# --- i/o paths ---
station_file = "./inputs/rutford_stations.txt"
data_in = "./inputs/mSEED"
lut_out = "./outputs/lut/icequake.LUT"
run_path = "./outputs/runs"
run_name = "icequake_example"

# --- Set time period over which to run detect ---
starttime = "2009-01-21T04:00:05.0"
endtime = "2009-01-21T04:00:10.0"

# --- Read in station file ---
stations = read_stations(station_file)

# --- Create new Archive and set path structure ---
archive = Archive(archive_path=data_in, stations=stations,

# --- Load the LUT ---
lut = read_lut(lut_file=lut_out)

# --- Create new Onset ---
onset = STALTAOnset(position="classic", sampling_rate=500)
onset.phases = ["P", "S"]
onset.bandpass_filters = {
    "P": [20, 200, 4],
    "S": [10, 125, 4]}
onset.sta_lta_windows = {
    "P": [0.01, 0.25],
    "S": [0.05, 0.5]}

# --- Create new QuakeScan ---
endtime = "2014-08-24T00:11:00.0"

# --- Read in station file ---
stations = read_stations(station_file)

# --- Read in response inventory ---
response_inv = read_response_inv(response_file)

# --- Specify parameters for response removal ---
response_params = AttribDict()
response_params.pre_filt = (0.05, 0.06, 30, 35)
response_params.water_level = 600

# --- Create new Archive and set path structure ---
archive = Archive(archive_path=data_in, stations=stations,
                  archive_format="YEAR/JD/STATION", response_inv=response_inv,

# --- Specify parameters for amplitude measurement ---
amp_params = AttribDict()
amp_params.signal_window = 5.0
amp_params.highpass_filter = True
amp_params.highpass_freq = 2.0

# --- Specify parameters for magnitude calculation ---
mag_params = AttribDict()
mag_params.A0 = "Greenfield2018_bardarbunga"
mag_params.amp_feature = "S_amp"

mags = LocalMag(amp_params=amp_params, mag_params=mag_params,
Beispiel #3
lut_file = "/path/to/lut_file"
station_file = "/path/to/station_file"

run_path = "/path/to/output"
run_name = "name_of_run"

# --- Set time period over which to run detect ---
starttime = "2018-001T00:00:00.0"
endtime = "2018-002T00:00:00.0"

# --- Read in station file ---
stations = read_stations(station_file)

# --- Create new Archive and set path structure ---
archive = Archive(archive_path=archive_path,
# For custom structures...
# archive.format = "custom/archive_{year}_{jday}/{month:02d}-{day:02d}.{station}_structure"

# --- Resample data with mismatched sampling rates ---
# archive.resample = True
# archive.upfactor = 2

# --- Load the LUT ---
lut = read_lut(lut_file=lut_file)

# --- Decimate the lookup table ---
lut = lut.decimate([2, 2, 2])

# --- Create new Onset ---