def test_from_qasm_parametrized_gates():
    import numpy as np
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
rx(0.1234) q[0];
rz(0.4321) q[1];
cu1(0.567) q[0],q[1];"""
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)
    assert c.depth == 2
    assert isinstance(c.queue[0], gates.RX)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[1], gates.RZ)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[2], gates.CU1)

    c2 = Circuit(2)
    c2.add([gates.RX(0, 0.1234), gates.RZ(1, 0.4321), gates.CU1(0, 1, 0.567)])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(c2().numpy(), c().numpy())
def test_simple_cirq(backend):
    c1 = Circuit(2)
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state_vector  # pylint: disable=no-member
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    assert c3.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)
Beispiel #3
def test_from_qasm_measurements():
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
include "";
qreg q[5];
creg a[3];
creg b[2];
measure q[0] -> a[0];
x q[3];
measure q[1] -> b[0];
measure q[2] -> a[1];
measure q[4] -> a[2];
measure q[3] -> b[1];"""
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)
    assert c.depth == 1
    assert isinstance(c.queue[0], gates.X)
    assert isinstance(c.measurement_gate, gates.M)
    assert c.measurement_tuples == {"a": (0, 2, 4), "b": (1, 3)}
Beispiel #4
def test_from_qasm_ugates():
    import numpy as np
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
u1(0.1) q[0];
u2(0.2,0.6) q[1];
cu3(0.3,0.4,0.5) q[0],q[1];"""
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)
    assert c.depth == 2
    assert isinstance(c.queue[0], gates.U1)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[1], gates.U2)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[2], gates.CU3)

    c2 = Circuit(2)
    c2.add([gates.U1(0, 0.1), gates.U2(1, 0.2, 0.6)])
    c2.add(gates.U3(1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5).controlled_by(0))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(c2().numpy(), c().numpy())
Beispiel #5
def test_from_qasm_invalid_measurements():
    # Undefined qubit
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[2] -> a[0];"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)

    # Undefined register
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[0] -> b[0];"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)

    # Register index out of range
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[0] -> a[2];"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)

    # Reuse measured qubit
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[0] -> a[0];
x q[1];
measure q[1] -> a[1];"""
    # Note that in this example the full register measurement is added during
    # the first `measurement` call
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)

    # Reuse classical register
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[0] -> a[1];
measure q[1] -> a[1];"""
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)

    # Invalid measurement command
    target = """OPENQASM 2.0;
qreg q[2];
creg a[2];
measure q[0] -> a[1] -> a[0];"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)
def test_from_qasm_simple(backend, accelerators):
    target = f"""OPENQASM 2.0;
include "";
qreg q[5];
h q[0];
h q[1];
h q[2];
h q[3];
h q[4];"""
    import qibo
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target, accelerators)
    assert c.nqubits == 5
    assert c.depth == 1
    for i, gate in enumerate(c.queue):
        assert gate.__class__.__name__ == "H"
        assert gate.qubits == (i, )
    target_state = np.ones(32) / np.sqrt(32)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(c(), target_state)
Beispiel #7
def test_multiqubit_gates_cirq():
    c1 = Circuit(2)
    c1.add(gates.CNOT(0, 1))
    c1.add(gates.SWAP(0, 1))
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    assert c3.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)
Beispiel #8
def test_parametrized_gate_cirq(backend):
    import qibo
    original_backend = qibo.get_backend()
    c1 = Circuit(2)
    c1.add(gates.RY(1, 0.1234))
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state_vector
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)
Beispiel #9
def test_toffoli_cirq():
    c1 = Circuit(3)
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(0, 1, 2))
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(0, 2, 1))
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(1, 2, 0))
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    assert c3.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)
Beispiel #10
def test_from_qasm_multiple_qregs():
    target = f"""// Generated by QIBO {__version__}
include "";
qreg a[2],b[1];
cx a[0],b[0];
// random comment
x a[1];
qreg c[2];
// random comment 2
swap a[0],c[1];
ccx b[0],c[1],c[0];"""
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target)
    assert c.nqubits == 5
    assert c.depth == 4
    assert isinstance(c.queue[0], gates.CNOT)
    assert c.queue[0].qubits == (0, 2)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[1], gates.X)
    assert c.queue[1].qubits == (1, )
    assert isinstance(c.queue[2], gates.SWAP)
    assert c.queue[2].qubits == (0, 4)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[3], gates.TOFFOLI)
    assert c.queue[3].qubits == (2, 4, 3)
Beispiel #11
def test_from_qasm_multiqubit_gates(accelerators):
    target = f"""// Generated by QIBO {__version__}
include "";
qreg q[3];
cx q[0],q[2];
x q[1];
swap q[0],q[1];
cx q[1],q[0];
ccx q[1],q[2],q[0];"""
    c = Circuit.from_qasm(target, accelerators)
    assert c.nqubits == 3
    assert c.depth == 5
    assert isinstance(c.queue[0], gates.CNOT)
    assert c.queue[0].qubits == (0, 2)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[1], gates.X)
    assert c.queue[1].qubits == (1, )
    assert isinstance(c.queue[2], gates.SWAP)
    assert c.queue[2].qubits == (0, 1)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[3], gates.CNOT)
    assert c.queue[3].qubits == (1, 0)
    assert isinstance(c.queue[4], gates.TOFFOLI)
    assert c.queue[4].qubits == (1, 2, 0)
def test_multiqubit_gates_cirq(backend):
    import qibo
    original_backend = qibo.get_backend()
    c1 = Circuit(2)
    c1.add(gates.CNOT(0, 1))
    c1.add(gates.SWAP(0, 1))
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state_vector  # pylint: disable=no-member
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    assert c3.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)
def test_toffoli_cirq(backend):
    import qibo
    original_backend = qibo.get_backend()
    c1 = Circuit(3)
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(0, 1, 2))
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(0, 2, 1))
    c1.add(gates.TOFFOLI(1, 2, 0))
    final_state_c1 = c1()

    c2 = circuit_from_qasm(c1.to_qasm())
    c2depth = len(cirq.Circuit(c2.all_operations()))
    assert c1.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c2 = cirq.Simulator().simulate(c2).final_state_vector  # pylint: disable=no-member
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c1, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)

    c3 = Circuit.from_qasm(c2.to_qasm())
    assert c3.depth == c2depth
    final_state_c3 = c3()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(final_state_c3, final_state_c2, atol=_atol)