def upload_qiniu_by_path(access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, key_prefix, pool_number, path, delete=False): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) mime_type = "text/plain" params = {'x:a': 'a'} pool = Pool(pool_number) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): print(dirpath) if len(filenames) > 0: for filename in filenames: if filename.startswith('.'): continue localfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) key = os.path.join(key_prefix, localfile.replace(path, '')[1:]) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) pool.spawn( down, token=token, key=key, localfile=localfile, mime_type=mime_type, delete=delete )
def upload_photo(): """上传照片到七牛,并返回私有链接地址""" from qiniu import Auth from qiniu import put_file global config progress_handler = lambda progress, total: progress photo_path = http_get("").content # Upload to qiniu mime_type = "image/jpeg" auth = Auth(str(config["qiniu"]["api_key"]), str(config["qiniu"]["secret"])) print auth filename = os.path.basename(photo_path) print "filename: ", filename, type(filename) token = auth.upload_token(str(config["qiniu"]["bucket"])) print token ret, info = put_file(token, filename, photo_path, {}, mime_type, progress_handler=progress_handler) print "uploaded: ", ret, info try: os.remove(photo_path) except Exception: pass # Return URL base_url = "{}/{}".format(str(config["qiniu"]["domain"]), filename) return auth.private_download_url(base_url, expires=3600)
def get(self): access_key = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY' secret_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket_name = 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME' # to set the uploaded file rename to YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_filename # if the filename was "test.jpg", then the new filename will be "20160101_083054_test.jpg" # SEE MORE: policy = {"saveKey": "$(year)$(mon)$(day)_$(hour)$(min)$(sec)_$(fname)"} # in the source of qiniu/, the function upload_token takes 5 arguments: # bucket:your bucket_name # key: the filename you want to set, None means set as ths "saveKey" above # expires: expires time (second) # policy: the options to upload,see more: # # def upload_token(self, bucket, key=None, expires=3600, policy=None, strict_policy=True): token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, None, 3600, policy) # return as json self.write(json.dumps({"uptoken":token}))
def upload_to_qiniu(AK, SK, BUCKET_NAME,FILE_OBJ,FILE_NAME,): ''' 上传文件到七牛云,并返回 文件hash BUCKET_NAME 七牛资源空间名 FILE_OBJ 文件二进制流 FILE_NAME 文件保存到七牛云上的文件名 ''' q = Auth(AK, SK) token = q.upload_token(BUCKET_NAME, FILE_NAME, 3600) # ret # 一个dict变量,类似 {"hash": "<Hash string>", "key": "<Key string>"} # info """七牛HTTP请求返回信息类 该类主要是用于获取和解析对七牛发起各种请求后的响应包的header和body。 Attributes: status_code: 整数变量,响应状态码 text_body: 字符串变量,响应的body req_id: 字符串变量,七牛HTTP扩展字段,参考 x_log: 字符串变量,七牛HTTP扩展字段,参考 error: 字符串变量,响应的错误内容 """ ret, info = put_data(token, FILE_NAME, FILE_OBJ) if info.status_code: if ret['hash'] == etag_stream(FILE_OBJ): return ret['hash'] return None return None
def upload(origin_file_path): # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(config.access_key, config.secret_key) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'md-doc' localfile = conwebp.convert(origin_file_path) # 上传到七牛后保存的文件名 dest_prefix = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) dest_name = dest_prefix + "_" + os.path.basename(localfile) # 上传文件到七牛后, 七牛将文件名和文件大小回调给业务服务器。 policy = { 'callbackBody': 'filename=$(fname)&filesize=$(fsize)' } token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, dest_name, 3600, policy) ret, info = put_file(token, dest_name, localfile) if ret is not None: print("Upload Success,url=", config.domin + dest_name) else: print("info=", info) print("ret=", ret) assert ret['key'] == dest_name assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile)
def loop_qiniu(): while True: for f in os.listdir(UPLOAD_FOLDER): if 'tmp' not in f.split('_')[-1]: os.remove(os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, f)) # print 'jump out and for one more time' elif 'tmp0' == f.split('_')[-1]: continue elif 'tmp' == f.split('_')[-1]: print 'start handle %s' % f f_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, f) f_path_new = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, f[:-4]) key = f[:-4] q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(Bucket, key, 3600) local_file = f_path ret, _ = put_file(token, key, local_file) try: assert ret['key'] == key except TypeError: print 'ret has error' continue os.rename(f_path, f_path_new) print 'end handle %s' % key print time.strftime("%Y/%y/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) else: print '<----' print u'为考虑到的情况' print time.strftime("%Y/%y/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print '---->' print 'pass this time while error', time.strftime("%Y/%y/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
def storage(file_data): try: #构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) #要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'ihome' #上传到七牛后保存的文件名 # key = 'my-python-logo.png'; #生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name) #要上传文件的本地路径 # localfile = './sync/bbb.jpg' # ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) ret, info = put_data(token, None, file_data) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) raise e print(ret) print("*"*16) print(info) # assert ret['key'] == key # assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile) print(type(info)) print(info.status_code) if 200 == info.status_code: return ret["key"] else: raise Exception("上传失败")
def upload(): # Get the name of the uploaded file file = request.files['file'] # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions if file and allowed_file(file.filename): # Make the filename safe, remove unsupported chars filename = secure_filename(file.filename) # Move the file form the temporal folder to # the upload folder we setup['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) # Redirect the user to the uploaded_file route, which # will basicaly show on the browser the uploaded file path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) access_key = '' secret_key = '' bucket_name = '' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, None, 3600) ret, info = qiniu.put_file(token, filename, path) return redirect(url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename))
def uploadsong(request): q = Auth('ToNLYIGLfHy5tpKSsRcBV2pw18b20LrYuBdvHaA_', 'rrD25c6RoHoMajmLR8lSz9wW4FcGEHvGMDL4l2zV') print q token = q.upload_token('outshineamazing', '') print token context = {'uptoken_url':token} return render(request,'comments/test.html',context)
def uploadToQiNiu(filePath,name): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) localfile = filePath key = name mime_type = "image/jpeg" token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile, mime_type=mime_type, check_crc=True)
def test_upload(): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(bucket, mykey.encode('utf-8')) file = '/tmp/abc.txt' ret, info = put_file(token, mykey.encode('utf-8'), file, mime_type="text/plain", check_crc=True) print(info) print(ret)
def post(self): for i in request.forms.keys(): print i, request.forms[i], type(request.forms[i]) for i in request.files.keys(): print i, request.files[i], type(request.files[i]) print request.files[i].__dict__ image = request.files['image'] name = image.raw_filename data = key = md5('data').hexdigest() + '.' + name.split('.')[-1] auth = Auth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) token = auth.upload_token( QINIU_BUCKET_NAME, None, 7200, { 'returnBody': json.dumps({ 'key': '$(key)', 'hash': '$(etag)', 'format': '$(imageInfo.format)', 'width': '$(imageInfo.width)', 'height': '$(imageInfo.height)', }), 'save_key': '$(etag)', } ) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data)
class QiNiuProvider(object): def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, imageServerUrl): self.access_key = access_key self.secret_key = secret_key self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.imageServerUrl = imageServerUrl self.credentials = Auth(self.access_key, self.secret_key) def token(self): return self.credentials.upload_token(self.bucket_name) def store(self, raw): key = hash(str(uuid.uuid1())) upload_token = self.credentials.upload_token(self.bucket_name, key) ret, err = put_data(upload_token, key, raw) if ret is not None: return "%s/%s" % (self.imageServerUrl, ret['key']) else: logging.error('upload error.') def store_file(self, file_path, file_name): upload_token = self.credentials.upload_token(self.bucket_name, file_name) ret, err = put_file(upload_token, file_name, file_path) if ret is not None: return "%s/%s" % (self.imageServerUrl, ret['key']) else: logging.error('upload: %s error.' % file_name)
def tuchuang_index(): github_user = _get_user() if not github_user: flash(u'请正确完成牛逼参数设置后上传图片!', category='warning') return redirect(url_for('.info')) if request.method == 'POST': access_key = str(github_user.get('access_key')) secret_key = str(github_user.get('secret_key')) bucket_name = str(github_user.get('bucket_name')) domain_name = str(github_user.get('domain_name')) q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name) upload_files = request.files.getlist('file') for upload_file in upload_files: key = '%s_%s' % (, upload_file.filename) ret, info = put_data(up_token=token, key=key, data=upload_file) url = '%s/%s' % (domain_name, key) f = File() f.set('url', url) f.set('user', github_user) flash(u'成功上传%s张照片!' % len(upload_files), category='success') return redirect(url_for('.tuchuang_index')) image_id = request.args.get('image_id') image = Query(File).get(image_id) if image_id else None return render_template('tuchuang.html', image=image)
def upload(filepath): qiniu_domain = '' #需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = 'NhxOewLDWpAs_THJNvtKN8kZHG3r0_tkWOaJSycc' secret_key = 'Cx7AJItEyNWaEG1eLvu85PpCGq0vAaX1xmvJC7c0' #构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) #要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'images' #上传到七牛后保存的文件名 key = os.path.basename(filepath) qiniu_url = qiniu_domain + key #生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) #要上传文件的本地路径 localfile = filepath ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) print(info) print('===============') print(qiniu_url) return qiniu_url
def upload_file(file_name=None, data=None): if not file_name: file_name = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() q = Auth(settings.QINIU_KEY, settings.QINIU_TOKEN) token = q.upload_token(settings.QINIU_BUCKET) ret, info = put_data(token, file_name, data) return ret['key'] == file_name, file_name
def token(request): # wiicome服务器设置七牛上传token q = Auth(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY) # 上传策略仅指定空间名和上传后的文件名,其他参数仅为默认值 token = q.upload_token(BUCKET_KEY) data = {"uptoken": token} return JsonResponse(data)
def create(self): # TODO: 表单验证 image = request.files['image'] # TODO: 解包检查 origin_name, suffix = image.raw_filename.split('.') data = data_hash = md5(data).hexdigest() key = data_hash model = ImageModel.query.get(data_hash) if model: return model.as_dict() auth = Auth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) token = auth.upload_token( QINIU_BUCKET_NAME, None, 7200, { 'returnBody': json.dumps({ 'key': '$(key)', 'hash': '$(etag)', 'format': '$(imageInfo.format)', 'width': '$(imageInfo.width)', 'height': '$(imageInfo.height)', }), 'save_key': '$(etag)', } ) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) model = ImageModel( hashkey=data_hash, suffix=ret['format'], width=ret['width'], height=ret['height']) db.session.add(model) db.session.commit() return model.as_dict()
def main(): q = Auth('FCFQs6B-thjgt30-HEmCS9ZUCGQBxx2Zsg_WO1k5', 'Z8LCTm4gxo_dfX7HT0EhFnXmsFTGwZ8MyCFXmSXF') # 上传策略仅指定空间名和上传后的文件名,其他参数仅为默认值 token = q.upload_token('qile') f = open('qiniu_auth_token.txt', 'w') f.write(str(token))
def generate_upload_token(prefix): ''' prefix: 'head' or 'content' return: (token, key) ''' # modify default upload zone qiniu.config.set_default(default_zone=qiniu.config.zone1) # access two keys access_key = current_app.config['QINIU_ACCESS_KEY'] secret_key = current_app.config['QINIU_SECRET_KEY'] # auth obj q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # upload bucket name bucket_name = current_app.config['QINIU_BUCKET_NAME'] # achieve file ext name try: match = re.finditer(r'.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$', localfile) ext = match[-1].group(1) except: ext = 'jpg' # cloud filename # key = generate_upload_filename(ext, prefix=prefix) # generate token token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, None, 3600) return token
def get(self, request): q = Auth(settings.QNACCESSKEY, settings.QNSECRETKEY) filename = str(uuid.uuid1()).replace("-", "") + ".jpg" print (filename) token = q.upload_token(settings.QNBUKET, filename) print (token) return Response({"key": filename, "token": token}, status=status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)
class QiNiu(object): def __init__(self): self.authed = Auth(AccessKey, SecretKey) def upload(self, data): """ :param data: { "filename":"", "filepath":"", "policy":{} } :return: ret info """ filename = data["filename"] filepath = data["filepath"] policy = data.get("policy", {}) if policy: token = self.authed.upload_token(BucketName, filename, Expired, policy) else: token = self.authed.upload_token(BucketName, filename, Expired) ret, info = put_file(token, filename, filepath) return ret, info
class Qiniu(object): def init_app(self, app): access_key = app.config.get('QINIU_ACCESS_KEY') secret_key = app.config.get('QINIU_SECRET_KEY') = app self.bucket = app.config.get('QINIU_BUCKET') self.auth = Auth(access_key, secret_key) def upload_file(self, filename, filepath): """上传本地文件""" token = self.auth.upload_token(self.bucket, filename) ret, info = put_file(token, filename, filepath) if info.exception is not None: raise UploadError(info) def upload_data(self, filename, data): """上传二进制数据""" token = self.auth.upload_token(self.bucket, filename) ret, info = put_data(token, filename, data) if info.exception is not None: raise UploadError(info) def generate_token(self, filename=None, policy=None): """生成上传凭证""" return self.auth.upload_token(self.bucket, filename, policy=policy)
def upload_token(): q = Auth(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY) # 上传策略仅指定空间名和上传后的文件名,其他参数仅为默认值 token = q.upload_token('wm-test', None, 7200, {'callbackUrl':"", 'callbackBody':"name=$(key)&fname=$(fname)&hash=$(etag)&size=$(imageInfo.width)x$(imageInfo.height)", \ 'saveKey':'aaa$(year)$(mon)$(day)$(hour)$(min)$(sec).jpg', 'mimeType':'image/jpg'}) return token
def upload_file(localfile): # 需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = 'aRzVj18_VFA_p4EZ9z8ClWkVwYvAOWuoMStYnJhi' secret_key = 'bh_hBotfph77wcmHHIgCwExqKEvQN_eyT5m1r9_c' # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'myselfres' # 上传到七牛后保存的文件名 key = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png", time.localtime()) print key # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) print (info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile) pngOnlinePath = myselfres_dom + key + ')' setText(pngOnlinePath)
def get_token(key): q = Auth(qiniu_access_key, qiniu_secret_key) # 上传策略仅指定空间名和上传后的文件名,其他参数仅为默认值 token = q.upload_token(qiniu_bucket_name, key) return token
def putfile(file_url): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket = BucketManager(q) mime_type, file_type = get_mime_type(file_url) key = etag(file_url) + "." + file_type # "test" token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, file_url, mime_type=mime_type, check_crc=True) print ret
def upload(key): access_key = 'Fx9CvaSHqUFVrofBgpGxAdsR3UV0SNB2bRof6ss2' secret_key = 'eW8fX00uUZukKcFsZyeIWw3BTyfhyoIhGQ4j5NwN' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket_name = 'bing' token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) localfile = key put_file(token, key, localfile)
def upload_qiniu(path, upload_name): ''' upload file to qiniu''' q = Auth(config['ak'], config['sk']) key = upload_name # upload to qiniu's markdown dir token = q.upload_token(config['bucket'], key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, path, check_crc=True) return ret != None and ret['key'] == key
def upload(prefix, key, localpath): from qiniu import Auth, put_file q = Auth(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY) key = os.path.join(prefix, key) token = q.upload_token(BUCKET_NAME, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localpath)
class UploaderTestCase(unittest.TestCase): mime_type = "text/plain" params = {'x:a': 'a'} q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) def test_put(self): key = 'a\\b\\c"hello' data = 'hello bubby!' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key def test_put_crc(self): key = '' data = 'hello bubby!' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data, check_crc=True) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key def test_putfile(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile, mime_type=self.mime_type, check_crc=True) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile) def test_putInvalidCrc(self): key = 'test_invalid' data = 'hello bubby!' crc32 = 'wrong crc32' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = _form_put(token, key, data, None, None, crc=crc32) print(info) assert ret is None assert info.status_code == 400 def test_putWithoutKey(self): key = None data = 'hello bubby!' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['hash'] == ret['key'] data = 'hello bubby!' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, 'nokey2') ret, info = put_data(token, None, data) print(info) assert ret is None assert info.status_code == 403 # key not match def test_withoutRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = 'retry' data = 'hello retry!' set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == 'FlYu0iBR1WpvYi4whKXiBuQpyLLk' def test_putData_without_fname(self): if is_travis(): return localfile = create_temp_file(30 * 1024 * 1024) key = 'test_putData_without_fname' with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, input_stream) print(info) assert ret is not None def test_putData_without_fname1(self): if is_travis(): return localfile = create_temp_file(30 * 1024 * 1024) key = 'test_putData_without_fname1' with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, input_stream, self.params, self.mime_type, False, None, "") print(info) assert ret is not None def test_putData_without_fname2(self): if is_travis(): return localfile = create_temp_file(30 * 1024 * 1024) key = 'test_putData_without_fname2' with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, input_stream, self.params, self.mime_type, False, None, " ") print(info) assert ret is not None
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ @File : @Time : 2020/5/28 10:14 @Author : chen 上传本地文件到七牛云功能:utils/ """ from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag import qiniu.config # 需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = 'F6TFlLqmX4Jxi_OJ86xLVCB8mQ5KRsyzCjGVWPEh' secret_key = 'zhCb8cNSR-lifyVCZLPjH3GhD4_W7P5Sgbh9mHah' # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'chen0406' # 上传后保存的文件名 key = 'my-python-logo.png' # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) # 生成token,用于项目上传使用 # 要上传文件的本地路径 localfile = r'E:\ENV\flask项目-cBMOsSmb\Flask项目实战-BBS\static\common\images\logo.png' ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) # print(info)
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.http import JsonResponse from . import models from qiniu import Auth, put_file AK = 'Be4yzMaDNQenNaMcAHWMkLWTk05uyyRmL9yW-FMp' SK = 'uROOPs_pDB_gRsCn4OI_2nGDvK2HhrQ0UBdrbUw2' q = Auth(AK, SK) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'flower' @csrf_exempt def user_login(request): if request.method == 'POST': print(request.POST) try: user = models.User.objects.get( email=request.POST.get('email'), password=request.POST.get('password')) except models.User.DoesNotExist: user = None if user: return JsonResponse({ 'success': True, 'user': { 'user_id': user.user_id, 'username': user.username, 'email':, 'phone_number': user.phone_number,
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 __author__ = 'scdev1003' import re import os import json from qiniu import Auth from qiniu import BucketManager from flask import Flask, jsonify, request ak = os.environ["QINIUAK"] sk = os.environ["QINIUSK"] q = Auth(ak, sk) bucket = BucketManager(q) app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): callback = request.args.get('callback', '') bucket_name = 'packtpub-books' res = bucket.list(bucket_name) books = {} for item in res[0].get('items', []): key = '.'.join(item.get('key', '').split('.')[0:-1]) name ='^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/(.*)$', key).group(1) date ='^(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})\/.*$', key).group(1) if books.get(date, None) == None:
def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, prefix, download): self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.prefix = prefix = download self.q = Auth(access_key, secret_key)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*-coding:utf-8-*- import uuid from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag, urlsafe_base64_encode QINIU_ACCESS_KEY = '0jAQdT6nr4h5M6jj_kqpg9SHY5L64OU9wQ2NJoNs' QINIU_SECRET_KEY = 'Qttd5PDhmhrOGYrNBUp0tXMBqHkdyw-S9gdXWkYA' QINIU_BUCKET_NAME = 'avatar' QINIU_BUCKET_DOMAIN = '' q = Auth(access_key=QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=QINIU_SECRET_KEY) bucket_name = 'avatar' key = 'head' token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) localfile = 'head.jpg' put_file(token, key, localfile) print "" + key
def GetMsg(self): """ 获取我们想要的商品信息 :return: """ ShoeTitle = [] reql, publishedDate, OldPublishTime = self.GetHtml(), '', '' ShoesList = reql['threads'] country = 'SNKRS中国' #国家 sql1 = 'select distinct productid from monitor_result where distributionid=1 and `status`=2' try: self.Pass_china_cur1.execute(sql1) except Exception as e: print('查询错误:{}'.format(e)) SkuList = self.Pass_china_cur1.fetchall() OldPublishTime = [i[0] for i in SkuList] for i in range(len(ShoesList)): seoSlug = ShoesList[i]['seoSlug'] TheLinkadDress = ''+seoSlug if ShoesList[i]['id'] not in OldPublishTime: if 'title' not in ShoesList[i]['product']: title = str(ShoesList[i]['name']).replace('\"', '').replace('\'', '') imageUrl = ShoesList[i]['imageUrl'] ShoesSku = str(ShoesList[i]['product']['style']) + '-' + str(ShoesList[i]['product']['colorCode']) if ShoesSku not in ['BQ4800-100', 'CD9329-001', 'AV4052-100', 'CK1905-100', 'CK1907-600', 'AO3189-001', 'AO3189-100']: if title != 'SNKRS Pass': Additional_information = '发售' else: Additional_information = 'Pass' startSellDate ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #开始销售时间 productId = ShoesList[i]['id'] access_key = '92SPonlDvYbu91VZOxvrHUmc9pHi3B8Wy5PUlzQ8' secret_key = 'HZ8SyNcZr7IRRXQkrNwk0v17BsHkCeW9bsriikQZ' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket_name = 'instagram_img' key = '{}.jpg'.format(productId) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) r = requests.get(imageUrl, timeout=5) with open('/root/snker_crawler/img/beauty_1.jpg', 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) localfile = '/root/snker_crawler/img/beauty_1.jpg' ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) Img_url = '' + json.loads(info.text_body).get('key') assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile) pushid = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) sql_1 = """INSERT INTO monitor_result (title, sku, distributionchannels, replenishmenttype, pushtime, picurl, `status`, createtime, distributionid, linkurl, productid) VALUES("{}", "{}", 'SNKRS中国', '{}', '{}', '{}', 2, now(), 1, '{}', '{}')""".format(title, ShoesSku, Additional_information, startSellDate, Img_url, TheLinkadDress, productId) try: self.Pass_china_cur1.execute(sql_1) except Exception as e: print('插入错误:{}'.format(e)) self.Pass_china_conn1.commit() Callbacdata = { "title": "{}".format(title), "sku": "{}".format(ShoesSku), "distributionchannels": "{}".format(country), "replenishmenttype": "{}".format(Additional_information), "pushtime": "{}".format(startSellDate), "picurl": "{}".format(Img_url), "size": "", "status": "0", "createtime": "{}".format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), "distributionid": "1", "linkurl": "{}".format(TheLinkadDress), "productid": "{}".format(productId), "sortnum": "1", "pushstatus": "0", "pushid": "{}".format(pushid) } Callbacheader = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} now_time = dt_minus1day1 = (now_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') dt_minus1day2 = (now_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=+2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql_7 = "SELECT * FROM monitor_result WHERE linkurl='{}' AND createtime BETWEEN '{}' AND '{}'".format(TheLinkadDress, dt_minus1day1, dt_minus1day2) try: self.Pass_china_cur.execute(sql_7) except Exception as E: print(E) Grab_judgment = self.Pass_china_cur.fetchall() if len(Grab_judgment) == 0: reqls ='', data=json.dumps(Callbacdata), headers=Callbacheader, timeout=5) # reqls ='', data=json.dumps(Callbacdata), headers=Callbacheader, timeout=5) with open('/root/push/passChina.log', 'a') as d: d.write('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + str(reqls.text) + str(pushid)) d.write('\n') if len(ShoeTitle) > 0: self.Pass_china_cur.close() self.Pass_china_conn.close() self.Pass_china_cur1.close() self.Pass_china_conn1.close() print('发送保存成功')
def create_token(bucket_name, key, policy=None): access_key = qn_access_key secret_key = qn_secret_key q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600, policy) return token
from django.conf import settings from qiniu import Auth q = Auth(settings.ENV_QINIU_AK, settings.ENV_QINIU_SK) def get_qiniu_token(prefix: str = '', bucket_name: str = settings.ENV_QINIU_DEFAULT_BUCKET): """获取七牛TOKEN Doc: :param prefix: :param bucket_name: 要上传的空间 :return: """ prefix = prefix.strip('/') if prefix: save_key = f"{prefix}/$(etag)$(ext)" else: save_key = '$(etag)$(ext)' base_url = settings.QINIU_BUCKET_URL_MAP.get(bucket_name, '') policy = { 'saveKey': save_key, 'returnBody': """{{ "hash": $(hash), "key": $(key),
def post(self, request, **kwargs): """七牛图片上传Token获取""" q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, expires=3600) return Response(token)
def test_noKey(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): Auth(None, None).token('nokey') with pytest.raises(ValueError): Auth('', '').token('nokey')
urlopen = urllib.urlopen elif is_py3: import io import urllib StringIO = io.StringIO urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen access_key = os.getenv('QINIU_ACCESS_KEY') secret_key = os.getenv('QINIU_SECRET_KEY') bucket_name = os.getenv('QINIU_TEST_BUCKET') hostscache_dir = None dummy_access_key = 'abcdefghklmnopq' dummy_secret_key = '1234567890' dummy_auth = Auth(dummy_access_key, dummy_secret_key) def rand_string(length): lib = string.ascii_uppercase return ''.join([random.choice(lib) for i in range(0, length)]) def create_temp_file(size): t = tempfile.mktemp() f = open(t, 'wb') - 1) f.write(b('0')) f.close() return t
def upload_Token(): access_key = "UP4lyUo3aBJPr2YBIv7x-BmV83mTd6hczJS0bbkl" secret_key = "W7MacbJiXJPsSXn-H12aqN-WsZEokxBAW8ZaXDDD" q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) token = q.upload_token('sitp') return token
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # flake8: noqa import requests from qiniu import Auth access_key = '...' secret_key = '...' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket_domain = "..." key = "..." #有两种方式构造base_url的形式 base_url = 'http://%s/%s' % (bucket_domain, key) #或者直接输入url的方式下载 base_url = 'http://domain/key' #可以设置token过期时间 private_url = q.private_download_url(base_url, expires=3600) print(private_url) r = requests.get(private_url) assert r.status_code == 200
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from instagram import app from qiniu import Auth, put_stream, put_data, put_file, etag import qiniu.config import os # 需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = app.config['QINIU_ACCESS_KEY'] secret_key = app.config['QINIU_SECRET_KEY'] # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = app.config['QINIU_BUCKET_NAME'] domain_prefix = app.config['QINIU_DOMAIN'] def qiniu_upload_file(source_file, save_file_name): # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, save_file_name) ret, info = put_data(token, save_file_name, print(type(info.status_code), info) if info.status_code == 200: return domain_prefix + save_file_name return None
class QiniuClient(object): def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name): self.client = Auth(access_key, secret_key) self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.bucket = BucketManager(self.client) def set_bucket_name(self, bucket_name): """重设bucketname""" self.bucket_name = bucket_name def upload_file(self, filename, file_io=None): """上传文件 接受文件名或者IO形式的数据 :filename: 可以是文件系统中的文件路径,也可以直接使用文件名称, 最后会根据是否带`file_io`参数来决定是否需要读取文件。 :file_io: 文件IO对象,如果带有这个参数则直接将其上传。 :return: - error: 是否有错误 - exception: 错误原因 - hash: 上传文件的hash - key: 上传文件的key """ if file_io is None: file_io = BytesIO() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: file_io.write( filename = filename.rsplit("/")[-1] try: token = self.client.upload_token(self.bucket_name, filename) result, info = put_data(token, filename, file_io.getvalue()) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} else: return { "error": info.status_code != 200, "exception": info.exception, "hash": result.get('hash', None), "key": result.get('key', None) } def file_delete(self, filename): """删除指定的文件""" try: result, info = self.bucket.delete(self.bucket_name, filename) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} else: return { 'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception } def file_list(self, prefix=None, delimiter=None, marker=None, limit=None): """获取文件列表,提供了若干选项供筛选文件 :param prefix: 前缀 :param delimiter: 分隔符 :param marker: 标记 :param limit: 条目数量 :return: - error: 是否有错误 - exception: 错误的原因 - items: 文件数据列表 - key - hash - fsize - mimeType - putTime - type - status """ try: result, info = self.bucket.list(self.bucket_name, prefix, marker, limit, delimiter) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} else: return { 'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception, 'items': result.get('items', None) } def stat_info(self, filename): """获取文件信息 :return: 同上 """ try: result, info = self.bucket.stat(self.bucket_name, filename) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} return { 'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception, 'fsize': result.get('fsize', None), 'hash': result.get('hash', None), 'mimeType': result.get("mimeType", None), 'putTime': result.get("putTime", None), 'type': result.get('type', None) } def batch_stat(self, filenames): """批量获取文件信息 :return: 同上 """ try: ops = build_batch_stat(self.bucket_name, filenames) result, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} else: return { 'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception, 'items': result.get('items', None) } def batch_delete(self, filenames): """批量删除文件 """ try: ops = build_batch_delete(self.bucket_name, filenames) result, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} else: return { 'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception } def fetch(self, url, filename): """抓去网络资源到空间""" try: result, info = self.bucket.fetch(url, self.bucket_name, filename) except Exception as exc: return {'error': True, 'exception': str(exc)} return {'error': info.status_code != 200, 'exception': info.exception}
class QiniuWrap(object): def __init__(self): configer = Configer('') access_key = configer.get_configer('QINIU', 'access_key') secret_key = configer.get_configer('QINIU', 'secret_key') self.q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) self.bucket = BucketManager(self.q) def transcode_h264(self, bucket_name, key): file_tail = ['ori.mp4', '.mp4'] for type in file_tail: des_filename = key.replace(type, 'h264.mp4') if des_filename is not None: break op = op_save( 'avthumb/mp4/ab/32k/aq/10/ar/44100/acodec/libfaac/r/25/vb/260k/vcodec/libx264/s/640x360/autoscale/1/stripmeta/0', bucket_name, des_filename) ops = [] ops.append(op) self.pfop = PersistentFop(self.q, bucket_name, 'videoconverth264') ret, info = self.pfop.execute(key, ops, 1) if 200 == info.status_code: return 0 else: return info.text_body[10:-2] def download_pub_file(self, bucket_name, key, path='.'): base_url = '' % (bucket_name, key) request = urllib2.Request(base_url) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) pic = with open(path + '/' + key, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(pic) return response.code def download_pri_file(self, bucket_name, key): base_url = '' % (bucket_name, key) private_url = q.private_download_url(base_url, expires=3600) request = urllib2.Request(base_url) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) pic = with open(path + '/' + key, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(pic) return response.code def upload_file(self, bucket_name, key, localfile): if bucket_name is None or key is None or localfile is None: return 'sys error' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) if 200 == info.status_code: return None else: return info.text_body[10:-2] def upload_data(self, bucket_name, key, data): if bucket_name is None or key is None or data is None: return 'sys error' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) if 200 == info.status_code: return None else: return info.text_body[10:-2] def get_file_info(self, bucket_name, key): bucket_name = bucket_prex + bucket_name ret, info = bucket.stat(bucket_name, key) return info def copy_file(self, frm_bucket_name, frm_key, to_bucket_name, to_key): frm_bucket_name = bucket_prex + frm_bucket_name to_bucket_name = bucket_prex + to_bucket_name ret, info = bucket.copy(frm_bucket_name, frm_key, to_bucket_name, to_key) return ret def move_file(self, frm_bucket_name, frm_key, to_bucket_name, to_key): frm_bucket_name = bucket_prex + frm_bucket_name to_bucket_name = bucket_prex + to_bucket_name ret, info = bucket.move(frm_bucket_name, frm_key, to_bucket_name, to_key2) return ret def del_file(self, bucket_name, key): bucket_name = bucket_prex + bucket_name ret, info = bucket.delete(bucket_name, key) return ret def get_uptoken(self, bucket_name, key): return self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key)
def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name): self.client = Auth(access_key, secret_key) self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.bucket = BucketManager(self.client)
import math import os from flask import Flask, request, jsonify import json import uuid from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from sqlalchemy import or_ from model import User, db, Pet, Collection, Admin from flask.ext.cors import CORS # from flask_cors import CORS from settings import * from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag, urlsafe_base64_encode q = Auth(access_key=QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=QINIU_SECRET_KEY) app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): info = {'result': 0, 'msg': "成功", 'data': None} return jsonify(info) """ 用户注册接口 { "phone":"15705213522",
from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag from config import QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'corley-images' # 上传后保存的文件名 key = 'logo.png' # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 localfile = 'E:\Test\logo.gif' ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) print('ret :', ret) print('info:', info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile)
#coding:utf8 from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag, urlsafe_base64_encode, put_data import qiniu.config #需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = 'uamqojf_BxYBinVjndycNhWYRXgBukLbMtdNEUXZ' secret_key = 'I4f473dX6m3r-mTpHUKtHv1_Khy7WH1VE3Vg1SHN' #构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) #要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'image1' #生成上传 Token,空间名称,名字不传由七牛云维护, 可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, None, 3600) def image_storage(image_data): # 上传图片 ret, info = put_data(token, None, image_data) #判断图片是否有上传成功 if info.status_code == 200: return ret.get("key") else: return "上传失败" # if __name__ == '__main__': #
# -*-coding:utf-8-*- from qiniu import Auth, BucketManager from apps.core.plug_in.config_process import get_plugin_config, import_plugin_config from apps.plugins.qiniu_cloud_plugin.config import PLUGIN_NAME, CONFIG from apps.plugins.qiniu_cloud_plugin.upfile_cloud import qiniu_upload, qiniu_file_del, qiniu_file_rename, get_file_url,\ qiniu_copy __author__ = "Allen Woo" # 初始化 import_plugin_config(PLUGIN_NAME, CONFIG) qiniu = Auth(get_plugin_config(PLUGIN_NAME, "ACCESS_KEY"), get_plugin_config(PLUGIN_NAME, "SECRET_KEY")) def main(**kwargs): ''' 主函数 :param kwargs: action: 动作 :return: ''' bucket = BucketManager(qiniu) if kwargs.get("action") == "upload": data = qiniu_upload(qiniu, **kwargs) elif kwargs.get("action") == "copy_file": data = qiniu_copy(bucket, **kwargs) elif kwargs.get("action") == "delete":
from flask import Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from .models import db from qiniu import Auth import os access_key = 'qHyZn42sB0ZU2X6rYwugx3rgjDnG1SZD-5c01F5y' secret_key = 'YERUm0zdzKul3mPq-u_8GHzjye98HiD7eeDygpi7' bucket_name = 'c2cweb' bucket_domain = '' qiniu_handle = Auth(access_key, secret_key) policy = {} app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='') app.config.from_object('config') app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 5 * 1024 * 1024 db.init_app(app) from app import views
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # flake8: noqa from qiniu import Auth, put_file, etag access_key = '...' secret_key = '...' q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket_name = 'Bucket_Name' key = 'my-python-logo.png' #上传文件到七牛后, 七牛将文件名和文件大小回调给业务服务器。 policy = { 'callbackUrl': '', 'callbackBody': 'filename=$(fname)&filesize=$(fsize)' } token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600, policy) localfile = './sync/bbb.jpg' ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile)
def __init__(self, bucket_name, base_url): self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.base_url = base_url self.q = Auth(settings.QINIU_AK, settings.QINIU_SK) self.base_url = base_url
resp ='', auth=('api', 'key-524049379b633f7a4344494e95b09f89'), data={ 'mobile': tel, 'message': f'您的验证码为{mobile_code}。【铁壳测试】' }, timeout=10, verify=False) return resp.content QINIU_ACCESS_KEY = 'KarvlHfUdoG1mZNSfDVS5Vh3nae2jUZumTBHK-PR' QINIU_SECRET_KEY = 'SFPFkAn5NENhdCMqMe9wd_lxGHAeFR5caXxPTtt7' QINIU_BUCKET_NAME = 'teamproject' auth = Auth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) @app.task def upload_filepath_to_qiniu(file_path, filename): """将文件上传到七牛云存储""" token = auth.upload_token(QINIU_BUCKET_NAME, filename) put_file(token, filename, file_path) @app.task def upload_stream_to_qiniu(file_stream, filename, size): """将文件上传到七牛云存储""" token = auth.upload_token(QINIU_BUCKET_NAME, filename) put_stream(token, filename, file_stream, None, size)
def get_img(url, key): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket = BucketManager(q) ret, info = bucket.fetch(url, bucket_name, key) return urljoin(qiniu_yuming, key)
class BucketTestCase(unittest.TestCase): q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) bucket = BucketManager(q) def test_list(self): ret, eof, info = self.bucket.list(bucket_name, limit=4) assert eof is False assert len(ret.get('items')) == 4 ret, eof, info = self.bucket.list(bucket_name, limit=1000) print(ret, eof, info) assert eof is False def test_buckets(self): ret, info = self.bucket.buckets() print(info) assert bucket_name in ret def test_prefetch(self): ret, info = self.bucket.prefetch(bucket_name, 'python-sdk.html', hostscache_dir=hostscache_dir) print(info) assert ret['key'] == 'python-sdk.html' def test_fetch(self): ret, info = self.bucket.fetch( '', bucket_name, 'fetch.html', hostscache_dir=hostscache_dir) print(info) assert ret['key'] == 'fetch.html' assert 'hash' in ret def test_fetch_without_key(self): ret, info = self.bucket.fetch( '', bucket_name, hostscache_dir=hostscache_dir) print(info) assert ret['key'] == ret['hash'] assert 'hash' in ret def test_stat(self): ret, info = self.bucket.stat(bucket_name, 'python-sdk.html') print(info) assert 'hash' in ret def test_delete(self): ret, info = self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, 'del') print(info) assert ret is None assert info.status_code == 612 def test_rename(self): key = 'renameto' + rand_string(8) self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, key) key2 = key + 'move' ret, info = self.bucket.rename(bucket_name, key, key2) print(info) assert ret == {} ret, info = self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, key2) print(info) assert ret == {} def test_copy(self): key = 'copyto' + rand_string(8) ret, info = self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, key) print(info) assert ret == {} ret, info = self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, key) print(info) assert ret == {} def test_change_mime(self): ret, info = self.bucket.change_mime(bucket_name, 'python-sdk.html', 'text/html') print(info) assert ret == {} def test_change_type(self): target_key = 'copyto' + rand_string(8) self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, target_key) ret, info = self.bucket.change_type(bucket_name, target_key, 1) print(info) assert ret == {} ret, info = self.bucket.stat(bucket_name, target_key) print(info) assert 'type' in ret self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, target_key) def test_copy_force(self): ret, info = self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, 'copyfrom', force='true') print(info) assert info.status_code == 200 def test_batch_copy(self): key = 'copyto' + rand_string(8) ops = build_batch_copy(bucket_name, {'copyfrom': key}, bucket_name) ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 ops = build_batch_delete(bucket_name, [key]) ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 def test_batch_copy_force(self): ops = build_batch_copy(bucket_name, {'copyfrom': 'copyfrom'}, bucket_name, force='true') ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 def test_batch_move(self): key = 'moveto' + rand_string(8) self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, key) key2 = key + 'move' ops = build_batch_move(bucket_name, {key: key2}, bucket_name) ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 ret, info = self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, key2) print(info) assert ret == {} def test_batch_move_force(self): ret, info = self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, 'copyfrom', force='true') print(info) assert info.status_code == 200 ops = build_batch_move(bucket_name, {'copyfrom': 'copyfrom'}, bucket_name, force='true') ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 def test_batch_rename(self): key = 'rename' + rand_string(8) self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, key) key2 = key + 'rename' ops = build_batch_move(bucket_name, {key: key2}, bucket_name) ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 ret, info = self.bucket.delete(bucket_name, key2) print(info) assert ret == {} def test_batch_rename_force(self): ret, info = self.bucket.rename(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', 'copyfrom', force='true') print(info) assert info.status_code == 200 ops = build_batch_rename(bucket_name, {'copyfrom': 'copyfrom'}, force='true') ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 def test_batch_stat(self): ops = build_batch_stat(bucket_name, ['python-sdk.html']) ret, info = self.bucket.batch(ops) print(info) assert ret[0]['code'] == 200 def test_delete_after_days(self): days = '5' ret, info = self.bucket.delete_after_days(bucket_name, 'invaild.html', days) assert info.status_code == 612 key = 'copyto' + rand_string(8) ret, info = self.bucket.copy(bucket_name, 'copyfrom', bucket_name, key) ret, info = self.bucket.delete_after_days(bucket_name, key, days) assert info.status_code == 200
class ResumableUploaderTestCase(unittest.TestCase): mime_type = "text/plain" params = {'x:a': 'a'} q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) def test_put_stream(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(__file__), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=None, version=None, bucket_name=None) assert ret['key'] == key def test_put_stream_v2_without_bucket_name(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(__file__), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 10, version='v2') assert ret['key'] == key def test_put_2m_stream_v2(self): localfile = create_temp_file(2 * 1024 * 1024 + 1) key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(localfile), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 4, version='v2', bucket_name=bucket_name) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile) def test_put_4m_stream_v2(self): localfile = create_temp_file(4 * 1024 * 1024) key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(localfile), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 4, version='v2', bucket_name=bucket_name) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile) def test_put_10m_stream_v2(self): localfile = create_temp_file(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1) key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(localfile), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 4, version='v2', bucket_name=bucket_name) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile) def test_big_file(self): key = 'big' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) localfile = create_temp_file(4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1) progress_handler = lambda progress, total: progress qiniu.set_default( default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile, self.params, self.mime_type, progress_handler=progress_handler) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile) def test_retry(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file_r_retry' qiniu.set_default( default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile, self.params, self.mime_type) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import uuid from qiniu import Auth, put_data, BucketManager from key import ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, BUCKET_NAME q = Auth(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY) class Qiniu(object): # def save_file_to_qiniu(self, # upload_file, # filename=str(uuid.uuid1()).replace('-', ''), # path='attach'): # try: # key = '%s/%s' % (path, filename) # token = self.q.upload_token(BUCKET_NAME, key) # ret, info = put_data(token, key, upload_file) # if ret.get('key', None) == None: # raise Exception('upload error') # else: # return u'%s' % key # except Exception, e: # print str(e) # return str(e) def fetch_file_to_qiniu(self, url, filename=str(uuid.uuid1()).replace('-', ''), path='attach'): try: