def test_get_qiime_minimal_mapping_single_reverse_primer(self):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        sql = """INSERT INTO qiita.prep_columns
                        (prep_template_id, column_name, column_type)
                    VALUES (1, 'reverselinkerprimer', 'varchar');
                 ALTER TABLE qiita.prep_1
                    ADD COLUMN reverselinkerprimer varchar;
                 DELETE FROM qiita.prep_columns
                 WHERE prep_template_id = 1 AND column_name = 'run_prefix';
                 ALTER TABLE qiita.prep_1 DROP COLUMN run_prefix;
                 UPDATE qiita.prep_1 SET reverselinkerprimer = %s
        conn_handler.execute(sql, ('GTGCCAGCM',))
        prep_template = PrepTemplate(1)
        out_dir = mkdtemp()

        obs_fps = _get_qiime_minimal_mapping(prep_template, out_dir)
        exp_fps = [join(out_dir, 'prep_1_MMF.txt')]

        # Check that the returned list is as expected
        self.assertEqual(obs_fps, exp_fps)
        # Check that the file exists
        # Check the contents of the file
        with open(exp_fps[0], "U") as f:
            self.assertEqual(, EXP_PREP_RLP)
    def test_get_qiime_minimal_mapping_single_no_run_prefix(self):
        conn_handler = SQLConnectionHandler()
        sql = """DELETE FROM qiita.prep_columns
                 WHERE prep_template_id = 1 AND column_name = 'run_prefix';
                 ALTER TABLE qiita.prep_1 DROP COLUMN run_prefix"""
        prep_template = PrepTemplate(1)
        out_dir = mkdtemp()

        obs_fps = _get_qiime_minimal_mapping(prep_template, out_dir)
        exp_fps = [join(out_dir, 'prep_1_MMF.txt')]

        # Check that the returned list is as expected
        self.assertEqual(obs_fps, exp_fps)
        # Check that the file exists
        # Check the contents of the file
        with open(exp_fps[0], "U") as f:
            self.assertEqual(, EXP_PREP)