    :param msg: The message to use for the dialog title
    :param isSave: true if we are asking for file to save
    :param allowMultiple: True if should allow multiple files to be selected. Ignored if isSave == True
    :param exts: Extensions to allow in the file dialog. Can be a single string or a list of them.
    Use "*" to add an option that allows all files to be selected

    :returns: A string with the selected filepath or an array of them, depending on whether allowMultiple is True of False
    msg = msg or 'Select file'
    caller = _callerName().split(".")
    name = "/".join([LAST_PATH, caller[-1]])
    namespace = caller[0]
    path = pluginSetting(name, namespace)
    f = None
    if not isinstance(exts, list):
        exts = [exts]
    extString = ";; ".join([
        " %s files (*.%s)" % (e.upper(), e) if e != "*" else "All files (*.*)"
        for e in exts
    if allowMultiple:
        ret = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent, msg, path,
                                                     '*.' + extString)
        if ret:
            f = ret[0]
            f = ret = None
        if isSave:
            ret = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
                parent, msg, path, '*.' + extString) or None
            if ret is not None and not ret.endswith(exts[0]):
                ret += "." + exts[0]
            ret = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
                parent, msg, path, '*.' + extString) or None
        f = ret

    if f is not None:
        setPluginSetting(name, os.path.dirname(f), namespace)

    return ret
Beispiel #5
def askForFolder(parent, msg=None):
    Asks for a folder, opening the corresponding dialog with the last path that was selected
    when this same function was invoked from the calling method

    :param parent: The parent window
    :param msg: The message to use for the dialog title
    msg = msg or 'Select folder'
    caller = _callerName().split(".")
    name = "/".join([LAST_PATH, caller[-1]])
    namespace = caller[0]
    path = pluginSetting(name, namespace)
    folder = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent, msg, path)
    if folder:
        setPluginSetting(name, folder, namespace)
    return folder
Beispiel #6
def addAboutMenu(menuName, parentMenuFunction=None):
    Adds an 'about...' menu to the plugin menu.
    This method should be called from the initGui() method of the plugin

    :param menuName: The name of the plugin menu in which the about menu is to be added

    parentMenuFunction = parentMenuFunction or iface.addPluginToMenu
    namespace = _callerName().split(".")[0]
    aboutAction = QAction(
        QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionHelpContents.svg'), "About...",
    aboutAction.setObjectName(namespace + "about")
    aboutAction.triggered.connect(lambda: openAboutDialog(namespace))
    parentMenuFunction(menuName, aboutAction)
    global _aboutActions
    _aboutActions[menuName] = aboutAction
Beispiel #7
def addAboutMenu(menuName, parentMenuFunction=None):
    Adds an 'about...' menu to the plugin menu.
    This method should be called from the initGui() method of the plugin

    :param menuName: The name of the plugin menu in which the about menu is to be added

    parentMenuFunction = parentMenuFunction or iface.addPluginToMenu
    namespace = _callerName().split(".")[0]
    icon = QtGui.QIcon(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "icons",
    aboutAction = QtWidgets.QAction(icon, "About...", iface.mainWindow())
    aboutAction.setObjectName(namespace + "about")
    aboutAction.triggered.connect(lambda: openAboutDialog(namespace))
    parentMenuFunction(menuName, aboutAction)
    global _aboutActions
    _aboutActions[menuName] = aboutAction
Beispiel #8
def addSettingsMenu(menuName, parentMenuFunction=None):
    Adds a 'open settings...' menu to the plugin menu.
    This method should be called from the initGui() method of the plugin

    :param menuName: The name of the plugin menu in which the settings menu is to be added
    :param parentMenuFunction: a function from QgisInterface to indicate where to put the container plugin menu.
    If not passed, it uses addPluginToMenu

    parentMenuFunction = parentMenuFunction or iface.addPluginToMenu
    namespace = _callerName().split(".")[0]
    settingsAction = QAction(
        "Plugin Settings...", iface.mainWindow())
    settingsAction.setObjectName(namespace + "settings")
    settingsAction.triggered.connect(lambda: openSettingsDialog(namespace))
    parentMenuFunction(menuName, settingsAction)
    global _settingActions
    _settingActions[menuName] = settingsAction
Beispiel #9
def addHelpMenu(menuName, parentMenuFunction=None):
    Adds a help menu to the plugin menu.
    This method should be called from the initGui() method of the plugin

    :param menuName: The name of the plugin menu in which the about menu is to be added.

    parentMenuFunction = parentMenuFunction or iface.addPluginToMenu
    namespace = _callerName().split(".")[0]
    path = "file://{}".format(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_callerPath()), "docs", "html",
    helpAction = QAction(QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionHelpAPI.png'),
                         "Plugin help...", iface.mainWindow())
    helpAction.setObjectName(namespace + "help")
    helpAction.triggered.connect(lambda: openHelp(path))
    parentMenuFunction(menuName, helpAction)
    global _helpActions
    _helpActions[menuName] = helpAction
Beispiel #10
def pluginSetting(name, namespace=None, typ=None):
    Returns the value of a plugin setting.

    :param name: the name of the setting. It is not the full path, but just the last name of it
    :param namespace: The namespace. If not passed or None, the namespace will be inferred from
    the caller method. Normally, this should not be passed, since it suffices to let this function
    find out the plugin from where it is being called, and it will automatically use the
    corresponding plugin namespace
    def _find_in_cache(name, key):
        for setting in _settings[namespace]:
            if setting["name"] == name:
                return setting[key]
        return None

    def _type_map(t):
        """Return setting python type"""
        if t == BOOL:
            return bool
        elif t == NUMBER:
            return float
            return unicode

    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    full_name = namespace + "/" + name
    if settings.contains(full_name):
        if typ is None:
            typ = _type_map(_find_in_cache(name, 'type'))
        v = settings.value(full_name, None, type=typ)
            if isinstance(v, QPyNullVariant):
                v = None
        return v
        return _find_in_cache(name, 'default')
Beispiel #11
def tempFilename(ext=None, namespace=None):
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    ext = "." + ext if ext is not None else ""
    filename = os.path.join(tempFolder(namespace), str(time.time()) + ext)
    return filename
Beispiel #12
def tempFolder(namespace=None):
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    tempDir = os.path.join(unicode(QDir.tempPath()), "qgiscommons2", namespace)
    if not QDir(tempDir).exists():
    return unicode(os.path.abspath(tempDir))
Beispiel #13
def removeTempFolder(namespace=None):
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
Beispiel #14
def pluginSettings(namespace=None):
    namespace = namespace or _callerName().split(".")[0]
    return _settings.get(namespace, {})