def testErrorlog(self):
        This test validates if watchMswErrors() works fine.

        Instantiating the class will create the files.
        Then add a newline to the msw error log file.
        Now, watchMswErrors() should detect the new addition

        # instantiate the class
        myMswInfo = msw.MSWInfo('mymsw')
        errorWatch = MswErrorWatch(myMswInfo)

        # Put the content in errorlog file at MSW
        message = "MswErrorWatch: dummyline to test Error log feature"
        mswcmd = "echo %s > %s" % (message, errorWatch.mswlogpath)

        #creating dummy result
        myresult = Result(Result.TEST, "DUMMY 1", annotations={})

        # find error log difference
        errorWatch.watchMswErrors(myresult, False)

        # Assertions
        self.assertEqual(myresult.get('MSW fault'), 'MSW reported error')
    def Lookup(self, test_id):
        """Look up the expected outcome for the given test.

        'test_id' -- test-id for which the outcome is queried.

        returns -- a Result object associated with this test_id."""

        return Result(Result.TEST, test_id)
    def GetResult(self):

            id, kind, outcome =
        except StopIteration:
            return None
        annotations = {}
        for result_id, result_kind, key, value in self._a_buffer:
            if (result_id, result_kind) != (id, kind):
            annotations[key] = value
        return Result(kind, id, outcome, annotations)
Beispiel #4
    def _ReportItem(self, kind, item_id, name, test_runs, parent):
        """Report a single item.

        'kind' -- The kind of item to report.

        'item_id' -- The item id to report.

        'name' -- The item's name (usually either the absolute or relative id).

        'test_runs' -- The list of test runs.

        'parent' -- An XML element to insert new nodes into."""

        # Create one item node per id...
        item = self.__document.createElement('item')
        item.setAttribute('id', name)
        item.setAttribute('qid', item_id)
        item.setAttribute('kind', kind)

        # ...and fill it with one result per test run.
        for results, expectations in test_runs:
            result = results.GetResult(item_id, kind)
            if not result:
                result = Result(kind, item_id, Result.UNTESTED)
            # Inject two new annotations containing the expectation values.
            if expectations:
                exp = expectations.GetResult(item_id, kind)
                if exp:
                    result['qmtest.expected_outcome'] = exp.GetOutcome()
                    cause = exp.get('qmtest.cause')
                    if cause:
                        result['qmtest.expected_cause'] = cause

            child = result.MakeDomNode(self.__document)
            # Remove redundant attributes
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, arguments=None, **args):

        # Initialize the base class.
        super(DejaGNUReader, self).__init__(arguments, **args)
        # DejaGNU files start with "Test Run".
        if"Test Run")) != "Test Run":
            raise FileResultReader.InvalidFile, \
                  "file is not a DejaGNU result stream"
        if self.__UseCombinedMode():
            test_id, dejagnu_outcome, cause = self.__NextOutcome()
            if test_id:
                self.__next_result = Result(Result.TEST, test_id)
                self.__UpdateResult(self.__next_result, dejagnu_outcome, cause)
Beispiel #6
    def GetResult(self):

        if self.__UseCombinedMode():
            result = self.__next_result
            if not result:
                return None
            self.__next_result = None
            result = None
        while True:
            test_id, dejagnu_outcome, cause = self.__NextOutcome()
            # If there are no more results, stop.
            if not test_id:
            if self.__UseCombinedMode() and test_id != result.GetId():
                self.__next_result = Result(Result.TEST, test_id)
                self.__UpdateResult(self.__next_result, dejagnu_outcome, cause)
            elif not self.__UseCombinedMode():
                result = Result(Result.TEST, test_id)
            self.__UpdateResult(result, dejagnu_outcome, cause)
            if not self.__UseCombinedMode():
        return result
Beispiel #7
    def Lookup(self, test_id):

        outcome, description = Result.PASS, ''
        for rule_id, rule_outcome, rule_annotations, rule_description in self._expectations:
            if re.match(rule_id, test_id):
                match = True
                for a in rule_annotations.iteritems():
                    if (a[0] not in self.testrun_parameters or
                            not re.match(a[1], self.testrun_parameters[a[0]])):
                        match = False
                if match:
                    outcome = rule_outcome
                    description = rule_description
        return Result(Result.TEST,
                      annotations={'description': description})
    def _GetResultFromDomNode(self, node):
        """Extract a result from a DOM node.

        'node' -- A DOM node corresponding to a "result" element.

        returns -- A 'Result' object."""

        assert node.tagName == "result"
        # Extract the outcome.
        outcome = node.getAttribute("outcome")
        # If the outcome doesn't exist as an attribute, fall back
        # to the outcome child node.
        if not outcome:
            outcome = qm.xmlutil.get_child_text(node, "outcome").strip()
        # Extract the test ID.
        test_id = node.getAttribute("id")
        kind = node.getAttribute("kind")
        # Build a Result.
        result = Result(kind, test_id, outcome)
        # Extract annotations.
        for n in node.childNodes:
            if n.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            if n.tagName == "annotation":
                quoted = 1
            elif n.tagName == "property":
                # Versions of QMTest before 2.1 used the "property" tag,
                # and did not quote the contained text.
                quoted = 0
            # Get the name of the annotation.
            name = n.getAttribute("name")
            # Get the value of the annotation.
            value = qm.xmlutil.get_dom_text(n)
            if quoted:
                # Remove whitespace and then remove the enclosing quotes.
                value = value.strip()[1:-1]
            # Remember the annotation.
            result[name] = value

        return result
    def postcondition(self, res_streams):

        if self.postcampaignList != []:

        # Get post campaign snapshots
        for resource in self.resourceList:

            if self.bkupexists:

        # Debug log
        self.log.debug("ResourceWatch: postCampaign snapshot taken")

        # Create result object to write result
        resrcResult = Result(Result.TEST,"MSW Resource Watch")

        for i in range(len(self.precampaignList)):

            #dictionaries can be directly compared.
            if self.precampaignList[i] != self.postcampaignList[i]:

                # resource leakage, just print the pre and post elements
                resrcResult.SetOutcome(Result.ERROR,"Resource leak happened")

                logResult =self._formResultDictionary(self.precampaignList[i],

                # write to debug log
                self.log.error("MSW RESOURCE WATCH: Resource leak occured")

                for key in logResult.keys():
                    self.log.error("%s :: %s" % (key, logResult[key]))
        # write to the result streams
        for rstream in res_streams:

        # Do the resource check on backup MSW
        if self.bkupexists:

            # Create result object to write result
            bkupResult = Result(Result.TEST,"BKUP MSW Resource Watch")

            for i in range(len(self.bkupPrecampaignList)):

                #dictionaries can be directly compared.
                if self.bkupPrecampaignList[i] != self.bkupPostcampaignList[i]:

                    # resource leakage, print the pre and post elements
                    bkupResult.SetOutcome(Result.ERROR,"Resourceleak happened")

                    logResult =self._formResultDictionary(self.bkupPrecampaignList[i], self.bkupPostcampaignList[i])

                    # write to debug log
                    self.log.error("BKUP MSW RESOURCE WATCH: leakage occured")

                    for key in logResult.keys():
                        self.log.error("%s :: %s" % (key, logResult[key]))

            # write to the result streams
            for rstream in res_streams:
Beispiel #10
    def Lookup(self, test_id):

        return self._results.get(test_id) or Result(Result.TEST, test_id)