Beispiel #1
 def test_portfolio_diversification(self):
     """ portfolio diversification test """
     # Something of an integration test
     # Solve the problem in a classical fashion via CPLEX and compare the solution
     # Note that CPLEX uses a completely different integer linear programming formulation.
     x = None
         classical_optimizer = ClassicalOptimizer(self.instance, self.n,
         x, classical_cost = classical_optimizer.cplex_solution()
     except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
         # This test should not focus on the availability of CPLEX, so we just eat the exception.
         self.skipTest("CPLEX may be missing.")
     # Solve the problem using the exact eigensolver
     params = {
         'problem': {
             'name': 'ising'
         'algorithm': {
             'name': 'ExactEigensolver'
     result = run_algorithm(params, self.algo_input)
     quantum_solution = get_portfoliodiversification_solution(
         self.instance, self.n, self.q, result)
     ground_level = get_portfoliodiversification_value(
         self.instance, self.n, self.q, quantum_solution)
     if x is not None:
         np.testing.assert_approx_equal(ground_level, classical_cost)
         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(quantum_solution, x, 5)
 def test_simple2(self):
     """ simple2 test """
     # Computes the cost using the exact eigensolver
     # and compares it against pre-determined value.
     params = {
         'problem': {'name': 'ising'},
         'algorithm': {'name': 'ExactEigensolver'}
     result = run_algorithm(params, self.algo_input)
     quantum_solution = get_portfoliodiversification_solution(self.instance,
                                                              self.q, result)
     ground_level = get_portfoliodiversification_value(self.instance,
                                                       self.n, self.q,
     np.testing.assert_approx_equal(ground_level, 1.8)