Beispiel #1
def _transform_registers(
    circuit: qiskit.QuantumCircuit,
    new_qregs: Optional[List[qiskit.QuantumRegister]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Transforms the registers in the circuit to the new registers.

        circuit: Qiskit circuit with at most one quantum register.
        new_qregs: The new quantum registers for the circuit.

            * If the input circuit has more than one quantum register.
            * If the number of qubits in the new quantum registers is
            greater than the number of qubits in the circuit.
    if new_qregs is None:

    if len(circuit.qregs) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Input circuit is required to have <= 1 quantum register but has "
            f"{len(circuit.qregs)} quantum registers."

    qreg_sizes = [qreg.size for qreg in new_qregs]
    nqubits_in_circuit = circuit.num_qubits

    if len(qreg_sizes) and sum(qreg_sizes) < nqubits_in_circuit:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The circuit has {nqubits_in_circuit} qubit(s), but the provided "
            f"quantum registers have {sum(qreg_sizes)} qubit(s)."

    # Copy the circuit data.
    data = copy.deepcopy(circuit._data)

    # Remove the old qubits and add the new ones.
    circuit._qubits = []
    circuit._qubit_set = set()
    circuit.qregs = []
    circuit._data = []
    circuit._qubit_indices = {}

    # Map the qubits in operations to the new qubits.
    new_ops = []
    for op in data:
        gate, qubits, cbits = op
        new_qubits = _map_qubits(qubits, qreg_sizes, new_qregs)
        new_ops.append((gate, new_qubits, cbits))

    circuit._data = new_ops
Beispiel #2
def _remove_identity_from_idle(
    circuit: qiskit.QuantumCircuit,
    idle_indices: Set[int],
) -> None:
    """Removes identities from the circuit corresponding to the set of indices.
    Used in conjunction with _add_identity_to_idle to preserve idle qubits and
    indices in conversion.

        circuit: Qiskit circuit to have identities removed
        idle_indices: Set of altered idle qubit indices
    index_list: List[int] = []
    data = copy.deepcopy(circuit._data)
    for target_index, op in enumerate(data):
        bit_indices = set()
        gate, qubits, cbits = op
        bit_indices.update(set(bit.index for bit in qubits))
        if == "id" and bit_indices.intersection(idle_indices):
            # Reverse index list order for data index preservation
            index_list.insert(0, target_index)
    # Traverse data from list end to preserve index
    for target_index in index_list:
        del data[target_index]
    circuit._data = data
Beispiel #3
    def repeat(self, n):
        """Creates an instruction with `gate` repeated `n` amount of times.

            n (int): Number of times to repeat the instruction

            qiskit.circuit.Instruction: Containing the definition.

            CircuitError: If n < 1.
        if int(n) != n or n < 1:
            raise CircuitError(
                "Repeat can only be called with strictly positive integer.")

        n = int(n)

        instruction = self._return_repeat(n)
        qargs = [] if self.num_qubits == 0 else QuantumRegister(
            self.num_qubits, 'q')
        cargs = [] if self.num_clbits == 0 else ClassicalRegister(
            self.num_clbits, 'c')

        if instruction.definition is None:
            # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
            from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
            qc = QuantumCircuit()
            if qargs:
            if cargs:
            qc._data = [(self, qargs[:], cargs[:])] * n
        instruction.definition = qc
        return instruction
    def _define(self):
        rule = []  # type: List[Tuple[Gate, list, list]]

        q = QuantumRegister(len(self.a_01s) + len(self.b_01s), "q")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(q,

        a = q[0:len(self.a_01s)]
        b = q[len(self.a_01s):]

        for i, c in enumerate(self.a_01s):
            if c == '1':
                rule.append((XGate(), [a[i]], []))

        for i, c in enumerate(self.b_01s):
            if c == '1':
                rule.append((XGate(), [b[i]], []))

        rule.append((QuantumFourierTransformGate(len(a)), a, []))

        for b_index in reversed(range(len(b))):
            theta_index = 1
            for a_index in reversed(range(b_index + 1)):
                             [b[b_index], a[a_index]], []))
                theta_index += 1

        rule.append((QuantumFourierTransformGate(len(a)).inverse(), a, []))

        qc._data = rule.copy()
        self.definition = qc
    def _define(self):
        q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits, "q")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(q,
        rule = []  # type: List[Tuple[Gate, List[Qubit], List[Clbit]]]

        length = 2**self.control_qubits
        alpha = sparse.dok_matrix((length, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        alpha[self.conditional_case] = np.pi
        rule.append((HGate(), [q[-1]], []))
        rule.append((UniformRotationGate(RYGate, alpha), list(q), []))
        rule.append((HGate(), [q[-1]], []))

        qc._data = rule.copy()
        self.definition = qc
Beispiel #6
    def _define(self):
        nqubits = self.num_qubits

        q = QuantumRegister(nqubits, 'q')
        qc = QuantumCircuit(q,

        theta = self.params[:nqubits]  # parameters of odd block
        phi = self.params[nqubits:]  # parameters of even block

        rules = [(OddBlock(nqubits, theta), q[:], []),
                 (EvenBlock(nqubits, phi), q[:], [])]
        qc._data = rules

        self.definition = qc
    def _define(self):
        rule = []  # type: List[Tuple[Gate, List[Qubit], List[Clbit]]]
        qreg = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits, "qreg")
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg,
        q_list = list(qreg)

        unused = q_list.copy()
        for qr in q_list:
            rule.append((HGate(), [qr], []))
            k = 2
            for qj in unused:
                rule.append((CU1Gate(get_theta(k)), [qj, qr], []))
                k = k + 1

        qc._data = rule.copy()
        self.definition = qc